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Giovan Bernardino Azzolino Sold at Auction Prices

Painter, Sculptor, b. 1572 - d. 1645

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  • Giovanni Bernardino Azzolino (Cefalù 1572-Napoli 1645) - Madonna with Child and St. John, 16th century
    Apr. 19, 2024

    Giovanni Bernardino Azzolino (Cefalù 1572-Napoli 1645) - Madonna with Child and St. John, 16th century

    Est: €12,000 - €99,999

    Oil on slate Maira families of Palermo. Present Experties of Professor Strinati Claudio: “The remarkable painting depicting the Madonna with Child and Saint John (oil on  ardesia, 144x148 cm) is a beautiful example of that painting on stone that became widespread very much in every part of Italy between the end of the sixteenth century and the first quarter of the Sixteenth century. The state of conservation of the work is good but a certain darkening of the surface (also due to the nature of the support) which however a good restoration can provide a safe remedy as the pictorial film is substantially healthy), not prevents a correct reading of the work. This is of Tuscan inspiration, so much so that in the features of the Madonna it recalls < span style="background-color: hsl(var(--bs-white)); color: var(--bs-card-color); font-size: var(--bs-body-font-size); text-align: var(--bs-body-text-align);">prototypes that can be broadly defined as Raphaelesque because they were inspired by late paintingsactivities of Raffaello Sanzio, paintings that achieved fame during the sixteenth centuryuniversal. But if the style is certainly of Tuscan inspiration, the work in question here is instead  ;certainly fit into the great southern school of the very early seventeenth century which he saw illustrious painters active even if they are less frequented by studies today. Among these,some protagonists of painting that can be broadly defined as Neapolitan. They are masters who draw their inspiration from the Tuscan and Florentine environment in particular, much appreciated throughout Italy (in this regard, see the recent catalog Timeless wonder. Stone painting in Rome between the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, Gallery Borghese, Officina Libraria 2022-2023, edited by Francesca Cappelletti and Patrizia Cavazzini, very comprehensive on the topic) and in kingdom of Naples in particular.Among these painters, one in particular is to be considered the author of our painting, and this is Giovanni Bernardino Azzolino (Cefalù 1572-Naples 1645) actually the authorvery celebrated in his time and less well known today. Refined classicist, very fine artist and colorist, polite and tender in his expressions, Azzolino had a important career that took place in various centers in southern Italy and is still thereexcellent works by him are preserved. The painting in question here certainly belongs to him and must have been painted around the end of the 1620s as attested by the comparison with some of his works certainly dated, like those executed, precisely at the end of the twenties, for Pio Monte della Misericordia in Naples, characterized by its solid style, masterfully chiaroscuro and classicizing, in a very similar way to what can be seen in our painting, under consideration here.”

  • AZZOLINO GIOVANNI BERNARDINO (1572 - 1645) Madonna with child and Saint Catherine of Alexandrian.
    Dec. 14, 2021

    AZZOLINO GIOVANNI BERNARDINO (1572 - 1645) Madonna with child and Saint Catherine of Alexandrian.

    Est: €10,000 - €15,000

    AZZOLINO GIOVANNI BERNARDINO (1572 - 1645). Madonna with child and Saint Catherine of Alexandrian. Cm 90,00 x 108,00.

    Capitolium Art
  • Giovan Bernardino Azzolino The Child Jesus as the Redeemer and Salvator Mundi Oil on canvas, 130x102 cm. Framed Appended technical essey by professor Nicola Spinosa...
    Apr. 20, 2021

    Giovan Bernardino Azzolino The Child Jesus as the Redeemer and Salvator Mundi Oil on canvas, 130x102 cm. Framed Appended technical essey by professor Nicola Spinosa...

