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Jacob Nobbe Sold at Auction Prices

b. 1850 - d. 1919

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  • Jacob Nöbbe
    Apr. 09, 2022

    Jacob Nöbbe

    Est: -

    (Flensburg 1850 - 1919 ebenda, deutscher Maler, Std. a.d. KA Düsseldorf u. Dresden, unterrichtete u.a. Emil Nolde u. Alexander Eckener) Selbstportrait Öl/ Leinwand (aufgezogen), 37 x 42 cm, gerahmt, signiert u. datiert Mitte re. J. Nöbbe 1870

    Auktionshaus Schwerin
  • Jacob Nöbbe
    Feb. 19, 2022

    Jacob Nöbbe

    Est: -

    (Flensburg 1850 - 1919 ebenda, deutscher Maler, Std. a.d. KA Düsseldorf u. Dresden, unterrichtete u.a. Emil Nolde u. Alexander Eckener) Selbstportrait Öl/ Leinwand (aufgezogen), 37 x 42 cm, gerahmt, signiert u. datiert Mitte re. J. Nöbbe 1870

    Auktionshaus Schwerin
  • Nöbbe - Flensburger Förde
    Nov. 20, 2021

    Nöbbe - Flensburger Förde

    Est: €1,600 - €2,000

    Nöbbe, Jacob (Flensburg 1850 - 1919). Flensburger Förde. Öl auf Leinwand von 1918. Unten rechts signiert u. datiert. 75 x 110 cm. Gerahmt (Rahmen mit einigen Abplatzern). Kral 219.- Blick aus der Vogelschau über Felder und Knicklandschaft auf die Flensburger Förde unter hohem bewölktem Himmel, im Mittelgrund ein Gebäude mit roten Dachziegeln.- Leicht gebräunt.

    Auktionshaus Schramm
    May. 02, 2021


    Est: -

    Öl auf Leinwand, ¨Porträt einer jungen Frau in hochgeschlossenem Kleid¨ (1906), unten rechts signiert ¨J. Nöbbe¨ und datiert, ca. 34,5x24,5cm, gerahmt (39,5x30cm), retuschiert

    Auktionshaus Rotherbaum OHG
  • Jacob Nöbbe (1850-1919), Portrait of a Lady, Painting, 1883
    Dec. 27, 2016

    Jacob Nöbbe (1850-1919), Portrait of a Lady, Painting, 1883

    Est: €1,440 - €1,800

    Oil on canvas Germany, 1883 Jacob Nöbbe (1850-1919) – German painter Signed and dated 'J. Nöbbe / 1883' lower left Verso inscribed 'Minna Caspari geb. Dietze' on the sketchers frame Portrait of Minna Caspari née Dietze Dimensions: 82 x 68.5 cm Good condition Provenance: Private collection, Rhineland-Palatinate Condition: The painting is in good condition. Tiny craquelure can be seen on the canvas and there are scattered marks. There are small areas/spots with scuffing due to the frame mainly along the edges and corners. Several retouched spots are overall on the canvas: Mainly affecting the upper and lower part of the painting and the figure. Verso there are two relined spots. The dimensions are 82 x 68.5 cm. Jacob Nöbbe (1850-1919) Jacob Nöbbe was a German portrait and landscape painter from Flensburg. Nöbbe studied at first at the Academies in Dusseldorf and Dresden and later in Berlin. He settled down in his hometown Flensburg, were he worked as a drawing teacher and taught among others the young Emil Hansen, who became famous later as Emil Nolde. The artist belonged to the circle of painters of the artist colony Ekensund at the northern bank of the Flensburg Fjord (today Denmark). His oeuvre contains mainly portraits, genre and landscape painting. His dark color palette became brighter as time passed due to the influence of painting en plein air. His work is especially characterized by streetscapes and panoramas of Flensburg. (msc) Shipping costs excl. statutory VAT and plus 2,5% (+VAT) shipping insurance.

    Auctionata Paddle8 AG
  • Egernsund Sogn, Lagmai
    Nov. 29, 2014

    Egernsund Sogn, Lagmai

    Est: €1,800 - €2,160

    Jacob Nöbbe, Flensburg 1850 - Flensburg 1919 Egernsund Sogn, Lagmai, Oil/canvas, 44,5 x 63 cm, lo. le. sign. a. dat. J. Nöbbe 1894, on the stretcher inscribed by another hand 'Laogmai, gegen die Sonne'. - Portrait, landscape a. history painter. N. was the most important member of the Ekensund artist's colony besides W. Dreesen. He studied at the Düsseldorf academy, thereafter in Dresden under L. Richter a. J. Hübner as well as in Berlin under C. Gussow a. M. Michel. Besides H. Petersen-Angeln a. E. Kubierschky. N. was the drawing teacher of E. Nolde. - Mus.: Flensburg (Museumsberg). - Lit.:Thieme/Becker, Bénézit, Schulte-Wülwer: Künstlerkolonie Ekensund, 2000.

    Auktionshaus Stahl
  • Reading Gentleman
    Mar. 01, 2014

    Reading Gentleman

    Est: €2,000 - €2,400

    Nöbbe, Jacob Flensburg 1850 - Flensburg 1919 Reading Gentleman Oil/canvas, 53 x 63,5 cm, lo. le. sign. a. dat. J. Nöbbe 1877, min. ret. - Portrait, landscape a. history painter. N. was the most important member of the Ekensund artist's colony besides W. Dreesen. He studied at the Düsseldorf academy, thereafter in Dresden under L. Richter a. J. Hübner as well as in Berlin under C. Gussow a. M. Michel. Besides H. Petersen-Angeln a. E. Kubierschky. N. was the drawing teacher of E. Nolde. - Mus.: Flensburg (Museumsberg). - Lit.:Thieme/Becker, Bénézit, Schulte-Wülwer 'Künstlerkolonie Ekensund' (2000).

    Auktionshaus Stahl
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