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Est: $0 HKD - $0 HKDSold:
Marchance AuctioneersWan Chai, Hong KongNovember 29, 2018

Item Overview


Zhou Sicong (1939-1996)

ink and colour on paper, hanging scroll, dated 1980, titled, with a dedication, signed SI CONG and with one seal

65.5 x 43.4 cm ( 25 3/4 x 17 1/8 in )

ESTIMATE: HK$ 30,000 / RMB 26,400

周思聰 (1939-1996)
設色紙本 立軸


65.5 x 43.4 cm 約 2.61 平尺

估價:HK$ 30,000 / RMB 26,400



65.5 x 43.4 cm ( 25 3/4 x 17 1/8 in )

Artist or Maker


ink and colour on paper


dated 1980

Payment & Shipping

Accepted forms of payment: COD (cash on delivery), Other, Wire Transfer


Section 17 Collecting, Packing, Shipping and Exporting of Lots
17.1 The Buyer shall collect the purchased Lot no later than 14 days after the Sale Date (including the Sale Date). Otherwise, whether or not payments have been made, the Company has the right to adopt one or more measures below:
(i) We shall be permitted to remove the property to a third party warehouse. All costs (including but not limited to the Storage Fee calculated and charged according to the provisions of the Bidder Registration Order starting from the 31st day from the Sale Date (including the Sale Date) and/or risks for the taking out of an insurance policy and/or storing the Lot in the Company or other places shall be borne by the Buyer. Only after the Buyer has paid the full amount of the Purchase Price, he/she/it can collect the Lot (packing and moving costs, insurance expenses, expenses related to export shall be at the Buyer's expense);
(ii) If the Buyer has not yet collected the Lot within 30 days from the Sale Date (including the Sale Date), after notifying the Buyer, the Company has the right to sell that Lot in a public auction or by a method and with methods and conditions that it considers suitable. Any proceeds after the deduction of all the losses, expenses (packing & moving costs, insurance costs, expenses related to export, Storage Fee, and notarial expenses etc.) incurred by the Company from the disposal shall be collected by the Buyer; such balance is non-interest-bearing. If the Buyer fails to collect the proceeds back two years after the Sale Date, the balance shall be deposited to a Hong Kong court by the Company after deducting the relevant expenses (including legal fees).
17.2 Where Properties are not collected within 30 calendar days (including the day of sale) from the day of sale, the Buyer must pay the monthly Storage Fee of HK$800 per Lot starting from the 31st day. For storage of less than one month, one whole month's Storage Fee will be charged. All other additional expenses such as insurance, packing & transport costs will be charged separately.
17.3 The Buyer shall bear all the risks and expenses incurred after the deadline as stated in the Conditions of Business if he/she/it cannot collect the Lot concerned within that deadline. Even though the Lot is still under our or any of our agent's custody, neither we nor our agents shall be liable for any losses or damages incurred regardless of the reasons.
17.4 We may arrange packing and handling of the purchased Lot on behalf of the Buyer upon his/her/its request. This is considered as a service provided by the Company to the Buyer and the Company has the sole and absolute discretion to decide whether to provide this service, if any losses arise there from, the Buyer shall be personally liable for such losses. Packing and handling fee is charged as follow

Purchase value Packing and handling fee
Up to and including HK$1,000 HK$100
Between HK$1,001 and HK$1,000,000 HK$300
Above HK$1,000,000 HK$500

