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Karl O'Lynch of Town Sold at Auction Prices

Landscape painter

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  • CARL O'LYNCH OF TOWN (Ljubljana 1869 - 1942 Genova)
    Nov. 28, 2024

    CARL O'LYNCH OF TOWN (Ljubljana 1869 - 1942 Genova)

    Est: €2,000 - €3,000

    CARL O'LYNCH OF TOWN (Ljubljana 1869 - 1942 Genova) Huts in the Alps oil/canvas 65 x 86 cm signed O'Lynch verso label Max Welz Wien VII SCHÄTZPREIS / ESTIMATE € 2000 - 3000 STARTPREIS / STARTING PRICE € 2000 Carl O'Lynch of Town was an Austrian-German impressionist artist. He came from an Irish patrician family. His ancestors came to Austria at the end of the 17th century. From 1888 to 1890, O'Lynch of Town attended the Graz Drawing Academy, then he studied at the Vienna Art Academy with Siegmund L'Allemand and at the Munich Academy of Fine Arts with Gabriel von Hackl and Nicholas Gysis. In 1904 he exhibited oil paintings in Graz at the 5th annual exhibition of the Association of Fine Artists of Styria. Although the artist had his headquarters in Munich, he regularly attended exhibitions in Vienna and Graz. He was under the influence of Emil Jakob Schindler and his circle. From 1904 to 1906 Lynch of Town was a member of the Hagenbund. In 1908 he received the Grand Austrian State Medal and in 1929 the Golden Medal of the City of Graz. Study trips took him to Italy, Holland, Belgium, southern England and the North and Baltic Seas. As a landscape painter, he primarily preferred the sea and its coastal regions as his subjects. During his stay in the Dachau artists' colony, his love for the high mountains awoke, which became the decisive theme of his late period: he found his motifs in the Bavarian and Austrian Alps. Alongside Alfred Zoff and Eduard Ameseder, Carl O'Lynch of Town is also considered one of the most important Styrian artists of the turn of the century. His style is reminiscent of Max Liebermann's. Those of his works that are not privately owend are in various European museums (including Neue Pinakothek Munich, Austrian Gallery Belvedere Vienna, Neue Galerie Graz, Leopold Hoesch Museum Düren). PLEASE NOTE: The purchase price consists of the highest bid plus the buyer's premium, sales tax and, if applicable, the fee of artists resale rights. In the case of normal taxation (marked ° at the estimate), a premium of 24% is added to the highest bid. The mandatory sales tax is added to the sum of the highest bid and the buyer's premium. This amounts to 13% for paintings, drawings, graphic works and sculptures and 20% for photographs and all other items. The buyer's premium amounts to 28% in case of differential taxation. The sales tax is included in the differential taxation.

    Widder Auctions
  • CARL O'LYNCH OF TOWN (Ljubljana 1869 - 1942 Genova)
    Nov. 28, 2024

    CARL O'LYNCH OF TOWN (Ljubljana 1869 - 1942 Genova)

    Est: €500 - €800

    CARL O'LYNCH OF TOWN (Ljubljana 1869 - 1942 Genova) Summer evening on Sylt oil/canvas 60 x 70 cm signed O'Lynch verso titled Sommerabend auf Sylt SCHÄTZPREIS / ESTIMATE € 500 - 800 STARTPREIS / STARTING PRICE € 500 Carl O'Lynch of Town was an Austrian-German impressionist artist. He came from an Irish patrician family. His ancestors came to Austria at the end of the 17th century. From 1888 to 1890, O'Lynch of Town attended the Graz Drawing Academy, then he studied at the Vienna Art Academy with Siegmund L'Allemand and at the Munich Academy of Fine Arts with Gabriel von Hackl and Nicholas Gysis. In 1904 he exhibited oil paintings in Graz at the 5th annual exhibition of the Association of Fine Artists of Styria. Although the artist had his headquarters in Munich, he regularly attended exhibitions in Vienna and Graz. He was under the influence of Emil Jakob Schindler and his circle. From 1904 to 1906 Lynch of Town was a member of the Hagenbund. In 1908 he received the Grand Austrian State Medal and in 1929 the Golden Medal of the City of Graz. Study trips took him to Italy, Holland, Belgium, southern England and the North and Baltic Seas. As a landscape painter, he primarily preferred the sea and its coastal regions as his subjects. During his stay in the Dachau artists' colony, his love for the high mountains awoke, which became the decisive theme of his late period: he found his motifs in the Bavarian and Austrian Alps. Alongside Alfred Zoff and Eduard Ameseder, Carl O'Lynch of Town is also considered one of the most important Styrian artists of the turn of the century. His style is reminiscent of Max Liebermann's. Those of his works that are not privately owend are in various European museums (including Neue Pinakothek Munich, Austrian Gallery Belvedere Vienna, Neue Galerie Graz, Leopold Hoesch Museum Düren). PLEASE NOTE: The purchase price consists of the highest bid plus the buyer's premium, sales tax and, if applicable, the fee of artists resale rights. In the case of normal taxation (marked ° at the estimate), a premium of 24% is added to the highest bid. The mandatory sales tax is added to the sum of the highest bid and the buyer's premium. This amounts to 13% for paintings, drawings, graphic works and sculptures and 20% for photographs and all other items. The buyer's premium amounts to 28% in case of differential taxation. The sales tax is included in the differential taxation.

