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Lazzaro Tavarone Sold at Auction Prices

Painter, b. 1556 - d. 1641

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  • Italian School 17th century Ascension
    Dec. 11, 2024

    Italian School 17th century Ascension

    Est: -

    Ink on paper. Traditionally attributed to Lazzaro Tavarone (1556-1641).

    Duran Arte y Subastas
  • Lazzaro TAVARONE
    Sep. 23, 2024

    Lazzaro TAVARONE

    Est: €300 - €400

    Lazzaro TAVARONE (Gênes, 1556 - 1641) Recto : Etude d'angelot tenant un drapé ; Verso : Etude de jambe droite Crayon noir sur papier préparé au lavis de sanguine Sans cadre H : 17.0 cm, L : 8.5 cm Provenance : Collection Stephan von Licht, son cachet (L.789b) en bas à droite ; Vente anonyme ; Munich, Ketterer, 5-6 mai 2003, n° 346 (comme école italienne) ; Vente anonyme ; Vienne, Dorotheum, 4 avril 2017, n° 85 (comme attribué à Vincenzo Campi) ; Vente anonyme ; Paris, Tajan, 15 mai 2019, n° 4 (comme attribué à Vincenzo Campi) ; Collection particulière européenne Lazzaro TAVARONE (Gênes, 1556 - 1641) H : 17.0 cm, L : 8.5 cm

  • Lazzaro Tavarone: Homage from an Admiral to a Prince
    May. 17, 2024

    Lazzaro Tavarone: Homage from an Admiral to a Prince

    Est: €1,000 - €2,000

    TAVARONE, LAZZARO Genua 1556 - 1640 Title: Homage from an Admiral to a Prince. Technique: Pen and ink drawing, washed and heightened in white on paper. Mounting: Mounted. Measurement: 20,5 x 25,5cm. Notation: Collection stamp "R" lower right and inscribed lower left: "Di Ant.o Tempesta". Frame: Framed. Verso: Old attribution to Antonio Tempesta, as well as purchase note from 1816. Provenance: Collection Erich Schleier, Berlin; Auction Bassenge, Berlin, 26 April 1977, lot. 259; London, Jonathan Richardson Junior (1694-1771), portrait painter (Lugt 2170). We are grateful to Simonetta Prosperi Valenti, Rome, for confirming the attribution of the present painting on the basis of a high-resolution digital photograph and her help in cataloguing this lot. Estimated shipping costs for this lot: Arrangement after auction. Explanations to the Catalogue Lazzaro Tavarone Baroque 16th/17th C. Watercolour / Drawings Framed Historical Events Drawing Group of Figures

    Van Ham Kunstauktionen
  • Lazzaro Tavarone, 1556 Genua – 1641 ebenda, zugeschrieben
    Mar. 21, 2024

    Lazzaro Tavarone, 1556 Genua – 1641 ebenda, zugeschrieben

    Est: €8,000 - €10,000

    DIE KREUZABNAHME JESU Tempera auf Schieferplatte, montiert auf Holzplatte. 96,5 x 73,5 cm. Rechts unten runder Aufkleber mit Verweis auf „Christie‘s Nr. 503 B, 5.X.79“. Ungerahmt. Das Gemälde zeigt die mehrfigurige Kreuzabnahme vor einem Höhleneingang, in dessen Inneres Jesus gebracht werden soll. Zwei Männer, der rechte von ihnen wohl Joseph von Arimathia, halten den nackten, auf einem weißen Laken liegenden Oberkörper Jesu, während zwei weitere an dessen Füßen zu sehen sind. Zwischen ihnen stehend Maria mit gefalteten Händen. Am Boden liegend die Arma Christi: Hammer, Dornenkrone, Zange und Nägel. Im Hintergrund links dieser nächtlichen Darstellung der Hügel Golgotha mit den drei aufgestellten Kreuzen und Figuren. Literatur: Auktionskatalog: Christie‘s Rom, Catalogo d‘Asta Durazzo Pallavicini Negrotto Cambiaso, 05. Oktober 1979, Titelseite und S.112, Nr. 503 B, „Depositione“, Tavarone (in Kopie vorliegend). (1381981) (18)

    Hampel Fine Art Auctions
  • Lazzaro TAVARONE Gênes, 1556 - 1641 Recto : étude d'angelot tenant un drapé ; Verso : étude de jambe droite Crayon noir sur papier p..
    Feb. 06, 2024

    Lazzaro TAVARONE Gênes, 1556 - 1641 Recto : étude d'angelot tenant un drapé ; Verso : étude de jambe droite Crayon noir sur papier p..

