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Emanuel Peter Sold at Auction Prices

Porträtminiaturmaler, Miniature painter, Stone-cutter

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  • EMANUEL THOMAS PETER (1799-1873) Miniatur des 19. Jahrhunderts "Kaiserin Eugenie und Hofdamen"
    Jul. 07, 2024

    EMANUEL THOMAS PETER (1799-1873) Miniatur des 19. Jahrhunderts "Kaiserin Eugenie und Hofdamen"

    Est: -

    EMANUEL THOMAS PETER (1799-1873) Miniatur des 19. Jahrhunderts "Kaiserin Eugenie und Hofdamen" Tempera auf Beinplatte, vielfigurige Darstellung der Ehefrau Napoleons III., Kaiserin von Frankreich, in Gartenkulisse, rechts unten signiert "E. Peter", auf altem Papieraufkleber bezeichnet "Kaiserin Eugenie und Hofdamen", Motivmaß 10,5x14,5cm, im Silberrahmen (Prag 1872-1922), 14x18cm

    Auktionshaus Rotherbaum OHG
  • Peter, Emanuel (Jägerndorf, Wien 1799-1873)
    Jun. 27, 2024

    Peter, Emanuel (Jägerndorf, Wien 1799-1873)

    Est: €500 - €600

    Junger blonder Adeliger in grauer Paradeuniform mit Goldstickerei, Zweispitz und Degen. Hüftbildnis. Sign. u. dat. 1869. Aquarell. 33×18 bzw. 38,6×30,2 cm. (Lichtrand). R. (60268)

    Leo Spik
    May. 05, 2024


    Est: -

    EMANUEL THOMAS PETER (1799-1873) Miniatur des 19. Jahrhunderts "Kaiserin Eugenie und Hofdamen" Tempera auf Beinplatte, vielfigurige Darstellung der Ehefrau Napoleons III, Kaiserin von Frankreich, in Gartenkulisse, rechts unten signiert "E. Peter", Motivmaß 10,5x14,5cm, im Silberrahmen (Prag 1872-1922), 14x18cm, auf altem Papieraufkleber bezeichnet "Kaiserin Eugenie und Hofdamen"

    Auktionshaus Rotherbaum OHG
  • Emanuel Thomas PETER Vienne, 1799 - 1873 Femme à la robe blanche, au ruban mauve et au bracelet orné d'une miniature Miniature sur i..
    Sep. 27, 2023

    Emanuel Thomas PETER Vienne, 1799 - 1873 Femme à la robe blanche, au ruban mauve et au bracelet orné d'une miniature Miniature sur i..

    Est: €1,000 - €1,500

    Emanuel Thomas PETER Vienne, 1799 - 1873 Femme à la robe blanche, au ruban mauve et au bracelet orné d'une miniature Miniature sur ivoire, de forme ovale Signé et daté 'Peter 1859' à droite Bordure en métal doré, velours et écrin-chevalet en maroquin bordeaux A lady wearing a white dress with a mauve bow and a bracelet adorned with a miniature, miniature on ivory, signed and dated, by E. T. Peter h: 10,20 w: 8,50 cm Commentaire : Une copie autographe de notre miniature, signée à droite 'Peter 1859 Copi', se trouve au Kunst Museum de Winterthour (voir B. Hofstetter, 'Die Welt der Bildnisminiatur. Meisterwerke aus der Sammlung Emil S. Kern', Sulgen/Berne, 2008, p. 47, fig. 20). Ce lot, conformément à la réglementation en vigueur, dispose d'un CIC et est en libre circulation au sein de l'Union européenne. La sortie de l'Union européenne est interdite. This lot, in accordance to current regulations, has an intra-community certificate and is in free circulation within the European Union. The export outside European Union is prohibited. Estimation 1 000 - 1 500 €

  • Peter, Emanuel (Jägerndorf, Wien 1799-1873)
    Jun. 22, 2023

    Peter, Emanuel (Jägerndorf, Wien 1799-1873)

    Est: €600 - €720

    Junger blonder Adeliger in grauer Paradeuniform mit Goldstickerei, Zweispitz und Degen. Hüftbildnis. Sign. u. dat. 1869. Aquarell. 33×18 bzw. 38,6×30,2 cm. (Lichtrand). R. (60268)

    Leo Spik
  • Peter, Emanuel Thomas: Miniatur Portrait eines jungen Mannes in schwarzer Jacke mit beiger Weste, vor rotem Vorhang
    Nov. 26, 2020

    Peter, Emanuel Thomas: Miniatur Portrait eines jungen Mannes in schwarzer Jacke mit beiger Weste, vor rotem Vorhang

    Est: €260 - €270

    Miniatur Portrait eines jungen Mannes in schwarzer Jacke mit beiger Weste und geknoteter brauner Halsbinde; vor rotem Vorhang und Himmelhintergrund. Oben entlang des linken Bildrandes absteigend beschriftet "Daffinger". Aquarell und Gouache auf Elfenbein. 8,7 x 5,9 cm. In reich geschmücktem Holzrahmen mit vergoldeter Kupferfassung und Schleifenaufsatz. Um 1830. - Wir bitten darum, Zustandsberichte zu den Losen zu erfragen, da der Erhaltungszustand nur in Ausnahmefällen im Katalog angegeben ist. - Please ask for condition reports for individual lots, as the condition is usually not mentioned in the catalogue.

