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Richard Klein Sold at Auction Prices

Painter, Sculptor, Etcher

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  • Richard Klein, Festball des Deutschen Jagdmuseums
    Nov. 12, 2024

    Richard Klein, Festball des Deutschen Jagdmuseums

    Est: $1,400 - $1,700

    Richard Klein Festball des Deutschen Jagdmuseums 1939 67 h x 47 w in (170 x 119 cm) For a ball at the German Hunting Museum, Klein calls on Artemis, the goddess of the hunt and wilderness. Her perfectly idealized form is contrasted with the silhouette of a stag behind her in this two-sheet design. H. Sonntag, Munchen Literature: PAI-XCIII, 341 This work will ship from Lambertville, New Jersey.

    Poster Auctions International Inc
    Oct. 24, 2024


    Est: -

    KLEIN, Richard(1890 München - 1967 Weßling) Leda mit dem Schwan Bronze patiniert, rotbrauner Marmor-Sockel. Bezeichnet. H 15,5 / 24,5 cm. 8,2 kg. Hockender Akt der jungen Frau in inniger Verbindung mit dem Schwan. Maler, Bildhauer, Medailleur und Grafiker in München, Schüler von Joh. Seidler, studierte bei A. Jank und F. von Stuck an der Akademie München. Mitglied der Münchner Secession. Literatur : Thieme/Becker. Aufrufzeit 24. | Okt. 2024 | voraussichtlich 15:42 Uhr (CET) KLEIN, Richard(1890 Munich - 1967 Weßling) Leda with the swan Bronze patinated, red-brown marble base. Marked. H 15.5 / 24.5 cm. 8.2 kg. Crouching nude of the young woman in intimate union with the swan. Painter, sculptor, medallist and graphic artist in Munich, pupil of Joh. Seidler, studied under A. Jank and F. von Stuck at the Munich Academy. Member of the Munich Secession. Literature : Thieme/Becker. Aufrufzeit 24. | Oct. 2024 | probably 15:42 (CET) *This is an automatically generated translation from German by deepl.com and only to be seen as an aid - not a legally binding declaration of lot properties. Please note that we can only guarantee for the correctness of description and condition as provided by the German description.

    Auktionshaus Wendl
  • Richard Klein, Three Lanterns
    Sep. 27, 2024

    Richard Klein, Three Lanterns

    Est: $400 - $600

    Richard Klein Three Lanterns 2021 electrostatic toner print, graphite, polyurethane 17.5 h x 19.25 w in (44 x 49 cm) Proceeds from the sale of this work will benefit the Brattleboro Museum & Art Center, Brattleboro, VT. Signed and dated to lower right 'R. Klein 2021'. Signed, titled and dated to verso of backing board 'Klein- Three Lanterns 2021'. Provenance: Donated by the artist to the Brattleboro Museum & Art Center, Brattleboro, VT This work will ship from Lambertville, New Jersey.

    Rago Arts and Auction Center
  • Festball des Deutschen Jagdmuseums. 1939.
    Jul. 11, 2024

    Festball des Deutschen Jagdmuseums. 1939.

    Est: $1,700 - $2,000

    ARTIST: RICHARD KLEIN (1890-1967) SIZE: 47 3.8 x 67 1/8 in./120.3 x 170.5 cm PRINTER: Sonntag, München DESCRIPTION: For a ball at the German Hunting Museum, Klein calls on Artemis, the goddess of the hunt and wilderness. Her perfectly idealized form is contrasted with the silhouette of a stag behind her in this two-sheet design. (Art Deco; Dance; German; Animals)

    Poster Auctions International Inc
  • Poster by Richard Klein (1890-1967) - Das Braune Band von Deutschland
    Jun. 29, 2024

    Poster by Richard Klein (1890-1967) - Das Braune Band von Deutschland

    Est: €700 - €1,400

    Poster by Richard Klein (1890-1967) - Das Braune Band von Deutschland

    Van Sabben Poster Auctions
  • Poster by Richard Klein (1890-1967) - Kreistag der N.S.D.A.P.
    Jun. 29, 2024

    Poster by Richard Klein (1890-1967) - Kreistag der N.S.D.A.P.