    Est: €600 - €800

    Lazzaro TAVARONE Gênes, 1556 - 1641 Recto : étude d'angelot tenant un drapé ; Verso : étude de jambe droite Crayon noir sur papier préparé au lavis de sanguine Sans cadre h: 17 w: 8,50 cm Provenance : Collection Stephan von Licht, son cachet (L.789b) en bas à droite ; Vente anonyme ; Munich, Ketterer, 5-6 mai 2003, n° 346 (comme école italienne) ; Vente anonyme ; Vienne, Dorotheum, 4 avril 2017, n° 85 (comme attribué à Vincenzo Campi) ; Vente anonyme ; Paris, Tajan, 15 mai 2019, n° 4 (comme attribué à Vincenzo Campi) ; Collection particulière européenne Commentaire : Rapport de condition : Feuille doublée. Feuille libre. Manque restauré en bas à droite. Usures. Taches. Légères irrégularités sur les bords. Estimation 600 - 800 €

  • Lazzaro Tavarone Deposizione di Cristo
    Jun. 27, 2023

    Lazzaro Tavarone Deposizione di Cristo

    Est: €4,000 - €5,000


    Cambi Casa d'Aste
  • Lazzaro Tavarone (1556-1641)
    Jan. 19, 2022

    Lazzaro Tavarone (1556-1641)

    Est: €800 - €1,000

    Lazzaro Tavarone (1556-1641) Monk kneeling in prayer, seen from behind Black stone on red paper (tears, restorations) Moine priant, agenouillé vu de dos Pierre noire sur papier préparé rouge (déchirures, restaurations) H_26.7 cm W_11.4 cm Monaco inginocchiato in preghiera, visto di schiena Pietra nera su carta rossa (strappi, restauri) Moine priant, agenouillé vu de dos Pierre noire sur papier préparé rouge (déchirures, restaurations) H_26,7 cm L_11,4 cm

    Pierre Bergé & Associés
    Jun. 08, 2021


    Est: €10,000 - €11,500

    LAZZARO TAVARONE (1556-1641) 'San Carlo San Siro da Genova e San Francesco Xaverio' tre olii su ardesia cm. 37x88

    Aste Boetto SRL
    Jun. 08, 2021


    Est: €10,000 - €11,500

    LAZZARO TAVARONE (1556-1641) 'Sant'Ignazio Santa Teresa e San Hieronimus' tre olii su ardesia cm. 32x88

    Aste Boetto SRL
  • Lazzaro Tavarone (Genova 1556-1641), Monaco inginocchiato
    Mar. 18, 2021

    Lazzaro Tavarone (Genova 1556-1641), Monaco inginocchiato

    Est: €1,000 - €1,500

    matita nera su carta, mm 355x215 Reca numero di inventario al centro del margine sinistro Provenienza: Sotheby's, Old Master Drawings, Londra 1998, lotto n. 15

    Cambi Casa d'Aste
  • Lazzaro Tavarone (Genova 1556-1641), Mosè mostra le tavole della legge
    Mar. 18, 2021

    Lazzaro Tavarone (Genova 1556-1641), Mosè mostra le tavole della legge

    Est: €2,000 - €2,500

    penna e inchiostro bruno su carta quadrettata, mm 140x225 Provenienza: Genova, coll. Santo Varni; Venezia, coll. privata

    Cambi Casa d'Aste
  • Attributed to TAVARONE, Lazzaro - Port scene.
    Dec. 10, 2020

    Attributed to TAVARONE, Lazzaro - Port scene.

    Est: €300 - €400

    Drawing, pen and brown ink, blue/grey wash, traces of black chalk, 16 x 21,8 cm, laid paper, unsigned (some min. stains). - Oval drawing with sailors disembarking and unloading a small ship. Two resting sailors are looking on. Probably a design for an applied arts piece, such as a glass roundel or a silver platter. The linear style of drawing and the rendering of the figures is close to the style of Lazzaro Tavarone (1556-1641). He was a student of the Genoese painter Luca Cambiaso, whom he accompanied to Spain in 1583 for a commission to decorate the interior paintings of the Escorial. Ten years later he returned to Genoa where he had a thriving career as a portraitist and fresco painter. This drawing with its spare use of lines approaches the early drawings of Tavarone which still show strong influences from Cambiaso. - Ref. Le dessin à Gênes du XVIe au XVIII siècle, in: Exhib. cat. Musée du Louvre, Paris, 1985, no. 23. - M. Newcombe, "Drawings by Tavarone", in: Paragone 32 (1981), pp. 44-52.

