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Judaica Boxes

Judaica, or Jewish art used during religious ceremonies and rituals, has been central to Judaism for thousands of years. The act of using beautiful Judaica glorifies God and honors the ten commandments, which serve as the cornerstone of the Jewish faith.

The most frequently used type of Judaica box is the tzedakah box. In Hebrew, tzedakah means "justice" or "righteousness," but it is commonly used to signify "charity." Judaism posits that charity is not a voluntary act of good will but rather a religious obligation. In keeping with this tenet, practicing Jews often keep and fill tzedakah boxes with donations intended for anonymous or unknown recipients. Special ceremonies, including weddings, Passover, Purim, and other important religious events, provide opportunities for charitable Jews to bestow their donations upon others.

Tzedakah boxes assume a variety of forms ranging from small boxes kept on nightstands to large boxes with detachable lids. Antique versions are often made of wood or metal such as silver, brass, or tin, while contemporary boxes are made of almost any available material, including glass and plastic.

Quick Facts

  • Traditionally, tzedakah are brought to funerals to provide support for mourning family members
  • Historically, tzedakah boxes were kept in synagogues and filled during religious ceremonies. However, they became prevalent household items during the 18th century
  • Haldavah spice boxes, also frequently used by practicing Jews, are often passed around during Shabbat to mark the end of the day of rest

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