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Est: €0 EUR - €0 EURPassed
Arthouse HejtmánekPrague, Czech RepublicMay 31, 2018

Item Overview


Brass plate. Signed on reverse: “ARTĚL PRAHA”. This inkwell is based on a design by the exceptionally talented architect Bedřich Feuerstein, a student of Jože Plečnik and Jan Kotěra, for the Artěl cooperative. The inkwell is one item in a four-part writing set. An identical one is located in the collections of the museum of Decorative Arts in Prague, inventory no. 98572. Exhibition: Director's choice: A Selection from the Collections of the Museum of Decorative Arts in Prague, 2018.


9x21x15 cm

Artist or Maker


Around 1920; Bohemia, Prague

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Auction Terms 2018

ARTHOUSE HEJTMÁNEK galerie a auk?ní d?m s.r.o., seated in Prague 6, Bubene?, Goetheho 17/2, ZIP 160 00, Id number: 29149932, registered with the commercial register maintained by the Municipal court in Prague, file C 203984 (hereinafter referred to as "ARTHOUSE HEJTMÁNEK"), conducts in the form of private sale (hereinafter referred to also as "Auction") the sale of movables (hereinafter also referred to as "Auctioned items" or individually as "Auctioned item").
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Shipping Terms

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