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Erik Dahlbergh Sold at Auction Prices


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  • DAHLBERG, Erik Jonsson (1625-1703) - Suecia antiqua et hodierna. [Stockholm: Jan Gros de Vries, ca.1690-1715]. An enchanting work celebrating Sweden, considered one of the most beautiful illustrated books ever published in Scandinavia. It...
    Feb. 26, 2025

    DAHLBERG, Erik Jonsson (1625-1703) - Suecia antiqua et hodierna. [Stockholm: Jan Gros de Vries, ca.1690-1715]. An enchanting work celebrating Sweden, considered one of the most beautiful illustrated books ever published in Scandinavia. It...

    Est: €1,500 - €2,500

    DAHLBERG, Erik Jonsson (1625-1703) - Suecia antiqua et hodierna. [Stockholm: Jan Gros de Vries, ca.1690-1715]. An enchanting work celebrating Sweden, considered one of the most beautiful illustrated books ever published in Scandinavia. It was an initiative of King Charles X (1622-1660), who gave Count Dalhberg the task of drawing up a topography of the realm and its provinces, on the model of the "Topographia Galliae" published in Frankfurt by Matthäus Merian in 1655. With the help of some artists, Dalhberg created the drawings and called together, not only from Sweden, but also from France and the Netherlands, the most renown engravers of the time to give life to the splendid plates depicting cities, landscapes, sumptuous palaces with gardens and numerous sites of historical and artistic importance. The text in French and Latin, whose editing had been entrusted to the professors of Uppsala University, was never completed and only some passages were printed and published separately in 1698. 3 parts in one volume oblong folio (401 x 498mm). Engraved titles, complete with the 354 engraved plates indicated in the index and the additional plate "Templum Ulricae Eleonorae" (lacking the final index leaf, titles, plates and indexes applied, first title with small tears not affecting engraving, occasional marginal tears sometimes restored, occasional light staining, a few plates composed of two parts with one being darker than the other). Contemporary calf, gilt titles and gilt and blind-stamped decorations on spine and covers, gilt edges (scuffing and losses). IT DAHLBERG, Erik Jonsson (1625-1703) - Suecia antiqua et hodierna. [Stoccolma: Jan Gros de Vries, ca.1690-1715]. Incantevole opera celebrativa della Svezia, considerata uno dei libri illustrati più belli mai pubblicati in Scandinavia. Si tratta di un’iniziativa del re Carlo X Gustavo di Svezia (1622-1660), che conferì al conte Dalhberg l’incarico di redigere una topografia del reame e delle sue province, sul modello della “Topographia Galliae” pubblicata a Francoforte da Matthäus Merian nel 1655. A tal fine, con l’aiuto di alcuni artisti, Dalhberg realizzò i disegni e chiamò a raccolta, non solo dalla Svezia, ma anche da Francia e Paesi Bassi, i più celebri incisori dell’epoca per dar vita alle splendide calcografie che raffigurano città, paesaggi, sontuosi palazzi con giardini e numerosi siti di interesse storico-artistico. Il testo in francese e latino, la cui redazione era stata affidata ai professori dell’Università di Uppsala, non fu mai terminato, solo alcuni passaggi furono stampati e pubblicati separatamente nel 1698. 3 parti un un volume, folio oblungo (401 x 498mm). Frontespizi calcografici, sono presenti tutte le 354 tavole calcografiche indicate nell'indice e la tavola aggiuntiva "Templum Ulricae Eleonorae" (manca l'ultima carta di indice, frontespizi, tavole e indici applicati, il primo frontespizio con strappetti e pieghe che non toccano l'incisione, occasionali strappetti marginali a volte restaurati, sporadiche lievi macchie, poche tavole composte da due parti una più scura dell'altra). Pelle coeva, titoli e decori in oro e a secco al dorso e ai piatti, tagli dorati (graffi e perdite).

