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Antoine Tzapoff Sold at Auction Prices

b. 1945 -

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  • Antoine Tzapoff (1945- ), Ottawa Indians, 1988
    Feb. 15, 2025

    Antoine Tzapoff (1945- ), Ottawa Indians, 1988

    Est: $3,000 - $5,000

    Title: Antoine Tzapoff (1945- ), Ottawa Indians, 1988 Dimensions: 25 x 35 Framed Dimensions: 31 x 41 x 1 1/4 Signature: signed and dated lower right: A. Tzapoff. 88.

    Jackson Hole Art Auction
  • Antoine Tzapoff (b. 1945), "Shirt in Bird Quills," 1977
    Sep. 10, 2024

    Antoine Tzapoff (b. 1945), "Shirt in Bird Quills," 1977

    Est: $1,500 - $2,500

    Antoine Tzapoff (b. 1945) "Shirt in Bird Quills," 1977 Oil on canvas Signed and dated lower left: A Tzapoff; titled on the overlap of the stretched canvas, verso

    John Moran Auctioneers
  • Antoine Tzapoff for Hermes, Le regard de l'arctique scarf
    Jul. 12, 2024

    Antoine Tzapoff for Hermes, Le regard de l'arctique scarf

    Est: $500 - $700

    Antoine Tzapoff for Hermes Le regard de l'arctique scarf France, 2019 silk 35.5 h x 35.5 w in (90 x 90 cm) Printed signature to lower edge 'Hermes - Paris' and 'A. Tzapoff '. Sold with original packaging. This work will ship from Lambertville, New Jersey.

    Toomey & Co. Auctioneers
  • Antoine Tzapoff, Clan Brothers - Nascapi, 1997
    Nov. 06, 2021

    Antoine Tzapoff, Clan Brothers - Nascapi, 1997

    Est: $6,000 - $9,000

    Antoine Tzapoff (French, b. 1945) Clan Brothers - Nascapi, 1997 acrylic on canvas signed and dated lower right: A. TZAPOFF .97

    Santa Fe Art Auction
  • Antoine Tzapoff (1945)
    Apr. 27, 2021

    Antoine Tzapoff (1945)

    Est: CHF800 -

    Antoine Tzapoff (1945) Portrait d'Indien d'Amérique, huile sur toile, signée, 54x50 cm. Provenance: Famille patricienne genevoise

    Geneve Encheres
  • Antoine Tzapoff Ngati-Maru avec Tehwatehwa. Acrylique sur toile. 2011. Dime
    Feb. 14, 2021

    Antoine Tzapoff Ngati-Maru avec Tehwatehwa. Acrylique sur toile. 2011. Dime

    Est: €4,000 - €6,000

    Antoine Tzapoff Ngati-Maru avec Tehwatehwa. Acrylique sur toile. 2011. Dimension : 55 x 46 cm. Reproduit page 10. Catalogue de l'exposition « Rencontres indiennes » Musée du Nouveau Monde, La Rochelle. 2016. Russe par son père et français par sa mère Antoine Tzapoff né en 1945 est un peintre mondialement reconnu pour ses extraordinaires portraits d'Amérindiens. Des chasseurs de morse du cercle arctique au guerriers des Eastern Woodlands en passant par les danseurs Hopi du sud-ouest des États-Unis, Tzapoff nous restitue avec une fidélité et une précision ethnologique parfaite, et surtout une sensibilité profonde, les hommes et les femmes d'une époque révolue de l'Amérique. Il peint aussi d'autres sujets ethniques avec le même maestria - ici il s'agit d'un chef guerrier Maori armé de son Tewhatewha . Ancienne collection privée française.

    Rois & Vauprès
  • AR Antoine Tzapoff (French/American, born 1945) Falconer
    Jun. 05, 2019

    AR Antoine Tzapoff (French/American, born 1945) Falconer

    Est: £6,000 - £8,000

    Antoine Tzapoff (French/American, born 1945) Falconer oil on canvas100 x 79cm (39 3/8 x 31 1/8in).

  • ANTOINE TZAPOFF (NÉ EN 1945) - Charme de guerre
    Dec. 05, 2018

    ANTOINE TZAPOFF (NÉ EN 1945) - Charme de guerre

    Est: €7,000 - €10,000

    ANTOINE TZAPOFF (NÉ EN 1945) Charme de guerre huile sur toile, cadre en bois noir à décors rouge et noir 65 x 50 cm.