    Bassenge Auctions
  • Emanuel Thomas Peter (Austrian, 1799-1873) - Woman, Miniature Portrait Painting, 1832.
    Sep. 24, 2020

    Emanuel Thomas Peter (Austrian, 1799-1873) - Woman, Miniature Portrait Painting, 1832.

    Est: $1,200 - $2,500

    Emanuel Thomas Peter (Austria, 1799-1873) - Woman, Portrait Miniature Painting, 1832. Signed and dated. Brass frame. 9.5x7cm. Frame: 13x11cm. Emanuel Thomas Peter was an Austrian miniature painter. Peter was born the son of a draper in Jagerndorf, Austrian Silesia. In 1817 he began training as a stonemason in his birthplace. From 1818 he studied art at the Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna. Then he worked abroad for a few years. In 1830 he returned to Vienna and was one of Moritz Daffinger's students. There he was also known as a miniature painter. His works are now in various public collections in Germany, Austria and Czechoslovakia. However, most of the works are in private hands. Most of the originals are dated between 1828 and 1860. He often only signed his works in short form with E. Peter. His focus was on subtle portraits of women in watercolor and gouache techniques. Peter also often copied other masterpieces which he then recreated in miniature formats. These works were very popular at the time. In 1866/67 these copies, mostly painted in watercolor, were exhibited in the Kunstverein in Vienna.

  • Peter, Emanuel Thomas: Gruppenbildnis, 3 Mädchen: Cäcilie Schönlein mit Cornelia und Cäcilie Meyerbeer
    Jun. 04, 2020

    Peter, Emanuel Thomas: Gruppenbildnis, 3 Mädchen: Cäcilie Schönlein mit Cornelia und Cäcilie Meyerbeer

    Est: €1,200 - €1,500

    Gruppenbildnis: Cäcilie Schönlein mit Cornelia und Cäcilie Meyerbeer als junge Mädchen, die eine in rosa Kleid, die beiden anderen in Weiß; vor Himmelhintergrund mit Baum rechts. Unten entlang des linken Bildrandes absteigend eingekratzt signiert und datiert "E: Peter 849". Aquarell und Gouache auf Elfenbein. 11 x 8,6 cm. In vergoldeter Bronzefassung. Cornelia und Cäcilie Meyerbeer waren die beiden jüngsten Töchter des berühmten Komponisten Giacomo Meyerbeer und seiner Gattin und Cousine Minna Mosson. Cäcilie Meyerbeer (1837-1931), die in ihrer Jugend an schwerer Anorexie litt, heiratete 1869 Ferdinand Leopold Reichsfreiherrn von Andrian-Werburg. Ihre jüngere Schwester Cornelia (1842-1922) heiratete 1866 den Berliner Maler Gustav Richter. Cäcilie Schönlein (1838-1919), genannt "Didi", seit 1869 verheiratet mit Hermann Seuffert, war die jüngere der beiden Töchter des Leibarzts und Freundes der Familie Meyerbeer, Johann Lukas Schönlein (1793-1864). Schönlein war nicht nur Arzt der Familie Meyerbeer, sondern auch des preußischen Königs Friedrich Wilhelm IV. Die Miniatur stammt aus dem Besitz der Nachfahren der Familie Schönlein. - Provenienz: Direkt aus dem Besitz von Nachkommen der Familie Schönlein. - Wir bitten darum, Zustandsberichte zu den Losen zu erfragen, da der Erhaltungszustand nur in Ausnahmefällen im Katalog angegeben ist. - Please ask for condition reports for individual lots, as the condition is usually not mentioned in the catalogue.

    Bassenge Auctions
  • Peter, Emanuel Thomas: Bildnis eines jungen Mannes mit Schmiss und Schnurrbart
    Jun. 04, 2020

    Peter, Emanuel Thomas: Bildnis eines jungen Mannes mit Schmiss und Schnurrbart

    Est: €800 - €850

    Bildnis eines jungen Mannes mit Schmiss und braunem Schnurrbart, in brauner Jacke und geknoteter Halsbinde über weißem Hemd; vor bewölktem Himmelhintergrund. Mittig entlang des rechten Bildrandes aufsteigend mit Bleistift signiert und datiert "Em: Peter. 855.". Aquarell und Gouache auf Elfenbein. 8,2 x 6,7 cm (oval). In vergoldetem Metallrahmen mit Blattornamenten in den Zwickeln, rückseitig Klappständerchen. Ein Frauenbildnis aus dem selben Jahr 1855, von identischer Größe und in identischem Rahmen, ist vielleicht das weibliche Pendant zu vorliegender Miniatur (Auktion Christie's, Genf, 10. November 1987, Los 230, Zuschlag 5.000 CHF). Ebenfalls 1855 datiert und identisch gerahmt sind die Bildnisse der Baronin Maria Petrowna Budberg (1819-1913), Hofmeisterin im Haushalt der russischen Großfürstin Maria Pawlowna, und ihres Sohnes Baron Peter Andrejewitsch Budberg (1849-1879), aus der Sepherot Stiftung in Liechtenstein (Sammlung Rostropowitsch), abgebildet im Ausstellungskatalog Istoriya Rossii w portretah, Moskau, Staatliches Historisches Museum, 2010, S. 255-256. - Provenienz: Wien, Kunsthandel Dr. Robert Keil (1988). - Literatur: Gerbert Frodl: "Gedanken zur Malerei der Wiener Biedermeierzeit", Weltkunst, 1988, Nr. 58, S. 624, farbig abgebildet (damals Besitz Kunsthandel Dr. Robert Keil, Wien). - Wir bitten darum, Zustandsberichte zu den Losen zu erfragen, da der Erhaltungszustand nur in Ausnahmefällen im Katalog angegeben ist. - Please ask for condition reports for individual lots, as the condition is usually not mentioned in the catalogue.

