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Lot 53: 嶋本昭三 Shozo SHIMAMOTO (Japanese, 1928 - 2013)

Est: NT$2,400,000 TWD - NT$3,600,000 TWDSold:
RavenelTaipei, TaiwanJuly 19, 2020

Item Overview


簽名右下:S. Shimamoto

Signed lower right S. Shimamoto

「具體派」(Gutai)藝術是1960年代開始活躍於日本的美術協會。作為日本最具影響力的戰後先鋒藝術群體,這些藝術家剛剛從戰時嚴酷的極權主義中掙脫出來,渴望取得一種新的文化身份,這種身份要獨特,同時還要和西方平起平坐。當時的日本在物質層面上效仿歐美文明的行動,因此被置於一個分化的構造中,民眾反思於當下,社會環境尋求恢復和保持日本起 源於鄉土文化的精神純度。在當時的日本藝壇同樣在尋找一種抽象的普世語言,自我本身成了實驗活力的源泉。作為Gutai的創建人之一,嶋本昭三以「讓顏料徹底脫離畫筆束縛」為目標,創思「具體」一詞。嶋本昭三命名「具體」中「具」解作工具;「體」解作身體,意指「用工具和身體 呈現」。成員拋棄了傳統藝術家的工具,尤其是「畫筆」的使用,用各種大膽無畏的自我表達,特別是肉身參與。 嶋本昭三以他具有破壞性的創作,甚具戲劇張力,糅合表演與繪畫兩種藝術,點燃顏料的熾烈活力,爆炸揮灑的材料與洶湧翻騰的人生精神無間融合。

「具體派」藝術命名者的嶋本昭三,1950年畢業於關西學院大學文學部。1954年結識吉原治良,兩人亦師亦友共同創立「具體藝術協會」,其後以主要成員之姿活躍於藝壇。早在加入具體派前,嶋本就已經開始構思並實踐自身的藝術創作行為。為其後嶄新的藝術領域打下深厚的基礎,並發表體驗型的創作《この上を步いてください(Please Walk on Top;直譯:請走在這之上)》(1955年),以及利用大砲將顏料噴灑至畫布的「大砲繪畫」(1956年)。同年於東京‧青山小原會館舉行的第2屆具體美術展中,將石頭放置於畫面中央做為標的,投擲裝有顏料與異物的玻璃瓶,利用其飛沫痕跡完成作品「擲瓶繪畫」(1956年),這種創作方式也成為他作品的主要特徵。

在過去的2019年,作為日本戰後首個激進藝術團體「具體派」,以獨具根本的創造精神與極致的純粹,上下求索。成員們在創作當中尋找興奮點的魅力,使「具體派」依舊活躍在當今世界舞臺。其中寶龍美術館(Powerlong Art Museum)、費格斯・麥卡弗裡畫廊(Fergus McCaffrey Gallery)、東京歌劇院畫廊(Tokyo Opera City Art Gallery)、白石畫廊(Whitestone Gallery)、金馬賓館當代美術館(Alien Art Centre)等美術館或畫廊機構都有對「具體派」舉辦不同規模的回顧展。具體派再次厚積薄發向世界展示探索繪畫顏料,力求身體與物質間「新精神靈性」的藝術哲思,亦宣告了具體派作為亞洲現代藝術的重要流派,在世界舞臺上的特殊地位。近年來,藝術市場中的「具體派」浪潮正如火如荼地展開,席捲整個歐美,並在亞洲屢創佳績。這也是在半世紀後的今日,人們逐漸認識到具體派的核心是從表演、裝置、科技、聲音、互動、觀念、行動中傳達出一種獨立的藝術精神和形式,是區別於當時世界任何一種藝術觀念。