  • ANTOINE TZAPOFF, María Félix en allégorie des Amériques , Signed and dated 97, Acrylic on canvas, 64 x 43 cm / 25.1 x 16.9 inches.
    May. 17, 2018

    ANTOINE TZAPOFF, María Félix en allégorie des Amériques , Signed and dated 97, Acrylic on canvas, 64 x 43 cm / 25.1 x 16.9 inches.

    Est: $500,000 - $700,000

    ANTOINE TZAPOFF, María Félix en allégorie des Amériques , Signed and dated 97, Acrylic on canvas, 64 x 43 cm / 25.1 x 16.9 inches. Estimado $ 500,000-700,000 ANTOINE TZAPOFF (París, Francia, 1945 - ) María Félix en allégorie des Amériques Firmado y fechado 97 Acrílico sobre tela Procedencia: adquirido en Christie's, Nueva York, en la venta en que se subastó la colección de María Félix, julio del 2007. 64 x 43 cm medidas del lienzo 113 x 90 cm considerando el marco USD $26,800-$37,400

    Morton Subastas
  • ANTOINE TZAPOFF, Retrato de María Félix vestida de Tehuana, Signed and dates 1991-1992, Acrylic on canvas, 220 x 156 cm / 86.6 x 61....
    May. 17, 2018

    ANTOINE TZAPOFF, Retrato de María Félix vestida de Tehuana, Signed and dates 1991-1992, Acrylic on canvas, 220 x 156 cm / 86.6 x 61....

    Est: $1,200,000 - $1,800,000

    ANTOINE TZAPOFF, Retrato de María Félix vestida de Tehuana, Signed and dates 1991-1992, Acrylic on canvas, 220 x 156 cm / 86.6 x 61.4 inches. Estimado $ 1,200,000-1,800,000 ANTOINE TZAPOFF (París, Francia, 1945 - ) Retrato de María Félix vestida de Tehuana Firmado y fechado 91-92 Acrílico sobre tela La condecoración con el monograma del artista esta sobre papel y adherida a la tela. Procedencia: adquirido en Christie's Nueva York, en la venta en que se subastó la colección de María Felix, julio del 2007. María Félix fue una actriz consagrada de la época del cine de oro mexicano y Antoine Tzapoff fue su último compañero sentimental. Ellos se conocieron cuando se trasladó a Francia, posterior a la muerte de su pareja Alexander Berger, y sus amigos de la actriz decidieron ofrecer una cena en su honor, fue allí donde conoció al pintor. Fueron una pareja madura, que se tuvo confianza plena y él conoció muy bien su historia; además, como pintor profesional, cada vez que le realizaba un retrato, la representaba con delicadeza, exaltando su belleza y sensualidad. A pesar de la diferencia de edad, Tzapoff fue para "La Doña" su compañero de pláticas de cine, arte, política y sociedad; ella solía ir todos los días en su Rolls Royce a visitarlo a su departamento de Montparnasse, el barrio francés más famosos por sus pintores y poetas. Las pinturas que le realizó eran pruebas de amor y mucho más, son actualmente homenajes a una leyenda, una diva del cine del habla hispana. En su momento, un amigo de la pareja dijo: "Así lo decidieron. Ella posaba para él. Y él se comprometió a que en cada uno de sus retratos la pintaría cada vez más joven, le daría la eternidad, la juventud que tiempo atrás ella había ya dejado". Fuente consultada: "Los amores de La Doña". México. La Razón, sección Especial, 7 de abril del 2014 y SAMANIEGO, Fidel. "María Félix y Antoine Tzapoff, un pacto de amor". México. El Universal, sección Espectáculos, 9 de abril del 2002. 220 x 156 cm USD $64,200-$96,300

    Morton Subastas
  • Antoine Tzapoff (1945)
    Dec. 12, 2017

    Antoine Tzapoff (1945)

    Est: CHF2,000 - CHF3,000

    Antoine Tzapoff (1945) Portrait de tsar, toile 62x52 cm

    Geneve Encheres
  • Antoine Tzapoff (French/American, b. 1945)
    Mar. 13, 2016

    Antoine Tzapoff (French/American, b. 1945)

    Est: $3,000 - $5,000

    Antoine Tzapoff (French/American, b. 1945), "The Red Blanket", 1980, acrylic on canvas, signed and dated lower right, 25" x 21". Framed. Provenance: Private collection, Santa Fe, New Mexico.

