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Lot 66: Stan Douglas (Canadian, 1960)

Est: €3,000 EUR - €4,000 EURPassed
NativeBruxelles, BelgiumOctober 17, 2020

Item Overview


Creek at Mc Bride Bay - 1996
Photograph mounted on panel
45,7 x 55,9 cm
Numbered 2/7

Zeno X Gallery, Antwerp (1998)

The Nootka Sound photographs complement Douglas’ video installation Nu*tka*, but their photographic crispness adds little clarity to Nu*tka*’s confusing, split video signals, which record the same historically contested site. Douglas’ home province has advertised its pristine tourist splendors as “supernatural British Colombia.” There can be no detail in images of the sublime. We are to presume that there is no industry in these coastal forests […]; no history of contact, commerce or transgression […]; indeed no history of people […]; and, certainly, no question of land rights. Visitors always presumed the same. Nu*tka* is the story of first encounters between expansionist European nations and Canada’s First Nations only two hundred years ago. Then as now, we use the screen of the sublime – not the sublime, but an image of it (as in Douglas mimicking Romantic landscape genres) – to obscure signs of what we presume and prefer to be absent: the native people.
Philip Monk, in Stan Douglas, Edited by the Friedrich Christian Flick Collection, DuMont Literatur und Kunst Verlag, Cologne, 2006, p.106

Artist or Maker

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Auction Details

Tribal Art, Contemporary Art and 20th Century Furniture

October 17, 2020, 07:00 PM CET

Ruysbroeck Galerij 5 Galerie de Ruysbroeck 5, Bruxelles, 1000, BE


Buyer's Premium


Bidding Increments



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21% calculated on the buyer's premium.