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Lot 804: Vela, Vincenzo (1820- 1891)

Est: €400 EUR - €600 EURSold:
DannenbergBerlin, GermanySeptember 14, 2012

Item Overview


Les derniers jours de Napoléon (die letzten Tage Napoleons)". Bronze mit brauner Patina (min. Altersspuren). Auf Plinthe sign. V. VÉLA, Gießerstempel "F. BARBEDIENNE, Fondeur" bzw. Collas und Unterseite mit Form-Nr. 788. Wohl zeitnahe Ausführung. 28x 19x 26 cm."

Artist or Maker

Payment & Shipping


Accepted forms of payment: COD (cash on delivery), Personal Check, Visa, Wire Transfer


Auction House will ship, at Buyer's expense

Auction Details

127 Kunst & Antiquitätenauktion

September 14, 2012, 10:00 AM CET

Seesener Str. 8-9, Berlin, 10709, DE


Buyer's Premium


Bidding Increments


Terms and Conditions


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Shipping Terms

Auction House will ship, at Buyer's expense

Payment Terms

Purchase price. The purchase price shall be due and payable with the knockdown and comprises the hammer price and 20% premium incl. 19% VAT (net 16.81%). VAT is levied on the premium only and thus on the domestic performance; it is not reimbursable for foreign bidders. Payment by credit card shall incur a processing fee of 3.5% of the invoice amount plus VAT, Maestro cards issued by foreign banks 0.5% plus VAT
Payment default. Payment default shall incur at least default interest of 8 percentage points above pertinent base rate pursuant to Section 247 Civil Code. If the buyer can prove that a loss of that amount was not incurred, only the statutory default interest rate shall be applied. In the case of payment in a foreign currency, any exchange-rate loss and bank charges shall be borne by the buyer. The same shall apply for cheques, which can be acknowledged as fulfilment only after unconditional bank crediting. Even without a reminder, the buyer shall be liable in the case of late or refused payment and acceptance of a knocked down item for all and any loss or harm incurred as a result. The auctioneer can opt to demand performance of the contract of sale or damages for non-performance and, regardless of the choice, auction the item again at the buyer's expense. In that case, the buyer, whose rights under the previous knockdown shall be void, shall be liable for the loss without being entitled to any additional proceeds and shall be barred from bidding for the item again.