17.5 Where the Buyer requests the Company to assist in collecting the purchased Lot (the packaging, mailing and transportation expenses shall be paid by the Buyer) by means of post, express delivery or transportation, the Company shall be deemed to have delivered the Lot and the Buyer shall be deemed to have collected such Lot according to the normal procedure upon the Company's delivery of the Lot to the post, express delivery and transportation entities, companies or their employees/branch offices. The risks arising from this process shall be borne by the Buyer. Unless as Buyer gives a clear indication and pays insurance premium, no insurance is provided in the process of mailing, express delivery or transportation generally. The Company shall undertake no liability for any error, omission, damage or destruction caused by the packaging company and post, express delivery and transportation entities or companies designated by the Buyer or recommended by the Company to the Buyer.
17.6 Under no circumstances shall the Company be responsible for any damage of the glass or picture frame, box, backing sheet, frame case, mounting, inserts, rolling rod or similar auxiliary objects caused by any reasons.
17.7 For items made of botanic or animal materials (coral, crocodile, ivory, whale bone, tortoise, rhinoceros horn and Brazilian Rosewood, etc.) or containing botanic or animal materials, regardless of their year or value, may require application for permits or certificates before exporting outside Hong Kong, and other application for permits or certificates may be required when importing into countries outside Hong Kong. Please pay attention that the ability to obtain export permits or certificates does not ensure that import permits or certificates can be obtained in another country, and vice versa. For example, importing ivory of less than 100 years is illegal in the USA. Bidders should enquire about the import regulations on products made of or containing botanic or animal materials of the governments concerned before participating in an auction. The Buyer shall be responsible for obtaining any import and export licenses, permit for endangered animals or other aspects related to the Lot. Failure or delay in obtaining any permits required shall not be deemed as a reason for cancelling the purchase or delaying in paying the Purchase Price. The Company shall not bear any responsibilities for the failure to properly fill in or submit the required import or export documents. If the Buyer requests the Company to apply for the import and export licenses on his/her/its behalf, the Company has the right to charge service fees for this service. However, the Company does not warrant that the import or export license will be issued. The Company and the Seller has not made declaration or warranty in respect of whether or not any Lot is subject to import and export restrictions or any embargo.

第十七条 拍卖品之领取、包装、付运及出口
(1) 买家须在拍卖成交日起十四日内领取所购买的拍卖品。若买家未能在拍卖成交日(含成交日)起十四日内提取其购得的拍卖品,则不论已付款与否,本公司有权采取以下之一种或多种措施:
(i) 将该拍卖品投保及/或储存在本公司或其他地方,由此发生的一切费用(包括但不限于自拍卖成交日(含成交日)起的第三十一日起按竞投人登记表格的规定计收储存费等费用及/或风险均由买家承担。在买家如数支付全部购买价款后,方可提取拍卖品(包装及搬运费用、运输及保险费用、出境费等买家自行负担);
(ii) 如买家自成交日(含成交日)起的三十日内仍未提取拍卖品,则本公司有权在通知买家后,以公开拍卖或其他本公司认为合适的方式及条件出售该拍卖品,处置所得在扣除本公司因此产生之全部损失、费用(包装及搬运费用、运输及保险费用、出境费、储存费、公证费等)后,若有余款,则由买家自行取回,该余款不计利息,拍卖成交日后两年尚未取回的余款在扣除相关开支(包括法律费用) 后由本公司存入香港法庭。
(2) 自拍卖成交日(含成交日)起的第三十一日起,买家须为本次拍卖会未领取的拍卖品支付储存费,每件每月港币八百元。储存不足一个月者,亦须缴付整月储存费。储存费不包括其他额外费用,如保险和运输费,其他额外费用将会另行收取。
(3) 买家应对其超过本规则规定期限未能提取相关拍卖品而在该期限届满后所发生之一切风险及费用自行承担责任,即使该拍卖品仍由本公司或其他代理人代为保存,本公司及其工作人员或其代理人对任何原因所致该拍卖品的损毁、损失,不负任何责任。
(4) 本公司工作人员应买家要求代为包装及处理购买的拍卖品,仅应视为本公司对买家提供的服务,本公司可绝对酌情决定是否提供此项服务,若因此发生任何损失均由买家个人自负。包装及处理费计算方式如下:
货物金额 包装及处理费
HK$1,000或以下 HK$100
HK$1,001 至 HK$1,000,000 HK$300
HK$1,000,000以上 HK$500
(5) 如买家要求本公司协助以邮寄、快递或运输方式领取其所购买的拍卖品(包装及邮递、运输费用由买家负担),一旦本公司将拍卖品交付邮寄、快递、运输部门、公司或其雇员/分支机构,则视为本公司已交付该拍卖品,同时应视为买家已按正常程序领取该拍卖品,此过程中的风险由买家承担,除非买家特别指明并负担保险费外,在邮寄、快递、运输过程中一般不予投保。对于买家指定或本公司向买家推荐的包装公司及邮寄、快递、运输部门或公司所造成的一切错误、遗漏、损坏或灭失,本公司不承担责任。
(6) 在任何情况下,本公司对因任何原因造成的框架或玻璃、囊匣、底垫、支架、装裱、插册、轴头或类似附属物的损坏、灭失不负责任。
(7) 由植物或动物材料(如珊瑚、鳄鱼、象牙、鲸骨、玳瑁、犀牛角及巴西玫瑰木等)制成或含有植物或动物材料之物品,不论其年份或价值,均可能须申领许可证或证书方可出口至香港境外,且由香港境外国家进口时可能须申领其他许可证或证书。务请注意,能取得出口许可证或证书并不能确保可在另一国家取得进口许可证或证书,反之亦然。例如,将历时不足100 年之象牙进口至美国即属非法。竞投人应向相关政府查核有关野生动物植物进口之规定后再参与竞投。买家须自行负责取得任何有关拍卖品进出口、濒临绝种生物或其他方面之许可证。未获得任何所需之许可证或延误取得该类许可证不可被视为买家取消购买或延迟支付购买价款之理由。本公司不承担因不能填妥或呈交所需出口或进口货单、清单或文件所产生之任何责任。如买家要求本公司代其申请出口许可证,本公司则有权就此服务另行收取服务费用。然而,本公司不保证出口许可证将获发放。本公司及卖家概不会就任何拍卖品是否受进出口限制或任何禁运作出声明或保证。