    Il Ponte Auction House
  • Erik Dahlberg (1625-1703 Stockholm): Engraved map of the
    Jan. 27, 2024

    Erik Dahlberg (1625-1703 Stockholm): Engraved map of the

    Est: €180 - €300

    Erik Dahlberg (1625-1703 Stockholm): Engraved map of the storming and capture of the Danish fortress Friederichsödde in 1657, 2nd half of the 17th century, #'Repraesentatio Op. et Expugnationis...Oppidi et Monumenti Fridericiudde...October 24, 1657. ..#', sheet no. 68, 3 pcs. Map, copperplate engraving, folded, browned and stained, German age, 41x65cm, framed under glass . German Description: Erik Dahlberg (1625-1703 Stockholm): Kupferstichkarte Bestürmung und Einnahme der dänischen Festung Friederichsödde 1657, 2 .Hälfte 17.Jh., 'Repraesentatio Op. et Expugnationis...Oppidi et Monumenti Fridericiudde...24.Octob.1657...', Blatt No. 68, 3-tlg. Karte, Kupferstich, knickfaltig, gebräunt u. fleckig, dt. Alterssp., 41x65 cm, unter Glas gerahmt

    Henry's Auktionshaus
  • Erik Dahlberg (1625-1703)
    Oct. 14, 2023

    Erik Dahlberg (1625-1703)

    Est: kr500 - kr1,000

    Insulæ Fyoniæ Pars, Fretum Balticum Minvs, kobberstukket håndkoloreret landkort over Middelfart og Lillebælt, med Slaget ved Nyborg underneden, 1658. Indsat i hgammel sølvramme, trykmål ca. 28,5 x 34 cm.

    Svendborg Auktionerne ApS
  • Erik Dahlberg (1625-1703)
    Oct. 14, 2023

    Erik Dahlberg (1625-1703)

    Est: kr500 - kr1,000

    Neoburgum, kobberstukket håndkoloreret landkort over Nyborg, 1659, over slaget ved Nyborg. Indsat i gammel sølvramme. Trykmål ca. 29, 5 x 38 cm.

    Svendborg Auktionerne ApS
  • Erik Dahlbergh, efter. Neoburgum (Nyborg)
    Sep. 17, 2023

    Erik Dahlbergh, efter. Neoburgum (Nyborg)

    Est: -

    Håndkoloreret kobberstik, Neoburgum Fioniæ oppidum, trykkemål 29,5 x 38 (33 x 41)

    Svendborg Auktionerne ApS
  • Erik Jönsson Dahlbergh [SWEDISH ARCHITECTURE] Four hand-colored engravings, from Suecia Antiqua et Hodierna, framed
    May. 24, 2023

    Erik Jönsson Dahlbergh [SWEDISH ARCHITECTURE] Four hand-colored engravings, from Suecia Antiqua et Hodierna, framed

    Est: $800 - $1,200

    Erik Jönsson Dahlbergh (1625-1703), author [SWEDISH ARCHITECTURE] Four hand-colored engravings, from Suecia Antiqua et Hodierna, Stockholm, 1660-1715, framed. Larger plates 9 3/8 x 19 inches; 238 x 483 mm. Larger frames 19 1/2 x 31 1/8 inches; 495 x 791 mm. C Property of a Collector, Fifth Avenue

    DOYLE Auctioneers & Appraisers
  • * Dahlberg (Erik Jonsson, 1625-1703). Urbs Warsovia, Sedes Ordinaria Regum Poloniae...
    Oct. 07, 2020

    * Dahlberg (Erik Jonsson, 1625-1703). Urbs Warsovia, Sedes Ordinaria Regum Poloniae...

