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Lot 208: Čestmír Janošek (*1935)

Est: Kč0 CZK - Kč0 CZKPassed
Auction House Zezula603 00 BRNO, Czech RepublicOctober 07, 2017

Item Overview


CROCODILE HUNT. 1960’s. Assemblage, various materials, 140x57 cm. Around 1964, Janošek concentrated himself on new technique: assemblage. Since the late 1950‘s he has been in contact with artists from the group Šmidrové. Their aesthetics of strangeness was familiar to him and appeared in objects made up of various things of daily use. After the mid-1960‘s, he created aesthetically similar objects, but the real objects were often cast and the entire surface of the piece was coloured in monochrome colours.
LOV NA KROKODÝLA. 60. léta 20. stol. Asambláž, různé materiály, 140x57 cm. Kolem roku 1964 rozvinul umělec další z poloh své tvorby: asambláže. Od konce 50. let byl v kontaktu s umělci z okruhu Šmidrů. Jejich estetika divnosti mu byla blízká a projevila se v objektech sestavených z nejrůznějších předmětů denní reality. Po polovině 60. let vytvářel pak objekty esteticky spřízněné, kde ale reálné předměty byly často odlity a celý povrch díla byl kolorován do monochromních barev.
KROKODILJAGD. 1960s. Assemblage, verschiedene Materiale, 140x57 cm. Um 1964 hat der Künstler andere Form seiner Arbeit entwickelt: Assemblage. Seit Ende 1950s war er im Kontakt mit Künstlern aus dem Kreis der Kunstgruppe „Šmidrové“. Ihre Ästhetik der Sonderheit war ihm nahe und manifestierte sich in Objekten, die aus verschiedensten Gebrauchsgegenständen zusammengebaut wurden. Nach der Hälfte 1960s bildete er ästhetisch verwandte Objekte, wo aber reale Gegenstände oft gegossen waren und die ganze Oberfläche in monochromen Tönen koloriert.

Artist or Maker


Čestmír Janošek studoval na Vyšší škole um. průmyslu v Praze (1950-1954) a na AVU u K. Hladíka a V. Sychry (1955-1962). Po realistických a kubistických začátcích pod vlivem Expa 58 (Brusel) jako mnozí další umělci obrátil pozornost k abstrakci. Jeho tvorba v l. 1958-1962 vycházela z informelní gestické malby. První malby byly ještě velmi expresivní, ale postupně se dostával ke kombinaci tašistických tvarů s geometrickými liniemi. V té době se také pustil do experimentů, např. používání sazí a dalších přírodních materiálů. Podnětné bylo přátelství s V. Boudníkem a umělci z okruhu tzv. Konfrontací, kde i sám vystavoval. V období 1962-1964 se od malby se posunul spíše k objektu, zprvu závěsnému, později volnému. Nadále experimentoval s technikami a „neuměleckými“ materiály. 1968 emigroval do Kolína n. R., kde žije a tvoří dodnes. Atmosféra nového působiště jej vedla k malbě s mystickou symbolikou světla. V 90. letech navštívil Prahu a částečně se vrátil ke starším tvůrčím technikám. 

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Auction Details

Fine Photographs and Czech Post-War Art

Auction House Zezula
October 07, 2017, 10:00 AM CET

Auction house Zezula Hlinky 142c, 603 00 BRNO, CZ


Buyer's Premium


Bidding Increments


Conditions of Sale

Auction announcement

on holding of the public Auction, in the sence of Law no. 26/2000 Coll.

I. Auctioneer

Tomáš Zezula, Identification Number 14629585 conducts the public Auction at the request of the owners of the objects. This Auction will be held in the Auction house Zezula, 142c Hlinky Street, Brno, Czech Republic.

II. Auctioned items

Each item (or group of items) obtains its number according to the catalogue along with the description and the opening bid. All items may be examined during the exhibition in the Auction House Zezula. On the day of auction the items are not exhibited.

All information in the catalogue is based on scientific knowledge published or otherwise available before the date of auction. Information in the printed catalogue may be updated on the internet page of the catalogue. The Auction House Zezula retains the right to correct any information about the auctioned items published in the catalogue. Any corrections will be visibly placed in the auction venue and verbally announced by the auctioneer before auctioning of the relevant item.

Items listed in the catalogue with the * symbol have been declared cultural monuments by the state and are subject to the Law no. 20/1987 Coll. about the state care of historical monuments as amended by the subsequent Law no. 242/1992 Coll., no. 361/1999 Coll., no. 122/2000 Coll., no. 132/2000 Coll., no. 146/2001 Coll. and no. 320/2002 Coll.

III. Course of the auction

Before the beginning of the auction the bidder is required to fill out the Participant Identification Form on the base of which he obtains the auction number. This procedure is free of charge.

The auctioneer announces the serial number of the item, its brief description and opening bid. After this calling the bidders, i.e. the owners of the auction number, can bid up with the raising of the auction number. The auction of the item continues until no further bids are made.

The increments (in CZK) The immediate bid (in CZK);

100 - < 2 000
200 > 2 000 < 4 000
500 > 4 000 < 10 000
1 000 > 10 000 < 30 000
2 000 > 30 000 < 60 000
5 000 > 60 000 < 100 000
10 000 > 100 000 < 500 000
50 000 > 500 000 < 1 000 000
100 000 > 1 000 000---

The sequence of increments is settled by the Auctioneer. The bidders in the auction hall take precedence. At the coincidence of the same written limits the sequence is settled by the Auctioneer.

IV. Successful bidder's obligations

The successful bidder must complete his obligation within 10 days after the holding of the auction. The price attained in the auction hall will be increased by a 18% buyer's premium including VAT.

Every person concerned is obliged to see the items of his concern beforehand during the exhibition, eventually have the item inspected by an external expert. Objections to the auctioned items concerning the price, condition or state of the items are not accepted after the auction has concluded.

V. Bidding in absentia

After preliminary agreement the bidder may bid for any item in his absence:
if he submits an attested Power of Attorney to Tomáš Zezula, ICO: 14629585, to represent him at the auction and if he determines the item number and the limit up to which it is possible to increase the bids (for each item separately);
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The auction limits for bidding by phone are accepted for items with an opening bid of CZK 300 or higher. The Auction House Zezula is not responsible for any connection failure due to telecommunications or inaccessibility of the called party.

The Power of Attorney form for sending price limits or requisitions for phone bidding may be found in PDF format on internet pages (http://www.papilio.cz/en/index.php?id=plna_moc) or it may be sent on request.

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Bidder bidding in their absence through the bidding limits will be informed about the auction's results in writing. Complete result list of the auction will be published at the internet address www.papilio.cz the next following business day after the end of the auction.

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VII. Dispensation and collection of the item

Items may be paid and collected at the auction venue during the course of the auction and after it on the same day. The auctioned off items may be further paid and collected within the next three business days after the auction from 10.00-17.00, at the Auction House Zezula, Hlinky 142c, phone No. +420 543 215 704, where all administration will be handled.

Outside official dispensation hours individual collection of items is possible after a preliminary agreement at phone No. +420 541 214 436, Mon-Fri, 10.00-17.00.

VII. Sale after the auction

Items which were not auctioned off (unless the owner determines otherwise) will be available for the opening bid plus a 18% commission.

Shipping Terms

Auction House will ship, at Buyer's expense

Shipping Terms

Auction House will ship, at Buyer's expense

Shipping Terms

Auction House will ship, at Buyer's expense

Shipping Terms

Auction House will ship, at Buyer's expense