    Bassenge Auctions
  • Emanuel Thomas Peter (1799-1873) "Girl with a Rose" around 1850 |Emanuel Thomas Peter (1799 -1873 ) "Mädchen mit Rose" um 1850
    Mar. 08, 2020

    Emanuel Thomas Peter (1799-1873) "Girl with a Rose" around 1850 |Emanuel Thomas Peter (1799 -1873 ) "Mädchen mit Rose" um 1850

    Est: €900 -

    Watercolor and gouache on ivory, 11 x 8.5 cm, frame 12.5 x 10.5 cm, signed: Ema. Peter. Emanuel Thomas Peter (born February 28, 1799 in Jägerndorf; † July 6, 1873 in Vienna) was an Austrian miniature painter, he studied art at the Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna from 1818. He then worked abroad for a few years, then returned to Vienna in 1830 and was one of Moritz Daffinger's students, where he also became known as a miniature painter | Aquarell und Gouache auf Elfenbein, 11 x 8,5 cm, Rahmen 12,5 x 10,5 cm , signiert: Ema. Peter. Emanuel Thomas Peter (* 28. Februar 1799 in Jägerndorf; † 6. Juli 1873 in Wien) war ein österreichischer Miniaturmaler. Ab 1818 studierte er Kunst an der Akademie der bildenden Künste in Wien. Danach war er einige Jahre im Ausland tätig. 1830 kehrte er nach Wien zurück und zählt zu den Schülern von Moritz Daffinger. Dort wurde er auch als Miniaturmaler bekannt.

    Amadeus Auction
  • Emanuel Thomas Peter (1799-1873) "Girl with a Rose" around 1850 |Emanuel Thomas Peter (1799 -1873 ) "Mädchen mit Rose" um 1850
    Feb. 21, 2020

    Emanuel Thomas Peter (1799-1873) "Girl with a Rose" around 1850 |Emanuel Thomas Peter (1799 -1873 ) "Mädchen mit Rose" um 1850

    Est: €900 -

    Watercolor and gouache on ivory, 11 x 8.5 cm, frame 12.5 x 10.5 cm, signed: Ema. Peter. Emanuel Thomas Peter (born February 28, 1799 in Jägerndorf; † July 6, 1873 in Vienna) was an Austrian miniature painter, he studied art at the Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna from 1818. He then worked abroad for a few years, then returned to Vienna in 1830 and was one of Moritz Daffinger's students, where he also became known as a miniature painter | Aquarell und Gouache auf Elfenbein, 11 x 8,5 cm, Rahmen 12,5 x 10,5 cm , signiert: Ema. Peter. Emanuel Thomas Peter (* 28. Februar 1799 in Jägerndorf; † 6. Juli 1873 in Wien) war ein österreichischer Miniaturmaler. Ab 1818 studierte er Kunst an der Akademie der bildenden Künste in Wien. Danach war er einige Jahre im Ausland tätig. 1830 kehrte er nach Wien zurück und zählt zu den Schülern von Moritz Daffinger. Dort wurde er auch als Miniaturmaler bekannt. RefFin4220

    Amadeus Auction
  • Peter, Emanuel Thomas — Portraitminiatur einer Witwe
    Nov. 23, 2019

    Peter, Emanuel Thomas — Portraitminiatur einer Witwe

    Est: -

    Peter, Emanuel Thomas — Portrait miniature of a widow (Jägerndorf 1799-1873 Vienna) Octagonal detail with half-length portrait of a lady with black dress and bonnet. Watercolour/ivory. Inscribed ''Peter copi. 859'' on the right. 9 x 10,7 cm, under glass framed. - Although himself a miniature painter, Peter also copied works of other artists. - Due to the current provisions, an export in third countries will not be granted for objects made of ivory, tortoise shell or rhinoceros horn; the sale within the European Community is unrestricted.

    Kunstauktionshaus Schlosser
  • EMANUEL THOMAS PETER | Portrait of Prince Ferdinand Philipp (1844-1921) and Prince Ludwig August (1845-1907) of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha
    Jul. 04, 2019

    EMANUEL THOMAS PETER | Portrait of Prince Ferdinand Philipp (1844-1921) and Prince Ludwig August (1845-1907) of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha

    Est: £1,500 - £2,000

    Watercolour and bodycolour on ivory, gilt-metal frame, the reverse engraved with the sitter's names; signed and dated lower left: Em: Peter. [1] 847

  • ATTRIBUTED TO EMANUEL THOMAS PETER | Portrait of Frau von Fraynay, circa 1830
    Jul. 04, 2019

