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Alexander Willem Maurits Carel VerHuell Sold at Auction Prices

Lithographer, Etcher, Painter

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  • Alexander Ver Huell (1822-1897) The artist and death
    May. 06, 2023

    Alexander Ver Huell (1822-1897) The artist and death

    Est: -

    Alexander Ver Huell (1822-1897) The artist and death lithograph on paper 1864 inscribed above and below the depiction an artist in his studio death lurks behind the easel published by D. A. Thieme Arnhem 1964 age-appropriate condition edges browned stained image 26.5 x 20 cm (HxW) passe-partout overall dimensions 41.5 x 35 cm (HxW) German Description Alexander Ver Huell Der Künstler und der Tod (1822 - 1897 Niederlande) Lithografie mit Tonplatte/Papier 1864 oberhalb und unterhalb der Darstellung bezeichnet ein Künstler in seinem Atelier der Tod lauert hinter der Staffelei herausgegeben von D. A. Thieme Arnhem 1964 altersgemäßer Zustand randgebräunt fleckig Darstellung 26.5 x 20 cm (HxB) Passepartout Gesamtmaß 41.5 x 35 cm (HxB)

    Kunst- und Auktionshaus Quedlinburg
  • Ver Huell, A.W.M.C. (1822-1897). Getrouw, tot in het sterven.
    May. 20, 2022

    Ver Huell, A.W.M.C. (1822-1897). Getrouw, tot in het sterven.

    Est: €80 - €100

    Ver Huell, A.W.M.C. (1822-1897). Getrouw, tot in het sterven. Drawing, pen and ink, 17,8x17,9 cm., monogrammed and "del. et lith. 1864" in upper right corner. - Image cropped compared to the published print. Monogrammist "M de RA" (early 20th cent.). "J.E.W. Duijs. Impressie van verre gezien". Drawing, black chalk, finished w. brown and white, monogrammed, "25 Maart 1913" and titled. = Nice, somewhat caricatural portrait, possibly by Marie van Van Regteren Altena.

    Bubb > Kuyper: Auctioneers of Books, Fine Arts & Manuscripts
  • Alexander Ver Huell, "Medizinischer Disput"
    Oct. 24, 2020

    Alexander Ver Huell, "Medizinischer Disput"

    Est: -

    (1822 - 1897 Niederlande) (zugeschrieben), Lithografie mit Tonplatte/Papier, unsigniert, um 1850, humoristisches Blatt über einen Streit zweier Mediziner über den bescheidenen Gesundheitszustand des Patienten, guter Zustand, 14 x 20 cm (HxB), Passepartout; Attributed, Medical dispute, lithograph around 1850, unsigned, good condition, mounted

    Kunst- und Auktionshaus Quedlinburg
  • Alexander Ver Huell, (Zuschreibung), "Zelfmoord" (Selbstmord)
    Apr. 25, 2020

    Alexander Ver Huell, (Zuschreibung), "Zelfmoord" (Selbstmord)

    Est: -

    Literat und Zeichenkünstler (1822 Doesburg - 1897 Arnhem), Lithografie mit Tonplatte/Papier, unsigniert, Mitte 19. Jh., pazifistisches Blatt mit Einzelszenen zu Visionen des Todes durch Krieg und Kampf, altersgemäß sehr guter Zustand, Darstellung 24 x 32,5 cm (HxB), Passepartout, Gesamtmaß 35 x 44 cm (HxB); Alexander Van Huell (attr.), Suicide, illustrative assemblage of visionary scenes of death by war and fight, lithograph, unsigned, mid 19th century, very good age-appropriate condition, mounted in passe-partout

    Kunst- und Auktionshaus Quedlinburg
  • Alexander Ver Huell, "Der arme Literat"
    Oct. 19, 2019

    Alexander Ver Huell, "Der arme Literat"