    Widder Auctions
  • CARL O'LYNCH OF TOWN (Ljubljana 1869 - 1942 Genova)
    Nov. 28, 2024

    CARL O'LYNCH OF TOWN (Ljubljana 1869 - 1942 Genova)

    Est: €200 - €500

    CARL O'LYNCH OF TOWN (Ljubljana 1869 - 1942 Genova) Italian landscape oil/canvas 59 x 84 cm signed O'Lynch verso label Max Welz Wien VII SCHÄTZPREIS / ESTIMATE € 200 - 500 STARTPREIS / STARTING PRICE € 200 Carl O'Lynch of Town was an Austrian-German impressionist artist. He came from an Irish patrician family. His ancestors came to Austria at the end of the 17th century. From 1888 to 1890, O'Lynch of Town attended the Graz Drawing Academy, then he studied at the Vienna Art Academy with Siegmund L'Allemand and at the Munich Academy of Fine Arts with Gabriel von Hackl and Nicholas Gysis. In 1904 he exhibited oil paintings in Graz at the 5th annual exhibition of the Association of Fine Artists of Styria. Although the artist had his headquarters in Munich, he regularly attended exhibitions in Vienna and Graz. He was under the influence of Emil Jakob Schindler and his circle. From 1904 to 1906 Lynch of Town was a member of the Hagenbund. In 1908 he received the Grand Austrian State Medal and in 1929 the Golden Medal of the City of Graz. Study trips took him to Italy, Holland, Belgium, southern England and the North and Baltic Seas. As a landscape painter, he primarily preferred the sea and its coastal regions as his subjects. During his stay in the Dachau artists' colony, his love for the high mountains awoke, which became the decisive theme of his late period: he found his motifs in the Bavarian and Austrian Alps. Alongside Alfred Zoff and Eduard Ameseder, Carl O'Lynch of Town is also considered one of the most important Styrian artists of the turn of the century. His style is reminiscent of Max Liebermann's. Those of his works that are not privately owend are in various European museums (including Neue Pinakothek Munich, Austrian Gallery Belvedere Vienna, Neue Galerie Graz, Leopold Hoesch Museum Düren). PLEASE NOTE: The purchase price consists of the highest bid plus the buyer's premium, sales tax and, if applicable, the fee of artists resale rights. In the case of normal taxation (marked ° at the estimate), a premium of 24% is added to the highest bid. The mandatory sales tax is added to the sum of the highest bid and the buyer's premium. This amounts to 13% for paintings, drawings, graphic works and sculptures and 20% for photographs and all other items. The buyer's premium amounts to 28% in case of differential taxation. The sales tax is included in the differential taxation.

    Widder Auctions
  • Attribution: Karl O'Lynch van Town, 1869-1942,wide
    Nov. 22, 2024

    Attribution: Karl O'Lynch van Town, 1869-1942,wide

    Est: €250 - €500

    Attribution: Karl O'Lynch van Town, 1869-1942,wide landscape with trough, fence and meadows,oil/painting board, slightly curved, signed lower left, approx. 38x55cm, frame approx. 49x67cm . German Description: Zuschreibung: Karl O'Lynch van Town, 1869-1942, Weite Landschaft mit Tränke, Zaun und Wiesen, Öl/Malkarton, leicht gewölbt, links unten signiert, ca. 38x55cm, R. ca. 49x67cm

    Henry's Auktionshaus
  • Karl O'Lynch "of" Town, German 1869-1942, Harbor Scene, Oil on Panel
    Oct. 24, 2024

    Karl O'Lynch "of" Town, German 1869-1942, Harbor Scene, Oil on Panel

    Est: $400 - $600

    Karl O'Lynch "of" Town German, 1869-1942 Harbor Scene Oil on Panel Signed l.r. "O'Lynch".

    Nye & Company
  • Carl O'Lynch of Town (1869 – 1942) – Attributed
    Oct. 16, 2024

    Carl O'Lynch of Town (1869 – 1942) – Attributed

    Est: €180 - €360

    Carl O'Lynch of Town (1869 – 1942) – Attributed, croatian coast. Oil on canvas on board. Signed bottom right and described on the reverse. Framed. 35 x 45 cm.

    Deutsch Auktionen
  • Karl O'Lynch "of" Town, German 1869-1942, Harbor Scene, Oil on Panel
    Jul. 31, 2024

    Karl O'Lynch "of" Town, German 1869-1942, Harbor Scene, Oil on Panel

    Est: $800 - $1,200

    Karl O'Lynch "of" Town German, 1869-1942 Harbor Scene Oil on Panel Signed l.r. "O'Lynch".

    Nye & Company
  • O'Lynch of Town, Carl
    May. 04, 2024

    O'Lynch of Town, Carl

    Est: -

    O'Lynch of Town, Carl 1869 Ljubljana - 1942 Genua Wintersonne. Signiert. Öl/Lwd., 80 x 90 cm (Originalrahmen).