    ATTRIBUTED TO EMANUEL THOMAS PETER | Portrait of Frau von Fraynay, circa 1830

    Est: £1,200 - £1,800

    Watercolour and bodycolour on ivory, gilt-metal mount

  • Attributed to Emanuel Peter (1799-1873): Portrait of a Gentleman
    Apr. 28, 2019

    Attributed to Emanuel Peter (1799-1873): Portrait of a Gentleman

    Est: $800 - $1,000

    Oil on tin, inscribed 'Emanuel Peter/Wien' on the reverse.4 3/8 x 3 1/2 in. oval, 7 3/4 x 7 in. (frame). Property from a Private Connecticut Collection

  • Emanuel Thomas Peter (1799 -1873)
    Sep. 25, 2018

    Emanuel Thomas Peter (1799 -1873)

    Est: €200 - €400

    Emanuel Thomas Peter (1799 -1873), miniature, portrait of a young girl in white clothes in front of red curtain, in a window-niche, watercolour on I. Signed bottom left. In original bronze gilded frame.

    Deutsch Auktionen
  • EMANUEL THOMAS PETER (AUSTRIAN, 1799-1873). A fine portrait of a young lady, seated, wearing a pink dress trimmed with fine lace, a spray of violets at her corsage, a gold necklace with a flower motif pendant and green stone drop earrings and white gloves, an embroidered shawl hanging over the back of her chair, signed, right hand edge,  watercolour,  20 x 15.5 cm, in gilt moulded frame,  Provenance:  Leo Schidlof's Kunstauktionshaus, Oppenheim Auction, lot 99 ( Auction Schidlof operated in the 1920s Leo Schidlof's Kunstauktionshaus in Vienna and Paris. Leo Schidlof's special interest was in miniature painting . In this field, he became a leading expert and presented a four-volume lexicon of European miniature painters from the 16th to the 19th century.  The collection of Theodore (1891-1961) and Bettina (1893-1982) Rothschild of Monaco, thence by descent to the present owners.
    Oct. 03, 2017

    EMANUEL THOMAS PETER (AUSTRIAN, 1799-1873). A fine portrait of a young lady, seated, wearing a pink dress trimmed with fine lace, a spray of violets at her corsage, a gold necklace with a flower motif pendant and green stone drop earrings and white gloves, an embroidered shawl hanging over the back of her chair, signed, right hand edge,  watercolour,  20 x 15.5 cm, in gilt moulded frame,  Provenance:  Leo Schidlof's Kunstauktionshaus, Oppenheim Auction, lot 99 ( Auction Schidlof operated in the 1920s Leo Schidlof's Kunstauktionshaus in Vienna and Paris. Leo Schidlof's special interest was in miniature painting . In this field, he became a leading expert and presented a four-volume lexicon of European miniature painters from the 16th to the 19th century.  The collection of Theodore (1891-1961) and Bettina (1893-1982) Rothschild of Monaco, thence by descent to the present owners.

    Est: £1,000 - £1,500

    EMANUEL THOMAS PETER (AUSTRIAN, 1799-1873). A fine portrait of a young lady, seated, wearing a pink dress trimmed with fine lace, a spray of violets at her corsage, a gold necklace with a flower motif pendant and green stone drop earrings and white gloves, an embroidered shawl hanging over the back of her chair, signed, right hand edge,  watercolour,  20 x 15.5 cm, in gilt moulded frame,  Provenance:  Leo Schidlof's Kunstauktionshaus, Oppenheim Auction, lot 99 ( Auction Schidlof operated in the 1920s Leo Schidlof's Kunstauktionshaus in Vienna and Paris. Leo Schidlof's special interest was in miniature painting . In this field, he became a leading expert and presented a four-volume lexicon of European miniature painters from the 16th to the 19th century.  The collection of Theodore (1891-1961) and Bettina (1893-1982) Rothschild of Monaco, thence by descent to the present owners.

    Chiswick Auctions
  • Emanuel Thomas Peter, 1799 Jägerndorf – 1873 Wien
    Jul. 01, 2016

    Emanuel Thomas Peter, 1799 Jägerndorf – 1873 Wien

    Est: €500 - €600

    Emanuel Thomas Peter, 1799 Jägerndorf – 1873 WienFERDINAND RITTER VON ANDENHEIM Gouache auf Elfenbein. Sichtmaß: 9,1 x 7 cm. Rückseitig signiert „E. Peter“. Rückseitig betitelt und näher erläutert. In vergoldetem Metallrahmen hinter Glas, Alterssp. (10618736) (13)

    Hampel Fine Art Auctions
  • Emanuel Thomas Peter, Portrait Miniature, M. v. F. 19th C
    Apr. 19, 2016

