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Illinois Pocket Watches

Harkening from Springfield, the state capital, the Illinois Watch Company represents a bit of the rich horological history of America. Formed in 1869 by a group of prominent Springfield businessmen, the timepiece company produced its first pieces in 1872, with production still ramping up over the following years.

By 1879 the company had officially named themselves the “Illinois Springfield Watch Company,” but after some corporate reorganization, reemerged six years later as simply the “Illinois Watch Company.” Despite these administrative changes, the quality of the Illinois pocket watch remained consistent, and the brand developed a reputation as a preeminent pocket timepiece. Though all of their surviving pieces are worthy of showcase, perhaps most celebrated are their key-wound and key-set watches, which are relative rare.

Quick Facts

  • One of Illinois Springfield Watch Company’s founding directors, John T. Stuart, was a former partner of Abraham Lincoln, who himself went on to become United States President
  • Their first watch series were named after their founding directors: fir the “Stuart,” followed by the “Mason,” “Bunn,” and “Miller”
  • It is estimated that Illinois Watch Company produced just under 6 million watches during its six decades as an organization (the company was purchased by the Hamilton Watch Company in 1927 and ceased production)

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