    Dusseldorfer Auktionshaus
  • Carl O’Lynch of Town, "Karwendel vom Kranzberg"
    Feb. 24, 2024

    Carl O’Lynch of Town, "Karwendel vom Kranzberg"

    Est: -

    Carl O’Lynch of Town, "Karwendel vom Kranzberg" frühlingshafter Blick über Alm mit Schneeresten und Almhütte zu den schneebedeckten Gipfeln des Karwendelgebirges, im warmen Licht des Sonnuntergangs, stimmungsvoll-kontemplative, pastose impressionistische Landschaftsmalerei mit breitem Pinselduktus in fein abgestimmter Farbigkeit, waren zunächst vor allem das Meer und Küsten bevorzugtes Sujet des Künstlers, fand er nach einem Aufenthalt in der Dachauer Künstlerkolonie mit der Gebirgsdarstellung das prägende Thema seines Alterswerkes, O’Lynch of Town galt als einer der bedeutendsten steirischen Künstler um 1900, virtuos gelingt es ihm mit gedeckter Farbigkeit, die brach liegenden, teils unter Schnee verborgenen Almwiesen wiederzugeben, welche bereits der einbrechenden Dämmerung anheimgefallen sind, lediglich die Bergspitzen des Karwendel leuchten im späten Sonnenlicht und behaupten sich majestätisch gegen einen rosa-türkisfarben changierenden Abendhimmel, Öl auf Leinwand, um 1920, links unten signiert "O’Lynch", rückseitig auf dem Keilrahmen betitelt "Karwendel vom Kranzberg", gering reinigungsbedürftig, im prächtigen Goldstuckrahmen gerahmt, Falzmaße ca. 79 x 100 cm. Künstlerinfo: auch Karl oder Charles O'Lynch van [bzw.: von] Town, dt.-österreichischer Maler (1869 Laibach [Ljubljana] bis 1942 Genua), entstammt einer irischen Adelsfamilie, 1888–90 Schüler der Zeichenschule Graz, anschließend kurzzeitig Studium an der Akademie Wien bei Siegmund L’Allemand, ab 1891 Studium an der Akademie München bei Gabriel von Hackl und Nikolaus Gysis, unternahm Studienreisen nach Italien, England, Belgien, Holland, Österreich, Südtirol sowie an die Küsten von Ost- und Nordsee, beeinflusst von Emil Jakob Schindler und seinen Künstlerkreis, beschickte ab 1905 regelmäßig Ausstellungen in Graz, Wien und München (Glaspalast), 1904–06 Mitglied im Hagenbund, 1908 Ehrung mit der Großen österreichischen Staatsmedaille Wien, zeitweise Aufenthalt in der Künstlerkolonie Dachau, Mitglied im Steirischen Künstlerbund, in der Münchner Künstlergenossenschaft und im Reichsverband Bildender Künstler Deutschlands, tätig in München und Partenkirchen, Quelle: Thieme-Becker, Vollmer, Saur "Bio-Bibliographisches Künstlerlexikon", Dressler, Matrikel der Münchner Akademie, Bruckmann "Münchner Maler des 19./20. Jh.", Müller-Singer, Bénézit, Fuchs und Wikipedia. Carl O'Lynch of Town, "Karwendel vom Kranzberg" Springtime view across an alpine pasture with remnants of snow and alpine hut to the snow-covered peaks of the Karwendel mountains, in the warm light of the sunset, atmospheric, contemplative, impasto impressionist landscape painting with broad brushstrokes in finely tuned colours, While the sea and coasts were initially the artist's favourite subjects, after a stay at the Dachau artists' colony he found the defining theme of his later work in the depiction of mountains, O'Lynch of Town was considered one of the most important Styrian artists around 1900, With muted colours, he succeeds in masterfully depicting the fallow alpine meadows, partly hidden under snow, which have already succumbed to the dawning twilight; only the mountain peaks of the Karwendel glow in the late sunlight and stand out majestically against a pink-turquoise iridescent evening sky, Oil on canvas, c. 1920, signed "O'Lynch" lower left, titled "Karwendel vom Kranzberg" on the reverse of the stretcher, minor cleaning required, framed in a magnificent gilt stucco frame, rebate dimensions approx. 79 x 100 cm. Artist information: also Karl or Charles O'Lynch van [or: von] Town, German-Austrian painterAustrian painter (1869 Ljubljana - 1942 Genoa), descended from an Irish noble family, 1888-90 pupil at the Graz drawing school, then briefly studied at the Vienna Academy under Siegmund L'Allemand, from 1891 studied at the Munich Academy under Gabriel von Hackl and Nikolaus Gysis, undertook study trips to Italy, England, Belgium, Holland, Austria, South Tyrol and the coasts of the Baltic

    Auktionshaus Mehlis GmbH
  • Karl O'Lynch Of Town (1869 Graz - München 1942) – Dolomitenlandschaft im Frühling
    Oct. 25, 2023

    Karl O'Lynch Of Town (1869 Graz - München 1942) – Dolomitenlandschaft im Frühling

    Est: €2,500 - €3,500

    Öl auf Leinwand. (Ca. Anfang 1930er Jahre). Ca. 87 x 97 cm. Signiert unten links. In Künstlerrahmen. Leicht verschmutzte Oberfläche mit vereinzelten kleinen Fleckchen. Leichtes Craquelé in den pastosen Farbpartien, teils mit schwacher Schollenbildung und kleinen Farbausbrüchen. Bildkanten rahmungsbedingt leicht berieben sowie geringfügig verfärbt (wohl aufgrund von Reinigung im Rahmen). Insgesamt in guter Erhaltung. Taxation: differenzbesteuert (VAT: Margin Scheme)

    Karl & Faber - Timed
  • O'LYNCH OF TOWN, KARL (1869-1942), "Snowy mountain range near Mittenwald",
    Feb. 25, 2023

    O'LYNCH OF TOWN, KARL (1869-1942), "Snowy mountain range near Mittenwald",

    Est: -

    O'LYNCH OF TOWN, KARL (1869-1942), "Snowy mountain range near Mittenwald", probably a section of the Karwendel in Tyrol, Austria. Oil/canvas, signed, HxW: 86x97 cm (106x115 cm with frame). Signs of age, varnish yellowing, stained, marginal traces. With frame (part. damaged). VERSO remains of a handwritten note 'Dolomiten... Tofana'?.