    New Orleans Auction Galleries
  • Antoine Tzapoff (French/American, b. 1945)
    Mar. 13, 2016

    Antoine Tzapoff (French/American, b. 1945)

    Est: $3,000 - $5,000

    Antoine Tzapoff (French/American, b. 1945), "Pawnee in a Painted Robe", acrylic on canvas, signed lower left, 26" x 22". Framed. Exhibited: Dewey-Kofron Gallery, Santa Fe, New Mexico, 1983. Provenance: Private collection, Santa Fe, New Mexico.

    New Orleans Auction Galleries
  • Antoine Tzapoff (French/American, b. 1945)
    Mar. 13, 2016

    Antoine Tzapoff (French/American, b. 1945)

    Est: $3,000 - $5,000

    Antoine Tzapoff (French/American, b. 1945), "Portrait of a Warrior", acrylic on canvas, signed lower left, 22" x 20". Framed. Provenance: Private collection, Santa Fe, New Mexico. Born in Paris of Russian/French parentage, Tzapoff attended l'Ecole Duperre (l'ecole superieure des arts appliques Duperre). Upon completion of his studies, he worked for over ten years in the studio of Victor Vasarely (1906-1997). In the mid-1970s, influenced by his childhood fondness for stories of the American West, he began to create works inspired by 19th-century America, particularly its Native American heritage. Tzapoff had his first solo exhibition in 1977 in Santa Fe, New Mexico, followed by one in Paris the next year. In his portraits of Native Americans, as seen in the work offered here and in the following two lots, Tzapoff pays close attention to the historical accuracy of the various elements - the landscape, the costume, the weaponry.

    New Orleans Auction Galleries
  • Antoine TZAPOFF (né en 1945) Portrait, 1993-1994
    Jun. 22, 2012

    Antoine TZAPOFF (né en 1945) Portrait, 1993-1994

    Est: €6,000 - €8,000

    Antoine TZAPOFF (né en 1945) Portrait, 1993-1994 Huile sur toile signée et datée en bas à droite 81,5 x 102,5 cm Provenance : Collection particulière, Paris

  • Antoine TZAPOFF (né en 1945) Ecole américaine
    Nov. 04, 2011

    Antoine TZAPOFF (né en 1945) Ecole américaine

    Est: €6,000 - €8,000

    Antoine TZAPOFF (né en 1945) Ecole américaine Guerrier indien, 1976 Acrylique sur toile, signée et datée en bas au milieu 54 x 45 cm à vue - 21 1/4 x 17 5/8 in. Acrylic on canvas, signed and dated lower middle

  • Antoine TZAPOFF (né en 1945) Ecole américaine
    Nov. 04, 2011

    Antoine TZAPOFF (né en 1945) Ecole américaine

    Est: €8,000 - €10,000

    Antoine TZAPOFF (né en 1945) Ecole américaineUte avec baudrier, 1980Acrylique sur toile, signée et datée en bas à droite et contresignée, titrée et datée au dos58,5 x 53,5 cm - 23 x 21 in.Acrylic on canvas, signed and dated lower right and countersigned, titled and dated on the reverse Provenance :Dewey-Kofron Gallery

  • Antoine TZAPOFF (né en 1945) Ecole américaine
    Nov. 04, 2011

    Antoine TZAPOFF (né en 1945) Ecole américaine

    Est: €8,000 - €10,000

    Antoine TZAPOFF (né en 1945) Ecole américaine Préparation à la Sun Dance, Araphoe, 1979Acrylique sur toile, signée et datée en bas au centre et contresignée, titrée et datée au dos52,5 x 50 cm à vue - 20 5/8 x 19 3/4 in.Acrylic on canvas, signed and dated lower middleand countersigned, titled and dated on the reverse

  • Antoine Tzapoff (French, b. 1945)
    May. 26, 2011

    Antoine Tzapoff (French, b. 1945)

    Est: $3,000 - $5,000

    "Crow With Lance". Oil on canvas, signed and dated '76 to the left of center on the lower edge, apprx. 22" x 18", matted with tan suedecloth and fit in a silver metal section frame overall apprx. 28-1/8" x 24-1/8".