    Est: £300 - £500

    * Dahlberg (Erik Jonsson, 1625-1703). Urbs Warsovia, Sedes Ordinaria Regum Poloniae... occupata, 22 Jul. 1656, copper engraved panoramic view of Warsaw by Nicolas Perelle after E.J. Dahlberg, on laid paper, with watermark, a good, strong impression, with wide margins, plate size 252 x 632 mm (10 x 25 ins), sheet size 370 x 670 mm (14.5 x 26.3 ins), with card mount, together with: Repraesentatio Scenographica Arcis Cronenburg, 1658, copper engraved panorama of the Siege of Kronborg Castle, on laid paper, a very good, dark impression, with margins, plate size 305 x 580 mm (12 x 22.75 ins), sheet size 355 x 595 mm (14 x 23.5 ins), with card mount Qty: (2)

    Dominic Winter Auctions
  • A collection of 5 prints by Erik Dahlberg (1625-1703) and Samuel Pufendorf (1632-1694).
    Aug. 05, 2020

    A collection of 5 prints by Erik Dahlberg (1625-1703) and Samuel Pufendorf (1632-1694).

    Est: €200 -

    Origin: Sweden 1696. Copperplate engraving Dimensions of the largest: print – 37,5 x 49,4 cm; frame – 44,3 x 56,5 x 1,7 cm. Packing and shipment: within EU – 35 EUR, USA/Canada – 50 EUR, China and Asia – 60 EUR. Other destinations – ask for quote.

    Karabela Auctions
  • Two 17th-Century Views of Sweden Depicting Military Encampments
    Aug. 02, 2019

    Two 17th-Century Views of Sweden Depicting Military Encampments

    Est: $100 - $200

    Two 17th-Century Views of Sweden Depicting Military Encampments Two antique prints, including: Swedish, c. 1696. Erik Jo?nsson Dahlbergh ad. viv. del. (Swedish, 1625-1703), Willem Swidde sculp. (Dutch, 1660 or 1661-1697), Two views of Sweden showing the Danish army entering Landskrona and Malmo. Cartouches above each scene read: Sacræ Regiæ Majtis. Caroli Gustavi solennis ingressus, in urbem Landscrona habitus 7 Marij ao. 1658... and Serenissimi ac potentissimi Regis Caroli Gustavi solennis ingressus in urbem Malmo giam habitus die 9 Martij a. 1658... Published in Baron Samuel Von Pufendorf's De rebus a Carolo Gustavo Sueciae rege gestis commentariorum libri septem, Nuremburg, 1696. Artists identified in plate, numbered No. 90 lr. Hand colored and framed. 15 x 11.75 in. (sight), 24.75 x 21.5 in. (frame). and Swedish, c. 1696. after Erik Jo?nsson Dahlbergh delin. (Swedish, 1625-1703), Nicolas Perelle sc (French, 1631-ca. 1695), View of a Swedish encampment at Friedrichs Öde in Thuringia. Castra Suedica ad Friderici Uddam d: 23 Aug: locari coepta, et d: 26 Octobr: A:16 57 soluta. Artists identified in plate lr. Hand colored and framed. 10.5 x 13.25 in. (sight), 20.25 x 22.25 in. (frame). Provenance: Property from the Estate of Lewis W. Walker, Jr., Hudson, OH

    Cowan's Auctions
  • Eryk Dahlberg (1625 - 1703) Panorama of Brzesc Kujawski and Pinczow
    Jan. 31, 2019

    Eryk Dahlberg (1625 - 1703) Panorama of Brzesc Kujawski and Pinczow

    Est: zł900 - zł1,500

    copperplate on paper, 29.5 x 36 cm (dimensions in passe-partout window)

    Desa Unicum SA
  • Eryk Dahlberg (1625 - 1703) Panorama of Zakroczym During the Deluge, 1696
    Jan. 31, 2019

    Eryk Dahlberg (1625 - 1703) Panorama of Zakroczym During the Deluge, 1696

    Est: zł900 - zł1,500

    copperplate on paper, 28.6 x 37.4 cm (image)

    Desa Unicum SA
  • Eryk Dahlberg (1625 - 1703) "Conflictus inter Svecos et Lithuanos"
    Jan. 31, 2019

    Eryk Dahlberg (1625 - 1703) "Conflictus inter Svecos et Lithuanos"

    Est: zł1,200 - zł2,000

    copperplate on paper, 29.5 x 57.5 cm (dimensions in passe-partout window)

    Desa Unicum SA
  • Svezia. Erik Dahlberg. Tre acqueforti di castelli.
    Dec. 09, 2018

    Svezia. Erik Dahlberg. Tre acqueforti di castelli.

