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English Shotguns

The first English shotguns were designed in the early 1700s before the word shotgun was recognized. They were known as fowling pieces and were often signifiers of status, affordable only to those of good fortune.

The aristocratic past of the fowling piece has followed the English shotgun into the modern day. English shotguns are often meticulously crafted and of extremely high quality.

English shotguns are most commonly single- and double-barrel designs that vary between over and under and side-by-side designs. English shotguns are very popular worldwide for the craftsmanship implemented in their construction. English shotguns by Holland & Holland, Boss, and other leading shotgun manufacturers are often considered heirloom or investment-grade shotguns.

Quick Facts

  • A 12-gauge Purdey shotgun once owned by champion shooter Russell B. Atkins sold for $52,800
  • The term automatic was first applied to firearms when English shotgun manufacturers designed an automatic cocking mechanism in 1876
  • Eric Clapton is known to enjoy English shotguns. A Boss shotgun is the most well known of his firearms

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