在第二次大戰後期,日本的藝術活動即開始平凡與歐洲激進藝術相交匯,從而發展出趨同感的抽象藝術浪潮。吉原治良在1954年創立具體派,逐漸在1950年代的日本形成反西方的抽象藝術的風潮。1955年,具體派藝術首次在東京小原會館舉辦藝術展。1957年,來自法國理論家米榭・塔皮耶(Michel Tapié)造訪日本,推崇不定形藝術(Informel)的他對戰前流行的抽象藝術的幾何式構圖感到厭倦,這一點與具體派不謀而合,也正是塔皮埃的撰文讓歐美藝術界認識到東方的具體派藝術。1958年,日本具體派於紐約馬薩·傑克遜畫廊(Martha Jackson Gallery)舉行首次美國展覽,卻遭受評論家們毫不留情的批判。1994年紐約古根漢美術館「1945年以後的日本藝術;向天空吶喊」展覽大獲好評;2009年威尼斯雙年展主展區展出具體派作品;而2013年,紐約古根漢博物館再次舉行了「具體:燦爛的遊樂場」展覽廣獲好評。其後「具體派」在多個重要的美術館和畫廊均有回顧性的展出,如紐約的現代美術館「東京1955-1970:新前衛」;洛杉磯當代藝術美術館的「破壞圖畫:繪在空洞1949-1962」展覽。


而此件《和平的證明 2007-13》明顯是創作前有過深思的作品,具有東方哲思的留白。畫面雖以紫色為主,卻因「投擲」的隨機感,紫色顏料的深淺有度,亦是藝術家有意為之的收放自如。而肌理的表達是二次創作的結果,將自然流淌的顏料經過塗抹,打破原有脈絡的走向使其與邊緣的青綠、明黃、湖藍等色聚攏在紫色之邊緣。單一用色的作品,在嶋本昭三的創作中比較少見,藝術家在看似隨機的炮製背後,是將自己對「和平」一詞的理解融入其中。2007嶋本昭三在一衣帶水的東亞文化圈中,展開了一系列以「和平」為主題的藝術活動,此件作品無論是從名喚上還是歷史意識上都是一件舉足輕重的作品。在「和平的證明」的一系列作品中,無不體現著「具體派」一貫宣導的「脫離傳統藝術的材枓和技巧,在實際生活環境找出創作材料,表現物料的內在性」的理念。

In 2019, the first radical Japanese post-war artistic group "Gutai" had been devoted to a unique and extremely pure sense of creativity. With its members creating exciting and charming works of art, Gutai remains relevant on the world stage. Many art museums and galleries have organized retrospective exhibitions of various scales on Gutai, including Powerlong Art Museum, Fergus McCaffrey Gallery, Tokyo Opera City Art Gallery, Whitestone Gallery, and Alien Art Centre. Through the exploration of paint, Gutai once again demonstrates to the world its search for "Neo-spirituality", an artistic philosophy that focuses on the interaction between the body and the materials. It has thus established itself as an important school of Asian modern art, earning a spot on the international stage. In recent years, Gutai fever has been sweeping through the US and European art markets, as well as breaking records in Asia. Half a century after the founding of this art group, people have only begun to gradually realize that the core of Gutai is an independent artistic spirit and form expressed through performance, installations, technology, interaction, concept, and action. This artistic concept was one of a kind in the world at its time.

In the late stages of the Second World War, the exchange between Japanese art and European radical art became frequent, converging into a wave of abstract art. In 1954, Jiro Yoshihara founded Gutai. From then, a trend of anti-Western abstract art started to catch on in 1950s Japan. In 1955, Gutai held its first art exhibition at the Ohara Hall in Tokyo. In 1957, the French theorist Michel Tapié visited Japan. An advocate of the Art Informel, Tapié had become tired of the geometric composition in abstract art that was popular before the war. These feelings happened to coincide with the sentiments of Gutai. It was Tapié's writing that first introduced Gutai to the Western art world. In 1958, Gutai held its first US exhibition in New York City’s Martha Jackson Gallery, but was met with relentless criticism. The 1994 Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum exhibition, Japanese Art After 1945; Scream against The Sky, was widely praised. In 2009, Gutai's works were featured in the main exhibition area of the Venice Biennale. In 2013, the Guggenheim Museum held the exhibition Gutai: Splendid Playground, which once again received wide acclaim. Since then, there have been several retrospective exhibitions on Gutai in major museums and galleries, such as Tokyo 1955–1970: A New Avant-Garde at the Museum of Modern Art (New York City) and Destroy the Picture: Painting the Void, 1949–1962 at Museum of Contemporary Art (Los Angeles).

