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Lot 288: Pizzo Greco Alfredo - Senza titolo

Est: €80 EUR - €100 EURSold:
Aste BrinaFerrara , ItalyNovember 06, 2021

Item Overview


Pizzo Greco Alfredo - Senza titolo Lithograph 50x70 cm; signed lower right, edition 31/100 lower left.

Artist or Maker

Condition Report



Private collection

Payment & Shipping


Accepted forms of payment: American Express, MasterCard, Visa, Wire Transfer


I declare that I have read the following conditions and accept them without reservation:
1. Exemption from Aste Brina (Brina Arte) and the people who work in the company, from any
liability in the event of theft, loss, damage, destruction or any
another harmful event should occur during the shipment of the lots.
2. The applicant waives any claim or action against the Brina auction house for
any delivery delays in the shipment

Auction Details

Session 2

Aste Brina
November 06, 2021, 02:30 PM CET

Via Rampari di San Paolo, 80, Ferrara , Emilia Romagna, 44121, IT


Live bidding may start higher or lower

Buyer's Premium

€0 - 9,999:29.0%

Bidding Increments


Conditions of Sale1

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Shipping Terms

I declare that I have read the following conditions and accept them without reservation:
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Credit card's premium

Credit card's premium of 2,9%