    Arenberg Auctions
  • Lazzaro Tavarone (1556 - 1641)
    Nov. 10, 2020

    Lazzaro Tavarone (1556 - 1641)

    Est: €300 - €500

    Lazzaro Tavarone (1556 - 1641) attribuito Predica di un santo vescovo Sanguigna, penna, inchiostro bruno Sermon by a holy bishop Sanguine, pen, brown ink 280x200 mm

    Lucas Aste
  • LAZZARO TAVARONE (GÊNES 1556-1641) Saint Marc et le lion plume et encre brune, lavis brun, sur papier bleu 41,5 x 24,5 cm. (16 3/8 x 9 5/8 in.)
    May. 27, 2020

    LAZZARO TAVARONE (GÊNES 1556-1641) Saint Marc et le lion plume et encre brune, lavis brun, sur papier bleu 41,5 x 24,5 cm. (16 3/8 x 9 5/8 in.)

    Est: €4,000 - €6,000

    LAZZARO TAVARONE (GÊNES 1556-1641) Saint Marc et le lion plume et encre brune, lavis brun, sur papier bleu 41,5 x 24,5 cm. (16 3/8 x 9 5/8 in.)

  • LAZZARO TAVARONE (bottega di)
    Mar. 05, 2020

    LAZZARO TAVARONE (bottega di)

    Est: €2,000 - €3,000

    (Genova, 1556 - 1641) L'incontro tra Antonio e Cleopatra Olio su tela, cm 149,5X175,5 Tra il XVI e il XVII secolo, si svolge con successo l'attività Lazzaro Tavarone (Genova 1556 - 1641), che collaboratore del Cambiaso, di suo figlio Orazio e Nicolò Granello nel cantiere dell'Escorial, tornato in patria nel 1592 mette a frutto l'esperienza spagnola e la fama. Tra il 1594 e 1596 lo vediamo impegnato a decorare Villa Doria a Pegli, ma ancora nel primo e secondo decennio la sua fortuna non trova ostacoli e tra il 1622 e il 1624 sarà lui a metter mano alla decorazione del presbiterio nel Duomo di San Lorenzo raffigurandone il martirio. La scena è concepita come un grande quadro riportato con una elaborata incorniciatura a stucco e possiamo ben cogliere che l'artista si ispirò ai simili modelli destinati al monastero dell'Escorial realizzati dal Tiziano nel 1567 e da Luca Cambiaso del 1581. Nel nostro caso la tela si colloca ai primi decenni del Seicento e mostra memorie cambiasesche e delicatezze toscane mutuate dal Paggi e altri artefici forestieri. La scena invece, ricorda quella di medesimo soggetto che il maestro realizzò per Palazzo Belimbau durante il primo decennio del Seicento. Bibliografia di riferimento: E. Parma, La pittura in Liguria. Il Cinquecento, Recco 1999, pp. 413-414

    Wannenes Art Auctions
  • LAZZARO TAVARONE (1556-1641), Attribué
    Dec. 08, 2019

    LAZZARO TAVARONE (1556-1641), Attribué

    Est: €2,500 - €3,500

    LAZZARO TAVARONE (1556-1641), Attribué Scène de bataille Dessin au lavis sur papier marron Ancienne inscription Polidoro da Caravage sur le passe-partout. Expertise par le Cabinet René MILLET, Paris. Collection privée, Nice Dimensions : 34,4 x 24,5 cm

    Accademia Fine Art
  • Tavarone, Lazzaro: Ein Feldherr erweist einem orientalischen Herrscher Tribut
    Nov. 29, 2019

