Bidding Increments
From: | To: | Increment: |
€0 | €99 | €10 |
€100 | €399 | €20 |
€400 | €999 | €50 |
€1,000 | €1,999 | €100 |
€2,000 | €4,999 | €200 |
€5,000 | €9,999 | €500 |
€10,000 | €19,999 | €500 |
€20,000 | €49,999 | €1,000 |
€50,000 | €99,999 | €2,000 |
€100,000+ | | €5,000 |
Conditions of Sale
La vente sera faite au comptant et conduite en euros. Les acquéreurs paieront en sus des enchères des frais de 27,5%TTC.
- Attention : les lots suivis d'une * sont soumis à des frais de 7% à la charge de l'acquéreur, en sus des frais de vente et du prix d'adjudication.
- Les lots achetés sur ordre d'achat via le site Artfact sont soumis à des frais supplémentaires de 3% à la charge de l'acquéreur, en sus du prix de vente et du prix d'adjudication.
Conformément à la loi, les indications portées au catalogue engagent la responsabilité de l'EUR L Antoine AGUTTES et de
ses experts, compte tenu des rectifications annoncées au moment de la présentation de l'objet portées au procès-verbal de la vente. Les attributions ont été établies compte tenu des connaissances scientifiques et artistiques à la date de vente.
L'ordre du catalogue sera suivi.
Une exposition préalable permettant aux acquéreurs de se rendre compte de l'état des biens mis en vente, il ne sera admis aucune réclamation une fois l'adjudication prononcée. Les reproductions au catalogue des oeuvres sont aussi fidèles que possible, une différence de coloris ou de tons est néanmoins possible. Les dimensions ne sont données qu'à titre indicatif
et ne pourront être à l'origine d'une réclamation.
L'état de conservation des oeuvres n'est pas précisé dans le catalogue, les acheteurs sont donc tenus de les examiner personnellement avant la vente. Il ne sera admis aucune réclamation concernant d'éventuelles restaurations une fois l'adjudication prononcée.
Le plus offrant et dernier enchérisseur sera l'adjudicataire.
En cas de double enchère reconnue effective par le Commissaire - Priseur, le lot sera remis en vente, tous les amateurs présents pouvant concourir à cette deuxième mise en adjudication.
Important : le mode normal pour enchérir consiste à être présent dans la salle de vente. Toutefois, nous acceptons gracieusement de recevoir des enchères par téléphone d'un acquéreur potentiel qui se sera manifesté avant la vente. Notre responsabilité ne pourra être engagée notamment si la liaison téléphonique n'est pas établie, est établie tardivement ou en
cas d'erreur ou omissions relatives à la réception des enchères par téléphone.
Nous acceptons gracieusement les ordres d'achat qui nous ont été transmis. N ous n'engageons pas notre responsabilité notamment en cas d'erreur ou d'omission de l'ordre écrit. La demande d'une ligne téléphonique implique que l'enchérisseur est preneur à l'estimation basse dans le cas d'une mauvaise liaison téléphonique.
En portant une enchère, les enchérisseurs assument la responsabilité personnelle de régler le prix d'adjudication, augmenté des frais à la charge de l'acheteur et de tous impôts ou taxes exigibles.
Il est conseillé aux adjudicataires de procéder à un enlèvement de leurs lots dans les meilleurs délais afin d'éviter les frais de magasinage qui sont à leur charge. Le magasinage n'entraîne pas la responsabilité du Commissaire - Priseur ni de l'expert à quelque titre que ce soit.
Dès l'adjudication, l'objet sera sous l'entière responsabilité de l'adjudicataire. L'acquéreur sera lui-même chargé de faire assurer
ses acquisitions, et l'EUR L Antoine AGUTTES décline toute responsabilité quant aux dommages que pourrait encourir l'objet, et ceci dès l'adjudication prononcée.
Les lots seront délivrés à l'acquéreur en personne ou au tiers qu'il aura désigné et à qui il aura confié une procuration originale accompagnée de la photocopie de sa pièce d'identité.
Les formalités d'exportation (demandes de certificat pour un bien culturel, licence d'exportation) des lots assujettis sont du ressort de l'acquéreur et peuvent requérir un délai de 2 à 3 mois. L'Etude est à la disposition des ses vendeurs pour l'orienter dans ses démarches ou pour transmettre les demandes à la D irection des Musées de France.
CHEQUE D E BANQUE (les objets sont délivrés immédiatement)
ca rte ba ncai re / vi reme nt ba ncai re : N ous recommandons vivement aux acheteurs de nous régler par carte bancaire ou par virement bancaire.