    Est: €600 - €800

    Svezia. Erik Dahlberg (1625-1703) Tre acqueforti di castelli. 1693-1714 3 acqueforti di castelli.   Swartsioo, secolo XVIII. Acquaforte in coloritura, 265x335 mm.   Iacob Sdahl Occidentem Vers, secolo XVIII. Acquaforte in coloritura, 250x375 mm, con ampi margini.   Arcs Moorby, secolo XVIII. Acquaforte in coloritura, 220x340 mm.   Tratte dall'opera "Suecia Antiqua et Hodierna", Stockholm, 1693-1714. Buone condizioni.

    Bado e Mart
    May. 25, 2017


    Est: $2,000 - $3,000

    SUECIA ANTIQUA ET HODIERNA AFTER ERIK JONSSON DAHLBERG (1625-1703), 19TH CENTURY Stockholm. P. Ad. Huldbergs Bokhandel, later reprint, circa 1860, in three oblong volumes with supplement. Half tan leather binding with embossed covers and marbled edges. Losses overall

    Leonard Joel
    May. 14, 2017


    Est: $3,000 - $5,000

    SUECIA ANTIQUA ET HODIERNA AFTER ERIK JONSSON DAHLBERG (1625-1703), 19TH CENTURY Stockholm. P. Ad. Huldbergs Bokhandel, later reprint, circa 1860, in three oblong volumes with supplement. Half tan leather binding with embossed covers and marbled edges. Losses overall

    Leonard Joel
    Apr. 30, 2016


    Est: $400 - $600

    ERIK JÖNSON DAHLBERG (1625-1793): OBSICLIUM HAFFNIENSE A 1658 Engraving on wove paper, 1658, with margins. 12 x 42 in. (sight), 19 x 49 x (frame). Property from Kinderhook, NY Collectors

  • Erik Jönsson Dahlberg (1625-1703), 'Representation Solennis pompae...', Schlachtenszene mit üppiger Bordüre, schönes Beispiel der Dahlbergschen Panoramen aus den 'Sieben Bücher(n) von denen Thaten Carl Gustavs Königs in Schweden', von
    Dec. 02, 2015

    Erik Jönsson Dahlberg (1625-1703), 'Representation Solennis pompae...', Schlachtenszene mit üppiger Bordüre, schönes Beispiel der Dahlbergschen Panoramen aus den 'Sieben Bücher(n) von denen Thaten Carl Gustavs Königs in Schweden', von

    Est: -

    Erik Jönsson Dahlberg (1625-1703), 'Representation Solennis pompae...', Schlachtenszene mit üppiger Bordüre, schönes Beispiel der Dahlbergschen Panoramen aus den 'Sieben Bücher(n) von denen Thaten Carl Gustavs Königs in Schweden', von Pufendorf, Mittelfalz, Blattmaße 35,5 x 42 cm

    Historia Auctionata
  • [DAHLBERG, Erik Jonsson, Count (1625-1703).] Suecia antiqua et ho
    Jun. 09, 2015

    [DAHLBERG, Erik Jonsson, Count (1625-1703).] Suecia antiqua et ho

    Est: £2,000 - £3,000

    [DAHLBERG, Erik Jonsson, Count (1625-1703).] Suecia antiqua et hodierna

  • "Delineatio camporum et silvarum prope oppidum Czarnova..." by Samuel Pufendorf
    Feb. 06, 2014