One of the core members of the Gutai is Shozo Shimamoto. In 1956, he attempted a new painting technique––by smashing a glass bottle full of paint against a canvas laid on a hard surface or rocks. As the bottle shatters, the paint within splashes onto the canvas, creating a lively and dynamic pattern that captivates visually. This unique method took the art world by storm, and also laid the foundation for Shimamoto's original series "uzumaki"(meaning whirlpool) in 1965. With important contributions to early Gutai art, he also provided the post-war art scene with much needed momentum by manifesting transformation and innovation within destruction, rebirth and liberation within total annihilation.

This work Heiwa No Akashi 2007-13 is part of Shimamoto's ambitious 100-year project, the Heiwa No Akashi (Proof of Peace) series. Starting in the year 2000, the artist would perform before the monument at Nishijima Yacht Harbour every year. The work is able to delight viewers as soon as they see it. The bright purple blooms in the corner of the canvas, like a cluster of flowers, immediately draw attention. Originating from the ancient Chinese worship of the North Star, purple is considered to be the color of regality in the Chinese tradition. This can be seen in the Chinese expression of good fortune, “紫氣東來” (purple haze comes from the east). Under this influence, Japanese nobility revere the color purple to this day. The past works of Shimamoto are also full of volatile elements, with multiple coats of paint layered on the canvas.

Heiwa No Akashi 2007-13 is a work obviously composed through much deliberation and thought. Much of the canvas is left empty, reflecting the Eastern philosophy imbued within the work. Although the picture is dominated by purple, the shades of the purple are intentionally different, due to the randomness of the bottle smashing technique. The expression of texture is the result of a secondary creation. By smearing the natural flow of the purple paint, the artist breaks its original pattern, converging it on the edge with turquoise, bright yellow and acid blue. Single-colored Shimamoto works are relatively rare. His creative process may seem unkempt, but the works are infused with the artist's understanding of peace. In 2007, Shimamoto launched a series of artistic activities with the theme of "peace" in closely-connected East Asian cultural circles. This is a significant work both in name and in its historical awareness. The Heiwa No Akashi series embodies the Gutai creed of "breaking away from traditional art materials and techniques; finding materials from the environment we live in and revealing their inner life."


143 x 140 cm

Artist or Maker


壓克力 畫布 複合媒材 Acrylic on canvas, mixed media




私人收藏,義大利 私人收藏,亞洲
Private collection, Italy Private collection, Asia


附嶋本昭三協會開立與藝術家簽名之原作保證書(編號 ID471) This painting is to be sold with a certificate of authenticity issued by Associazione Shozo Shimamoto and signed by the artist. (Archive ID 471)

Payment & Shipping


Accepted forms of payment: American Express, MasterCard, Personal Check, Visa, Wire Transfer


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Auction Details

薈萃:國際現代與當代藝術 Select: Modern & Contemporary Art

July 19, 2020, 01:00 PM CST

Grand Space 3F, Taipei Marriott Hotel No. 199, Lequn 2nd Rd., ZhongShan Dist., Taipei, , 104, TW