    Auktionshaus Eppli
    Dec. 06, 2022


    Est: €2,500 - €5,000

    Karl O'Lynch of Town Wildsee with view on the Soierngruppe near Mittenwald 1897-1900 oil on canvas 70 x 100 cm signed on the lower right: O'Lynch inscribed and titled on the reverse of the stretcher private property, Austria

    Im Kinsky
  • Carl O'Lynch of Town, Holländische Landschaft
    Aug. 27, 2022

    Carl O'Lynch of Town, Holländische Landschaft

    Est: -

    Carl O'Lynch of Town, Holländische Landschaft sommerlich-sonniges Landschaftsidyll, grasende Kuh, neben Ziehbrücke am Kanal mit Kahn, vor der Kulisse einer imposanten Holländerwindmühle, vor rot gedeckten Bauernhäusern, unter effektvoll bewölktem Himmel, dünn lasierende, impressionistische Landschaftsmalerei mit wenigen pastosen Effekten und kraftvoller Farbigkeit, um 1920, rechts unten ritzsigniert "O´Lynch", rückseitig signiert und betitelt "O´Lynch – Windmühle auf der Insel Walcheren" sowie altes Etikett "Ständige Kunst-Ausstellung der Münchner Künstlergenossenschaft im Gebäude des alten Nationalmuseums, Maximiliansstraße 26." und diverse Nummernannotationen, gering reinigungsbedürftig, im dunkelgrau gefassten Stuckrahmen gerahmt, Falzmaße ca. 46,5 x 62,5 cm. Künstlerinfo: auch Karl oder Charles O'Lynch van Town, dt.-österreichischer Maler (1869 Laibach [Ljubljana] bis 1942 Genua), entstammt einer irischen Adelsfamilie, 1888–90 Schüler der Zeichenschule Graz, anschließend kurzzeitig Studium an der Akademie Wien bei Siegmund L’Allemand, ab 1891 Studium an der Akademie München bei Gabriel von Hackl und Nikolaus Gysis, unternahm Studienreisen nach Italien, England, Belgien, Holland, Österreich, Südtirol sowie an die Küsten von Ost- und Nordsee, beeinflusst von Emil Jakob Schindler und seinem Künstlerkreis, beschickte ab 1905 regelmäßig Ausstellungen in Graz, Wien und München (Glaspalast), 1904–06 Mitglied im Hagenbund, 1908 Ehrung mit der Großen österreichischen Staatsmedaille Wien, zeitweise Aufenthalt in der Künstlerkolonie Dachau, Mitglied im Steirischen Künstlerbund, in der Münchner Künstlergenossenschaft und im Reichsverband Bildender Künstler Deutschlands, tätig in München und Partenkirchen, Quelle: Thieme-Becker, Vollmer, Saur "Bio-Bibliographisches Künstlerlexikon", Dressler, Matrikel der Münchner Akademie, Bruckmann "Münchner Maler des 19./20. Jh.", Müller-Singer, Bénézit und Wikipedia.

    Auktionshaus Mehlis GmbH
    Mar. 05, 2022


    Est: -

    O'LYNCH VON TOWN, Carl(1869 Graz - 1942 Genua) Holländische Landschaft Öl auf Karton. Signiert. 48 x 64 cm. Gerahmt63 x 78 cm. Profilierter Rahmen Rahmen partiell defekt. O'Lynch, österreichischer Landschafts-, Marine und Historienmaler irländischer Abstammung. Studierte an den Akademien in Wien und München. Schüler von Siegmund L'Allemand, Gabriel Hackl und Nikolaus Gysis. Mitglied der Münchner Künstlergenossenschaft und des Wiener Hagenbundes * Partnerauktion Bergmann. Literatur : Thieme-Becker (1907-1950), Fuchs (1972-1992), Ludwig (1981-1983), Vollmer (1953-1962).

    Auktionshaus Wendl
  • Karl O'Lynch of Town, Stürmische Küste, Ölgemälde um 1900, im originalen Goldstuckrahmen
    Feb. 18, 2022

    Karl O'Lynch of Town, Stürmische Küste, Ölgemälde um 1900, im originalen Goldstuckrahmen

    Est: €700 - €800

    Karl O'Lynch of Town, Stürmische Küste, Ölgemälde um 1900, im originalen Goldstuckrahmen Carl O'Lynch von/of Town, 1869 Laibach - 1942 Genua, österreichischer Maler irischer Abstammung, Studium an der Wiener Kunstakademie bei Siegmund L’Allemand und Akademie der Bildenden Künste München bei Gabriel von Hackl und Nikolaus Gysis, Aufenthalt in der Künstlerkolonie Dachau, 1902-06 Mitglied im Wiener Hagenbund, seine zentralen Motive: Meer und Küste sowie Hochgebirge; hier: Bauernhaus an stürmischer, wohl englischer Küste, Öl/Lw, originaler Zustand, Leinwandriss, restaurierungswürdig, 93 x 120 cm, sign., Goldstuckrahmen m. plastischem Rocaillendekor, kl. Fehlstellen

    K&K – Auktionen in Heidelberg
  • O'Lynch Of Town, Carl (Lubiljana, Genua 1869-1942)
    Dec. 09, 2021