ESPECES jusqu'à 3000 €
Purchased lots will become available only after full payment has been made.
The sale will be conducted in euros. In addition to the hammer price, the buyer agrees to pay a buyer's premium along with any applicable value added tax.
The buyer's premium is 23% + VAT amounting 27,5% (all taxes included) for all bids.
- N B: Lots followed by a * are subject to a 7% fee, in addition to the regular buyer's fees stated earlier.
- Lots buyed via the web site Artfact are subject to a 3% fee, in addition to the regular buyer's fees stated earlier.
The EUR L Antoine AGUTTES is bound by the indications stated in the catalogue, modified only by announcements made at
the time of the sale noted in the legal records thereof. Attributions were made according to scientific and artistic knowledge
at the time of the auction.
An exhibition prior to the sale permits buyers to establish the conditions of the works offered for sale and no claims will be
accepted after the hammer has fallen. Some difference may appear between the original work and its illustration , there will be no claims in such matter. The dimensions are given only as an indication.
The condition of the works is not specified in the catalogue, buyers are required to study them personally. N o requests will be accepted concerning restorations once the hammer has fallen.
The highest and final bidderwill be the purchaser.
Should the auctioneer recognise two simultaneous bids on one lot, the lot will be put up for sale again and all those present in the saleroom may participate in this second opportunity to bid.
Important : Bidding is typically conducted in the auction house. However, we may graciously accept telephone bids from potential buyers wh have made the request.
We bear no responsability whatsoever in the case of uncompleted calls made too late and/or technical difficulties with the telephone. We also accept absentee bids submitted prior to the sale. We rererve the right to accept or deny any requests for telephone or absentee bidding.
The telephone bidder agrees to bis up to the law estimate.
In carrying a bid, bidders assume their personal responsability to pay the hammer price as welle as all buyer's fees and taxes chargeable to the buyer.
Buyers are advised to collect successful lots as soon as possible to avoid handling and storage costs which may be incurred
at their expense. The auctionneer is not responsible for the storage of purchased lots. If payment is made by wire transfer, lots may not be withdrawn until the payment has been cleared, foreign cheques are not accepted. From the moment the hammer falls, sold items will become the exclusive responsability of the buyer. Yhe buyer will be solely responsible for the insurance. L'EUR L Antoine AGUTTES assumes no liability for any damage to items which may occur after the hammer falls.
The purchased lots will be delivered to the buyer in person/ S hould the buyer wish to have his/her lot delivered to a third party the person must have a letter of authorization along with a photocopy of the identity card of the buyer.
Export formalities can take 2 or 3 months to process and are within buyer's province. Please contact us if you need more information concerning this particular matter.
We advice you to pay by credit card, by swift or bank wire transfer.
- We accept cash payments up to the amount of 3 000 € for residents residing fiscally in France and up to 15 000 € for persons not residing fiscally in France and not acting on behalf of a professional activity. We do not accept foreign cheque.
Purchased lots will become available only after full payment has been made.
The sale will be conducted in euros. Il addition to the hammer price, the buyer agrees to pay a buyer's premium along with
any applicable value added tax.
The buyer's premium is 23% + VAT amounting 27,5% (all taxes included) for all bids.
- NB: Lots followed by a * are subject to a 7% fee, in addition to the regular buyer's fees stated earlier.
- Lots buyed via the web site Artfact are subject to a 3% fee, in addition to the regular buyer's fees stated earlier.
The highest and final bidderwill be the purchaser.
Should the auctioneer recognise two simultaneous bids on one lot, the lot will be put up for sale again and all those present
in the saleroom may participate in this second opportunity to bid.
Important : Bidding is typically conducted in the auction house. However, we may graciously accept telephone bids from
potential buyers wh have made the request.
We bear no responsability whatsoever in the case of uncompleted calls made too late and/or technical difficulties with the
telephone. We also accept absentee bids submitted prior to the sale. We rererve the right to accept or deny any requests for
telephone or absentee bidding.
The telephone bidder agrees to bis up to the law estimate.
In carrying a bid, bidders assume their personal responsability to pay the hammer price as welle as all buyer's fees and taxes
chargeable to the buyer.
We advice you to pay by credit card, by swift or bank wire transfer.
- We accept cash payments up to the amount of 3 000 € for residents residing fiscally in France and up to 15 000 € for
persons not residing fiscally in France and not acting on behalf of a professional activity. We do not accept foreign cheque.
Shipping Terms
Auction House does NOT ship
Buyers are advised to collect successful lots as soon as possible to avoid handling and storage costs which may be incurred at their expense.
The auctionneer is not responsible for the storage of purchased lots.