Auction Details

Fine Chinese Paintings & Calligraphy, Magnificent Jewels and Jadeite, Important Buddhist Figures & Chinese Works of Arts

Marchance Auctioneers
November 29, 2018, 01:45 PM HKT

Boardroom 1-6, Mezzanine Floor, Renaissance Harbour View Hotel, 1 Habour Road,, Wan Chai, 0000, HK


Live bidding may start higher or lower

Buyer's Premium

$0 - 8,000,000:25.0%

Bidding Increments


Conditions of Business

Conditions of Business

Part 1 General

Section 1 Jurisdiction
These Conditions of Business (hereinafter referred to as the "Conditions") are formulated in accordance with the relevant laws, decrees, rules and regulations of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China and the provisions of the Auction Articles of Marchance Auctioneers Limited (hereinafter referred to as "Marchance") and in light of international practice.
All parties participating in any auctions organized by the Company, including the Seller, the Bidder, the Buyer and all other related parties (including but not limited to the agents of the Seller, the Bidder and the Buyer) shall be deemed to accept in full and be bound by these Conditions of Business, and shall comply with them in such auctions, enjoy the rights and perform the obligations provided herein.
Any Bidder who bids in an auction organized by the Company, whether in person or by authorizing an agent to bid on his/her/its behalf, whether by raising the paddle, by absentee bids, by phone or by any other means, shall be deemed to have accepted these Conditions of Business in full.
Any dispute among the parties to auctions organized by the Company shall be settled in accordance with these Conditions of Business.

Section 2 Declaration
2.1 Unless as otherwise stated, we act as the Seller's agent. The closing agreement for sale of a Lot shall be a contract between the Seller and the Buyer. These Conditions of Business and all other terms, conditions and notices contained in the catalogue, announced by the Auctioneer from time to time or provided at the saleroom shall constitute the provisions agreed among the Seller, the Buyer and/or the Company as auction agent.
2.2 The Company may amend these Conditions of Business for a particular auction by posting announcements at the auction site or making an announcement at such auction through an Auctioneer.
2.3 Bidders and Buyers participating in any auctions organized by the Company shall carefully read and be abided by these Conditions of Business; Bidders and Buyers shall read the provisions limiting the Company's liabilities and disclaimers contained in these Conditions of Business carefully. Bidders and/or their agents have the responsibilities to review the original Lot in person, and bear legal liabilities for their acts of bidding the Lot.
2.4 Upon the Auctioneer confirms the Bidder's bid by striking his/her hammer or in any other manner publicly indicating confirmation of the purchase in any auctions organized by the Company, the contract for sale regarding the Lot shall immediately enter into force and the Bidder shall become the Buyer of the Lot. The Company, the Seller and the Buyer shall acknowledge the sale of the Lot and its closing, enjoy the rights and assume the obligations provided by applicable laws and/or these Conditions of Business. Any party that fails to perform obligations shall bear his/her/its corresponding legal liabilities.
2.5 We, acting as agent of the Seller, shall assume no liability for any breach of contract or violation of these Conditions of Business by the Buyer or the Seller. In case of the breach of contract by the Seller or the Buyer, the Company shall have the right to decide to disclose the other party's name and address to the Seller or the Buyer at its own discretion so that the aggrieved party may claim for compensation for loss and damages arising from the breach of the other party through legal proceedings or otherwise. However, prior to the Company's disclosure of such materials to the Seller or the Buyer, the Company shall take the reasonable steps to notify the party whose materials are to be disclosed.
2.6 If any abnormal or unforeseen event occurs at the auction site, the Company has the right to take emergency actions. If any dispute arises at the auction site, the Company has right to mediate and settle it.