    Emanuel Thomas Peter, Portrait Miniature, M. v. F. 19th C

    Est: €1,400 - €1,820

    Watercolor and gouache on ivory, glass, cast meatal, gilded Austria, Vienna, presumably mid-19th century Attributed to Emanuel Peter (1799-1873) – Austrian portrait miniature painter, painter, stonemason and architect Signed at the right border ‘Ema Peter’ Engraved on the reverse ‘M. v F.’ Delicately engraved half-length portrait of a young noblewoman in elegant robes Framed under glass in a gilded frame, adjustable Image dimensions: 11 x 8.8 cm Frame: 13 x 11 cm Very good condition Filigree executed portrait miniature with earthly-material, affected, imagery, in accordance with the characteristic manner of the 19th century This item can only be delivered to an address within the EU The demand for miniature portraits was already steadily growing in the second half of the 18th century and led to an unprecedented wealth of production throughout Europe during Empire and Biedermeier. More and more artists specialized in this genre and increasingly refined their manufacturing techniques. Today we are still fascinated by the immediacy of the depicted people. Besides a natural appearance, the representation of rank and position played a more important role, and thus the vanity of the portrayed men and women had to be taken into account. Condition: The work is altogether in a very good, age related condition. The paint is partially minimally rubbed along the edges. The image dimensions measure 11 x 8.8 cm, the dimensions of the frame are 13 x 11 cm. Emanuel Peter (1799-1873) The miniaturist initially trained as stonemason and architect, but eventually decided to study at the Vienna Academy, where he remained from 1818 to 1821. After that he worked as a miniaturist in Silesia and from about 1830 in Vienna. Particularly noteworthy is his late work, here he painted portraits in a combined watercolor and gouache technique with a stronger decorative utilization and a special increase of color. In his last works a schematic uniformity of facial expressions and appreciable waning of color become apparent. At his time, Peter was one of the favorite artists of the Viennese aristocracy. Shipping costs excl. statutory VAT and plus 2,5% (+VAT) shipping insurance.

    Auctionata Paddle8 AG
  • Peter Emanuel 1799 - 1873, In The Style of an Early to Mid 20th Century Pai
    Apr. 15, 2016

    Peter Emanuel 1799 - 1873, In The Style of an Early to Mid 20th Century Pai

    Est: £100 - £200

    Peter Emanuel 1799 - 1873, In The Style of an Early to Mid 20th Century Pair of Portraits of French Young Lady Aristocrats. Each Framed and Mounted. Each 7 x 5 Inches Painting Only.

    Gerrards Auction Rooms
  • Peter Emanuel 1799 - 1873, In The Style of an Early to Mid 20th Century Pai
    Mar. 25, 2016

    Peter Emanuel 1799 - 1873, In The Style of an Early to Mid 20th Century Pai

    Est: £100 - £200

    Peter Emanuel 1799 - 1873, In The Style of an Early to Mid 20th Century Pair of Portraits of French Young Lady Aristocrats. Each Framed and Mounted. Each 7 x 5 Inches Painting Only.

    Gerrards Auction Rooms
  • Emanuel Thomas Peter, Portrait Miniature, M. v. F. 19th C
    Nov. 23, 2015

    Emanuel Thomas Peter, Portrait Miniature, M. v. F. 19th C

    Est: €3,000 - €3,900

    Watercolor and gouache on ivory, glass, cast meatal, gilded Austria, Vienna, presumably mid-19th century Attributed to Emanuel Peter (1799-1873) – Austrian portrait miniature painter, painter, stonemason and architect Signed at the right border ‘Ema Peter’ Engraved on the reverse ‘M. v F.’ Delicately engraved half-length portrait of a young noblewoman in elegant robes Framed under glass in a gilded frame, adjustable Image dimensions: 11 x 8.8 cm Frame: 13 x 11 cm Very good condition Filigree executed portrait miniature with earthly-material, affected, imagery, in accordance with the characteristic manner of the 19th century This item can only be delivered to an address within the EU Estimate by Auctionata Expert: 6,000 Euro The demand for miniature portraits was already steadily growing in the second half of the 18th century and led to an unprecedented wealth of production throughout Europe during Empire and Biedermeier. More and more artists specialized in this genre and increasingly refined their manufacturing techniques. Today we are still fascinated by the immediacy of the depicted people. Besides a natural appearance, the representation of rank and position played a more important role, and thus the vanity of the portrayed men and women had to be taken into account. Condition: The work is altogether in a very good, age related condition. The paint is partially minimally rubbed along the edges. The image dimensions measure 11 x 8.8 cm, the dimensions of the frame are 13 x 11 cm. Emanuel Peter (1799-1873) The miniaturist initially trained as stonemason and architect, but eventually decided to study at the Vienna Academy, where he remained from 1818 to 1821. After that he worked as a miniaturist in Silesia and from about 1830 in Vienna. Particularly noteworthy is his late work, here he painted portraits in a combined watercolor and gouache technique with a stronger decorative utilization and a special increase of color. In his last works a schematic uniformity of facial expressions and appreciable waning of color become apparent. At his time, Peter was one of the favorite artists of the Viennese aristocracy. Shipping costs excl. statutory VAT and plus 2,5% (+VAT) shipping insurance.

    Auctionata Paddle8 AG
  • EMANUEL THOMAS PETER (AUSTRIAN, 1799-1873) Rectangular, 95 x 75 mm., gilt-
    Jun. 02, 2015

    EMANUEL THOMAS PETER (AUSTRIAN, 1799-1873) Rectangular, 95 x 75 mm., gilt-

    Est: £2,500 - £3,500

    EMANUEL THOMAS PETER (AUSTRIAN, 1799-1873) Rectangular, 95 x 75 mm., gilt-metal mount within wood panel

  • EMANUEL THOMAS PETER (AUSTRIAN, 1799-1873) Oval, 118 mm. high, silver moun
    Jun. 02, 2015

    EMANUEL THOMAS PETER (AUSTRIAN, 1799-1873) Oval, 118 mm. high, silver moun

    Est: £1,500 - £2,000

    EMANUEL THOMAS PETER (AUSTRIAN, 1799-1873) Oval, 118 mm. high, silver mount marked St Petersburg, 1899-1904, K. Fabergé, workmaster Anders (Antti) Johan Nevalainen

  • EMANUEL THOMAS PETER | Portrait de femme au chapeau fleuri, vers 1830
    Apr. 01, 2015

    EMANUEL THOMAS PETER | Portrait de femme au chapeau fleuri, vers 1830

    Est: €3,000 - €4,500

    Aquarelle et gouache sur ivoire, octogonal, dans un cadre en métal doré; Signé en bas à droite: E. Peter.