    Est: €600 - €1,000

    Poster by Richard Klein (1890-1967) - Kreistag der N.S.D.A.P.

    Van Sabben Poster Auctions
  • Rare Original 1930s German Hunter's Ball Poster
    Apr. 20, 2024

    Rare Original 1930s German Hunter's Ball Poster

    Est: $1,500 - $1,800

    Klein, Richard 1890 - 1967 Festball des deutschen Jagdmuseums Offset 1938 67.3 x 47.2 in. (171 x 120 cm) Printer: Herm. Sonntag, München Condition Details: (A-/B+) was in 2 sheets, on linen, tears and minor creasing and staining at the edges and at the seam, minor creases in the image at the top#Germany #Dance & Ballet #Nude

    PosterConnection Inc.
  • Original 1930s Munich City Ball Carnival Poster
    Apr. 20, 2024

    Original 1930s Munich City Ball Carnival Poster

    Est: $800 - $1,000

    Klein, Richard 1890 - 1967 Ball der Stadt München Offset 1938 66.1 x 46.8 in. (168 x 119 cm) Printer: Kunst im Druck, München Condition Details: (A-) was folded, in two sheets, minimal tears and staining in the margins#Germany #Dance & Ballet #Nude

    PosterConnection Inc.
  • RICHARD KLEIN ( Germany, 1890 - 1967). "Leda and the swan", c. 1920- 1930. Bronze and wooden base. Signed.
    Mar. 19, 2024

    RICHARD KLEIN ( Germany, 1890 - 1967). "Leda and the swan", c. 1920- 1930. Bronze and wooden base. Signed.

    Est: €400 - €500

    RICHARD KLEIN ( Germany, 1890 - 1967). "Leda and the swan", c. 1920- 1930. Bronze and wooden base. Signed. Measurements: 33 x 19 x 15 cm. The classic myth tells how Zeus, transformed into a swan, takes advantage of Leda's sleep to kiss her. The story of Leda and the swan is a story very represented throughout the history of western art, and has its origin in Greek mythology. Zeus, the Roman Jupiter, came down from Olympus in the form of a swan to meet Leda, daughter of Witness and wife of King Tindarus of Sparta, when the young woman was walking. As a result of this encounter, Leda laid two eggs, from which four children were born, two sets of twins: Helen and Pollux (immortals, children of Zeus) and Clytemnestra and Castor (mortals, children of Tindarus). Castor and Pollux, however, are considered twins, and are known as the Dioscuri. Richard Klein was a German artist, known for his work as a medallist from the outbreak of World War I in 1914 and mainly for his work as a favored artist of the Nazi regime. Klein was director of the Munich School of Applied Arts. Klein was one of the artists exhibited at the Große Deutsche Kunstausstellung (Great German Art Exhibition) held at the Haus der Kunst in Munich in 1937, conceived as a contrast to modern art condemned by the Third Reich as degenerate art (entartete Kunst).

    Setdart Auction House
  • Prof. Richard Klein, Akte in bergiger Landschaft
    Feb. 25, 2023