    Est: -

    (1822 - 1897 Niederlande), Lithografie/Papier, um 1850, altersgemäß guter Zustand, Darstellung 13,5 x 22 cm (HxB), Passepartout, Gesamtmaß 34 x 44 cm (HxB)

    Kunst- und Auktionshaus Quedlinburg
  • [Alexander Ver Huell]
    Oct. 21, 2014

    [Alexander Ver Huell]

    Est: €80 - €160

    Drawing in pen and ink on large folio, titled, signed and dated 1865 in pen (small tears in bottom margin). With depiction of two men digging at the foot of the statue of Willem of Orange (the statue on the Plein in Den Haag) and one man trying to chop down a tree with the text "Java" in its crown. In the foreground the text "Nationaliteit" and rocks with the names Helmers and Bilderdijk, the clouds have the shape of a lion. Given the almost exact similarity to another copy (with "nationnaliteit" instead of "nationaliteit") that we traced, Ver Huell drew the design several times. With: "Hazardspel". Litho in the style of Alexander Ver Huell, published by J.H. Hebhard en Comp., 1846, 33.5 x 40 cm. (strenghtened with thin paper on the spine). See Gouda Quint 67: "Twintig tafereelen uit het leven van een speler, elk met onderschrift (...)." The game was discontinued by Minerva on 17 November 1846 (scene at bottom), after which the Minervans bought the litho en masse, so that there were no copies left to put into the Leidsche Studentenalmanak of that year, the intended publication of the image. And with 12 other lithos, including Gouda Quint 66 (two lithos of which the second as printed can be found in a deluxe copy of the Feestnummer ter gelegenheid van het vijftig-jarig bestaan van het Leidsche Studentencorps, 1 maart 1889) and finally with a quote handwritten by Ver Huell from Victor Hugo's "Notre Dame de Paris" (see Gouda Quint 119).

    Zwiggelaar Auctions
  • Ver Huell, A.W.M.C. (1822-1897). "Uit pennebekken
    May. 30, 2013

    Ver Huell, A.W.M.C. (1822-1897). "Uit pennebekken

    Est: €2,500 - €3,000

    Ver Huell, A.W.M.C. (1822-1897). "Uit pennebekken en penseelbuiken". Album , 30 lvs. w. 40 tipped-in drawings, mainly pen and ink and watercolour (4x pencil (2 of which w. watercolour) and 7x pen/ brush and brown ink/ wash), part of the drawings are monogrammed, signed, dated, titled etc., and 8 drawings have a similar drawing on verso, orig. hcl., frontcover w. manuscript title-label by the artist, obl. folio. - A few drawings w. (vague) folds. Album weak on hinges and worn at extremities. = With MANUSCRIPT SIGNED DEDICATION by the artist on first free endpaper: "Aan Mr H.P. van Kaathoven, Souvenir uit 1888 van zijn Hoogachtend toegenegen A. Verhuell". Not in Gouda Quint; Dyserinck, p.70: "(...) voorts een album met teekeningen voor zijn vriend Mr. H.P. van Kaathoven te Rotterdam (1888). Hierin komen voor "Het slot Nijenbeek" [depicted on p.68], een "Op het ijs" [depicted on p.69] en eene illustratie bij het hoofdstuk uit Hildebrands Camera Obscura "De Familie Stastok. Er komen menschen op een kopje thee om verder het avondje te passeeren" [depicted on p.70], en een "Studenten-sport" aan het Galgenwater met het gezicht op het Buiten "Rhijnhof" van wijlen den Leidschen hoogleeraar Mr. H. Cock". A very rich album, beside the drawings mentioned by Dyserinck i.a. containing historical scenes, a duelling scene, (caricatural) portraits, military scenes, noblemen and women (i.a. a walking couple talking, with caption: "Koeijen: - zie ik alleen graag als biefstuk!") and scenes from student life. SEE ILLUSTRATION ON TITLE-PAGE.

