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Est: €14,000 EUR - €18,000 EURSold:
Ambrosiana Casa D'AsteMilan, ItalyNovember 04, 2021

Item Overview


Signed "G. D'anna" (lower right)


cm. 57x77

Artist or Maker


collage and oil on cardboard




Certificate by the Archivio Storico Futuristi Siciliani, signed by Salvatore Carbone

Payment & Shipping

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Auction Details

Modern and Contemporary Art

Ambrosiana Casa D'Aste
November 04, 2021, 04:00 PM CET

via Sant'Agnese 18, Milan, 20123, IT


Live bidding may start higher or lower

Buyer's Premium

€0 - 99,999:30.0%
€100,000 - 299,999:27.0%

Bidding Increments


Term of sale


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