    Tavarone, Lazzaro: Ein Feldherr erweist einem orientalischen Herrscher Tribut

    Est: €1,500 - €1,800

    Ein Feldherr erweist einem orientalischen Herrscher Tribut. - Feder in Braun, braun laviert. 15,5 x 22,3 cm. -- Lazzaro Tavarone wurde schon in jugendlichem Alter Gehilfe in der Werkstatt Luca Cambiasos. Seinem Lehrmeister stilistisch schon bald zutiefst verpflichtet, folgte er diesem im Jahr 1583 an den Hof Philipps II. nach Spanien, wo er an der Ausmalung des Escorial beteiligt war. 1591 nach Genua zurückgekehrt, avancierte Tavarone zu einem der gefragtesten Freskanten der Stadt. Zu seinen Auftraggebern gehörten unter anderem Kardinal Giulio Spinola, Giovanni Andrea Doria und Giovanni Battista Adorno. Wie für seinen Lehrer Luca Cambiaso spielte auch für Tavarone die Zeichnung eine wichtige Rolle im Entstehungsprozess seiner Werke. Bei seinem Tod im Jahre 1641 hinterließ er eine Sammlung von annähernd neuntausend Blatt bestehend aus eigenen Werken sowie aus Arbeiten seines Lehrmeisters und anderer Meister der Zeit. Bei der vorliegenden Federzeichnung, die unverkennbar den Einfluss Cambiasos aber auch Paolo Veroneses widerspiegelt, handelt es sich mit großer Wahrscheinlichkeit um eine fortgeschrittene Kompositionsstudie für eines von Tavarones Wandbildern. Möglicherweise lässt sich die dargestellte Szene mit dem Freskenzyklus zur Geschichte des Christoph Kolumbus in Verbindung bringen, die Tavarone wohl zwischen 1620-30 für den Palazzo De Ferrari Chiavari Belimbau schuf. Die Autorschaft Tavarones wurde von Mary Newcome-Schleier bestätigt. -- Wir bitten darum, Zustandsberichte zu den Losen zu erfragen, da der Erhaltungszustand nur in Ausnahmefällen im Katalog angegeben ist. -- Please ask for condition reports for individual lots, as the condition is usually not mentioned in the catalogue.

    Bassenge Auctions
  • Attributed to TAVARONE, Lazzaro Seated woman. Drawing, pen and brown ink, g
    Oct. 19, 2019

    Attributed to TAVARONE, Lazzaro Seated woman. Drawing, pen and brown ink, g

    Est: €200 - €250

    Attributed to TAVARONE, Lazzaro Seated woman. Drawing, pen and brown ink, grey wash, 16 x 19,5 cm, underlaid, unsigned (several creases, sm. holes, dampstain near female head). Lazzaro Tavarone (1556-1641) was a student of the Genoese painter Luca Cambiaso, whom he accompanied to Spain in 1583 for a commission to decorate the interior paintings of the Escorial. Ten years later he returned to Genoa where he had a thriving career as a portraitist and fresco painter. This drawing with its sparing use of lines and typical eye-shapes approaches the early drawings of Taverone which still show strong influences from Camiaso. A related sheet by Cambiaso showing a similar female figure in a niche, is preserved in the Nationalmuseum of Stockholm (inv. NM 1578/1863). A drawing of an allegorical female figure attributed to Tavarone in the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York (inv. 49.150.4) also shows some remarkable stylistic and technical similarities. Ref. P. Bjurström, "Italian Drawings in the Nationalmuseum", Stockholm 1979, cat. no. 330. - J. Bean,"15th and 16th Century Italian Drawings in the Metropolitan Museum of Art New York", 1982, cat. no. 243.

    Arenberg Auctions
  • LAZZARO TAVARONE (bottega di)
    May. 29, 2019

    LAZZARO TAVARONE (bottega di)

    Est: €500 - €800

    (Genova, 1556 - 1641) Compianto Olio su tela, cm 93X100 Tra il XVI e il XVII secolo, si svolge con successo l'attività Lazzaro Tavarone (Genova 1556 - 1641), che collaboratore del Cambiaso, di suo figlio Orazio e Nicolò Granello nel cantiere dell'Escorial, tornato in patria nel 1592 mette a frutto l'esperienza spagnola e la fama. Tra il 1594 e 1596 lo vediamo impegnato a decorare Villa Doria a Pegli, ma ancora nel primo e secondo decennio la sua fortuna non trova ostacoli e tra il 1622 e il 1624 sarà lui a metter mano alla decorazione del presbiterio nel Duomo di San Lorenzo raffigurandone il martirio. La scena è concepita come un grande quadro riportato con una elaborata incorniciatura a stucco e possiamo ben cogliere che l'artista si ispirò ai simili modelli destinati al monastero dell'Escorial realizzati dal Tiziano nel 1567 e da Luca Cambiaso del 1581. Nel nostro caso la tela si colloca ai primi decenni del Seicento e mostra memorie cambiasesche e delicatezze toscane mutuate dal Paggi e altri artefici forestieri. Bibliografia di riferimento: E. Parma, 'La pittura in Liguria. Il Cinquecento', Recco 1999, pp. 413-414

