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Money Clips

Men’s clips over a tasteful alternative to the bulky wallet, and their added artistry convey a timeless luxury. Their vast history can trace its beginnings to the 4th century B.C. Evidence suggests that the cultures of ancient Mesopotamia were using a money clip-like device as early as 323 B.C., but in this ancient context it was more a means of preserving paperwork than currency.

The concept slowly spread around the globe, and soon populations worldwide were employing the tool to manage their pocket money. And, as they grew in popularity, they also grew in ornateness, with more precious materials being incorporated into their design. This elegance continues today, with modern users of money clips exuding an air of sophisticated styling.

Quick Facts

  • The men’s money clip became incredibly popular in China in the closing years of the 2nd century B.C. At the time, Chinese money was made of thin pieces of leather without any associated coinage, so the clip was a perfect solution
  • Early usage of money clips in Europe involved the clipping of money to a man's clothing rather than simply slipping the entire clip into ones pocket
  • American film star Cary Grant was known to have converted a twenty-dollar gold coin minted in 1900 into a money clip as a gift for a close associate

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