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Lot 302: Vladimír Jindřich Bufka (1887-1916)

Est: €3,704 EUR - €7,408 EURSold:
Auction House Zezula603 00 BRNO, Czech RepublicApril 09, 2016

Item Overview


Vladimír Jindřich Bufka (1887-1916)
MARIE BUFKOVÁ WITH INDIAN HEADBAND. 30. September 1914. Gum bichromate print in sepia tone, vintage positive print, 191x137 mm (233x156 mm). Recto lower right signed and dated by the photographer, verso signed in ink and annotated “Gum bichromate print Komb. dne 30. září 1914; Gumm bichromate process“. A half profile variation of this picture is contained in the collections of the Moravian gallery in Brno and was published in Bufek’s monograph: Antonín Dufek, Vladimír Jindřich Bufka, Praha 2010, cat. no. 44. Condition A.
Vladimír Jindřich Bufka (1887-1916)
MARIE BUFKOVÁ S INDIÁNSKOU ČELENKOU. 30. září 1914. Gumotisk sépiového odstínu, původní autorský pozitiv. 191x137 mm (233x156 mm). Recto tužkou vpravo dole podpis autora a datace, verso inkoustem podpis autora a poznámky: „Gumotisk Komb. dne 30. září 1914; Gumm bichromate process“. Varianta z poloprofilu je situována ve sbírkách Moravské galerie v Brně a byla publikována v Bufkově monografii: Antonín Dufek, Vladimír Jindřich Bufka, Praha 2010, č. kat. 44. Stav A.
Vladimír Jindřich Bufka (1887-1916)
MARIE BUFKOVÁ MIT INDIANER KOPFSCHMUCK. 30. September 1914. Gummidruck in Sepia-Ton, vintage. 191x137 mm (233x156 mm). Recto rechts unten sign. und datiert in Bleistift, Verso in Tinte sign. und bez.: „Gumotisk Komb. dne 30. září 1914; Gumm bichromate process“. Eine Halbprofil Variante gibt es in Sammlungen von Moravská galerie in Brünn, veröffentlicht in der Monographie des Künstlers: Antonín Dufek, Vladimír Jindřich Bufka, Prag 2010, Katalognummer. 44. Zustand A.


Český fotograf, významný představitel secesního piktorialismu. Věnoval se širokému spektru uměleckých technik, ovládal ušlechtilý tisk a experimentoval také s novými technikami, s gumotiskem, platinotiskem nebo olejotiskem. Byl průkopníkem v mnoha oblastech fotografické tvorby, fotil jak inscenované ateliérové fotografie, tak v plenéru za nejrůznějších povětrnostních podmínek. Ačkoliv zemřel na leukémii ve věku pouhých dvaceti osmi let, významně ovlivnil českou fotografii začátku 20. století. Byl i teoretikem, o fotografii pořádal přednášky a publikoval své články v dobových časopisech. Vystudoval chemii na Vysokém učení technickém v Praze a fotografickou praxi získal v továrně bratří Lumiérů v Lyonu a v ateliérech Langhans v Praze a Kosel ve Vídni. V roce 1911 si v Praze otevřel svůj vlastní ateliér, který záhy získal velkou popularitu. Po umělcově smrti převzala vedení podniku jeho manželka, a ten tak fungoval až do roku 1928. Na přelomu let 2010 a 2011 umělci uspořádala monografickou výstavu Moravská galerie v Brně.
Vladimír Jindřich Bufka was a Czech photographer and an important proponent of the Czech art-noveau pictorialism. Bufka was familiar with various photography techniques of the time including gum bichromate, platinum print or oil print. He was also a pioneer of many photographic techniques, his creative works span a wide range; he practised staged photography in studio settings as well as outside in different weather conditions. Although he died of leukaemia at the age of 28, his influence on Czech photography of the early 20th century was significant. He gave lectures and seminars on photography, contributed to various specialized magazines and published a number of books. He studied chemistry at the Czech Technical University in Prague and later gained the real life experience with photography in the company of the Lumière brothers in Lyon, in the Langhans atelier in Prague and Kosel atelier in Vienna. He opened his own studio in 1911 in Prague and achieved a great popularity very soon. After his death, his studio was managed by his wife Marie Bufková until 1928. In 2010 and 2011 his works were exhibited in the Moravian Gallery in Brno.

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Auction Details

50th Auction of Antiques and Objects of Art

Auction House Zezula
April 09, 2016, 10:00 AM CET

Auction house Zezula Hlinky 142c, 603 00 BRNO, CZ


Buyer's Premium


Bidding Increments


Conditions of Sale

Auction announcement

on holding of the public Auction, in the sence of Law no. 26/2000 Coll.

I. Auctioneer

Tomáš Zezula, Identification Number 14629585 conducts the public Auction at the request of the owners of the objects. This Auction will be held in the Auction house Zezula, 142c Hlinky Street, Brno, Czech Republic.

II. Auctioned items

Each item (or group of items) obtains its number according to the catalogue along with the description and the opening bid. All items may be examined during the exhibition in the Auction House Zezula. On the day of auction the items are not exhibited.

All information in the catalogue is based on scientific knowledge published or otherwise available before the date of auction. Information in the printed catalogue may be updated on the internet page of the catalogue. The Auction House Zezula retains the right to correct any information about the auctioned items published in the catalogue. Any corrections will be visibly placed in the auction venue and verbally announced by the auctioneer before auctioning of the relevant item.

Items listed in the catalogue with the * symbol have been declared cultural monuments by the state and are subject to the Law no. 20/1987 Coll. about the state care of historical monuments as amended by the subsequent Law no. 242/1992 Coll., no. 361/1999 Coll., no. 122/2000 Coll., no. 132/2000 Coll., no. 146/2001 Coll. and no. 320/2002 Coll.

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The auctioneer announces the serial number of the item, its brief description and opening bid. After this calling the bidders, i.e. the owners of the auction number, can bid up with the raising of the auction number. The auction of the item continues until no further bids are made.

The increments (in CZK) The immediate bid (in CZK);

100 - < 2 000
200 > 2 000 < 4 000
500 > 4 000 < 10 000
1 000 > 10 000 < 30 000
2 000 > 30 000 < 60 000
5 000 > 60 000 < 100 000
10 000 > 100 000 < 500 000
50 000 > 500 000 < 1 000 000
100 000 > 1 000 000---

The sequence of increments is settled by the Auctioneer. The bidders in the auction hall take precedence. At the coincidence of the same written limits the sequence is settled by the Auctioneer.

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The successful bidder must complete his obligation within 10 days after the holding of the auction. The price attained in the auction hall will be increased by a 18% buyer's premium including VAT.

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Auction House will ship, at Buyer's expense

Shipping Terms

Auction House will ship, at Buyer's expense

Shipping Terms

Auction House will ship, at Buyer's expense

Shipping Terms

Auction House will ship, at Buyer's expense

Shipping Terms

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