    Wannenes Art Auctions
    Mar. 29, 2019


    Est: CHF2,000 - CHF3,000

    TAVARONE, LAZZARO (1556 Genoa 1641) Columbus goes ashore in America. Study for a lunette in the Palazzo Belimbau in Genoa. Black chalk, pen and brush and brown ink. 21.9 x 38.4 cm. Provenance: - Private collection, Switzerland. --------------- TAVARONE, LAZZARO (1556 Genua 1641) Columbus geht in Amerika an Land. Studie zu einer Lünette im Palazzo Belimbau in Genua. Schwarze Kreide, Feder und Pinsel in Braun. 21,9 x 38,4 cm. Provenienz: - Privatbesitz Schweiz.

    Koller Auctions
  • LAZZARO TAVARONE (GÈNES 1556-1641) La Montée au Calvaire pierre noire, plume et encre brune, lavis brun 27,5 x 40 cm.
    Mar. 27, 2019

    LAZZARO TAVARONE (GÈNES 1556-1641) La Montée au Calvaire pierre noire, plume et encre brune, lavis brun 27,5 x 40 cm.

    Est: €8,000 - €12,000

    LAZZARO TAVARONE (GÈNES 1556-1641) La Montée au Calvaire numéroté '40' (en haut à droite) pierre noire, plume et encre brune, lavis brun 27,5 x 40 cm.

  • TAVARONE Lazzaro (1556 - 1641) - "Défilé célébrant une victoire" plume d
    Feb. 27, 2018

    TAVARONE Lazzaro (1556 - 1641) - "Défilé célébrant une victoire" plume d

    Est: €700 - €1,000

    TAVARONE Lazzaro (1556 - 1641) "Défilé célébrant une victoire" plume d'encre sanguine et lavis sur papier collé en plein sur papier. Ecole de Luca Cambiaso, probablement par Lazzaro Tavarone. Epoque: XVIIème. Ecole génoise. (Porte en bas à droite le cachet de la collection Alfred de Pass, L.108a). (Probablement passé en vente le 30 novembre 1965). Dim. : 190 x 155 mm.

    Mar. 31, 2017


    Est: CHF600 - CHF900

    TAVARONE, LAZZARO (1556 Genoa 1641) Courtly scene. Brown pen, with grey and brown wash. 13.2 x 14.4 cm. Framed. Provenance: - Collection of Gerhardt Joachim Schmidt (1742-1801), Hamburg, Lugt 1168. --------------- TAVARONE, LAZZARO (1556 Genua 1641) Höfische Szene. Feder in Braun, grau und braun laviert. 13,2 x 14,4 cm. Gerahmt. Provenienz: - Sammlung Gerhardt Joachim Schmidt (1742-1801), Hamburg, Lugt 1168. Wir danken Piero Boccardo, Genua, für die Bestätigung der Autorschaft Tavarones auf der Basis einer digitalen Abbildung (Email vom 1. September 2016).

    Koller Auctions
    Sep. 23, 2016


    Est: CHF700 - CHF1,000

    TAVARONE, LAZZARO (1556 Genua 1641) The Holy Trinity. Pen and brown ink, brown wash. Squared with red chalk. 12.5 x 16.4 cm. Framed. --------------- TAVARONE, LAZZARO (1556 Genua 1641) Die Heilige .Dreifaltigkeit Feder in Braun, braun laviert. Mit roter Kreide quadriert. 12,5 x 16,4 cm. Gerahmt.

    Koller Auctions
  • Lazzaro Tavarone (Genoa 1556-1641) Christopher Columbus leaving Genoa black
    Jan. 29, 2015

    Lazzaro Tavarone (Genoa 1556-1641) Christopher Columbus leaving Genoa black

    Est: $7,000 - $10,000

    Lazzaro Tavarone (Genoa 1556-1641) Christopher Columbus leaving Genoa black chalk, pen and brown ink, brown wash, heightened with white, on greenish-grey paper, squared in black chalk 8 x 13½ in. (20.4 x 34.1 cm.)