    Bubb > Kuyper: Auctioneers of Books, Fine Arts & Manuscripts
  • Ver Huell, A.W.M.C. (1822-1897).
    Dec. 01, 2011

    Ver Huell, A.W.M.C. (1822-1897).

    Est: €150 - €250

    Ver Huell, A.W.M.C. (1822-1897). Studenten-rustbewaarders te Katwijk. Drawing, pen and ink and brown wash, 27,4x37,5 cm., dated "1848" (2x) in pen and ink. = Sketches for the lithograph published in the Leydsche studenten-almanak 1849. Cf. Gouda Quint p.22. SEE ILLUSTRATION ON OUR WEBSITE.

    Bubb > Kuyper: Auctioneers of Books, Fine Arts & Manuscripts
  • Ver Huell, A.W.M.C. (1822-1897). Mijn 8ste
    Dec. 01, 2011

    Ver Huell, A.W.M.C. (1822-1897). Mijn 8ste

    Est: €100 - €150

    Ver Huell, A.W.M.C. (1822-1897). Mijn 8ste Februari 1875. Mijne vrienden. Lithograph on chine collé, 20,5x27,6 cm., "Alexander V.H. inv. et del." and "Steendr. v. J.H. Hoffmeister." on the stone below image. - Mount trifle foxed and w. sm. tear in upper margin. = With AUTOGRAPH ANNOTATION in blue pencil in lower blank margin of mount: "Onze 8ste Februarij 1875. In 't stilste van den nacht verrezen voor mijn geest, De beelden hunner die mijn vrienden zijn geweest." Gouda Quint 113, supplying title: "Niet in den handel. Visioen ter herinnering aan zijne academievrienden. - Met brief van Ver Huell, waarin de namen der afgebeelde, hem verschijnende jonge lieden genoemd worden." Dyserinck, p.45f: "Toen Ver Huell den dag van het LX lustrum der hoogeschool door ziekte aan zijne kamer gebonden was, ontwierp hij in de stilte van den nacht een teekening, waarin hij zich zelven afbeeldde, bij het lamplicht voor zijne tafel gezeten, terwijl een breede kring van tijdgenooten aan de academie, die zijne beste vrienden waren, voor hem verschijnt (...). Gelukkig bleef (...) een brief van Ver Huell aan zijn vriend, den rustenden Hervormden predikant de Waldkirch Zieprecht te Arnhem, bewaard, waarin de teekenaar zelf de toelichting geeft van het visioen zijner intimi (...). "Links staat mijn schoolkameraad (bij Dr. J.J. de Gelder te Leiden), met wien ik tot zijn dood correspondeerde, F. de Moraaz Imans uit Haarlem; de beste, goedhartige Piet van Leyden, de in alle opzichten als student uitmuntende Anton van der Garde, Henri Engelberts, het braafste karakter dat ik ooit heb gekend, Willem Fockens Meijer, de schrijver van Lisse in den Stud. almanak, Ben Watermeijer, Kapenaar, (Jurist 1842), de beste gedichten uit den almanak zijn van hem, Gerrit de Clercq, Alex. Loudon, (jurist uit Den Haag 1842) Sander en zoovele andere goede bekenden. Die ik boven noemde waren allen intimi" (4 April 1875)." SEE ILLUSTRATION ON OUR WEBSITE.

    Bubb > Kuyper: Auctioneers of Books, Fine Arts & Manuscripts
  • Ver Huell, A.W.M.C. (1822-1897). Wandelaar in de
    Dec. 01, 2011

    Ver Huell, A.W.M.C. (1822-1897). Wandelaar in de

    Est: €150 - €250

    Ver Huell, A.W.M.C. (1822-1897). Wandelaar in de heide, November. Drawing, pencil, grey wash and watercolour, 49,5x63,5 cm., monogrammed "AVH", verso w. AUTOGRAPH quotation from a poem by J. AUTRAN in pen and ink. - Sm. tear in upper and in right margin. = Gouda Quint p.49, supplying title and dating it 1883. The quotation on verso reading: "Novembre./ "........../ Novembre est de retour; c'est bien lui, c'est sa voix -/ O farouche saison, dis-moi pourquoi je t'aime?/ .........."" SEE ILLUSTRATION ON OUR WEBSITE.