    O'Lynch Of Town, Carl (Lubiljana, Genua 1869-1942)

    Est: €1,200 - €1,440

    Der Wetterstein und der Zugspitzgipfel von hochgelegener Alm aus gesehen Sign. Lwd. 72×100 cm. Rückseitig betitelt. R. (57111)

    Leo Spik
  • Carl O'Lynch of Town
    Nov. 13, 2021

    Carl O'Lynch of Town

    Est: €950 - €1,400

    Carl O'Lynch of Town 1869 Ljubljana - 1942 Genua - "Windmühle auf der Insel Walcheren" - Öl/Hartfaser (Winsor & Newton). 46,3 x 62 cm. Sign. r. u.: O'Lynch. Rückseitig betit. Daneben mit Etikett: "Ständige Kunstausstellung der Münchener Künstler-Genossenschaft". Rahmen. Minim. Kratzspuren. - Lit.: Fuchs, Heinrich. Die österreichischen Maler des 19. Jahrhunderts. Bd. 3. Wien 1973, S. K 70. Carl O'Lynch of Town war ein in München tätiger Landschaftsmaler, der sein Studium an der Wiener Akademie und in München absolvierte. Im Jahr 1929 bekam er die Goldene Medaille der Stadt Graz verliehen. Als Landschaftsmaler unternahm er zahlreiche Reisen. Viele seiner Bilder findet man in öffentlichen Sammlungen, seine Hauptwerke befinden sich auf Schloß Schwarzenegg bei Wildon (Steiermark).

    Das Kunst- und Auktionshaus Kastern GmbH & Co KG
    Sep. 10, 2021


    Est: €800 - €1,600

    CARL O'LYNCH OF TOWN 1869 Laibach - 1942 Genoa Beach of Middelkerke Oil on canvas. 61 x 77.5 cm (F. 79.5 x 96.5 cm). Signed lower left 'O'Lynch'. Verso: on stretcher handwritten titled and indicated. Min. soiled, part. abraded. Frame. CARL O'LYNCH OF TOWN 1869 Laibach - 1942 Genua Strand von Middelkerke Öl auf Leinwand. 61 x 77,5 cm (R. 79,5 x 96,5 cm). Signiert unten links 'O'Lynch'. Verso: Auf Keilrahmen handschr. betitelt und bez. Min. verschmutzt, part. ber. Rahmen.

    Hargesheimer Kunstauktionen Düsseldorf
  • Karl O'Lynch of Town Segelboote im Hafen
    Jul. 07, 2021

    Karl O'Lynch of Town Segelboote im Hafen

    Est: €500 - €1,000

    Karl O'Lynch of Town Sailboats in the harbour oil on canvas on cardboard 36 x 50 cm signed on the lower left: O'Lynch private collection, Austria

    Im Kinsky
  • Karl O'Lynch of Town "Karwendel im Vorfrühling"
    Jul. 07, 2021

    Karl O'Lynch of Town "Karwendel im Vorfrühling"

    Est: €1,000 - €2,000

    Karl O'Lynch of Town "Karwendel im Vorfrühling" oil on canvas 81 x 100 cm signed on the lower left: O'Lynch inscribed on label on the reverse private collection, Styria

    Im Kinsky
  • Brandung bei Nervi
    Jul. 02, 2021

    Brandung bei Nervi

    Est: €400 - €700

    Brandung bei Nervi O’LYNCH OF TOWN, CARL (1869 in Laibach (heute Ljubljana) - 1942 Genua) Öl auf Lwd. R. u. signiert, rückseitig auf altem Klebeetikett eigenhändig bez. und betitelt. Min. beschädigt. 60,5 x 81,5 cm. Rahmen.

    Scheublein Art & Auktionen
  • Karl O'Lynch of Town
    Apr. 15, 2021

    Karl O'Lynch of Town

    Est: €1,400 - €1,500

    Karl O'Lynch of Town 1869 Graz - 1942 Genoa Rocky coast Signed lower right. Remnants of old adhesive labels and various numberings verso. Oil on canvas. 92 x 119 cm. Damaged. Damage to frame.

  • Karl O'Lynch van Town, l.u.sig.
    Nov. 21, 2020

    Karl O'Lynch van Town, l.u.sig.

    Est: -

    Laibach 1869 - 1942 Genua, 'Sonniger Wintertag', Öl/Lwd., 71 x 96 cm, Farbfehlstelle

    Auktionshaus Arnold
  • O'LYNCH VAN TOWN, KARL: Die kleine Wettersteinspitze.
    Nov. 06, 2020

    O'LYNCH VAN TOWN, KARL: Die kleine Wettersteinspitze.

    Est: CHF1,200 - CHF1,800

    O'LYNCH VAN TOWN, KARL (Graz 1869 - 1942 München) : Die kleine Wettersteinspitze; Öl auf Leinwand; 71x96 cm; sig. u.r.

    Dobiaschofsky Auktionen AG
  • O'LYNCH OF TOWN,Carl(1869 Ljubljana- 1942 Genua)
    Oct. 24, 2020

    O'LYNCH OF TOWN,Carl(1869 Ljubljana- 1942 Genua)

    Est: -

    O'LYNCH OF TOWN, Carl(1869 Ljubljana- 1942 Genua) Sonnige Steilküste Öl/Leinwand. Links unten signiert. 71 x 97 cm. Gerahmt : 89 x 114 cm. Warmes Licht über dem Küstenstreifen mir den steilen Felskanten . Österreichischer Landschaftsmaler (1869 Graz - 1942 München), studierte an den Akademien Wien unter L'Allemand und München unter Hackl und Gysis. Literatur: Thieme/Becker.

