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Daum Crystal

Renowned for its luminescent opacity, Daum crystal continues to produce some of the most captivating crystal designs even today. Founded in Nancy, France in the early 1870s, Daum crystal has grown to become a recognized master the world over.

Originally established by patriarch Jean Daum, the crystal company established an early reputation for excellence. It was this status that aided sons Auguste and Antonin to develop the brand into one of the most coveted of the Art Nouveau era. Channeling the rich, organic motifs and lush colors characteristic of the age, Daum crystal is celebrated for its remarkable glow.

This traditional of excellence continues in Nancy today, where the heritage of Daum is celebrated. But it is their lustrous antique and vintage pieces that are the most lusted after, as they reflect the impressive longevity of one of Europe's most acclaimed producers.

Quick Facts

  • Daum crystal is the only company in existence today that still uses the glass paste, or "pate de verre," method of vessel creation. Named for the process that involves crushing glass into a paste that is then pressed and fused, the glass paste method dates back to ancient Egypt
  • Daum received top honors for their contributions to the Parisian Exposition Universelle in 1900
  • Over 600 Daum glass pieces are featured in the Nancy Musée des Beaux- Arts

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