    Bubb > Kuyper: Auctioneers of Books, Fine Arts & Manuscripts
  • Ver Huell, A.W.M.C. (1822-1897). "Voyage in
    Dec. 01, 2011

    Ver Huell, A.W.M.C. (1822-1897). "Voyage in

    Est: €200 - €300

    Ver Huell, A.W.M.C. (1822-1897). "Voyage in Syrie". Watercolour, 27x36,2 cm., monogrammed "A.V.H. 69" in pen and ink, titled in the image. - Traces of former mounting in upper corners (visible on recto); sm. tear in lower margin. = SEE ILLUSTRATION ON OUR WEBSITE.

    Bubb > Kuyper: Auctioneers of Books, Fine Arts & Manuscripts
  • Ver Huell, A.W.M.C. (1822-1897). (Two students
    Dec. 01, 2011

    Ver Huell, A.W.M.C. (1822-1897). (Two students

    Est: €250 - €350

    Ver Huell, A.W.M.C. (1822-1897). (Two students playing chess with six spectators sitting and standing around). Drawing, pencil, 25,2x32,6 cm., signed "Alexander V.H." = SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE XXXIII.

    Bubb > Kuyper: Auctioneers of Books, Fine Arts & Manuscripts
  • Ver Huell, A.W.M.C. (1822-1897). Sketchbook. 9
    Dec. 01, 2011

    Ver Huell, A.W.M.C. (1822-1897). Sketchbook. 9

    Est: €1,000 - €1,500

    Ver Huell, A.W.M.C. (1822-1897). Sketchbook. 9 lvs. w. 16 pages of sketches and drawings, pen (occas. brush) and black ink, partly w. brown (1x also grey) wash, orig. hcl., obl. folio. - Lacking some leaves (remnants visible). Paper over covers trifle dam. along margins. = I.a. contains historical scenes, figure studies and portraits, a view of Arhem (brush and brown ink, brown and grey wash, dated "9 Julij 68" in lower margin. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE XXXIII ), a landscape view and romantic scenes (1x titled "Torquato Tasso").

    Bubb > Kuyper: Auctioneers of Books, Fine Arts & Manuscripts
  • Ver Huell, A.W.M.C. (1822-1897). Sketchbook, 19
    Dec. 01, 2011

    Ver Huell, A.W.M.C. (1822-1897). Sketchbook, 19

    Est: €1,500 - €2,500

    Ver Huell, A.W.M.C. (1822-1897). Sketchbook, 19 lvs. w. 27 pages of sketches and drawings, pen (occas. brush) and black/ brown ink, partly w. brown wash, orig. hcl., obl. folio. - Lacking some leaves (remnants visible); 7 lvs. dam., mainly in blank margin, and repaired w. paper on verso; occas. sl. browned. Binding worn; paper over covers dam. along margins; top of spine sm. dam. = With contemp. owner's entry on upper pastedown: "Schetsboek van Alexander Ver Huell aan mij geschonken aug. 1871. Nairac" (sm. dam. affecting a few letters), and mounted old catalogue clipping describing the sketchbook: "(...) geschonken aan Mr. Nairac, Burgemeester van Barneveld. 19 bladen". Gouda Quint p.47; Dyserinck, p.70: "In het schetsboek voor zijn vriend Mr. C.A. Nairac (1815-'83) den waardigen en kundigen burgemeester van Barneveld (...) komt eene aardige schets (...) voor, zeker oorspronkelijk behoorend tot zijne verzameling voor het cahier Op het ijs". The sketchbook i.a. contains historical scenes (i.a. a drawing of Napoleon on horseback on a cliff over looking the sea titled "St Helena"), battle scenes, a duelling scene, portraits, a (design?) drawing for a lithograph (w. ms. caption: "C. Huijgens ft. De Eyk van Zuylichem 1652. op meer dan de helft verkleind. uit de herinnering opgewerkt"), two fighting men (w. ms. caption: "Vechtpartij te Parijs op de Marché des Fleurs tusschen twee bogchels (...)"), three ladies gossiping (w. ms. caption: ""'t is bespottelijk"", monogrammed in pen and ink), a group of men skating behind a young woman (SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE XXXIII) and a scene with four men and a woman in a small boat (titled "Don Juan" in pen and ink).