    Auktionshaus Wendl
  • Karl O'LYNCH VAN TOWN (1869-1942), Küstenlandschaft mit Burg-Ruine
    Dec. 28, 2019

    Karl O'LYNCH VAN TOWN (1869-1942), Küstenlandschaft mit Burg-Ruine

    Est: -

    Öl auf Leinwand gemalt, unten rechts signiert O. Lynch, gerahmt, ca. 84 x 106 cm, Rahmen 102 x 126 cm.

    Badisches Auktionshaus
  • Carl O'Lynch of Town 1869 Graz - 1942 München...
    Jun. 11, 2016

    Carl O'Lynch of Town 1869 Graz - 1942 München...

    Est: €1,200 - €1,800

    Carl O'Lynch of Town 1869 Graz - 1942 München - Winterliche Berglandschaft mit Hütte - Öl/Lwd. 64 x 88 cm. Sign. r. u.: O'Lynch. Auf dem Keilrahmen teils undeutl. bez.: (...) O'Lynch of Town. Rahmen. - Lit.: Fuchs. Heinrich. Die österreichischen Maler des 19. Jahrhunderts. Bd. 3. Wien 1973. S. K 70. Carl O'Lynch of Town war ein in München tätiger Landschaftsmaler. der sein Studium an der Wiener Akademie und in München absolvierte. Im Jahr 1929 bekam er die Goldene Medaille der Stadt Graz verliehen. Als Landschaftsmaler unternahm er zahlreiche Reisen. Viele seiner Bilder findet man in öffentlichen Sammlungen. seine Hauptwerke befinden sich auf Schloß Schwarzenegg bei Wildon (Steiermark).

    Das Kunst- und Auktionshaus Kastern GmbH & Co KG
  • O'Lynch van Town, Karl (Duitsland 1869-1942), Monday Loundry day, oil on canvas
    Apr. 18, 2016

    O'Lynch van Town, Karl (Duitsland 1869-1942), Monday Loundry day, oil on canvas

    Est: €500 - €800

    O'Lynch van Town, Karl (Duitsland 1869-1942), Monday Loundry day, oil on canvas

    Zuydwal Veilingen
  • Karl O'Lynch von Town (Austrian, 1869-1942), Snowy Peak in Sunlight, Signed "O'LYNCH" l.l., identified as "Painting of a Mountain" on
    Jan. 22, 2016

    Karl O'Lynch von Town (Austrian, 1869-1942), Snowy Peak in Sunlight, Signed "O'LYNCH" l.l., identified as "Painting of a Mountain" on

    Est: $2,500 - $3,500

    Karl O'Lynch von Town (Austrian, 1869-1942) Snowy Peak in Sunlight Signed "O'LYNCH" l.l., identified as "Painting of a Mountain" on a typed collector's label affixed to the stretcher. Oil on canvas, 32 1/2 x 41 1/2 in. (82.5 x 105.0 cm), framed. Condition: Craquelure, varnish discoloration, surface grime.

  • Carl O'Lynch of Town, (1869-1942),
    Apr. 11, 2015

    Carl O'Lynch of Town, (1869-1942),

    Est: £600 - £800

    Carl O'Lynch of Town, (1869-1942), Dutch of Irish descent, Oil on canvas, Seascape, ''Unloading the Catch'', Signed lower left , Label with artists name and the place of the painting on the stretcher verso 18'' x 24'' Please Note - we do not make reference to the condition of lots within catalogue descriptions. We are however happy to provide additional information regarding the condition of items on request.

    Claydon Auctioneers
  • Karl O'Lynch van Town, Oil Painting, Karwendel Landscape, 1930s
    Aug. 28, 2014

    Karl O'Lynch van Town, Oil Painting, Karwendel Landscape, 1930s

    Est: €1,600 - €2,000

    Oil on canvas Austria, 1930s Karl O'Lynch van Town (1869-1942) - Irish-Austrian painter Signed lower left 'O'Lynch' On the reverse is a (partly torn) paper label inscribed with the artist name and the titling "Wildsee..." Dimensions framed: 85 x 115.5 cm Good condition Provenance: Berlin private property A large atmospheric mountain landscape with a typical motif for the artist In this large oil painting, the Austro-German painter Karl O'Lynch van Town has captured one of his favourite subjects - the Karwendel range. The work presents a barren, hilly landscape in which the mild spring sun slowly thaws the snow. A quiet see, with a small wooden hut built on its bank, is running in the foreground whilst an imposing mountain range rises in the background. The mountains depicted are the Wörner and the Tiefkarspitzeder. The Karwendel Valley inspired the artist continuously for his impressive paintings. The painter of Irish decent has rendered the landscape with great skill, giving form to the snow-covered mountains with broad brushstrokes. The painting by Karl O'Lynch van Town is in good condition. The surface in the upper left area is dotted with tiny spots and there are two strokes of brown colour along the upper right border. The work is signed lower left 'O'Lynch'. There is an old (partially torn) label on the back of the stretcher frame. The frame shows signs of age and wear. Framed the work measures 85 x 115.5 cm, the stretcher frame measures 70 x 101 cm. Karl O'Lynch van Town (1869-42) The Irish-born Karl O'Lynch van Town (1869-42) attended the Graz Academy of Drawing from 1888 to 1890, and then studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna and Munich Art Academy. From 1904, he was a member of the Hagenbund. He is mainly known for his marine paintings and often spent time on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea. He was friends with the painters Alfred Zoff and Eduard Ameseder and is today considered one of the most important Styrian artists of the turn of the Century. Shipping costs excl. statutory VAT and plus 2,5% (+VAT) shipping insurance. Due to the legal obligation for the resale royalty in the art market the following applies: As a result of its membership in the AV Kunst, Auctionata charges additionally to the hammer price the contribution to the AV Kunst of currently 2.1% of the revenues from the sale of fine arts and photographs pro rata towards the buyer. More information about royalty right in our T&C.