Live bidding may start higher or lower

Buyer's Premium

NT$0 - 32,000,000:20.0%

Bidding Increments


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(a)To bring legal proceedings against the Buyer on behalf of the Seller to claim the entire payment due and the legal fees and attorney fees resulting from such proceeding based on a total claim.
(b)Cancel the transaction of Lots bid by the Buyer or any other auction items sold to the Buyer at the same or any other auctions.
(c)To arrange a public or private re-sale of the Lot. If the re-selling price is lower, the difference will be claimed against the Buyer together with any cost incurred as a result of the non-payment by the Buyer.
g. No Collection of the Lot Sold
The Company will arrange for the storage of the Lot if such item sold is not collected within 7 days following the successful auction, regardless of payment. Such storage cost will be borne by the Buyer. Only when the storage, handling, shipping, insurance cost and any other expenses together with any other payments due to the Company are paid in full can the sold Lot be collected.
h. Export Permit
Except where otherwise agreed in writing by the Company, the fact that the Buyer's wishes to apply for an export permit does not affect the Buyer's responsibility to make the payments in 7 days following the auction date; nor does it affect the Company's right to impose interest on delayed payments.
If the Buyer requests that the Company applies for the export permit on his/hers/its behalf, the Company is entitled to collect monies made in connection with such an application and any miscellaneous expenses together with any relevant value added taxes.
If the Buyer makes the payment regardless of the fact that an export permit is needed, the Company is not responsible for returning to the Buyer any interest or other expenses incurred therefrom.
5. The Legal Responsibility of the Company
The Company is responsible for returning payment to the Buyer pursuant to Article 2, Section 6. Otherwise, whether the Buyer, the Company, any employees or agents of the Company will not be held liable for any statements of the author, history, date, year, ownership, authenticity or origin of any auction item or any errors with respect to any explanations and any flaws or defects of any auction item. The Seller, the Company, the employees or the agents of the Company make no guarantee impliedly or explicitly with respect to any auction items. Any warranty of any kind shall not be included herein.
6. Return of Payments for Counterfeits or stolen goods
The transaction will be cancelled and payments made before remit to the Seller will be returned to the Buyer if the Lot of the Company is confirmed to be a counterfeit or stolen goods, or involved in obvious illegality by the professional appraisal party agreed and recognized by the Company in writing. However, if:
a. The catalogue explanations or the notice at the auction distributed on the auction day corresponds to the opinions generally accepted by the academic or professional fields or explicitly indicates it conflicts with the opinions generally accepted by the academic or professional fields.
b. Or the method used to prove that the Lot is a counterfeit or stolen goods is a scientific procedure not generally accepted for use before the publication of the catalogue or a procedure unreasonably expensive on the day of the auction, or impractical, or may cause damage to the Lot; the Company is not liable for the return of any payment under any circumstances. In addition, the Buyer's payment can only be refunded when the following terms are met:
(1) The Buyer must notify the Company in writing within 10 days following the auction day that he/she considers the relevant auction item a counterfeit or stolen goods.
(2) The Buyer must return the Lot to the Company within the following 14 days and the condition of the item must be the same as on the auction day without any damage.
(3) Upon returning the Lot, the Buyer must present evidence as soon as possible to convince the Company that the Lot is a counterfeit or stolen goods (The Company has the final and sole discretion and decision and such decision shall not be objected in this regard). The Buyer may also assign the good ownership of the Lot to the Company, which shall not concern any third party claim. Under no circumstances is it necessary for the Company to pay the Buyer an amount more than what the Buyer pays in connection with the Lot and the Buyer cannot claim interests.
The interests of the warranty cannot be assigned and belong solely to the Buyer who receives the original invoice on which such Buyer's name is recorded from the Company when the Lot is sold. Such Buyers shall remain the owner of the auction Lot and cannot assign any interest of the Lot to any other person. The Company is entitled to ascertain that the Lot is not a counterfeit or stolen goods based on a scientific procedure or any other procedure, regardless of whether such procedure is being used on the day of the auction. If the result of appraising and verifying whether the Lot is a counterfeit or stolen goods by the Company conflicts with the evidence provided by the Buyer, the Company's said result shall prevail over the evidence provided by the Buyer.