  • Peter, Emanuel Thomas
    May. 03, 2014

    Peter, Emanuel Thomas

    Est: - €120

    Peter, Emanuel Thomas, (1799 Jägerndorf - Wien 1873). Porträt einer jungen Dame mit Perlenkette u. Haarband im blauen Kleid mit Brustschmuck. Brustbild. Gouache auf Elfenbein im Rund. Dm. ca. 5, 5 cm. Sign. "Em. Peter". Im breiten dunkelbraunen Holzrahmen. ,

    Kiefer Buch- und Kunstauktionen
    Sep. 18, 2013


    Est: CHF500 - CHF700

    MINIATURPORTRAIT EINER JUNGEN FRAU, sign. EM. PETER (Peter Emanuel 1799-1873). Mischtechnik. Rechteckiges Halbbildnis einer brünetten Dame in weissem dekolletiertem Kleid. 10,3x9 cm.

    Koller Auctions
  • Peter, Emanuel Thomas - Junge Frau
    Jun. 29, 2013

    Peter, Emanuel Thomas - Junge Frau

    Est: - €2,500

    Peter, Emanuel Thomas Junge Frau (Jägerndorf 1799-1873 Wien) Hochrechteckige, halbfigurige Darstellung eines Mädchens in weißem Kleid vor blauem Himmel. Aquarell/Elfenbein. Rechts sign. u. dat. „(1)856". 9,9 x 8,9 cm, unter Glas ger., in originalem, akanthusblattverziertem, vergoldetem Messingrahmen. - Der gelernte Steinmetz wurde der beste Schüler Moritz Michael Daffingers, sodass seine Kopien nur schwer von den Originalen seines Lehrers zu unterscheiden sind.

    Kunstauktionshaus Schlosser
  • Peter, Emanuel Thomas
    Jun. 22, 2013

    Peter, Emanuel Thomas

    Est: - €180

    Peter, Emanuel Thomas (1799 Jägerndorf - Wien 1873). Porträt einer jungen Dame mit Perlenkette u. Haarband im blauen Kleid mit Brustschmuck. Brustbild. Gouache auf Elfenbein im Rund. Dm. ca. 5,5 cm. Sign. "Em. Peter". Im breiten dunkelbraunen Holzrahmen.

    Kiefer Buch- und Kunstauktionen
  • Emanuel Thomas Peter
    Jun. 06, 2013

    Emanuel Thomas Peter

    Est: €3,000 - €3,500

    Emanuel Thomas Peter (Jägerndorf 1799-1873 Vienna) Portrait of a Young Woman with Pink Bonnet and Cashmere Shawl, signed and dated E. Peter (1)847, watercolour on ivory, 10 x 8 cm, framed,(Hu)

  • Emanuel Thomas Peter (Austrian, 1799-1873)
    May. 30, 2013

    Emanuel Thomas Peter (Austrian, 1799-1873)

    Est: -

    Baroness Marie Freifrau von Ebner-Eschenbach nee Dubský (1830-1916), seated before red drapery, wearing black dress and matching coat, the latter edged with embroidery, white chemise with frilled sleeves and collar, gold bracelets, her hair centrally parted and upswept. Signed on the obverse and dated Em: Peter. 1852., gilt-metal mount. Rectangular, 108mm (4 1/4in) high Provenance: Fischer Galleries, Lucerne, 18 May 1949, lot 824; Sotheby's, London, Holzscheiter Collection, 9 June 1986, lot 99.

    Nov. 27, 2012


    Est: £2,000 - £3,000

    EMANUEL THOMAS PETER (AUSTRIAN, 1799-1873) Countess Caroline Wimpffen, née Lamberg (b. 1830), seated in a white dress with frilled collar and cuffs, a posy of flowers at her waist, her dark hair upswept; tree and landscape background signed and dated 'Em Peter 854' (upper left) on ivory octagonal, 4 5/16 x 3½ in. (109 x 89 mm.), gilt-metal mount within tooled leather frame

    Nov. 27, 2012


    Est: £2,000 - £3,000

    EMANUEL THOMAS PETER (AUSTRIAN, 1799-1873) A young gentleman, in mahogany-brown coat with green weave, buff waistcoat from which hangs a gold chain, patterned brown cravat, holding a cigar in his right hand; column and sky background signed and dated 'Em: Peter. 849.' (lower left) on ivory rectangular, 4¼ x 3 3/8 in. (110 x 86 mm.), gilt-metal mount

  • Attributed to Emanuel Thomas Peter (Austrian, 1799-1873) An Officer, wearing dark green coat with gold embroidery, lace and braids, white chemise and stock, fur trimmed cape draped over his right shoulder, his helmet of horse hair, gold braiding and
    Nov. 21, 2012

