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Japanese Swords

The Japanese have been perfecting the art of sword making since the 1st century A.D., and traditional sword makers in Japan are legendary. Japanese swords are prized for their grace, efficiency, and excellent craftsmanship.

The most sought after Japanese swords are those that were created during the 10th to 16th centuries when horseback warfare was most common. The curvature of the samurai sword as developed after the 10th century allowed for the cutting of an opponent while in motion.

The most well known Japanese sword is the katana. This curved long sword only has one blade, and was used by samurai during the 15th century and beyond. Other long Japanese swords include tsurugi and ken, which are double-edged and straight. These kinds of swords were only made prior to the 10th century.

The wakizashi is a sword that samurai wore with their katanas. This sword is much smaller and can be used single handedly, unlike long swords that require two hands. Japanese swords like these became well known for the complexity of the metals used to construct the swords, as well as the intricate folding of metal to form the flexible yet sharp and resilient blade.

Quick Facts

  • Contemporary Japanese swords as well as those made during the Heian period are often found through auctions or dealers. However, today's Japanese swords tend to either lack an edge or be made of brittle steel
  • In Japan, swords are not merely weapons but deified objects to revere. It is believed that the sword contains the soul of the samurai and therefore possesses special powers
  • Modern day swords are not considered weapons, but rather art objects. Still, in order to legally own a Japanese sword, one must obtain the appropriate certification

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