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American Civil War Photos

The American Civil War was fought on the eve of a technological revolution. This lead to numerous firsts in terms of technology and innovation. While the American Civil War wasn’t the first time we saw photographs taken during conflict, it was more heavily photographed than any war before.

Photographers during the Civil War would to the field of battle to attempt to capture an image they could sell to a newspaper or keep as a testament. The amount of photographs taken during this war is staggering, especially considering the time and equipment required to do so. Many well-preserved, collectible photographs still exist of some pivotal moments during the war.

Quick Facts

  • Mathew Brady, often considered the father of photojournalism, started his career by taking extraordinary photographs of the Civil War
  • Cameras at the time required 5 to 20 seconds of exposure time, making action shots impossible
  • Photographs during the Civil War were sometimes manipulated, including images of the Battle of Gettysburg and a composite of Abraham Lincoln

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