    Prof. Richard Klein, Akte in bergiger Landschaft

    Est: -

    Prof. Richard Klein, Akte in bergiger Landschaft einen Berghang emporkommende, teils von den letzten Sonnenstrahlen beschienene Akte, umgeben von Baumgruppen mit herbstlicher Laubfärbung, im Hintergrund Hügellandschaft unter blauem Himmel, mit einzelnen, gelb leuchtenden Wolken, lasierende Malerei mit wenigen pastosen Akzenten in warmer gedeckter Farbigkeit, Öl auf Leinwand, um 1920, rechts unten signiert „Rich. Klein“, auf Keilrahmen rückseitig Stempel „Mal- und Zeichenutensilien Hans Kellner ...“, etwas Malschichtverlust, zwei hinterlegte Einrisse, restauriert, ungerahmt, Falzmaße ca. 68,5 x 63,5 cm. Künstlerinfo: dt. Maler, Bildhauer, Grafiker und Medailleur (1890 München bis 1967 Weßling), Besuch der Fachschule für Bildhauerei und Stuckhandwerk, studierte ab 1908 bei Angelo Jank und Franz von Stuck an der Akademie der Bildenden Künste München und arbeitete dort ab 1917 im eigenen Atelier, während des 1. Weltkriegs fertigte er unter anderem patriotische Postkarten und war ab 1919 Mitglied der Münchner Secession, 1935 wurde R. Klein zum Direktor der Staatsschule für angewandte Kunst in München ernannt und stand auf der so genannten Gottbegnadeten-Liste als wichtiger Künstler für das nationalsozialistische Regime, nach der Erhebung der Staatsschule zur Hochschule, als Akademie für angewandte Kunst, durch die nationalsozialistischen Machthaber, erfolgte die Ernennung zum Professor, ab 1937 gehörte er mit Fritz Todt, Albert Speer und Leonhard Gall zum künstlerischen Beirat der Zeitschrift „Die Kunst im Dritten Reich“, Klein war Reichskultursenator und ab 1936 Präsidialrat der Reichskammer der bildenden Künste, Quelle: Thieme-Becker und Wikipedia. Prof. Richard Klein, Nudes in a Mountainous Landscape Nudes ascending a mountain slope, partly shone on by the last rays of the sun, surrounded by groups of trees with autumnal foliage, in the background hilly landscape under a blue sky, with individual clouds shining yellow, glazed painting with a few impasto accents in warm muted colours, oil on canvas, c. 1920, signed lower right "Rich. Klein", stamp on stretcher back "Mal- und Zeichenutensilien Hans Kellner ...", some loss of painting layer, two backed tears, restored, unframed, folding dimensions approx. 68.5 x 63.5 cm. Artist's info: German painter, sculptor, graphic artist and medallist (1890 Munich to 1967 Weßling), attended the Fachschule für Bildhauerei und Stuckhandwerk, studied from 1908 with Angelo Jank and Franz von Stuck at the Munich Academy of Fine Arts and worked there from 1917 in his own studio, during World War I he produced, among other things, patriotic postcards and was a member of the Munich Secession from 1919, in 1935 R. Klein was appointed director of the State School for Applied Arts in Munich and was on the so-called Gottbegnadeten list as an important artist for the National Socialist regime, after the elevation of the State School to a university, as the Academy for Applied Arts, by the National Socialist rulers, he was appointed professor, from 1937 he belonged with Fritz Todt, Albert Speer and Leonhard Gall to the artistic advisory board of the magazine "Die Kunst im Dritten Reich" (Art in the Third Reich), Klein was Reich Culture Senator and from 1936 Presidential Councillor of the Reich Chamber of Fine Arts, Source: Thieme-Becker and Wikipedia.

    Auktionshaus Mehlis GmbH
  • Richard Klein (1890-1967), "Am Marktplatz" (At the marketplace)
    Nov. 05, 2022

    Richard Klein (1890-1967), "Am Marktplatz" (At the marketplace)

    Est: -

    lithograph on paper, mounted on a black base, monogrammed in the stone lower right, around 1910, titled and inscribed on the base, stamp on the reverse, partial view of Dortmund, view of the market square with the St. Reinoldi Church, No. 2 from: Alt-Dortmund, published by Hugo Busch, good age-appropriate condition, fixed tear at the upper edge, base with light stains, image 29.5 x 22 cm (HxW), passe-partout, overall dimensions 44 x 35 cm (HxW) German Description Richard Klein, "Am Marktplatz" (1890 - 1967), Lithografie/Papier, auf schwarzen Untersatz montiert, unten rechts im Stein monogrammiert, um 1910, auf dem Untersatz betitelt und bezeichnet, Verso Stempel, Teilansicht von Dortmund, Blick auf den Marktplatz mit der St. Reinoldi-Kirche, Nr. 2 aus: Alt-Dortmund, herausgegeben von Hugo Busch, altersgemäß guter Zustand, fixierter Riss am oberen Rand, Untersatz lichtrandig, Darstellung 29,5 x 22 cm (HxB), Passepartout, Gesamtmaß 44 x 35 cm (HxB)