Article 3. The Seller
1. The Company as the Agent
The Company acts as the agent of the Seller. The Closing Agreement of the Lot is the agreement by and between the Buyer and the Seller, through the agency of the Company on behalf of the Seller. The Seller shall be responsible to the Buyer for performing the obligations and responsibility of a seller.
2. Expenses
The Seller shall bear costs relating to the following regardless of whether the Lot is sold:
a. Packing of the Lot and shipping to the Company is designated for the auction.
b. Any applicable shipping insurance.
c. The packaging and shipping if the Lot is delivered back to the Seller. If the Lot were imported from overseas, shipping costs and import taxes shall paid by the Seller.
d. Insured under the Company's insurance policy, the insurance premium rate is set out in Article 3, Section 3b.
e. Any applicable custom duties.
f. Catalogue illustrations.
g. Any repairs made to the Lot as per prior agreement with the Seller.
h. Framing and mounting.
i. Authentication made by independent professionals appointed by the Company, which the Company believes to be necessary in preparing the catalogue explanations.
j. Any independent professional opinions appointed by the Company, which the Company deems proper.
k. The storage, loading and unloading and custody of the Lot after the auction.
l. Any marketing and promotional expenses.
3. Insurance Coverage to be Arrange by the Company
a. Unless otherwise agreed by the Company, the Lot will be automatically insured under the Company insurance policy in the amount as deemed appropriate and estimated by the Company. However, the insured amount is not the amount the Company undertakes to be successfully reached during the auction.
b. The Company will collect 1% of the Reserve Price as the insurance fee. If the shipping is arranged by the Company, an additional amount will be collected by the Company from the Seller as the shipping insurance. Such amount varies depending on the individual condition of each auction item. The Company will refer a freight forwarder if necessary. However, in no event shall the Company be not responsible for any legal responsibilities and liabilities incurred therefrom.
c. The Lot will remain insured up to 7 days after the auction date. If the Lot has not been sold, it will be at the Seller's risk upon the expiry of 7 days.
d. We are unable to accept responsibility for damage caused by woodworm or changes in atmospheric conditions, moisture, typhoon, earthquake force majeure or unforeseeable conditions, or any reason not attributable to the Company.
4. Insurance Purchased by the Owner
If the Seller instructs the Company specifically that it is unnecessary to purchase insurance for the Lot, the risks shall be borne entirely by the Seller until the Buyer makes all the payments and the Lot is delivered to the Buyer. The Seller must indemnify the Company, the employees and agents of the Company and the Buyer (if applicable) any claims in connection with the auction against the Company, the employees and agents of the Company and the Buyer, regardless of the cause of such claim without any conditions. The Seller must be responsible and also pay for the expenses incurred as a result of such claim if requested by the Company, the employees and agents of the Company and the Buyer, even if such expenses are made as a result of negligence by the Company, the employees and agents of the Company and the Buyer without proof of legal responsibility. The Seller must inform by himself/herself the underwriter of the Seller the provision herein.
5. Commitments Made by the Seller with Respect to the Lot
The standards for the Company to handle the Lots are provided hereunder. These standards also stipulate and limit the sale relationship between the Seller and Buyer. In the event such standards are incorrect in any aspect, the Company or the Buyer may bring legal actions against the Seller. The Company should base the purchase and handling of auction items on the following undertaking made by the Seller:
a. The Seller is the only legal owner of the Lot and has the unlimited rights to assign his/hers/its ownership in full to the Buyer which should not concern any third party right or claim (including mortgage-free, free from encumbrances and no third party rights or claims case).
b. The Seller complies with all the laws in connection with the import and export of auction items and any other laws and has notified the Company in writing any failure to comply with such rules in the past.
c. The Seller has notified the Company in writing of any major modifications in the Lot to the best of his/hers/its knowledge and any concern the third party has raised with respect to the ownership of the Lot and the condition.
In the event of any inaccuracy of the above a, b and c now or in the future, the Seller must guarantee, if requested, to identify fully the Company and the Buyer all the claims, legal fees, attorney fees or other costs and expenses arising here from, whether caused by the Lot or the auction proceeds.
6. Auction Arrangements