    "Delineatio camporum et silvarum prope oppidum Czarnova..." by Samuel Pufendorf

    Est: $150 - $225

    Nuremberg: 1697. Copper engraved map on laid paper, no color, engraved by Erik Joonsson Dahlberg (1625-1703). Originally from the chronicle of Samuel von Pufendorf, being an official description of the war of Sweden with Poland and Denmark in the years 1655-60. The map shows the battle between the Swedish and Polish troops in the year in 1655. Samuel Pufendorf (1632-1694) was a German jurist, political philosopher, economist, statesman and historian. The Chronicle, from which comes the present copper engraving , one of Pufendorf's most significant historical writings. 14-1/2" x 20-1/4" overall in mat and frame. View on AspireAuctions.com"

    Aspire Auctions Fine Art & Antiques
  • Erik Dahlberg Stockholm 1625 - 1703 nach - Vi...
    Jul. 06, 2013

    Erik Dahlberg Stockholm 1625 - 1703 nach - Vi...

    Est: €270 - €330

    Erik Dahlberg Stockholm 1625 - 1703 nach - Vier Schlachten- bzw. Belagerungsszenen - 4 Kupferstiche. Bis 27 x 35 cm. 32 x 40 cm. Falze. Knitterig. Wasserflecken. - Lit.: Th.-B. VIII, S. 276.

    Das Kunst- und Auktionshaus Kastern GmbH & Co KG
  • Erik Dahlberg 1625-1703. Efter, "Veteris Orbis
    Apr. 09, 2013

    Erik Dahlberg 1625-1703. Efter, "Veteris Orbis

    Est: kr1,000 - kr2,000

    Erik Dahlberg 1625-1703. Efter, "Veteris Orbis Arctoi Tÿpus". Ur Suecia Antiqva et Hodierna 1:5. Kopparstick 27 x 33.

    Auktionskammare Uppsala
  • Erik Dahlberg 1625-1703. Efter. Fyra blad ur Eric
    Apr. 09, 2013

    Erik Dahlberg 1625-1703. Efter. Fyra blad ur Eric

    Est: kr1,000 - kr1,500

    Erik Dahlberg 1625-1703. Efter. Fyra blad ur Eric Dahlberghs Suecia Antiqva et Hodierna. 1:35 "Palatium Ordinis Equestris urbem versus". Kopparstick 25 x 38,5. 1:42 "Illustris: et Excellentiss: Dn:...

    Auktionskammare Uppsala
  • Dahlberg, Erik (1625-1703). Suecia Antiqua et
    Apr. 07, 2011

    Dahlberg, Erik (1625-1703). Suecia Antiqua et

    Est: - kr20,000

    Dahlberg, Erik (1625-1703). Suecia Antiqua et Hodierna. Tomus I-III + Index. Stockholm, (1661-1715). Tvär-folio i ett senare välbundet brunt skinnband. Guldlinjerad rygg med förgylld titeltext. Stänkta snitt. Första delen med 150 graverade planscher, andra delen med 76 graverade planscher och tredje delen med 127 graverade planscher. I slutet inbundet ett Index över plancherna: 13 sid. (I). Ett stort antal planscher med små och stora fläckar, många marginaler solkiga och med lagningar. Flera planscher uniformt bruntonade. En del av de uppklistrade planscherna kort skurna. Ändå ett hyggligt exemplar av detta den svenska stormaktstidens mest prestigefyllda verk och det mest betydande svenska topografiska verket genom alla tider. Oblong-folio in a later full leather binding with gilt lettered spine and splashed edges. Including titles with 150 + 76 + 127 engraved b-w plates of which many are folded. In the end an Index of 13 pp. Many plates with ugly spots and soiled margins. A number of plates uniformly browned. Several plates with repaired margins. A few of the mounted plates a bit short cut in margins. However a fair copy of this the most prestigious work from the Swedish great power period - the most important topogrphical Swedish work ever.