    Aspire Auctions Fine Art & Antiques
  • Antoine Tzapoff (French, b. 1945)
    May. 26, 2011

    Antoine Tzapoff (French, b. 1945)

    Est: $3,000 - $5,000

    "'La Pipe a Inlaid Sioux With Breastplate, 1860". Acrylic on canvas, signed and dated 1980 at the lower left edge, apprx. 20" x 21", inscribed on the verso of the canvas, fit overall in a flat panel frame in gray and silver tone with rounded corners, apprx. 26" x 25". Tag from the Dewey-Kofron Gallery verso.

    Aspire Auctions Fine Art & Antiques
  • Antoine Tzapoff (French, b. 1945)
    May. 26, 2011

    Antoine Tzapoff (French, b. 1945)

    Est: $3,000 - $5,000

    "Ute Avec Baudrier". Acrylic on canvas, signed at the lower right and dated '80, apprx. 23" x 21", fit overall in a wide flat panel frame in silver tone and gray with rounded corners, apprx. 28-5/8" x 26-5/8". Inscribed on the verso of the canvas, tag fro Dewey-Kofron Gallery attached to the stretchers.

    Aspire Auctions Fine Art & Antiques
  • Antoine Tzapoff (French, b. 1945)
    May. 26, 2011

    Antoine Tzapoff (French, b. 1945)

    Est: $3,000 - $5,000

    "Preparing for the Sun Dance (Arapahoe)". Acrylic on canvas, signed in the lower center and dated '79, apprx. 20" x 21", matted in tan suedecloth and fit in a silver metal section frame overall apprx. 28-3/8" x 27-3/8". Inscribed on the verso of the canvas.

    Aspire Auctions Fine Art & Antiques
  • Antoine Tzapoff (French b. 1945) Plains Indian medicine man in a landscape 26 x 39.5in
    Feb. 11, 2010

    Antoine Tzapoff (French b. 1945) Plains Indian medicine man in a landscape 26 x 39.5in

    Est: £1,200 - £1,600

    Antoine Tzapoff (French b. 1945) acrylic on canvas Plains Indian medicine man in a landscape signed 26 x 39.5in

  • Antoine Tzapoff (French b. 1945) Plains Indian medicine man in a landscape 26 x 39.5in
    Dec. 10, 2009

    Antoine Tzapoff (French b. 1945) Plains Indian medicine man in a landscape 26 x 39.5in

    Est: £3,000 - £5,000

    Antoine Tzapoff (French b. 1945) acrylic on canvas Plains Indian medicine man in a landscape signed 26 x 39.5in

    Dec. 09, 2008


    Est: €5,000 - €7,000

    ANTOINE TZAPOFF (NE EN 1945) Maria Felix (i) signé, titré et daté 'A. TZAPOFF.81 MARIA FELIX' (en bas à gauche); (ii) signé et daté 'A. TZAPOFF.81' (en bas à gauche) huile sur toile 46 x 38 cm. (chacune) Peint en 1981. 2

  • Tzapoff, Antoine: Apache Med. Man-Tonto 2001
    Jul. 26, 2008

    Tzapoff, Antoine: Apache Med. Man-Tonto 2001

    Est: $10,000 - $20,000

    Tzapoff, Antoine: Apache Med. Man-Tonto 2001 Signed l.r. A/C 26x40

    Coeur d’Alene Art Auction
  • Enamorada (also known as Tartarita)
    Jun. 10, 2008

    Enamorada (also known as Tartarita)

    Est: $10,000 - $15,000

    Antoine Tzapoff (French, b. 1945) Enamorada (also known as Tartarita) signed and dated 'ATZAPOFF 82' (lower right); dated again, titled and inscribed ' "ENAMORADA," 1982 Maria Felix' (reverse) acrylic on canvas 32 x 25½ in. (81 x 65 cm.) Painted in 1982.

  • La Dona russa
    May. 27, 2008

    La Dona russa

    Est: €10,000 - €15,000

    ANTOINE TZAPOFF (NE EN 1945) La Dona russa signé et daté 'A. TZAPOFF 97' (en bas à droite); inscrit, daté et signé 'TOUTES CES ARMES POUR BIEN TE PROTEGER TON FUTUR AVRIL 97 - A TZAPOFF-' (au dos) huile sur toile 95 x 85 cm. (37.8 x 33½ in.) Peint en 1997.