a. The Company has absolute discretion over the description of the auction in the catalogue, display layouts, authentication opinions, location and method of the auction, who will be allowed to bid and the acceptance of the bid price, whether to seek professional opinion and whether to combine or separate the Lots.
b. Any price estimates, whether verbal or written are strictly opinions and shall not serve as a guarantee of the final price for the Lot to be sold.
c. The Seller cannot withdraw the sale of the Lot without obtaining the prior written consent from the Company. The Company reserves the right to withdraw, suspend, or terminate the sale and authorization of the Lots for the following reasons. These reasons include:
(1) The Company is doubtful about the definition or authenticity of the Lot or the accuracy of the statement referred to in Articles 3, Section 5a, b, or c.
(2) Any violations of the Transaction Agreement.
(3) The Company deems it inappropriate to include the Lot in the auction.
d. Withdrawal of Mandate or Authorization
(1) The Seller may not withdraw, suspend or terminate his/her/its mandate for the Lot (s) or the authorization to the Company under this Agreement without prior written consent of the Company.
(2) In the case of such withdrawal, suspending or termination stated in Articles 3, Section 6c, the Seller shall pay the Company an amount equivalent to 40% of the Reserve Price as punitive damages in addition to the compensation for damages or economic loss to the Company.
(3) In case of default or breach of this Agreement, the Company may cancel or terminate this Agreement anytime and the Seller shall also pay all costs and expenses incurred by the Company under this Agreement.
7. Auction Rules
a. The Company will auction the item according to the Reserve Price. The Reserve Price may not be higher than the minimum of the estimates set in the catalogue except otherwise if the Reserve Price agreed is in a currency other than NT dollars and the Reserve Price is higher than the minimum of the estimates caused by the exchange rate fluctuation between the Reserve Price agreement day and the auction day. Under such circumstances, except where otherwise agreed by the Company, the Reserve Price shall be in NT dollars calculated by the exchange rate published on the same date of auction.
b. If the bid price is lower than the Reserve Price, the Company is in no way to be held liable; however, the Company is entitled to auction the item at a price lower than the Reserve Price. If the Company so auctions the item, the Company is responsible to pay the Seller the difference between the Hammer price and the Reserve Price.
c. The Seller may not increase the price with his/her/its own or other third parties' name, nor participate in the bidding of his/her/its commissioned Lot(s) with his/her/its own or other third parties' name, however, the Company is authorized to bid on behalf of the Seller at the price not higher than the Reserve Price.
d. If Seller bid up prices of the commissioned Lot without fair reason on his/her/its own name or other third parties' name, or participate in the bidding on his/her/its own name or other third parties' name and enter into a successful bid, it shall be construed as the conclusion of the auction of the Lot, and the Seller shall also assume the responsibility of the buyer, including but without limitation payment.
8. After the Successful Auction
a. Settlement
Upon the successful auction, the Company will request the Buyer to make full payment no later than within 7 days following the auction date, including the compensation payable by the Buyer. Upon payment by the Buyer, unless the Company receives a notice claiming such auction item is a counterfeit or stolen goods, the Company will remit to the Seller within 35 working days following the successful auction day an amount equal to the hammer price or the Reserve Price (if the Reserve Price is higher than hammer price) taking away all the expenses payable by the Seller. In the event the Buyer delays the payment, the Company will remit to the Seller within 7 workdays following the payment in full by the Buyer. As to any reason the company payment to Seller before received payment from the Buyer, the company will acquire the ownership of the Lot. If a Lot is a counterfeit or stolen goods, the company were forced to withdraw the lot from the Buyer, the Seller shall return the entire payment received to the Company without objection.
Unless otherwise instructed by the Seller in writing, the Company will make its payment in NT dollars. If the Seller requests to pay in currencies other than NT dollars, the exchange rate should be according to what the Bank of Taiwan reports and the Company announces on the auction date.
b. Closing of the Transaction and Seller Service Fee
(1) The transaction is closed when the Buyer has paid the Company in full after the auction.
(2) The Seller Service fee which is 10% of the Hammer price or the Reserve Price (if the Reserve Price is higher than hammer price) (taxes included), is payable by the Seller to the Company upon the conclusion of the auctioned Lot.
c. Non-payment by the Buyer