    Attributed to Emanuel Thomas Peter (Austrian, 1799-1873) An Officer, wearing dark green coat with gold embroidery, lace and braids, white chemise and stock, fur trimmed cape draped over his right shoulder, his helmet of horse hair, gold braiding and

    Est: £800 - £1,200

    An Officer, wearing dark green coat with gold embroidery, lace and braids, white chemise and stock, fur trimmed cape draped over his right shoulder, his helmet of horse hair, gold braiding and white plumes sits in his right arm. Gilt-metal frame. Rectangular, 73mm (2 7/8in) high

  • Emanuel Thomas Peter (Austrian, 1799-1873)
    Jun. 13, 2012

    Emanuel Thomas Peter (Austrian, 1799-1873)

    Est: £400 - £600

    Two portrait miniatures of Gentlemen: the first, in profile to the left, wearing black coat, white chemise and black tie, shoulder-length brown hair, his arms folded; the second, wearing black coat, white waistcoat, chemise, stock and cravat. Watercolour on paper, each signed on the obverse Em Peter/ 847, mounted and unframed. Rectangular, 136mm (5 3/8in) and 163mm (6 7/16in) high (2)

  • Emanuel Thomas Peter (Austrian, 1799-1873) Two portraits of Gentlemen: the first in profile to the left wearing black coat, white chemise and black tie, shoulder length brown hair, his arms folded; the second, wearing black coat, white waistcoat,
    Nov. 23, 2011

    Emanuel Thomas Peter (Austrian, 1799-1873) Two portraits of Gentlemen: the first in profile to the left wearing black coat, white chemise and black tie, shoulder length brown hair, his arms folded; the second, wearing black coat, white waistcoat,

    Est: £600 - £800

    Two portrait miniatures of Gentlemen: the first, in profile to the left, wearing black coat, white chemise and black tie, shoulder-length brown hair, his arms folded; the second, wearing black coat, white waistcoat, chemise, stock and cravat. Watercolour on paper, each signed on the obverse Em Peter/ 847, mounted and unframed. Rectangular, 136mm (5 3/8in) and 163mm (6 7/16in) high (2)

    Sep. 19, 2011


    Est: €4,000 - €6,000

    EMANUEL THOMAS PETER (AUTRICHE 1799-1873), D'APRES MORITZ MICHAEL DAFFINGER (VIENNE 1790-1849) Portrait d'homme portant un manteau noir et une étole brodée, les cheveux avec favoris, dans un cadre en bronze ciselé et doré signé 'Em: Peter c n Daff:' (sur le bord droit) gouache sur ivoire rehaussé de gomme arabique 91 x 73 mm. (3 5/8 x 2 7/8 in.)

  • Peter, Emanuel Thomas, Miniaturmaler, geb. 1799
    Apr. 30, 2011

    Peter, Emanuel Thomas, Miniaturmaler, geb. 1799

    Est: €600 - €720

    Peter, Emanuel Thomas, Miniaturmaler, geb. 1799 Jägerndorf Schlesien - 1873 Wien, wirkte in Schlesien und ab 1830 dauernd als Miniaturmaler in Wien, Miniaturmalerei, Porträt Franz Karl von Umlauf geb. 1819, feine Gouachemalerei, besonders gut dargestelltes Inkarnat, hohe Stofflichkeit, im Hintergrund Stück des Himmels sichtbar, feine ausgewogene Lichtverteilung, Glanz sehr gut wiedergegeben, signiert und dat. 1829, alter Rahmen aus der Zeit, Fassung z.T. erneuert, auf Elfenbein gemalt, ca. 8.2 x 7 cm, bzw. 20 x 18 cm

    Henry's Auktionshaus
  • Portrait of Gentleman by Emanuel Peter, Oil on Canvas
    Jul. 31, 2010

    Portrait of Gentleman by Emanuel Peter, Oil on Canvas

    Est: $1,000 - $2,000

    Emanuel Peter (Austrian, 1799-1873) signed and dated 1857 l.r.; 30.25 x 25.75 in. and housed in gilt and gesso frame.

    Cowan's Auctions
    Nov. 17, 2009


    Est: £800 - £1,200

    EMANUEL THOMAS PETER (AUSTRIAN, 1799-1873) A lady, in black satin décolleté dress, bordered with white lace, diamond and pearl buttons, four-strand pearl necklace, black velvet bracelets with diamond buckles, bracelets with gem-set clasps, and gold bangles on both wrists, emerald and diamond-set ring on her left hand, drop-pearls and black bobbin-lace veil adorning her dark centre-parted upswept hair, holding a nosegay of roses in her right hand; interior background with red upholstered chair signed and dated 'Em. Peter: 847' (lower right) on card rectangular, 9¼ x 7½ in. (237 x 188 mm.), dark brown leather travelling case embossed with scrolls and reeding on the exterior, gilt borders framing the interior