    Est: €36,000 - €38,000

    (Cefalù 1598 - Napoli 1645) The Child Jesus as the Redeemer and Salvator Mundi Oil on canvas, 130x102 cm. Framed Appended technical essey by professor Nicola Spinosa IT Gesù Bambino come Redentore e Salvator Mundi Olio su tela, cm. 130x102 In cornice L'opera è accompagnata da una scheda critica del professor Nicola Spinosa

    Il Ponte Auction House
    Jun. 14, 2016


    Est: $25,000 - $35,000

    GIOVANNI BERNARDINO AZZOLINI (italian c. 1572-1645) CHRIST IN THE HOUSE OF MARY AND MARTHA Oil on canvas 48 3/4 x 69 in. (123.8 x 175.3 cm) provenance: J.W. Brett, 1833. E. Dwight, 1837, by whom given to an institution where it remained until the early 1990s. Sotheby's, New York, sale of January 11, 1996, lot 174 (as by Pietro Novelli). The Collection of Dr. Hilary Koprowski and Dr. Irena Koprowska. exhibited: Boston Athenaeum, Boston, Massachusetts, 1833, no. 9; and 1837, no. 116, (each time as by Caravaggio). literature: R. F. Perkins and W. J. Gain, eds., Boston Athenaeum Art Exhibition Index, 1827-1874, Cambridge: 1980, pp. 30, 285. S. Causa, La strategia dell'attenzione: pittori a Napoli nel primo Seicento, Naples: 2007, p. 41, fig. 7 (as by Azzolino). note: Azzolini was a native of Sicily and is recorded as being in Naples from 1594. He later settled in Genoa where he was elected to the Accademia di San Luca. Trained as a sculptor as well as a painter, his chief influences were his Neapolitan contemporaries Belisario Corenzio (c. 1558-1643) and Fabrizio Santafede (c. 1560-1635). Azzolini also worked with his son-in-law Jusepe de Ribera (1591-1652) on several commissions. We are grateful to Nicola Spinosa, who has identified this painting to be the work of Azzolini based on an electronically transmitted photograph.

    Freeman's | Hindman
  • GIOVANNI BERNARDINO AZZOLINO | Christ in the house of Mary and Martha
    Jan. 29, 2016

    GIOVANNI BERNARDINO AZZOLINO | Christ in the house of Mary and Martha

    Est: $40,000 - $60,000

    oil on canvas

    Jun. 30, 2015


    Est: £18,000 - £22,000

    GIOVANNI BERNARDO AZZOLINO Last Supper Oil on board, This picture is one of the most outstanding masterpieces of Giovanni Bernardo Azzo- lino, a painter of Sicilian origin but who trained and spent his entire career in Naples. Azzolino may rightly be considered one of the most important rediscoveries in art history in recent years, both on the basis of Bernardo De Dominici's account ("Vita di Giovan Bernardino Siciliano , pittore e scultore" in Vite dei pittori, scultori ed architetti napoletani 1742; published in Naples by Paparo, edited by F. Sricchia Santoro and A. Zezza, Vol. III, 2008 p. 229 et seq.) and thanks to more recent scholarship ( V. Farina, Al sole e all’ombra di Ribera. Questioni di disegno e pittura a Napoli nella prima metà del Seicento, Longobardi 2014 ). The Last Supper is remarkable for its sharp naturalism influenced both by the extremely modern experiments of Ribera (who married Azzolino's daughter Francesca and was in close contact with his father-in-law) and by Azzolino's enthusiasm and interest in the classicism of Domenichino, as we learn from De Dominici who underscores this dual Caravaggesque and Carraccesque strain in the great Sicilian painter's work. His grandiose development of still-life, his variety of expression and his perfectly poli- shed draughstmanship defining his individual images all come together to make this work a significant example of early Neapolitan naturalism which is utterly new and in- novative, depending only to a minor extent on the novel achievements of Caravaggio. Azzolino was a highly experienced artist who was also possessed of vast cultural kno- wledge. A comparison between the Last Supper and one of his most superlative altar- pieces of known date, his majestic St. Dominic Distributing Rosaries in the church of San Pietro Martire in Naples (published and thoroughly discussed in G. Previtali, La pittura del Cinquecento a Napoli e nel Vicereame, Turin 1978, p. 159, ) painted in 1640, prompts us to date the Last Supper to the same period, thus including it among the masterpieces of the painter's mature years. Still reminiscent in some ways of the great Flemish Mannerism of Teodoro d'Errico, at the same time it partakes fully of the great debate on modern painting being conducted in the kingdom of Naples. cm 210 x 140