If the Buyer fails to make all the payments due within 7 days following the auction day, the Company is entitled to negotiate special terms in connection with the payments, storage, and insurance on behalf of the Seller and act as deemed necessary by the Company to collect payments payable from the Buyer. Any and all damages, costs, expenses or fees incurred shall be borne by the Seller. However, the Company is not responsible for making payment remittance to the Seller nor for bringing any legal actions on behalf of the Seller. The Company will discuss with the Seller to adopt appropriate actions to claim auction payments from the Buyer.
d. Counterfeits or stolen goods
If the Buyer convinces or make the Company doubt that the Lot is a counterfeit (as defined in Article 1 of the Transaction Agreement) or stolen goods or involved in any illegality within 10 days after the auction date, the Company may decide upon its sole discretion as follows:
(1) If the Buyer does not pay the payable payment in full yet, the Company has the rights to withdraw the transaction.
(2) If the Buyer has paid the payable payment in full, the Company may return the selling price (The Company may deduct the reasonable expenses and fees incurred) received from the Buyer and the Lot will be returned to the Seller or forwarded to the Police for handling. The Seller shall not object to the Company's decision and handling in accordance with this Lot and make any claim or allegation. The Company will notify the Seller of such matter and the Seller shall return to the Company without objection the entire payment received within 3 days of such notification.
In the above circumstances of the Section, the Seller shall pay the Company fees and expenses, all losses, damages or related expenses and fees agreed upon in Article 3, Section 2 in 10 days. In case that the Seller's failure of payment and compensation obligations, the Seller shall pay the interest for delay of the entire payment by the basic lending rate of the Bank of Taiwan (BOT)plus five percent (5%) per annum.
In addition, the Company may decide to offset the Seller's payment payable to the Company from the Company's or other subsidiaries' payments due to the Seller in other transactions. The Company will exercise lien for the latter. Any items belonging to the Seller under control of the Company will be kept as security of the payments to be returned.
e. The Lot Not Successfully Auctioned
(1) Any Lot not successfully auctioned, not included in the auction or withdrawn, suspend, or terminate the sale from the auction for any reason must be collected by the Seller within 35 days upon notification by the Company to the Seller that he/she/it must reclaim the Lot.
(2) A storage fee of NT$1,000 per day per piece will be imposed on each Lot not collected after such 35 day period together with an additional charge for purchasing insurance coverage. The Seller may not reclaim such Lots until all the payments due are made.
(3) Such Lots may be removed to a third party warehouse if not collected in 60 days after the notification of collection is issued. The risk and expenses arising therefrom shall be borne by the Seller.
(4) The Company may dispose of the Lot in the manner it deems appropriate if such Lot is not collected within 90 days following the auction date or the notice date (whichever is the earlier). Such disposal includes removing the Lot to a third party warehouse with the associated risk and expenses borne by the Seller and to auction such Lots under terms deemed appropriate by the Company (including the terms of estimates and the Reserve Price). The Company will pay the Seller the auction proceeds after payments owed are offset.
(5) The Company is authorized to act as the sole agent of the Seller within 35 days following the auction for any Lot withdrawn from the auction or not sold. The Company may auction in private the Lot based on the Reserve Price or sell such Lot in private at a lower price agreed upon by the Company and the Seller. The Company has the rights to offset all expenses payable by the Seller in advance. Under such circumstances, the Seller's responsibilities and liabilities to the Company are the same as during an auction.
9. Photographs and Display
The Seller agrees the Company have rights to make the photographs, illustration, recordings and other reproduced images of the Lot. The Company owns all rights to the photographs, recordings and other reproduced images of the Lot made by the Company. All the rights (including but without limitation the copyright) of such images shall belong to the Company and the company is entitled to use such images in any manner it deems appropriate, and the Seller has no objection.
10. Other Matters
a. Taxes
(1) After the Lot sold out, the Seller shall provide passport, ID, company registration document or other necessary document or invoices to the Company for tax filing according to the tax laws of the Republic of China (Taiwan) or requirements of competent revenue agency.
(2) If the Seller is a Taiwanese company (or other types of legal entity except for individual), the Seller shall issue an invoice amounting the hammer price or the Reserve Price (if the Reserve Price is higher than hammer price) with the 5% VAT included in such amount to the Company.