    Bubb > Kuyper: Auctioneers of Books, Fine Arts & Manuscripts
  • Ver Huell, A.W.M.C. (1822-1897). (Scene at a
    Dec. 01, 2011

    Ver Huell, A.W.M.C. (1822-1897). (Scene at a

    Est: €200 - €300

    Ver Huell, A.W.M.C. (1822-1897). (Scene at a student society with various activities, i.a. two men fencing, a man being shaved and a man playing the guitar). Drawing, pencil, 25,3x33,8 cm., signed "Alexander V.H." = In the background a bookcase with a man reading a book and a sign "Hoeden en petten fabriek" at the top. SEE ILLUSTRATION ON OUR WEBSITE.

    Bubb > Kuyper: Auctioneers of Books, Fine Arts & Manuscripts
  • Ver Huell, A.W.M.C. (1822-1897). "De Queu".
    Dec. 01, 2011

    Ver Huell, A.W.M.C. (1822-1897). "De Queu".

    Est: €150 - €250

    Ver Huell, A.W.M.C. (1822-1897). "De Queu". Drawing, pencil, 21,4x28,6 cm., signed "Alexander V.H.", titled and "Parijs 6 Oct. 1856" in pencil. = SEE ILLUSTRATION ON OUR WEBSITE.

    Bubb > Kuyper: Auctioneers of Books, Fine Arts & Manuscripts
  • Ver Huell, A.W.M.C. (1822-1897). "Na de
    Dec. 01, 2011

    Ver Huell, A.W.M.C. (1822-1897). "Na de

    Est: €300 - €500

    Ver Huell, A.W.M.C. (1822-1897). "Na de Maskerade." Drawing, pen and ink and watercolour, 23x22 cm., monogrammed "A.V.H." and titled in pen and ink. - Some sl. foxing. = SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE XXXII.

    Bubb > Kuyper: Auctioneers of Books, Fine Arts & Manuscripts
  • Ver Huell, A.W.M.C. (1822-1897). (Monk walking
    Dec. 01, 2011

    Ver Huell, A.W.M.C. (1822-1897). (Monk walking

    Est: €200 - €300

    Ver Huell, A.W.M.C. (1822-1897). (Monk walking along a group of kneeling monks in prayer). Drawing, pen and ink and watercolour, 24,8x32,4 cm., monogrammed "AVH" [intertwined] in pen and ink. - Some sl. foxing; traces of former mounting in upper corners (sl. visible on recto). = SEE ILLUSTRATION ON OUR WEBSITE.

    Bubb > Kuyper: Auctioneers of Books, Fine Arts & Manuscripts
  • Ver Huell, A.W.M.C. (1822-1897). "Le Bossu".
    Dec. 01, 2011

    Ver Huell, A.W.M.C. (1822-1897). "Le Bossu".

    Est: €250 - €350

    Ver Huell, A.W.M.C. (1822-1897). "Le Bossu". Drawing, pen and ink and watercolour, 24,6x32,5 cm., monogrammed "AVH" [intertwined] and titled in pen and ink. - A few foxed spots, mainly in margins; upper right corner sl. thin spot from former mounting. = SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE XXXII.

    Bubb > Kuyper: Auctioneers of Books, Fine Arts & Manuscripts
  • Ver Huell, A.W.M.C. (1822-1897). "Latude".
    Dec. 01, 2011

    Ver Huell, A.W.M.C. (1822-1897). "Latude".