    Kunst- und Auktionshaus Quedlinburg
  • Klein, Richard
    Oct. 15, 2022

    Klein, Richard

    Est: €100 - €150

    (1890 München - Weßling 1967). Das braune Band von Deutschland 28.Juli 1940 München-Riem. Farb. Plakat zum Galopprennen Riem bei H.Sonntag, 1940. 41,3 x 60 cm. Mit dem Monogr. ob. re. Mehrf. gefaltet, Heftlöcher i.d. Ecken. - Leichte Alters- u. Gebrauchssp. D

    Kiefer Buch- und Kunstauktionen
  • Gipkens, Julius E.F.
    Oct. 15, 2022

    Gipkens, Julius E.F.

    Est: €300 - €450

    (1883-1960). Sammelt Obstkerne zur Ölgewinnung. - Sammelt die Obstkerne und schickt sie durch Eure Kinder in die Schule. 2 Farbplakate bei Hollerbaum & Schmidt, Berlin ca. 1917. 58 x 43,5 bez. 43,5 x 58 cm. Mehrf. gefaltet. Tls. geringf. randrissig, 1 Bl. mit Eckabriss. - ╔Dabei: Richard Klein╗ (1890-1967). Das braune Band von Deutschland 28. Juli 1940. Werbung für das Galopprenen München-Riehm. Farb. Plakat bei H.Sonntag 1940. 60 x 41 cm. Mit dem Monogr. ob. re. Mehrf. gefaltet. - Stellenw. leicht knittrig, in den Ecken Heftlöcher. Zus. 3 Bl. D

    Kiefer Buch- und Kunstauktionen
  • Poster by Richard Klein (1890-1967) - Oberammergau Tourist Agencies and Travel Bureaus
    Jul. 16, 2022

    Poster by Richard Klein (1890-1967) - Oberammergau Tourist Agencies and Travel Bureaus

    Est: €180 - €400

    Oberammergau Tourist Agencies and Travel Bureaus - 42,571,5, 1930, on japan by Richard Klein (1890-1967)

    Van Sabben Poster Auctions
  • Festball des Deutschen Jagdmuseums. 1939.
    Jul. 12, 2022

    Festball des Deutschen Jagdmuseums. 1939.

    Est: $2,500 - $3,000

    ARTIST: RICHARD KLEIN (1890-1967) SIZE: 47 1/4 x 67 1/2 in./120 x 971.3 cm PRINTER: H. Sonntag, München DESCRIPTION: For a ball at the German Hunting Museum, Klein calls on Artemis, the goddess of the hunt and wilderness. Her perfectly idealized form is contrasted with the silhouette of a stag behind her in this two-sheet design. (Art Deco; Dance; German; Animals)

    Poster Auctions International Inc
  • Rare Original 1930s German Hunter's Ball Poster
    Nov. 06, 2021

    Rare Original 1930s German Hunter's Ball Poster

    Est: $1,500 - $2,000

    Klein, Richard 1890 - 1967 Festball des deutschen Jagdmuseums Offset 1938 Printer: Herm. Sonntag, München Condition Details: (A) on linen, was in two sheets, small tears

    PosterConnection Inc.
  • Richard Klein (German, 1890-1967), oil on canvas, two nude women with greenish tint to their skin tone, one seated wrapped in light...
    Feb. 22, 2021

    Richard Klein (German, 1890-1967), oil on canvas, two nude women with greenish tint to their skin tone, one seated wrapped in light...

    Est: $200 - $400

    Richard Klein (German, 1890-1967), oil on canvas, two nude women with greenish tint to their skin tone, one seated wrapped in light rose pink cloth, the other below her in what appears to be water, they both look towards upper right corner, set in a colorful but muted landscape, signed lower right, not examined out of frame, wear consistent with age, ss: 32" h. x 25" w.