    Auctionata Paddle8 AG
  • O'LYNCH (OF TOWN), KARL 1869 Graz - Genua 1942
    Mar. 15, 2014

    O'LYNCH (OF TOWN), KARL 1869 Graz - Genua 1942

    Est: - €950

    O'LYNCH (OF TOWN), KARL 1869 Graz - Genua 1942 Felsklippen in der Abendsonne Öl auf Leinwand, 65 cm x 86 cm, unten rechts signiert 'O'Lynch', minimalst besch., Keilrahmen handschriftlich unleserlich bez., Rahmen.

    Hargesheimer Kunstauktionen Düsseldorf
  • O'LYNCH OF TOWN, CARLWildsee mit Soierngruppe bei
    Jan. 29, 2014

    O'LYNCH OF TOWN, CARLWildsee mit Soierngruppe bei

    Est: €1,500 - €1,800

    O'LYNCH OF TOWN, CARL Wildsee mit Soierngruppe bei Mittenwald. Öl auf Leinwand. 70 x 100cm. Unten rechts: O'Lynch. Rahmen. Rückseitiges Etikett der Münchener Künstlergenossenschaft auf dem Keilrahmen.

    Van Ham Kunstauktionen
  • Karl O'Lynch van Town, Oil Painting, Mountain Landscape, 1930s
    Jan. 24, 2014

    Karl O'Lynch van Town, Oil Painting, Mountain Landscape, 1930s

    Est: €3,200 - €4,000

    Oil on canvas Austria, 1930s Karl O'Lynch van Town (1869-1942) - Irish-Austrian painter Signed lower left 'O'Lynch' On the backside is a (partly torn) paper label inscribed with the artist name and the titling "Wildsee..." Dimensions framed: 85 x 115.5 cm Good condition Provenance: Berlin private property A large atmospheric mountain landscape with a typical motif for the artist In this large oil painting, the Austro-German painter Karl O'Lynch van Town has captured one of his favourite subjects - the mountains. The work presents a barren, hilly landscape in which the mild spring sun slowly thaws the snow. A quiet river, with a small wooden hut built on its bank, is running in the foreground whilst an imposing mountain range rises in the background. The mountain depicted is probably the Wildseespitze in South Tyrol, a region where the artist continuously found inspiration for his impressive paintings. The painter of Irish decent has rendered the landscape with great skill, giving form to the snow-covered mountains with broad brushstrokes. The painting by Karl O'Lynch van Town is in good condition. The surface in the upper left area is dotted with tiny spots and there are two strokes of brown colour along the upper right border. The work is signed lower left 'O'Lynch'. There is an old (partially torn) label on the back of the stretcher. The frame shows signs of age and wear. Framed the work measures 85 x 115.5 cm, the stretcher frame measures 70 x 101 cm. Karl O'Lynch van Town (1869-42) The Irish-born Karl O'Lynch van Town (1869-42) attended the Graz Academy of Drawing from 1888 to 1890, and then studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna and Munich Art Academy. From 1904, he was a member of the Hagenbund. He is mainly known for his marine paintings and often spent time on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea. He was friends with the painters Alfred Zoff and Eduard Ameseder and is today considered one of the most important Styrian artists of the turn of the Century.

    Auctionata Paddle8 AG
  • O´Lynch van Town, Karl
    Jul. 17, 2013

    O´Lynch van Town, Karl

    Est: - €600

    O´Lynch van Town, Karl Grachtenansicht am Abend. Sign. Öl auf Lwd. Min. rest.(?), min. besch. 65 x 68 c

  • O'Lynch van Town, Karl, 1869 Ljubljana-1942 Genua,
    Feb. 25, 2012

    O'Lynch van Town, Karl, 1869 Ljubljana-1942 Genua,

    Est: €400 - €480

    O'Lynch van Town, Karl, 1869 Ljubljana-1942 Genua, Landschaftsmaler in München, Studium an den Akademien Wien und München, hier: Verschneite Gebirgslandschaft, Öl/Lwd, re. u. sign., ca. 65x87cm, R., Reinigung emphohlen

    Henry's Auktionshaus
  • KARL O'LYNCH (VON TOWN), (German, 1869-1942), FISHING PORT, NEWPORT, oil on canvas;, 31 1/2 x 43 1/2 inches
    Dec. 11, 2011

    KARL O'LYNCH (VON TOWN), (German, 1869-1942), FISHING PORT, NEWPORT, oil on canvas;, 31 1/2 x 43 1/2 inches

    Est: $1,000 - $2,000

    KARL O'LYNCH (VON TOWN) (German, 1869-1942) FISHING PORT, NEWPORT oil on canvas; signed O'Lynch, l.r.; bears indiscernible inscription on verso "here....Nieuwport....Entoucide(?)"; 31 1/2 x 43 1/2 inches

    Grogan & Company
  • Karl O´Lynch van Town (1869-1942) abendliches
    Apr. 20, 2011

    Karl O´Lynch van Town (1869-1942) abendliches

    Est: - €100

    Karl O´Lynch van Town (1869-1942) abendliches Lampionfest in Parklandschaft, Öl auf Karton, unten signiert, ovales Format, 57 x 76 cm, goldfarbener schlichter Holzrahmen, Gesamtgröße: 68 x 87 cm, unlimitiert

  • CARL O'LYNCH OF TOWN (Austrian, 1869-1942). ROUGH SEAS, signed lower right. Oil on canvas.
    Feb. 13, 2011

    CARL O'LYNCH OF TOWN (Austrian, 1869-1942). ROUGH SEAS, signed lower right. Oil on canvas.