  • Tavarone, Lazzaro: Tritonen und Nereiden
    Nov. 28, 2014

    Tavarone, Lazzaro: Tritonen und Nereiden

    Est: €1,200 - €1,800

    Tritonen und Nereiden. Feder in Braun, braun laviert, aufgezogen. 20,5 x 71,3 cm. - Provenienz: Sammlung Giuseppe Vallardi, Mailand (Lugt 1223). Sammlung Carlo Prayer, Mailand (Lugt 2044). Sammlung Suida-Manning, New York.

    Bassenge Auctions
    Jan. 26, 2011


    Est: $7,000 - $9,000

    LAZZARO TAVARONE GENOA 1556 - 1641 THE LAST SUPPER Pen and brown ink and wash with touches of white heightening over black chalk on gray-green paper; bears old attribution in pen and brown ink: Jac Tintorette f. 250 by 391 mm; 9 7/8 by 15 3/8 in

    Jan. 26, 2011


    Est: $5,000 - $7,000

    ATTRIBUTED TO LAZZARO TAVARONE GENOA 1556 - 1641 DESIGN FOR A LUNETTE: A BISHOP GREETING A KING AND HIS FOLLOWERS Pen and brown ink and wash over black chalk; lunette shape 110 by 208 mm; 4 3/8 by 8 1/4 in

  • Lazzaro Tavarone (Genoa 1556-1641)
    Dec. 09, 2010

    Lazzaro Tavarone (Genoa 1556-1641)

    Est: £1,000 - £1,500

    Lazzaro Tavarone (Genoa 1556-1641) A triumphal procession, with soldiers followed by bound captives on a cart pulled by oxen, perhaps a Triumph of Faith with number '224' black chalk, pen and brown ink, brown wash, squared in pen and brown ink, two lines in red chalk, minor losses, unframed 9 7/8 x 15¼ in. (25.2 x 38.7 cm.)

  • Tavarone, Lazzaro: Allegorische Darstellung mit zwei Engeln
    Nov. 26, 2010

    Tavarone, Lazzaro: Allegorische Darstellung mit zwei Engeln

    Est: €1,800 - €2,400

    Allegorische Darstellung mit zwei Engeln in einer Landschaft, umgeben von Putti. Feder in Braun, braun laviert, mit Rötel quadriert. 11 x 39,5 cm (Lunettenform). Vergleichbare Entwürfe ebenfalls in Lünettenform befinden sich in der Sammlung der Galleria Estense, Modena (Abb. in Ausst. Kat. "Kunst in der Republik Genua, Hrsg. von Mary Newcome Schleier, Frankfurt a. M. 1992, S. 283, Abb. 151.1 und 151.2). Tavarone war Schüler Luca Cambiasos, in dessen Gefolge er 1583 an den Hof Philipps II. nach Spanien ging. 1596 nach Genua zurückgekehrt, avancierte er zu einem der gefragtesten Freskanten der Stadt.

    Galerie Bassenge
    Oct. 05, 2010


    Est: $1,000 - $1,500

    ATTRIBUTED TO LAZZARO TAVARONE (italian 1556-1641) THE ASSUMPTION Signed 'Tavarone' lower right, inscribed 'Tavarone' in ink beneath image, sepia ink and wash with gray washes on paper, in fine, carved wood frame 6 1/4 x 5 1/4 in. (15.9 x 13.3cm) (sheet)

    Freeman's | Hindman
  • Circle of Lazzaro Tavarone (Genoa, 1556-1641),
    Feb. 09, 2009

    Circle of Lazzaro Tavarone (Genoa, 1556-1641),

    Est: $750 - $1,500

    Circle of Lazzaro Tavarone (Genoa, 1556-1641), brown ink and wash, c. 1580-90, audience in a city piazza before a monarch, 12 3/4" h. x 17 3/8" w., it appears that the image is either on one sheet which has been split and then rejoined or it was on two sheets, then joined. [Proceeds to the Paul W. Zimmerman Trust, which will benefit four fine art institutions.]