  • Le Col de Zibeline
    May. 27, 2008

    Le Col de Zibeline

    Est: €7,000 - €9,000

    ANTOINE TZAPOFF (NE EN 1945) Le Col de Zibeline signé 'A. TZAPOFF' (en bas à droite) et daté '01.02.2000' (en bas à gauche); inscrit 'LA LEGION D'HONNEUR ORDRE DE LA GLOIRE NAPOLEONIENNE DECORE DORENNAVANT CELLE QUI DANS LES NOMBREUX COMBATS DE LA VIE A REMPORTE DE GRANDES VICTOIRES: LA DONA' (au dos) Huile sur toile 40 x 40 cm. (15¾ x 15¾ in.) Peint en 2000.

  • Juste avant la Bataille, Tinglit
    Dec. 13, 2007

    Juste avant la Bataille, Tinglit

    Est: $2,500 - $3,000

    Antoine Tzapoff (French, B. 1945) Juste avant la Bataille, Tinglit signed and dated 'A. Tzapoff 89' (lower center) acrylic on canvas 59 x 45 in. (150 x 114 cm.) Painted in 1989.

  • L'Icône
    Dec. 13, 2007


    Est: $1,500 - $2,500

    Antoine Tzapoff (French, B. 1945) L'Icône signed and dated 'A. Tzapoff 90' (lower left) acrylic on canvas 40 x 44 in. (102 x 112 cm.) Painted in 1990.

  • A praying mantis; and a companion painting
    Dec. 13, 2007

    A praying mantis; and a companion painting

    Est: $2,000 - $2,500

    Antoine Tzapoff (French, B. 1945) A praying mantis; and a companion painting signed and dated 'A. Tzapoff. 99' (lower center); inscribed and dated 'PARA EL LEON EL 8 DE ABRIL 1999 GATITO' (on the stretcher) acrylic on canvas 15¾ x 8 in. (40 x 20 cm.) Painted in 1999. (2)

  • Warrior with kachina doll
    Dec. 13, 2007

    Warrior with kachina doll

    Est: $1,500 - $2,000

    Antoine Tzapoff (French, B. 1945) Warrior with kachina doll signed and dated 'A. Tzapoff .81.' (lower right) acrylic on canvas 29 x 19 in. (74 x 48 cm.) Painted in 1981.

  • Man in Cassock
    Dec. 13, 2007

    Man in Cassock

    Est: $2,500 - $3,000

    Antoine Tzapoff (French, B. 1945) Man in Cassock signed and dated 'A. Tzapoff 95' (lower center) acrylic on canvas 37½ x 29¾ in. (95 x 76 cm.) Painted in 1995.

  • Winnebago
    Dec. 13, 2007


    Est: $800 - $1,200

    Antoine Tzapoff (French, B. 1945) Winnebago signed and dated 'ATZAPOFF 1984' (lower center); signed and dated again and titled '"Winnebago" A. TZAPOFF 1984' (on the reverse) acrylic on canvas 20¼ x 15 in. (51 x 38 cm.) Painted in 1984.

  • Apparat de guerre, Ioway
    Dec. 13, 2007

    Apparat de guerre, Ioway

    Est: $2,000 - $2,500

    Antoine Tzapoff (French, B. 1945) Apparat de guerre, Ioway signed and dated 'A. TZAPOFF 83' (lower center) acrylic on canvas 30¼ x 25½ in. (77 x 65 cm.) Painted in 1983.

  • La Chute de L'Amérique-Française
    Dec. 13, 2007

    La Chute de L'Amérique-Française

    Est: $3,000 - $4,000

    Antoine Tzapoff (French, B. 1945) La Chute de L'Amérique-Française signed and dated 'A. Tzapoff. 87. 88.' (lower right) acrylic on canvas 76 x 56 in. (193 x 140 cm.) Painted in 1987-88.

  • Portrait of Enrique Alvarez Félix
    Dec. 13, 2007

    Portrait of Enrique Alvarez Félix

    Est: $500 - $700

    Antoine Tzapoff (French, B. 1945) Portrait of Enrique Alvarez Félix signed and dated 'A. Tzapoff 83' (lower right); signed and dated again and dedicated 'PARA ENRIQUE ALVAREZ FELIX HECHO EN MEXICO ANTOINE TZAPOFF 1983' (on the reverse) acrylic on cardboard 4 x 3¼ in. (10 x 8 cm.) Executed in 1983.

  • Portrait of Maria Felix (verso); a companion portrait (recto)
    Dec. 13, 2007

    Portrait of Maria Felix (verso); a companion portrait (recto)

    Est: $600 - $800

    Antoine Tzapoff (French, B. 1945) Portrait of Maria Felix (verso); a companion portrait (recto) pencil on paper 6¾ x 6 in. (17 x 15 cm.)