Section 3 Definitions and Interpretation
The terms used in these conditions shall have following meanings:
3.1 "We/Us/Company" means Marchance Auctioneers Limited;
3.2 "Auction Date" means, in an auction held by the Company, the date on which the auctioneer concludes a contract for sale between a Seller and a Buyer by way of hammer striking or any other customary manner publicly confirming the sale;
3.3 "Auctioneer" means any person designated by the Company to moderate a particular auction;
3.4 "Bidder" means any person, company, body corporate or other organization who or which has duly completed the necessary registration formalities with our Company and acquired the right to bid; In these Conditions of Business, a Bidder shall include any of its agents unless as otherwise specified herein or required in a particular context;
3.5 "Buyer" means the Bidder whose bid or offer for a Lot is recognized by an Auctioneer as the highest bid for that Lot in an auction held by the Company, including the principal on behalf of which such Bidder acts;
3.6 "Seller" means any person, company, body corporate or other or organization that consigns (a) Lot(s) within the scope of these Conditions of Business to the Company for auction. In these Conditions of Business, a Seller shall include any of its agents unless as otherwise specified herein or required in a particular context;
3.7 "Lot" means any item consigned by a Seller to the Company for auction and so auctioned in any auction, in particular, any item numbered in any catalogue with certain description;
3.8 "Estimate" means the estimated selling price of a Lot written in the catalogue or other descriptive materials, excluding the Buyer's Commission;
3.9 "Reserve" means the confidential minimum selling price for the Lot that the Seller has confirmed with the Company;
3.10 "Hammer Price" means the price for a Lot at which the Auctioneer decides to sell the Lot by striking the hammer or the agreed sale price in the post-auction sale;
3.11 "Proceeds of Sale" means the net amount due to the Seller, being the Hammer Price less the Buyer's Commission, all expenses and other amounts payable to the Company by the Seller;
3.12 "Buyer's Commission" means any commission that a Buyer shall pay to the Company calculated at the rate specified herein of the Hammer Price for the Lot that such Buyer purchases;
3.13 "Purchase Price" means the total amount payable by the Buyer for his/her/its purchase for each Lot, including the Hammer Price, the Buyer's Commission, other Buyer's Expenses and all Buyer's Expenses arising from his/her/its failure to perform his/her/its obligations;
3.14 "Buyer's Expenses" means costs and expenses in relation to sale of Lot paid by the Company, including but not limited to insurance policies, packaging, moving, storage, custody for the Lot, any expenses of testing, investigation, queries or authentication related to the Lot at the request of the Buyer or any additional costs and legal expenses to bring claims against a defaulting Buyer;
3.15 "Storage Fee" means the storage fee payable by the Buyer to the Company according to these Conditions of Business.
3.16 In these Conditions of Business, where the context requires, words denoting the singular shall include the plural and vice versa.