    Jun. 02, 2009


    Est: £1,200 - £1,800

    EMANUEL THOMAS PETER (AUSTRIAN, 1799-1873) A lady, in black satin décolleté dress, bordered with white lace, diamond and pearl buttons, four-strand pearl necklace, black velvet bracelets with diamond buckles on both wrists, pearl strand bracelet with pink sapphire-set clasp on her right arm, pearl strand bracelet with emerald-set clasp and gold knotted bangle on her left arm, gold band on her right hand, emerald and diamond-set ring on her left hand, drop-pearls and black bobbin-lace veil adorning her dark centre-parted upswept hair, holding a nosegay of roses in her right hand; interior background with red upholstered chair signed and dated 'Em. Peter: 847' (lower right) on card rectangular, 9¼ x 7½ in. (237 x 188 mm.), dark brown leather travelling case, embossed with scrolls and reeding on the exterior, gilt borders framing the interior

  • Emanuel Thomas Peter (Austrian, 1799-1873) A Lady, wearing lavender-coloured dress, the bodice and sleeves piped with cream, white lace collar, a cream shawl around her arms, her brown hair looped in braids and dressed beneath a frilled white cap,
    May. 20, 2009

    Emanuel Thomas Peter (Austrian, 1799-1873) A Lady, wearing lavender-coloured dress, the bodice and sleeves piped with cream, white lace collar, a cream shawl around her arms, her brown hair looped in braids and dressed beneath a frilled white cap,

    Est: £1,200 - £1,500

    A Lady, wearing lavender-coloured dress, the bodice and sleeves piped with cream, white lace collar, a cream shawl around her arms, her brown hair looped in braids and dressed beneath a frilled white cap, tied beneath her chin with a bow and trimmed with a long white gauze veil, seated in a red armchair. Signed on the obverse and dated Em Peter 1853, plush mount within fitted red leather slip-case. Rectangular, 106mm (4 3/16in) high

    Dec. 09, 2008


    Est: £2,000 - £3,000

    EMANUEL THOMAS PETER (AUSTRIAN, 1799-1873) A lady, in brown silk dress with horizontal black stripes on the skirt and cording on the bodice, black lace accenting the collar and ribbon-gathered sleeves, cream-coloured broderie anglaise shawl, double strand of pearls secured with a pearl and gold medallion with pendant pearl strands, velvet ribbon and gold bracelets, daisies and black ribbons in her upswept and curled auburn hair, holding a tasselled fan; scarlet curtain background signed and dated 'Em: Peter 856.' (lower right) on ivory rectangular, 5 11/16 x 4 5/16 in. (144 x 109 mm.), ormolu frame with foliate-patterned corners

  • - -Emanuel Thomas Peter(Jägerndorf 1799-1873
    Mar. 31, 2008

    - -Emanuel Thomas Peter(Jägerndorf 1799-1873

    Est: €2,400 - €3,000

    - -Emanuel Thomas Peter(Jägerndorf 1799-1873 Vienna) A portrait of a young lady in a chequered dress and a cashmere shawl, signed and dated Em. Peter 1850, watercolour on ivory, 11 x 8 cm, oval format, framed, (Hu) Species protection A

  • - -Emanuel Thomas Peter(Jägerndorf 1799-1873
    Mar. 31, 2008

    - -Emanuel Thomas Peter(Jägerndorf 1799-1873

    Est: €2,000 - €2,500

    - -Emanuel Thomas Peter(Jägerndorf 1799-1873 Vienna) A portrait of a gentleman in a brown jacket and a stzriped waistcoat, seated in an armchair, signed and dated Em. Peter 850, watercolour on ivory, 11 x 8 cm, oval format, framed, (Hu)

  • Emanuel Thomas Peter(Jägerndorf 1799-1873 Vienna)
    Mar. 31, 2008

    Emanuel Thomas Peter(Jägerndorf 1799-1873 Vienna)

    Est: €6,000 - €7,000

    Emanuel Thomas Peter(Jägerndorf 1799-1873 Vienna) A portrait of a lady in a white dress, a pearl necklace and a laced cape, seated against a curtain, signed and dated Em. Peter 854, watercolour on ivory, 11 x 9 cm, framed, (Hu)

  • A young lady, in black dress with white lace trim, black gauze veil in her upswept hair dressed in plaits and set with pearls, pearl necklace and earring
    Nov. 27, 2007

    A young lady, in black dress with white lace trim, black gauze veil in her upswept hair dressed in plaits and set with pearls, pearl necklace and earring

    Est: £4,000 - £6,000

    EMANUEL THOMAS PETER (AUSTRIAN, 1799-1873) A young lady, in black dress with white lace trim, black gauze veil in her upswept hair dressed in plaits and set with pearls, pearl necklace and earring signed 'Em: Peter' (lower left) rectangular, 4 3/16 x 3 7/16 in. (107 x 86 mm.), gilt-metal mount

  • A young gentleman, in navy blue coat, white waistcoat, white shirt with green buttons, black stock and tied cravat; pillar background
    Nov. 27, 2007

    A young gentleman, in navy blue coat, white waistcoat, white shirt with green buttons, black stock and tied cravat; pillar background

    Est: £2,000 - £3,000

    EMANUEL THOMAS PETER (AUSTRIAN, 1799-1873) A young gentleman, in navy blue coat, white waistcoat, white shirt with green buttons, black stock and tied cravat; pillar background signed and dated 'E: Peter c: n Hanfst. 832.' (mid-right) rectangular, 3 9/16 x 2 11/16 in. (91 x 69 mm.), gilt-metal frame with beaded border

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