    Est: $1,500 - $2,500

    CARL O'LYNCH OF TOWN (Austrian, 1869-1942). ROUGH SEAS, signed lower right. Oil on canvas - Framed, 25 3/4 in. x 31 1/2 in.

    Sloans & Kenyon
  • O'Lynch of Town, Carl: Der Berliner Dom bei Nacht
    Jun. 04, 2010

    O'Lynch of Town, Carl: Der Berliner Dom bei Nacht

    Est: €1,300 - €1,500

    O'Lynch of Town, Carl: Der Berliner Dom bei Nacht Der Berliner Dom mit der Schlossbrücke und der Spree im Abendlicht. Öl auf Karton. 39,5 x 30,5 cm. Unten rechts mit Signatur "O'Lynch". Verso mit Klebeetikett des New Yorker Verlagshauses Century Company, dort mit handschriftl. Angaben zu Künstler und Werk.

    Galerie Bassenge
  • Karl O'Lynch van Town (Austrian 1869-1942) Quay, St Augustine, Bruges 25 x 19in.
    Oct. 22, 2009

    Karl O'Lynch van Town (Austrian 1869-1942) Quay, St Augustine, Bruges 25 x 19in.

    Est: £200 - £300

    Karl O'Lynch van Town (Austrian 1869-1942) oil on card Quay, St Augustine, Bruges signed and dated '05 25 x 19in.

  • Karl O'Lynch van Town (Austrian 1869-1942) Quay, St Augustine, Bruges 25 x 19in.
    Sep. 03, 2009

    Karl O'Lynch van Town (Austrian 1869-1942) Quay, St Augustine, Bruges 25 x 19in.

    Est: £400 - £600

    Karl O'Lynch van Town (Austrian 1869-1942) oil on card Quay, St Augustine, Bruges signed and dated '05 25 x 19in.

  • Karl O'Lynch of Town (Graz 1869-1942 Genua)
    Jun. 24, 2009

    Karl O'Lynch of Town (Graz 1869-1942 Genua)

    Est: - €1,300

    Karl O'Lynch of Town (Graz 1869-1942 Genua) „Grauer Tag, Isere", signiert O'Lynch, Öl auf Leinwand, 71 x 95 cm, gerahmt, partiell fleckig

  • Karl O'Lynch of Town (Graz 1869-1942 München,
    Jun. 04, 2009

    Karl O'Lynch of Town (Graz 1869-1942 München,

    Est: - €1,500

    Karl O'Lynch of Town (Graz 1869-1942 München, Schüler der Wiener und Münchner Akademie, 1904-1906 Mitglied des Hagenbundes) "Brandung auf Brioni", signier t O'Lynch, Öl auf Karton, 53 x 75,5 cm, bronzefarbiger Profilholzrahmen, verschmutzt, Rahmen bestoßen, fehlen Kleinteile

    Feb. 13, 2009


    Est: $1,000 - $1,500

    CARL (KARL, CHARLES) O'LYNCH OF TOWN (austrian, 1869-1942) BOATS BY A PIER Signed bottom right, oil on canvas 25 3/4 x 31 3/4 in. provenance: Exhibited: Standige Kunst-Ausstellung

    Freeman's | Hindman
  • Karl O'Lynch of Town (Graz 1869-1942 Genua) Winter
    Sep. 25, 2008

    Karl O'Lynch of Town (Graz 1869-1942 Genua) Winter

    Est: €1,600 - €2,000

    Karl O'Lynch of Town (Graz 1869-1942 Genua) Winter im Hochgebirge, signiert O'Lynch, Öl auf Leinwand, 65 x 85 cm, gerahmt, (K)

  • Carl O?Lynch of Town. 1869 Graz - 1942 Genua.
    Apr. 10, 2008

    Carl O?Lynch of Town. 1869 Graz - 1942 Genua.

    Est: -

    Carl O?Lynch of Town. 1869 Graz - 1942 Genua. Studierte an der Wiener Akademie bei S. L?Allemand, an der Münchner Akademie bei G. Hackl und N. Gysis. Erhielt 1908 die Große Goldene Staatsmedaille, 1929 die Goldene Medaille der Stadt Graz. Sign. Rs. bet. "Fischerflotille an der englischen Küste". Öl/Ktn. 46,5 x 62,5 cm. R

    Auktionshaus Michael Zeller
  • Karl O'Lynch of Town(1869-1942), attributed to
    Jan. 23, 2008

    Karl O'Lynch of Town(1869-1942), attributed to

    Est: -

    Karl O'Lynch of Town(1869-1942), attributed to Snow-covered houses, signed on the stretcher O'Lynch, oil on canvas, 62 x 85 cm, framed, (K)Provenance: formerly in the Pfohl Collection

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