    Winter Associates, Inc.
  • Circle of Lazzaro Tavarone (Genoa 1556-1641)
    Oct. 13, 2008

    Circle of Lazzaro Tavarone (Genoa 1556-1641)

    Est: $2,000 - $4,000

    Circle of Lazzaro Tavarone (Genoa, 1556-1641), brown ink and wash, c. 1580-90, audience in a city piazza before a monarch, 12 3/4" h. x 17 3/8" w., it appears that the image is either on one sheet which has been split and then rejoined or it was on two sheets, then joined. [Proceeds to the Paul W. Zimmerman Trust, which will benefit four fine art institutions.] All sales are subject to a 20% BUYER'S PREMIUM to be paid by the buyer as part of the purchase price. Purchases are subject to Connecticut State sales tax except for individuals with a valid resale certificate on file with Winter Associates, Inc. CONDITION: Any condition statement is given as a courtesy to a client, it is only an opinion and should not be treated as a statement of fact. Winter Associates, Inc. and any of it's subsidiaries shall have no responsibility for any error or omission. The absence of a condition statement does not imply that the lot is in perfect condition or completely free from wear and tear, imperfections or the effects of aging. All lots are sold "as is". Please be sure to call or email for more information on an item BEFORE bidding. OTHER NOTES: FIVE VERY IMPORTANT THINGS TO KEEP IN MIND: 1. PLEASE ASK QUESTIONS ABOUT ITEMS BEFORE YOU BID 2.PLEASE PAY WITHIN 4 BUSINESS DAYS (IF THIS IS NOT POSSIBLE PLEASE DO NOT BID) 3.WE DO NOT ACCEPT PAYPAL 4. PLEASE SPEAK TO US REGARDING ANY CONCERNS, WE WILL WORK WITH YOU IN ANYWAY WE CAN TO RESOLVE ANY ISSUES THAT MAY ARISE 5. WE DO NOT HANDLE ANY PACKING OR SHIPPING.

    Winter Associates, Inc.
  • Lazzaro Tavarone , Genoa 1556 - 1641 the martyrdom of st andrew Pen and brown ink and wash, over traces of black chalk, with touches of white heightening, on gray-brown paper. Octagonal shape, within pen and brown ink framing lines
    Jan. 23, 2008

    Lazzaro Tavarone , Genoa 1556 - 1641 the martyrdom of st andrew Pen and brown ink and wash, over traces of black chalk, with touches of white heightening, on gray-brown paper. Octagonal shape, within pen and brown ink framing lines

    Est: $10,000 - $15,000

    Pen and brown ink and wash, over traces of black chalk, with touches of white heightening, on gray-brown paper. Octagonal shape, within pen and brown ink framing lines

  • Attribuito a Lazzaro Tavarone 1556-1641
    Jun. 26, 2007

    Attribuito a Lazzaro Tavarone 1556-1641

    Est: €1,500 - €2,000

    reca antica attribuzione Zuccaro ( recto e verso ) e numerazione 5 sanguigna, angoli in alto mancanti

  • Horatius Cocles sur le pont Sublicius
    Mar. 22, 2007

    Horatius Cocles sur le pont Sublicius

    Est: €5,000 - €8,000

    Lazzaro Tavarone (Gênes 1556-1641) Horatius Cocles sur le pont Sublicius plume et encre brune, lavis brun 215 x 342 mm.

  • Lazzaro TAVARONE (1556-1641) - Projet de
    Mar. 14, 2007

    Lazzaro TAVARONE (1556-1641) - Projet de

    Est: -

    Lazzaro TAVARONE (1556-1641) - Projet de décoration architecturale

  • Lazzaro Tavarone (1556-1641)
    Mar. 23, 2006

    Lazzaro Tavarone (1556-1641)

    Est: €1,500 - €2,000

    Projet d'un mur d'une chapelle inscrit 'OM DXXX' craie noire, plume et encre brune, lavis brun 244 x 153 mm.

  • Lazzaro Tavarone (1556-1641)
    Mar. 23, 2006

    Lazzaro Tavarone (1556-1641)

    Est: €400 - €600

    Projet de décor des niches d'un plafond, dont une surmontée d'un putto craie noire, plume et encre brune, lavis brun, filigrane objet dans un cercle 220 x 254 mm.

  • Lazzaro Tavarone (1556-1641)
    Mar. 23, 2006

    Lazzaro Tavarone (1556-1641)

    Est: €600 - €800

    Projet d'un cadre de tableau craie noire, plume et encre brune, lavis brun 237 x 177 mm.

  • Lazzaro Tavarone (1556-1641)
    Mar. 23, 2006

    Lazzaro Tavarone (1556-1641)

    Est: €2,000 - €3,000

    Projet d'un mur avec trois portraits en médaillon avec inscription 'Tavarone' craie noire, plume et encre brune, lavis brun 283 x 197 mm.

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