    Winter Associates, Inc.
  • Konvolut
    Feb. 20, 2021


    Est: €80 - €120

    m. 3 Zeichnungen, tls. wohl Illustrationsvorlagen für Zeitschriften. Versch. Techn. Versch. Formate. Alle unt. Passep. mont. Alle verso m. Samml.-St. Aus Sammlung Denzel (nicht bei L.). ╔Vorh.: Klein, Richard╗ (1890 München - Weßling 1967). Dionysos mit Trauben essender Putte. Weiß gehöhte Kohlezeichnung. Ca. 26,5 x 32,5 cm. M. Monogr. unt. re. - ╔Verzweifelte Dame mit einem wohl verstorbenen Kind auf dem Schoß sowie 2 Herren im Hintergrund.╗ Weiß gehöhte Tuschpinselzeichnung auf gelblichem Transparentpapier. Ca. 27,4 x 27,4 cm. Unt. li. bez. "pierre. sec."?. - Stärkere Gebrauchssp. - ╔Sturm.╗ Eine Dame vor einem Pfahlbau versucht, ihre Habseligkeiten zu retten. Aquarell über Bleistift. Ca. 40,0 x 29,0 cm. - Meist leichte Gebrauchssp. R

    Kiefer Buch- und Kunstauktionen
  • Poster by Richard Klein - Reichsparteitag Nürnberg
    Feb. 06, 2021

    Poster by Richard Klein - Reichsparteitag Nürnberg

    Est: €300 - €750

    Reichsparteitag Nürnberg - 58,5x82,5, 1935. The theme on this congress was "Rally of Freedom"; reintroducing compulsory military service! by Richard Klein (1890-1967)

    Van Sabben Poster Auctions
    Sep. 12, 2020


    Est: €180 - €360

    RICHARD KLEIN 1890 München - 1967 Weßling bei München Großes Relief Gips, farbig gefasst. 92 cm x 60 cm. Unten rechts bezeichnet 'Prof. Rich. Klein'. Part. min. best.

    Hargesheimer Kunstauktionen Düsseldorf
  • Klein, Richard
    Mar. 07, 2020

    Klein, Richard

    Est: €80 - €100

    Klein, Richard 1890 München - 1967 Weßling/München. Weiblicher Akt in bewegter Pose. Bleistift auf Papier. Unten rechts signiert. Größe ca. 21,5 x 15,5 cm (Passepartout), hinter Glas gerahmt ca. 34,5 x 28,5 cm.

    Auktionshaus Sieglin GmbH
  • RICHARD KLEIN (GERMANY, 1890-1967)
    Mar. 01, 2020

    RICHARD KLEIN (GERMANY, 1890-1967)

    Est: $1,000 - $1,500

    RICHARD KLEIN (GERMANY, 1890-1967) The Harvester, cast and patinated bronze sculpture, Art Deco style, depicting a man holding a sickle to his shoulder, his other hand shielding his eyes as he looks up at the broiling sun, signed on the integral base, on a red marble plinth, 18 1/2" tall overall. Fine condition.

    Thomaston Place Auction Galleries
  • RICHARD KLEIN (GERMANY, 1890-1967)
    Aug. 25, 2019

    RICHARD KLEIN (GERMANY, 1890-1967)

    Est: $1,000 - $1,500

    RICHARD KLEIN (GERMANY, 1890-1967) The Harvester, cast and patinated bronze sculpture, Art Deco style, depicting a man holding a sickle to his shoulder, his other hand shielding his eyes as he looks up at the broiling sun, signed on the integral base, on a red marble plinth, 18 1/2" tall overall. Fine condition.

    Thomaston Place Auction Galleries
  • Aufgalopp in München. ca. 1935.
    Oct. 28, 2018

    Aufgalopp in München. ca. 1935.

