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Chinese Dolls & Bears

Invented in China, antique Chinese dolls and bears were popularized in Europe in the 18th to 20th century. These toys were generally made out of hard, fragile glazed porcelain, and were decorated as life-like representations. Contemporary dolls tend to be called “porcelain dolls," whereas older vintage dolls are referred to as “china dolls," with “china” being the term to describe fine porcelain in Europe.

Chinese dolls are not always entirely made out of porcelain. Often the head and limbs are made of ceramic, while the body is made of a softer material. The dolls are decorated with clothing of the time, often with silk dresses and robes and small fabric shoes. However, as a result of the delicate nature of porcelain, Chinese porcelain dolls remain a popular collector’s item rather than a toy for small children.

Quick Facts

  • While first created in China, China dolls were predominantly produced in Germany during the 18th century
  • China dolls are rarely made entirely out of porcelain because it would make the doll far too heavy. This is why usually only the head of these dolls were created out of ceramic
  • The goal of these dolls was to be as lifelike and realistic as possible. Each doll has uniquely defining physical characteristics

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