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Lot 355: Les Frères Huaut / Thomas Rayment, London, Movement No. 2005, 49 mm, 99 g, circa 1687

Est: €35,000 EUR - €55,000 EURSold:
Auktionen Dr. CrottMannheim, GermanyNovember 16, 2013

Item Overview


An important double cased gold enamel verge pocket watch "The Adoration of the Shepherds " Case: outstanding outer case - gold, band chased with floral and foliate pattern, two oval cartouches with an engraved cherub face and view of a town, glazed back side, large lateral hinge. Magnificent inner case - gold enamel, back with polychrome enamel painting of a biblical scene: "The Adoration of the Shepherds". Lateral cartouches with landscape motifs separated by yellow volutes and ornamental bands. Cartouche with signature near the lower edge: "Les deux frères Huaud peintre de son A.E. le Grandebour". Inside: painting of an idealized landscape with a wayfaring man. Dial: gold enamel, chapter ring with radial Roman numerals, in the centre a polychrome enamel plaque with the scene of "Madonna with Child",pierced hands. Movm.: full plate movement, keywind, firegilt, signed "Rayment, London", chain/fusee, pierced movement pillars, three-arm steel balance, engraved and florally pierced balance cock decorated with a dragon. To the best of our knowledge this watch has never been presented at an auction. It captivates us with its excellent condition and the outstanding quality of the work that is unusual even for such exceptional artists at the Huauts. Les Frères Huaut The painted enamel cases by "Les deux Frères Huaut" (brothers Huaut) stood out from the works of the Geneva school because of their unique beauty; not only were they highly valued in their time but also treasured as masterpieces of art in the centuries that followed. This watch case is a perfect example of this kind of quality. Pierre was the founder of the Huaud dynasty and born in 1612 in Geneva as the son of Frenchgoldsmith Jean Huaud. He settled in Geneva in 1630 and three of his 11 children became famous enamelists like their father: Pierre II (1647-1698), Jean-Pierre (1655-1723) and Ami (1657-1724). The brothers were most likely trained by their father and worked with him; Pierre II started his own business around 1680. Jean-Pierre and Ami became partners in 1682 and were appointed painters to the Prussian court in 1686, when they moved to Berlin and started working for Elector Frederick William of Brandenburg (1620-1688). At this time they signed "Les deux frères Huaut Les Jeunes"; after 1686 "Les Frères Huaud" or "Les deux frères Huaud" with the addition of "peintres de son A.E. à Berlin" or "p.d.V.A. fct à Berlin". This watch is signed "Les deux frères Huaud peintre de son A.E. le Grandebour". The brothers returned to Geneva in 1700 and after that date their signature appeared as "Les deuxfrères Huaut", or "Peter et Amicus Huaut"; they also used the signature "Fratres Huault". The name is spelt in the variants "Huaud" or "Huaut" and sometimes "Huault". Among their most well-known works are: Diana and Actaeon, The Judgement of Paris, The Holy Family, St. John the Baptist, The Nativity, The Adoration of the Shepherds. Cond.: Case: very good, slightly worn. Dial: very good. Movm.: very good, later custom made, capable of running, cleaning recommended.

Artist or Maker

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Auction Details

88th Auction: Important Watches, Clocks & Snuff Boxes

Auktionen Dr. Crott
November 16, 2013, 12:00 PM CET

Friedrichsplatz 19 Postfach 120441, Mannheim, 68165, DE


Buyer's Premium


Bidding Increments


Conditions of Sale

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