    Est: €200 - €300

    Ver Huell, A.W.M.C. (1822-1897). "Latude". Drawing, pen and ink and watercolour, 24,8x32,8 cm., monogrammed "AVH" [intertwined] and titled in pen and ink. - Some sl. foxing; traces of former mounting in upper corners (sl. visible on recto). = SEE ILLUSTRATION ON OUR WEBSITE.

    Bubb > Kuyper: Auctioneers of Books, Fine Arts & Manuscripts
  • Ver Huell, A.W.M.C. (1822-1897). (Landscape with
    Dec. 01, 2011

    Ver Huell, A.W.M.C. (1822-1897). (Landscape with

    Est: €100 - €150

    Ver Huell, A.W.M.C. (1822-1897). (Landscape with stage-coach riding along a river with a bridge with four horsemen and mountain with ruin in the background). Drawing, brush and brown ink and wash, 43x48 cm., monogrammed "AVH 79". = SEE ILLUSTRATION ON OUR WEBSITE.

    Bubb > Kuyper: Auctioneers of Books, Fine Arts & Manuscripts
  • Ver Huell, A.W.M.C. (1822-1897). De laatste
    Dec. 01, 2011

    Ver Huell, A.W.M.C. (1822-1897). De laatste

    Est: €200 - €300

    Ver Huell, A.W.M.C. (1822-1897). De laatste verdediger. Drawing, pen and brown ink and watercolour, 43x57 cm., monogrammed "AVH 1870". = Gouda Quint p.47, supplying title. SEE ILLUSTRATION ON OUR WEBSITE.

    Bubb > Kuyper: Auctioneers of Books, Fine Arts & Manuscripts
  • Ver Huell, A.W.M.C. (1822-1897). De laatste
    Dec. 01, 2011

    Ver Huell, A.W.M.C. (1822-1897). De laatste

    Est: €250 - €350

    Ver Huell, A.W.M.C. (1822-1897). De laatste strijd. Drawing, pen and brush and brown ink, brown and grey wash, 46x63 cm., signed "A. Ver Huell 1874". - Some vague folds/ creases in upper left corner. = Gouda Quint p.48, supplying title with description "Een slagveld en raven. Groote teekening." SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE XXXII.

    Bubb > Kuyper: Auctioneers of Books, Fine Arts & Manuscripts
  • Ver Huell, A.W.M.C. (1822-1897).
    Dec. 01, 2011

    Ver Huell, A.W.M.C. (1822-1897).

    Est: €250 - €350

    Ver Huell, A.W.M.C. (1822-1897). "Kunstbeschouwing". Drawing, pen and brown ink and brown wash, 21x28,4 cm., signed "Alexander Ver Huell" and titled in lower blank margin. - Some sl. foxing. = SEE ILLUSTRATION ON OUR WEBSITE.

    Bubb > Kuyper: Auctioneers of Books, Fine Arts & Manuscripts
  • Ver Huell, A.W.M.C. (1822-1897). Les Huguenots. La
    Dec. 01, 2011

    Ver Huell, A.W.M.C. (1822-1897). Les Huguenots. La

    Est: €100 - €150

    Ver Huell, A.W.M.C. (1822-1897). Les Huguenots. La Bénédiction des Poignards. Drawing, pencil, pen and ink and brown wash, 39,5x59,5 cm., signed "A Ver Huell 1856" in pen and ink. - Sm. tear in right margin. Verso remnants of former mounting in upper margin. = Showing a group of knights surrendering themselves to three monks. SEE ILLUSTRATION ON OUR WEBSITE. Idem. "Les Huguenots. La Bénédiction des Poignards." Drawing, pencil, 29x38 cm., signed "Alexander Ver Huell" and titled in pencil. - VERSO with various sketches in pen and ink. - Browned; some tears and rubbed spots in margins. = Showing a variant of the scene above. With separate (browned) strip of paper w. AUTOGRAPH description: "Fantaisie sur une Fantasie exécutée par Madame la Baronne van Pallandt de Rozendaal. - La Bénédiction des Poignards Acte IV des Huguenots."