    Crafoord Auktioner
  • Eric Jonson Dahlberg (1625-1703), Swedish
    Feb. 24, 2011

    Eric Jonson Dahlberg (1625-1703), Swedish

    Est: $300 - $400

    Eric Jonson Dahlberg (1625-1703), Swedish STOCKHOLMIA METROPOLIS REGNI SUECIAE ET SEDES REGIA; Handcoloured engraving with letters, engraved by Adam Perelle, a later edition on two sheets joined at the center Plate 10.25" x 31" - 26 x 78.7 cm.; 23.6" x 43.5" - 60 x 110.5 cm.

  • A framed handcolored engraving of Stockholm after Erik Jönson Dahlberg (Swedish, 1625-1703)
    Nov. 01, 2010

    A framed handcolored engraving of Stockholm after Erik Jönson Dahlberg (Swedish, 1625-1703)

    Est: $1,000 - $1,500

    after Erik Jönson Dahlberg (Swedish, 1625-1703) framed 22 x 43in (56 x 109cm)

  • Eric Jonson Dahlbergh (1625-1703), FOUR ESTATE GARDEN VIEWS, Each plate 10.5" x 23.5" - 26.7 x 59.7 cm. (4 Pieces)
    Jun. 14, 2010

    Eric Jonson Dahlbergh (1625-1703), FOUR ESTATE GARDEN VIEWS, Each plate 10.5" x 23.5" - 26.7 x 59.7 cm. (4 Pieces)

    Est: $1,200 - $1,600

    Eric Jonson Dahlbergh (1625-1703), SwissFOUR ESTATE GARDEN VIEWS; Four hand coloured engravings; dated 1690 to 1691 in the plateEach plate 10.5" x 23.5" - 26.7 x 59.7 cm.

  • Erik Jonsson Dahlberg, 1625-1703, Swedish, "Swartsioo", from Views of Sweden, an engraving on paper,
    Sep. 19, 2009

    Erik Jonsson Dahlberg, 1625-1703, Swedish, "Swartsioo", from Views of Sweden, an engraving on paper,

    Est: $150 - $250

    Erik Jonsson Dahlberg, 1625-1703, Swedish, "Swartsioo", from Views of Sweden, an engraving on paper, label information verso, matted and framed under glass. Visible image 10 1/2" high, 13 1/2" wide.

    Harlowe-Powell Auction Gallery
  • Count Erik Dahlberg (4pcs)
    Jul. 25, 2009

    Count Erik Dahlberg (4pcs)

    Est: $400 - $700

    Count Erik Dahlberg Swedish (1625-1703), GARDENS & ESTATES (from Suecia Antiqua et Hodierna [Ancient and Modern Sweden, published 1693-1714) hand colored engravings, framed, sight size: H9" W16 3/4" (4pcs)

    Charlton Hall
  • STOCKHOLM 1660 -- DAHLBERG, Erik, Count (1625-1703). Exequiae Serenissimi ac Potentissimi Principis ac Domini, Domini Caroli Gustavi Suecorum Gothorum et Wandalorum Regis d. 3. Novemb. 1660 Holmiae celebratae . N.p., n.d. [Paris, after 1660].
    Jun. 12, 2009

    STOCKHOLM 1660 -- DAHLBERG, Erik, Count (1625-1703). Exequiae Serenissimi ac Potentissimi Principis ac Domini, Domini Caroli Gustavi Suecorum Gothorum et Wandalorum Regis d. 3. Novemb. 1660 Holmiae celebratae . N.p., n.d. [Paris, after 1660].