If payment is made by wire transfer, lots may not be withdrawn until the payment has been cleared, foreign cheques are not accepted.
From the moment the hammer falls, sold items will become the exclusive responsability of the buyer.
The buyer will be solely responsible for the insurance.
L'EURL Antoine AGUTTES assumes no liability for any damage to items which may occur after the hammer falls.
The purchased lots will be delivered to the buyer in person/ Should the buyer wish to have his/her lot delivered to a third party the person must have a letter of authorization along with a photocopy of the identity card of the buyer.
Export formalities can take 2 or 3 months to process and are within buyer's province. Please contact us if you need more information concerning this particular matter.
Shipping Terms
Auction House does NOT ship
Buyers are advised to collect successful lots as soon as possible to avoid handling and storage costs which may be incurred at their expense.
The auctionneer is not responsible for the storage of purchased lots.
If payment is made by wire transfer, lots may not be withdrawn until the payment has been cleared, foreign cheques are not accepted.
From the moment the hammer falls, sold items will become the exclusive responsability of the buyer.
The buyer will be solely responsible for the insurance.
L'EURL Antoine AGUTTES assumes no liability for any damage to items which may occur after the hammer falls.
The purchased lots will be delivered to the buyer in person/ Should the buyer wish to have his/her lot delivered to a third party the person must have a letter of authorization along with a photocopy of the identity card of the buyer.
Export formalities can take 2 or 3 months to process and are within buyer's province. Please contact us if you need more information concerning this particular matter.
Shipping Terms
Auction House does NOT ship
Buyers are advised to collect successful lots as soon as possible to avoid handling and storage costs which may be incurred at their expense.
The auctionneer is not responsible for the storage of purchased lots.
If payment is made by wire transfer, lots may not be withdrawn until the payment has been cleared, foreign cheques are not accepted.
From the moment the hammer falls, sold items will become the exclusive responsability of the buyer.
The buyer will be solely responsible for the insurance.
L'EURL Antoine AGUTTES assumes no liability for any damage to items which may occur after the hammer falls.
The purchased lots will be delivered to the buyer in person/ Should the buyer wish to have his/her lot delivered to a third party the person must have a letter of authorization along with a photocopy of the identity card of the buyer.
Export formalities can take 2 or 3 months to process and are within buyer's province. Please contact us if you need more information concerning this particular matter.
Shipping Terms
Auction House does NOT ship
Buyers are advised to collect successful lots as soon as possible to avoid handling and storage costs which may be incurred at their expense.
The auctionneer is not responsible for the storage of purchased lots.
If payment is made by wire transfer, lots may not be withdrawn until the payment has been cleared, foreign cheques are not accepted.
From the moment the hammer falls, sold items will become the exclusive responsability of the buyer.
The buyer will be solely responsible for the insurance.
L'EURL Antoine AGUTTES assumes no liability for any damage to items which may occur after the hammer falls.
The purchased lots will be delivered to the buyer in person/ Should the buyer wish to have his/her lot delivered to a third party the person must have a letter of authorization along with a photocopy of the identity card of the buyer.
Export formalities can take 2 or 3 months to process and are within buyer's province. Please contact us if you need more information concerning this particular matter.
Buyers Premium
In addition to the hammer price, the buyer agrees to pay a buyer's premium along with any applicable value added tax.
The buyer's premium is 23% + VAT amounting 27,5% (all taxes included) for all bids.
- N B: Lots followed by a * are subject to a 7% fee, in addition to the regular buyer's fees stated earlier.
Fees and Taxes
Purchased lots will become available only after full payment has been made.
The sale will be conducted in euros. Il addition to the hammer price, the buyer agrees to pay a buyer's premium along with
any applicable value added tax.
The buyer's premium is 23% + VAT amounting 27,5% (all taxes included) for all bids.
- NB: Lots followed by a * are subject to a 7% fee, in addition to the regular buyer's fees stated earlier.
- Lots buyed via the web site Artfact are subject to a 3% fee, in addition to the regular buyer's fees stated earlier.
The EURL Antoine AGUTTES is bound by the indications stated in the catalogue, modified only by announcements made at
the time of the sale noted in the legal records thereof. Attributions were made according to scientific and artistic knowledge
at the time of the auction.
An exhibition prior to the sale permits buyers to establish the conditions of the works offered for sale and no claims will be
accepted after the hammer has fallen. Some difference may appear between the original work and its illustration , there will
be no claims in such matter. The dimensions are given only as an indication.
The condition of the works is not specified in the catalogue, buyers are required to study them personally. No requests will
be accepted concerning restorations once the hammer has fallen.