    Bertolami Fine Art s.r.l.
  • GIOVANNI BERNARDINO AZZOLINO | Christ in the house of Mary and Martha
    Jun. 04, 2015

    GIOVANNI BERNARDINO AZZOLINO | Christ in the house of Mary and Martha

    Est: $80,000 - $120,000

    oil on canvas

  • Giovanni Bernardino Azzolino
    Nov. 25, 2012

    Giovanni Bernardino Azzolino

    Est: €10,800 - €12,000

    (1572 Cefalù/Sizilien - 1645 Neapel) Die Anghiari-Schlacht Aus mehreren Einzelszenen gestaltete Komposition. Kniender Herrscher bzw. vornehmer Heerführer in Tracht der Spätrenaissance vor einem, von Engeln umgebenen Hl. Bischof, der auf einer Woke an einem Altar ruht. Flankierend szenische Darstellung einer Gruppe von Patriziern, Schilderung der Schlacht im Jahr 1440 unter Führung des Condottiere Niccolò (Nicola) Piccinino und einer Vision mit Reitern im Himmel. Großformatiges Hauptwerk des bekannten italienischen Künstlers, der ab 1594 in Neapel ansässig war. Die Stadt war um 1600 bedeutende europäische Metropole, Residenz der spanischen Vizekönige und Kunst-Hauptstadt des italienischen Südens. Rasch erhielt er eine Reihe von Aufträgen für Fresken und Gemälde in Kirchen, die ihm Wohlstand und Prestige einbrachten. Azzolino schilderte vornehmlich biblische Szenen und Heilige, in seinen klassischen Kompositionen blieb er seinem ruhigen, spätmanieristischen bzw. frühbarocken, eleganten, formal präzisen Stil treu. Öl/Lwd., doubl.; An der Säulenplinthe teilw. undeutl. transkribierbare lateinische Inschrift mit Sign. "Militi(?) Ducis Nicola Picchinii Anghiari (...) Joani Dazzolino (...)". 190 cm x 230 cm. Rahmen. Provenienz: Freiherrenfamilie von Ledebur, Westfalen.

    Kunstauktionshaus Schloss Ahlden
  • Giovanni Bernardino Azzolino , Cefalù, Sicily circa 1572 - 1645 Naples The Ascension oil on canvas
    Jun. 05, 2008

    Giovanni Bernardino Azzolino , Cefalù, Sicily circa 1572 - 1645 Naples The Ascension oil on canvas

    Est: $1,572 - $1,645

    oil on canvas

  • Giovanni Bernardino Azzolino (Cefalu, Sicily c. 1572-1645 Naples)
    Dec. 12, 2001

    Giovanni Bernardino Azzolino (Cefalu, Sicily c. 1572-1645 Naples)

    Est: $29,000 - $43,500

    The Ascension oil on canvas 951/2 x 621/2 in. (242.5 x 158.8 cm.) PROVENANCE The Fundacion Gabriel d'Annunzio; Christie's, New York, 7 October 1993, lot 82 ($34,500 to the present owners). NOTES Both a painter and sculptor by profession, Azzolini was a native of Sicily. Together with the painter Luigi Rodriguez, he travelled to Naples, where he became very active painting for local churches. Among Azzolino's most noted works is the altarpiece of the 'Madonna of the Rosary and the fifteen Mysteries' (1612-4) in the Chiesa di San Vincenzo Ferreri, Naples. The closest work to the present lot is the altarpiece of The Madonna and Child with Saints (c. 1610) in the Chiesa del Ges— Nuova, Naples. For further information on the artist, see F. Ferrante, 'Aggiunte all' Azzolino', Prospertiva, 1979, no. 19, pp. 16 ff. We are grateful to Professor Riccardo Lattuada for confirming the attribution on the basis of a photograph, he considers it to be one of the artist's masterpieces.

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