    Est: $2,000 - $3,000

    STOCKHOLM 1660 -- DAHLBERG, Erik, Count (1625-1703). Exequiae Serenissimi ac Potentissimi Principis ac Domini, Domini Caroli Gustavi Suecorum Gothorum et Wandalorum Regis d. 3. Novemb. 1660 Holmiae celebratae. N.p., n.d. [Paris, after 1660]. Large panoramic view (290 x 4420 mm), on 13 folio sheets joined and folded, engraved by JEAN LE PAUTRE after drawings of COUNT ERIK DAHLBERG. Modern half cloth folding case. The large scene depicts the funeral procession on November 3, 1660 of CARL GUSTAV (1622-1660), King of Sweden, set against the skyline of Stockholm. A fine impression of a magnificent panoramic view of Stockholm, engraved after the drawings of Count Erik Dahlberg, military commander and architect, who was one of the major influences in the development of Swedish art, architecture and military design of the 17th century. According to Destailleur the view was engraved by Jean Le Pautre, who added the elaborately ornate centerpieces, title cartouche, and the top decoration consisting of the coats-of arms of Swedish counties in handsome medallion frames. Berlin 2255; Lipperheide Sf2; see Thieme-Becker VIII, 276.

  • Dahlbergh, Erik, kopparstick, Repraesentatio
    Apr. 30, 2009

    Dahlbergh, Erik, kopparstick, Repraesentatio

    Est: -

    Dahlbergh, Erik, kopparstick, Repraesentatio Solennis Pompae..., Nürnberg 1697, ur Samuel von Pufendorffs 'De rebus a. Carolo Gustavo Gestis', 29 x 35 cm, 30 x 38,5 cm

    Hallands Auktionsverk
  • [Dahlberg, Erik Jönsson (1625-1703)] , Suecia antiqua et hodierna. [Stockholm, c. 1693-1716]
    Oct. 02, 2008

    [Dahlberg, Erik Jönsson (1625-1703)] , Suecia antiqua et hodierna. [Stockholm, c. 1693-1716]

    Est: £2,500 - £3,000

    3 volumes in one, oblong folio (320 x 403mm.), 13, [1]pp., illustration : 353 engraved plates (21 of which attached to another plate, to make a total of 332 sheets), including 3 title-pages, portraits, maps, armorial plates and over 300 fine views, by Le Pautre and others, several folding, binding : eighteenth-century mottled calf gilt, floral roll border with acorns and crowns,spine gilt in compartments, manuscript plate numbers added to printed index, light dampstaining in lower margins, small amount of worming at foot of inner margin of approximately 100 plates, penultimate plate inlaid, final plate laid down, binding rubbed

  • Count Erik Dahlberg Swedish (1625-1703)
    Jun. 14, 2008

    Count Erik Dahlberg Swedish (1625-1703)

    Est: $800 - $1,400

    Count Erik Dahlberg Swedish (1625-1703) GARDENS & ESTATES (from Suecia Antiqua et Hodierna [Ancient and Modern Sweden, published 1693-1714) hand colored engravings, framed sight size: H9" W16 3/4" (4pcs)

    Charlton Hall
  • Continental School (Early 18th Century) Suite of eight hand-colored copper engravings of Swedish Garden and Estate Views, by Erik Dahlberg (Swedish, 1625-1703), sight 12" x 15-1/2". Glazed, matted and framed en suite.
    Mar. 29, 2008

    Continental School (Early 18th Century) Suite of eight hand-colored copper engravings of Swedish Garden and Estate Views, by Erik Dahlberg (Swedish, 1625-1703), sight 12" x 15-1/2". Glazed, matted and framed en suite.

    Est: $500 - $800

    Continental School (Early 18th Century) Suite of eight hand-colored copper engravings of Swedish Garden and Estate Views, by Erik Dahlberg (Swedish, 1625-1703), sight 12" x 15-1/2". Glazed, matted and framed en suite.

