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Lot 32: Ciliegie FABIO AGUZZI

Est: €500 EUR - €1,000 EURPassed
International Art Sale ItalyMilan, ItalyNovember 25, 2021

Item Overview


Olio su tela Dimensione: cm 36 x 36 Numero d’Archivio dell’artista AG13 Firma, titolo, misure e numero d’archivio al retro Autentica dell’artista su fotografia

Artist or Maker

Payment & Shipping


Accepted forms of payment: MasterCard, Visa, Wire Transfer


shipping is fully paid by the buyer

Auction Details

Modern, Contemporary and 19th Century Paintings

International Art Sale Italy
November 25, 2021, 03:30 PM CET

Via Giacomo Puccini, 3, Milan, MI, 20121, IT


Live bidding may start higher or lower

Buyer's Premium

€0 - 200,000:30.0%

Bidding Increments


Conditions of Sale

1. The lots shall be offered for sale to the highest bidder and shall be settled in cash within seven working days of the auction. International Art Sale srl acts as agent with representation in the name and on behalf of each seller. The lot can also be offered for sale online with a fixed offer respecting the minimum established, subject to the authorization of the client.
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Shipping Terms

shipping is fully paid by the buyer

Shipping Terms

shipping is fully paid by the buyer