    Bubb > Kuyper: Auctioneers of Books, Fine Arts & Manuscripts
  • Ver Huell, A.W.M.C. (1822-1897). (Group of men
    Dec. 01, 2011

    Ver Huell, A.W.M.C. (1822-1897). (Group of men

    Est: €300 - €500

    Ver Huell, A.W.M.C. (1822-1897). (Group of men looking at works of art). Drawing, pen and ink and watercolour, 24,6x33,8 cm., monogrammed "AVH" [intertwined] in pen and ink. - A few foxed spots; thin and sharp cut along left margin. = SEE ILLUSTRATION ON THE TITLE-PAGE.

    Bubb > Kuyper: Auctioneers of Books, Fine Arts & Manuscripts
  • Ver Huell, A.W.M.C. (1822-1897). (The dead body
    Dec. 01, 2011

    Ver Huell, A.W.M.C. (1822-1897). (The dead body

    Est: €250 - €350

    Ver Huell, A.W.M.C. (1822-1897). (The dead body under the bridge). Drawing, pen and ink and watercolour, 24,9x32,8 cm., monogrammed "AVH" [intertwined] in pen and ink. - A few foxed spots. = With autogr. annotation in upper margin: "In July 64 had zich een Franschen Photograaf in den Rhijn verdronken. - Het, op een zandplaat gevonden, lijk werd onder de brug geroeid.-" Cf. Gouda Quint p.46 ("Een zelfmoordenaar te Arnhem, onderlangs. 1864"). SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE XXXI.

    Bubb > Kuyper: Auctioneers of Books, Fine Arts & Manuscripts
  • Ver Huell, A.W.M.C. (1822-1897). (Bal masqué).
    Dec. 01, 2011

    Ver Huell, A.W.M.C. (1822-1897). (Bal masqué).

    Est: €200 - €300

    Ver Huell, A.W.M.C. (1822-1897). (Bal masqué). Drawing, pencil, 20,4x28,8 cm., signed "Alexander V.H." - Upper corners rounded. = SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE XXXI.

    Bubb > Kuyper: Auctioneers of Books, Fine Arts & Manuscripts
  • Ver Huell, A.W.M.C. (1822-1897). A Olympio.
    Dec. 01, 2011

    Ver Huell, A.W.M.C. (1822-1897). A Olympio.

    Est: €200 - €300

    Ver Huell, A.W.M.C. (1822-1897). A Olympio. Drawing, pen and ink and watercolour, 29,4x43,9 cm., monogrammed "AVH 86", tipped onto mount. = Gouda Quint p.50. Showing a group of bandits in a cave counting their loot, a beheaded man lying in the foreground. With an extensive quotation from Victor Hugo's poem 'A Olympio' at the top: "Les méchants, accourus pour déchirer ta vie,/ L'ont prise entre leurs dents,/ Et les hommes alors se sont avec envie/ Penchés pour voir dedans!// Avec des cris de joie ils ont compté tes plaies/ Et compté tes douleurs,/ Comme sur une pierre on compte des monnaies/ Dans l'antre des voleurs./ Victor Hugo." SEE ILLUSTRATION ON OUR WEBSITE.

    Bubb > Kuyper: Auctioneers of Books, Fine Arts & Manuscripts
  • Verhuell, Alexander Willem Maurits Carel (1822
    Apr. 18, 2009

    Verhuell, Alexander Willem Maurits Carel (1822

    Est: - €90

    Verhuell, Alexander Willem Maurits Carel (1822 Doesburg - 1897). "Zelfmoord". Getönte Lithogr. 23,5 x 32,5 cm. Mit dem Titel im Stein. Unter Passep. mont.

    Kiefer Buch- und Kunstauktionen
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