  • Blue warrior with a mountain lion
    Dec. 13, 2007

    Blue warrior with a mountain lion

    Est: $2,500 - $3,000

    Antoine Tzapoff (French, B. 1945) Blue warrior with a mountain lion acrylic on canvas 69½ x 39½ in. (177 x 100 cm.), unframed

  • Mic Mac
    Dec. 13, 2007

    Mic Mac

    Est: $1,200 - $1,800

    Antoine Tzapoff (French, B. 1945) Mic Mac signed and dated 'Antoine Tzapoff 91' (lower center) acrylic on canvas 36¼ x 36¼ in. (92 x 92 cm.) Painted in 1991.

  • Tzapoff, Antoine. Cuando la Danza se Vuelve Rito. Los Indios de México / María Félix. Total de piezas: 2.
    Nov. 10, 2007

    Tzapoff, Antoine. Cuando la Danza se Vuelve Rito. Los Indios de México / María Félix. Total de piezas: 2.

    Est: $1,500 - $2,000

    MF - Tzapoff, Antoine. Cuando la Danza se Vuelve Rito. Los Indios de México / María Félix. a) Cuando la Danza se Vuelve Rito. Los Indios de México. 4o. marquilla, 55 p. Ilustraciones a color. Encuadernado en rústica. b) María Félix. 11 láminas a color de 45 X 32 cm. En carpeta en rústica. Total de piezas: 2.

    Morton Subastas
  • María Félix en allégorie des Amériques
    Jul. 17, 2007

    María Félix en allégorie des Amériques

    Est: $10,000 - $15,000

    Antoine Tzapoff (French B. 1945) María Félix en allégorie des Amériques signed and dated 'A. TZAPOFF 97' (lower right) and also inscribed, signed and dated 'M.F. en allégorie des Amériques, décore par la France, pays qu'elle aime tant. A. Tzapoff, Fev. 98, Paris' on the reverse on the stretcher acrylic on canvas 25¼ x 17 in. (64 x 43 cm.) Painted in 1997.

  • Enamorada (also known as Tartarita)
    Jul. 17, 2007

    Enamorada (also known as Tartarita)

    Est: $15,000 - $20,000

    Antoine Tzapoff (French B. 1945) Enamorada (also known as Tartarita) signed and dated 'ATZAPOFF 82' (lower right) and titled, dated and inscribed ' "ENAMORADA," 1982 Maria Felix' (reverse) acrylic on canvas 32 x 25½ in. (81 x 65 cm.) Painted in 1982.

  • Amazona
    Jul. 17, 2007


    Est: $30,000 - $40,000

    Antoine Tzapoff (French B. 1945) Amazona signed and dated 'A. Tzapoff 1985-86' (lower right) and signed, dated and inscribed 'CE PORTRAIT DE MARIA FELIX HONORE UNE PROMESSE DE SA DISCIPLINE. A. TZAPOFF. SEPT 86' (reverse) acrylic on canvas 62 x 46½ in. (158 x 118 cm.) Painted in 1985-86.

  • Dientes
    Jul. 17, 2007


    Est: $20,000 - $25,000

    Antoine Tzapoff (French B. 1945) Dientes signed and dated 'A. Tzapoff 85' (lower right) and signed, dated and inscribed 'MARIA FELIX ET SON AMI DIENTES DU ZOO CHAPULTEPEC, MEXICO JANVIER 1985, AVRIL 1985, ANTOINE TZAPOFF' (on the reverse) acrylic on canvas 46½ x 35¾ in. (118 x 91 cm.) Painted in 1985.

  • Dime que me quieres aunque no sea verdad
    Jul. 17, 2007

    Dime que me quieres aunque no sea verdad

    Est: $15,000 - $20,000

    Antoine Tzapoff (French B. 1945) Dime que me quieres aunque no sea verdad signed and dated 'A. Tzapoff 94-95' (lower center) acrylic on canvas 36¼ x 32½ in. (92 x 83 cm.) Painted in 1994-1995.

  • Tehuana
    Jul. 17, 2007


    Est: $20,000 - $25,000

    Antoine Tzapoff (French B. 1945) Tehuana signed and dated 'A. Tzapoff 91-92' (lower right) acrylic on canvas 67½ x 44½ in. (156 x 113 cm.) Painted in 1991-1992.

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