(3) If the Seller is an individual who has domicile in Taiwan and resides in Taiwan, or who has no domicile in Taiwan but resides in Taiwan for a period of more than 183 days during a taxable year., and the Seller can provide sufficient and appropriate evidence for such standing to the Company, the Seller shall include the income derive from this transaction in the annual consolidated income tax report. The income amount will be the actual profit if the Seller can provide evidence of the sell price as well as the original cost for obtaining such item(s). Where no sufficient evidence of actual profit could be provided, the Seller shall include in the income tax report an income of 6% of the hammer price or the Reserve Price (if the Reserve Price is higher than hammer price) as the income derived from such property transaction.
(4) Where the Seller is not Taiwan resident as described above (foreign juridical person included), Seller agrees that the Company deducts 1.2% from the hammer price or the Reserve Price (if the Reserve Price is higher than hammer price) as income tax to the competent revenue agency according to the tax laws of the Republic of China (Taiwan). The amount to be deducted and filed with competent revenue agency by the Company shall be subject to change once the applicable tax rate is adjusted.
b. Electrical and Mechanical Parts
The Seller must be responsible for maintaining the safe operating condition of the electrical and mechanical parts of the Lot. The Seller must compensate the Company for all damages, the claims, costs and expenses arising out of any violation of the said guarantee and warranty by the Seller.
There are other special additional conditions apply to this provision. The relevant conditions are available at the Company.
Article 4. Terms Applicable to Both the Buyer and the Seller
1. Intellectual Property Rights
Intellectual property rights (including but without limitations, the copyright or patent) of all the images, photographs and written material in connection with the Lot shall maintain and belong to the Company at any time. The Buyer, Seller or any person may not use such items without obtaining prior written consent from the Company.
2. Privacy Rights
The Company will keep the personal information provided by the Seller and the Buyer in strict confidentiality, and manage, protect and process the above personal information properly according to Personal Information Protection Act and the laws and regulations related to privacy rights. The Company will not provide the above personal information to any third party. The obligations agreed to herein shall not apply to personal information which is:
a. Known by the Company, the affiliates and subsidiaries, proxy, consultant of the Company or the person who needs to know for the duty.
b. At the request of court order, any request from each government agencies (including but not limited to the administrative agency and judicial agency) or in accordance with regulations or law of any country.
c. Approved by written authorization of the party who provides the above personal information.
3. Notices
a. The Company shall distribute the notices in writing according to the Transaction Agreement herein, Mandate Agreement or contact information provided by the Buyer, or the Seller. The Company may distribute the notices via letter, email, communication application programs, fax or other tangible manners (referred to as "Contact Manner"), When the notification is issued, is considered to be the notice had been issued valid.
b. The Seller or Buyer shall notify the Company in writing of any changes of the Contact Manner.
4. Severability
a. If any part of the Transaction Agreement is deemed invalid, illegal or unenforceable by any court, such part can be ignored and the rest of the Transaction Agreement continues to be valid and enforceable to the maximum extent permitted by the law.
b. The conditions of the Buyer under Article 2 exclusively apply to the relationship between the Company and the Buyer, which the Seller shall not apply. And the conditions of the Seller under Article 3 exclusively apply to the relationship between the Company and the Seller, which the Buyer shall not apply.
5. This Agreement is entered into the parties in English and Chinese. If there is any conflict with two versions, the Chinese version shall prevail.
6. This Agreement may be revised or modified by the Company from time to time, and the Prospective Buyer, the Buyer and the Seller agree to obey the revision or modification.
7. Jurisdiction
If there is any dispute incurred regarding the Transaction Agreement or related matters, the Company, the Seller, the Buyer shall negotiate amicably first, and agrees that the Transaction Agreement are governed under the Republic of China (Taiwan) laws and the interpretation and effect of the Agreement shall be subject to the laws of Republic of China(Taiwan). The Buyer and Seller shall submit themselves to the exclusive jurisdiction of Taiwan Taipei District Court as the first instance and the appeal courts.

Referral of Packaging or Transportation

The shipping department of the Company may introduce the forwarder, assist in the arrangement of delivery, or purchase particular insurance upon the Buyer's request. The Company will not be held liable for any legal responsibilities in this regard. And the Buyer shall prepay the freight charges. Costs and expenses for shipping and insurance shall be paid in advance.