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Christoph (1732) Unterberger Sold at Auction Prices

Painter, Flower painter, Historical-scenes painter, Früchtemaler, b. 1732 - d. 1798

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    • Christoph Unterberger, attributed to, The Head of the Rondanini Medusa The Head of Zeus Otricoli
      May. 21, 2022

      Christoph Unterberger, attributed to, The Head of the Rondanini Medusa The Head of Zeus Otricoli

      Est: €8,000 - €10,000

      These two very decorative paintings each represent ancient works of art that were highly admired in the late 18th century. One depicts a marble relief which at the time was located in the Palazzo Rondanini and is therefore still known as the Rondanini Medusa. This ancient piece was described by Goethe, among others, in his "Italian Journey": "Towards and above us in the Rondanini Palace stands a head of Medusa, where, in an over life-sized high relief with beautiful features, the fearful stare of death is unspeakably aptly expressed". The poet himself owned a copy of this mask, while the original was later bought, on Goethe's advice, by the Bavarian King Ludwig I and is now housed in the Munich Glyptothek. The second picture shows the head of the supreme Olympian god Zeus. The depiction reproduces a bust of Zeus excavated in 1775 in Otricoli in Umbria. It was a sensational discovery, because the sculpture of Zeus was considered at the time to be a true copy after Phidias. The excavation at Otricoli was promoted and financed by Pope Pius VI and thus the bust is still housed in the Vatican Collections.

      Kunsthaus Lempertz KG
    • Christoph UNTERBERGER (Cavalese 1732-Rome 1798). Relevé de la table de la bibliothèque du Vatican avec les armes du pape Pie VI
      Nov. 22, 2017

      Christoph UNTERBERGER (Cavalese 1732-Rome 1798). Relevé de la table de la bibliothèque du Vatican avec les armes du pape Pie VI

      Est: €2,500 - €3,000

      Christoph UNTERBERGER (Cavalese 1732-Rome 1798) . Relevé de la table de la bibliothèque du Vatican avec les armes du pape Pie VI . Aquarelle sur traits de crayon noir . C. Unterberger, image of the table of the Library of the Vatican with the coat of arms of Pope Pius VI, watercolour on black pencil lines . 18 x 36cm - 7 1/16 x 14 3/16 IN. € 2,500-3,000 Ce projet de table a été commandé par le Pape Pie VI pour la Bibliothèque Apostolique du Vatican. Unterberger s'installe à Rome en 1758 et se lie à la famille. Suivant des documents, Unterberger, finissait et fignolait les dessins préparatoires de Giuseppe Valadier, ce qui explique l'ancienne attribution à l'atelier de Valadier. . Provenance . - Sotheby's, Londres, 22avril 1988, 107, comme Atelier de Guiseppe Valadier . - Sotheby's, New York, 25janvier 2012, 212, rep. comme Unterberger . Bibliographie . Elisa Debenedetti, "Eight new drawings between Pius VI and Pius VII", in Bollettino d'Arte, Juillet-Septembre 2004, p.101

      Jan. 25, 2012


      Est: $7,000 - $9,000

      CAVALESE 1732 - 1798 ROME STUDY OF A TABLE WITH THE ARMS OF POPE PIUS VI, BRASCHI, AND FIGURES OF HERCULES SUPPORTING THE TOP Pen and black ink and watercolor 226 by 386 mm; 8 15/16 by 15 1/4 in

    • Christoph Unterberger (Cavalese 1732 - 1798 Rome)
      Apr. 13, 2011

      Christoph Unterberger (Cavalese 1732 - 1798 Rome)

      Est: €14,000 - €16,000

      Christoph Unterberger (Cavalese 1732 - 1798 Rome) circle of

    • Cerchia di Christoph Unterberger (1732 - 1798)
      Apr. 02, 2009

      Cerchia di Christoph Unterberger (1732 - 1798)

      Est: €3,000 - €5,000

      Cerchia di Christoph Unterberger (1732 - 1798) L'Addolorata Olio su tela cm 123x99 La tela appare stilisticamente non lontana da quella di analogo soggetto dipinta da Unterberger e oggi al Louvre (gia collezione Lemme).

      Casa d' Aste della Rocca
    • Cristoforo Unterperger (1732-1798)
      Mar. 17, 2005

      Cristoforo Unterperger (1732-1798)

      Est: €700 - €1,000

      San Ponziano dans la fosse aux lions, une foule regardant la scène craie noire, plume et encre brune, sur papier brun clair 332 x 184 mm.

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