    New Orleans Auction Galleries
  • Erik Jonsson Dahlbergh (Total 6pcs)
    Mar. 29, 2008

    Erik Jonsson Dahlbergh (Total 6pcs)

    Est: $600 - $900

    Erik Jonsson Dahlbergh Swedish (1625-1703) SIX WORKS: GRAND MANOR HOUSES OF SWEDEN colored engravings, framed, titled and with family coat of arms framed size: H17 1/4" W20 1/2" (Total 6pcs)

    Charlton Hall
  • [Swedish Views]: Eight Plates
    Sep. 05, 2007

    [Swedish Views]: Eight Plates

    Est: $800 - $1,000

    Erik Dahlberg (1625-1703) [Editor] [Swedish Views]: Eight Plates eight engravings with hand-coloring, 1698-1704, on laid paper, all with margins largest P. 9½ in. x 30¼ in. (241 x 768 mm.) largest overall 19¼ x 40¼ in. (489 x 1022 mm.) (8)

  • Swedish School (Early 18th Century) "Estate and Garden Views", suite of eight hand-colored copper engravings, sight 9" x 17", by Erik Dahlberg, 1698, Stockholm. Glazed, matted and handsomely framed en suite.
    Jul. 21, 2007

    Swedish School (Early 18th Century) "Estate and Garden Views", suite of eight hand-colored copper engravings, sight 9" x 17", by Erik Dahlberg, 1698, Stockholm. Glazed, matted and handsomely framed en suite.

    Est: $900 - $1,200

    Swedish School (Early 18th Century) "Estate and Garden Views", suite of eight hand-colored copper engravings, sight 9" x 17", by Erik Dahlberg, 1698, Stockholm. Glazed, matted and handsomely framed en suite.

    New Orleans Auction Galleries
  • DAHLBERG, Erik Jonsson, Count (1625-1703). Suecia antiqua et hodierna. [Stockholm
    Dec. 05, 2006

    DAHLBERG, Erik Jonsson, Count (1625-1703). Suecia antiqua et hodierna. [Stockholm

    Est: $10,000 - $15,000

    DAHLBERG, Erik Jonsson, Count (1625-1703). Suecia antiqua et hodierna. [Stockholm, 1692-1713 and later]. 3 vols. in one, oblong 2 o (365 x 473 mm). 356 etched and engraved plates (the list of plates at end calling for 354, but numbers "46" in vol. II and "38" in vol. III each consisting of two separate plates), including 3 titles, 3 double-page and 10 folding plates, several others printed on two joined sheets, two portraits of King Charles XI of Sweden, a portrait of Dahlberg, and maps, plans, and views by various engravers including J. van den Aveele, Willem Swidde, Jean Marot, Jean Le Pautre, A. Perelle, J. J. von Sandrart, and E. Reitz, most after Count Dahlberg's drawings, the ink numbering of the plates corresponding to the numeration in the 13-page letterpress index (which is also fitted to sizes and includes a Swedish manuscript translation of the Latin plate titles) at end. Numerous plates are cut round platemark and mounted, indicating probable a later issue; (Some folding plates remargined and with repaired tears.) 18th-century Swedish calf over thick boards, spine in seven compartments elaborately gold tooled with drawer-handle and coquillage tools, gilt lettered red morocco lettering-piece in the second compartment (upper joint starting, rubbing to edges, some scrapes to sides). Provenance: J.G. (initials stamped on upper cover). In 1661 Count Dahlberg, Governor of Livonia and Chancellor of the University of Tartu (Estonia), obtained a commission from the Swedish goverment to compile a visual archive of the country's architectural treasures. A team of 18 engravers was hired to transfer his drawings to copperplate (a few of the drawings were by David Klocker-Ehrenstrahl and Elias Brenner). Per Lagerlf wrote a Latin text, but it was only partially printed and never published (it appears in a few copies). It took 21 years to complete the printing of the plates, and the sheets continued to be published throughout the 18th and into the 19th century. During the years in storage many sheets suffered damage to the margins; later issues are thus often characterized by renewed margins. A small number of copies were issued in 1772, with a new title bearing that date. Berlin Katalog 2256; Brunet V:578.

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