    Est: $1,400 - $1,700

    ARTIST: RICHARD KLEIN (1890-1967) SIZE: 33 1/2 x 47 1/8 in./85 x 119.5 cm PRINTER: Sonntag, München DESCRIPTION: A joyful, alabaster nude rides sidesaddle upon a white stallion in a masterpiece of verve, coloration and festivity. It's on behalf of Munich's Faschingsfest (the Germanic equivalent of pre-Lenten celebrations). (Event; Horses; Art Deco)

    Poster Auctions International Inc
  • * Klein (Richard, 1890-1967). Tennis Players,
    Jun. 15, 2017

    * Klein (Richard, 1890-1967). Tennis Players,

    Est: £100 - £150

    gouache on paper, signed lower right, 55 x 48 cm (21.75 x 19 ins), framed and glazed - Quantity (1)

    Dominic Winter Auctions
  • Klein, Richard (1890 München - Weßling 1967). Die Versuchung der Heili
    Feb. 18, 2017

    Klein, Richard (1890 München - Weßling 1967). Die Versuchung der Heili

    Est: - €75

    Klein, Richard (1890 München - Weßling 1967). Die Versuchung der Heiligen Antonius. Kaltnadelradierung. 20,3 x 15,5, Blgr. 28 x 21 cm. Mont. - Aus d. Slg. G+W Denzel.

    Kiefer Buch- und Kunstauktionen
  • Festball des Deutschen Jagdmuseums. 1939
    Feb. 02, 2015

    Festball des Deutschen Jagdmuseums. 1939

    Est: $3,000 - $4,000

    Artist: RICHARD KLEIN (1890-1967) Size: 47 1/4 x 67 1/2 in./120 x 171.5 cm H. Sonntag, München Perfectly expressing the idealized nude form under National Socialism against a metallic gold stag, this two-sheet design announces a ball at the German Hunting Museum.

    Poster Auctions International Inc
  • Festball des Deutschen Jagdmuseums. 1939
    Jan. 25, 2015

    Festball des Deutschen Jagdmuseums. 1939

    Est: $3,000 - $4,000

    Artist: RICHARD KLEIN (1890-1967) Size: 47 1/4 x 67 1/2 in./120 x 171.5 cm H. Sonntag, München Perfectly expressing the idealized nude form under National Socialism against a metallic gold stag, this two-sheet design announces a ball at the German Hunting Museum.

    Poster Auctions International Inc
  • Richard Klein (1890-1967), Painting, Floral Still Life, 1944
    Jun. 19, 2014

    Richard Klein (1890-1967), Painting, Floral Still Life, 1944

    Est: €800 - €1,000

    Oil on cardboard Germany, 1944 Richard Klein (1890-1967) - German painter, sculptor and graphic artist; Director of the Staatsschule für angewandte Kunst in Munich Signed and dated lower right 'Rich Klein 1944' and also inscribed lower left 'Zum 19. Juni' In ornamented frame accentuated with golden color Overall dimensions framed: 48 x 39.5 cm Very good condition Provenance: Private collection Bavaria Summer bouquet in lucid colors; paintings by Richard Klein fetch up to 1,800 Euros at the auction market The Munich painter Richard Klein created this painting in 1944 presenting a summer flower bouquet. The bunch of diverse flowers is dominated by dark red and pink blossoms. Leaves, vase and background appear in contrast in lucid green shades. The painting is signed and dated 'Rich Klein 1944' and also inscribed lower left 'Zum 19. Juni'. It is overall in very good condition with a small buckling in the upper middle edge. The cardboard measures 40 x 30 cm, the framed dimensions are 48 x 39.5 cm. Richard Klein (1890-1967) Richard Klein was born in Munich in 1890. He attended the technical school for sculpture and then studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Munich under Franz von Stuck. From 1919 on he was a member of the Munich Secession, where he regularly exhibited sculptures and paintings. At the time of the National Socialists Klein was appointed as director and professor of the Staatsschule für angewandte Kunst in Munich. Shipping costs excl. statutory VAT and plus 2,5% (+VAT) shipping insurance. Due to the legal obligation for the resale royalty in the art market the following applies: As a result of its membership in the AV Kunst, Auctionata charges additionally to the hammer price the contribution to the AV Kunst of currently 2.1% of the revenues from the sale of fine arts and photographs pro rata towards the buyer. More information about royalty right in our T&C.

