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American Civil War Letters

The American Civil War split the nation in one of the most polarizing ways possible. While it was uncommon, there are several instances of men being related in some manner fighting on opposite sides of the war. This lead to the slogan “brother against brother,” and some fascinating examples of correspondence from that time period.

Since the war was fought on American ground there was almost always a method of sending letters home. These letters are often wrought with personal details about soldiers’ emotions, fears, and of course plans to return home. These letters provide an eye-opening account of humanity during the Civil War.

Quick Facts

  • A lot of Civil War correspondence resulted from soldiers placing ads in the lonely hearts section of their local papers
  • Some letters were enclosed in covers, or envelopes that were customized by unit
  • The U.S. Christian Commission and U.S. Sanitary Commission would often give paper and envelopes to Union Soldiers free of charge

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