    Auctionata Paddle8 AG
  • Original 1930s German Horse Racing Poster BRAUNE BAND
    Mar. 25, 2014

    Original 1930s German Horse Racing Poster BRAUNE BAND

    Est: $100 - $300

    Klein, Richard 1890 - 1967. Das Braune Band von Deutschland. Offset 1939. Size: 23.6 x 16.5 in. (60 x 42 cm). Printer: H. Sonntag, München. Condition Details: (A-/B+) minor creasing and staining, small paper loss at the upper left edge.

    PosterConnection Inc.
  • RICHARD KLEIN (GERMAN, 1890-1967) Romantic Scene 1923 oil on canvas
    Sep. 16, 2013

    RICHARD KLEIN (GERMAN, 1890-1967) Romantic Scene 1923 oil on canvas

    Est: $800 - $1,200

    RICHARD KLEIN (GERMAN, 1890-1967) Romantic Scene 1923 oil on canvas signed and dated 'RICH KLEIN 1923' lower right 54.5 x 44.5cm

    Leonard Joel
    Oct. 31, 2012


    Est: $1,500 - $2,000

    RICHARD KLEIN 1890-1967 (YOUNG BOY PLAYNIG A FLUTE AMOUNGST RUINS) oil on canvas signed and dated 'RICH / KELEIN / 1923' lower right 56 X 46.5CM

    Smith & Singer
  • Richard Klein (German 1890 - 1967) oil on canvas,
    Apr. 17, 2012

    Richard Klein (German 1890 - 1967) oil on canvas,

    Est: $300 - $500

    Richard Klein (German 1890 - 1967) oil on canvas, Modernist woman figure, 24"x18"

    Bill Hood & Sons Arts & Antiques Auctions
  • Klein, Richard Drei badende Frauen (München
    Mar. 17, 2012

    Klein, Richard Drei badende Frauen (München

    Est: - €900

    Klein, Richard Drei badende Frauen (München 1890-1967 Weßling) Öl/Lwd. Rechts unten sign. 92 x 81,5 cm. - An zwei Stellen rep. - Lit. Thieme/Becker 20, Vollmer 3.

    Kunstauktionshaus Schlosser
    Sep. 20, 2011


    Est: -


    Wilton Theatre Auction Gallery
    Sep. 13, 2011


    Est: -


    Wilton Theatre Auction Gallery
  • Klein, Richard-Drei badende Frauen-(München
    Jul. 02, 2011

    Klein, Richard-Drei badende Frauen-(München

    Est: - €900

    Klein, Richard-Drei badende Frauen-(München 1890-1967 Weßling) Öl/Lwd. Rechts unten sign. 92 x 81,5 cm. - An zwei Stellen rep. - Lit. Thieme/Becker 20, Vollmer 3.

    Kunstauktionshaus Schlosser
  • Richard Klein (GERMAN, 1890-1967) oil on canvas,
    May. 24, 2011

    Richard Klein (GERMAN, 1890-1967) oil on canvas,

    Est: $500 - $750

    Richard Klein (GERMAN, 1890-1967) oil on canvas, "Nudes" SLR, 33"X26"

    Bill Hood & Sons Arts & Antiques Auctions
  • Richard Klein (1890 - 1967) - a portrait of a girl.
    May. 10, 2011

    Richard Klein (1890 - 1967) - a portrait of a girl.

    Est: €560 - €672

    Mixed media on cardboard, signed on the lower right "Rich. Klein". Under glass and framed. Dimensions 50.5 x 42.5 cm. Richard Klein, artist and director of the Munich Academy of Fine Arts, also designed the Badge of Honour for Members of the Reich Cultural Senate.

    Hermann Historica GmbH
  • Richard Klein (German, 1890-1967) Double portrait of a woman and child; and a Portrait of an officer, shoulder length and 36 x 28.6 cm. (14 1/4 x 11 1/4 in.)
    Jan. 05, 2011

    Richard Klein (German, 1890-1967) Double portrait of a woman and child; and a Portrait of an officer, shoulder length and 36 x 28.6 cm. (14 1/4 x 11 1/4 in.)

    Est: £150 - £200

    Double portrait of a woman and child; and a Portrait of an officer, shoulder length the first signed 'Richard/Klein' (lower right), the second signed 'Richad/Klein' (lower left) oil on board; and oil on canvas laid on board 36.2 x 44.5cm (14 1/4 x 17 1/2in).and 36 x 28.6 cm. (14 1/4 x 11 1/4 in.) (2), the second is unframed

  • KUNST IM DRITTEN REICH: Richard Klein (1890 - 1967) - Mädchenportrait.
    Apr. 15, 2010

    KUNST IM DRITTEN REICH: Richard Klein (1890 - 1967) - Mädchenportrait.

    Est: €850 - €1,700

    Richard Klein (1890 - 1967) - Mädchenportrait. Mischtechnik auf Karton, rechts unten signiert "Rich. Klein". Unter Glas und gerahmt. Maße 50,5 x 42,5 cm. Richard Klein, Künstler und Direktor der Münchner Akademie für Angewandte Künste, entwarf u.a. das Abzeichen für Mitglieder des Reichskultursenats.

    Hermann Historica GmbH
  • RICHARD KLEIN (1890-1967). PASSION PLAYS / OBERAMMERGAU. 1930. 39x25 inches, 101x63 cm. H. Sonntag & Co., Munich.
    Aug. 05, 2009

    RICHARD KLEIN (1890-1967). PASSION PLAYS / OBERAMMERGAU. 1930. 39x25 inches, 101x63 cm. H. Sonntag & Co., Munich.

    Est: $500 - $750

    RICHARD KLEIN (1890-1967) PASSION PLAYS / OBERAMMERGAU. 1930. 39 3/4x25 inches, 101x63 1/2 cm. H. Sonntag & Co., Munich. Condition A-: repaired tears, creases and minor discoloration at edges.

    Swann Auction Galleries
  • Sewa Tafelwasser Poster / Plakat 1930
    Mar. 28, 2009

    Sewa Tafelwasser Poster / Plakat 1930

    Est: €400 - €600

    Klein, Richard 1890 - 1967 Sewa Tafelwasser Offset 1930 47.2 x 33 in. (120 x 84 cm) Drucker / Printer: Köhler, München Beschreibung / Details: (B+) kleine Einrisse und Bräunungen an den Rändern, PS rechts Marktwert: € 600 Startpreis: € 400

    Jörg Weigelt Auktionen
  • Richard Klein(1890 München - 1967 München). Zwei
    Dec. 03, 2008

    Richard Klein(1890 München - 1967 München). Zwei

    Est: - €2,000

    Richard Klein(1890 München - 1967 München). Zwei weibliche Akte. 1928 Oil on canvas . Signed and dated lower right. With a label on the reverse, there with inscription.81,5 x 91,5 cm (32 x 36 in). Provenienz: Private collection South Germany. Richard Klein, the Munich painter, printmaker and medallion-designer received a broad-ranging education at the Munich Applied Arts School, the Stucco and Sculpture School and at Johann Seidler's sculpture workshop before immatriculating at the Munich Art Academy to study with Angelo Jank and Franz von Stuck. In 1919 Richard Klein became a member of the Munich Secession. In 1928 he received an appointment to teach at the State School of Applied Art. Klein is known primarily for his portraits and nude studies but was also a distinguished designer of medallions. [NB] Edges minimally rubbed. Stretcher softly pushing through on the upper margin. With craquelé and a few tiny brown stains. With small retouchings.

  • RICHARD (RICH) KLEIN (German. Born 1890)
    Sep. 22, 2008

    RICHARD (RICH) KLEIN (German. Born 1890)

    Est: $200 - $300

    RICHARD (RICH) KLEIN (German. Born 1890)"WW II Soldier". Signed Rich Klein dated 1945 and inscribed Wessling l/r.Oil on Paper. Measuring 16" by 12". Framed 21 1/4" by 17 1/2". (Cond: Good) (200/300)

    Auction Gallery of the Palm Beaches
    Oct. 05, 2005


    Est: £1,200 - £1,500

    'LEDA AND THE SWAN' A GREEN PATINATED BRONZE FIGURAL GROUP on turned wood base signed RICH KLEIN in the maquette 8 1/2 in. (21.5cm.) high

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