Part 2 Conditions Applicable to Buyer

Section 4 Bidder and Buyer
4.1 Every Bidder shall be deemed to act as principal unless Marchance has, before the date of the auction, acknowledged in writing that the Bidder is acting as agent on behalf of a disclosed principal.
4.2 If the Bidder is a natural person, before making any bid at the auction, he/she shall fill in and sign the registration documents with an identity document with photo issued by the government (such as resident identity card or passport), and provide proof of the current address (e.g. utility bill or bank statement).
4.3 If the Bidder is a company or other organization, before making any bid at the auction, it shall fill in and sign the registration documents and collect a paddle with its valid certificate of incorporation and proof of shareholding and legitimate authorization document.
4.4 The Company may request the Bidder to present the proof of bank details or other proof of financial conditions for payment purposes.
4.5 The Company can announce before the Auction Date the conditions and procedures of arranging paddle for the Bidder according to different auction conditions and auction methods etc., including but not limited to the qualification and conditions for the Bidder to arrange a paddle.
4.6 The Company solemnly reminds that a paddle is the only proof for the Bidder to participate in auction at the venue. The Bidder shall keep it properly. If it is lost, he/she/it shall immediately comply with the loss report formalities in a written form recognized by the Company. All Bidders shall not lend or transfer his/her paddle to any other person(s). Otherwise, he/she shall be liable for the consequences associated with the use of his/her paddle for bidding or any other use. No matter if the person holding a paddle has been appointed by the Bidder or not, his or her bidding acts at auction are considered as having been made by the registered person himself/herself, and the Bidder shall bear the legal liabilities for the acts of the former, unless the Bidder himself/herself has already submitted a written report to the Company regarding the loss paddle.
4.7 Marchance has the right, at our complete and sole discretion, to refuse admission to the premises or participation in any auction by any Bidder and to reject any bid.

Section 5 Deposit
All Bidders will be required to place an auction deposit before a numbered paddle can be issued. The amount of deposit to be charged will be announced before the date of auction, and the Company has the right to waive the auction deposit. If the Bidder fails to buy the Lot and he/she does not owe the Company any sum, then that auction deposit shall be returned to the Bidder in full without interest within 10 working days after the end of the auction. If the Bidder succeeds in buying a lot / lots at auction, the deposit will be used to offset the invoice value payable by that Bidder (as Buyer) and the balance (if any) will be refunded at collection. The deposit will be forfeited if the Buyer refuses to pay for the lot(s) purchased within payment period.

Section 6 Responsibilities of the Bidder and the Company in respect of the Lot
6.1 In accordance to the matters contained in Section 6.2 to 6.6 of the Conditions of Business and the special exemption contained in Section 7 of the Conditions of Business, the descriptions in the catalogue and in the condition reports are written in a reasonably prudent manner (and such should be in line with those terms of the Conditions of Business regarding the Company serving as Auction Agent) based on
(i) the information provided by the Seller to the Company;
(ii) academic and technical knowledge (if any); and
(iii) generally accepted opinions of the relevant experts.
6.2 The Company's perception of all Lots partly relies on the information provided by the Seller, the Company is unable and will not carry out comprehensive inspection of all Lots. Bidders are aware of this and bear the responsibilities of inspecting and testing the original Lots so that Bidders will be satisfied with those Lots in which they may be interested.
6.3 All Lots for sale by the Company are available for viewing by Bidders. By bidding, Bidders and/or their agents are deemed to have carried out thorough examination of the Lots, and are deemed to be satisfied with the conditions of the Lots and the accuracy of their description.
6.4 If any part of Lot is damaged due to the viewing/examining process, Marchance has the right to demand for compensation from
viewer/examiner equals to 50% of the sum of Lot's estimate.
6.5 Bidders acknowledge that many lots are of an age and type which means that they are not in perfect condition. All Lots offered for sale in the condition they are in ("as is" condition) and without recourse at the time of the auction (whether or not Bidders attend the auction). Condition reports may be available to assist when lot(s) is/are being inspected before auction. Under certain circumstances, catalogue descriptions and condition reports may on occasions make reference to particular imperfections of a Lot, but Bidders should note that Lots may have other defects not expressly referred to in the catalogue or condition report. The absence of any reference to the condition of a Lot does not imply that the Lot is in perfect condition or completely free from wear and tear, imperfections or the effects of aging; nor does a reference to particular defects imply the absence of others. References in the catalogue or the condition report to damage or restoration are for guidance only and should be evaluated by personal inspection by the Bidder or a knowledgeable representative.

Section 7 The Company's Exemption and Restriction of Responsibilities to the Buyer
7.1 We will not provide any warranty as to the authenticity, value, tone, quality and flaw or defect of any of the Lots. The Bidders or their agents shall verify the authenticity and conditions of the Lots, and be responsible for all his/her bids associated with the auction.
7.2 Subject to the matters contained in Section 6 of the Conditions of Business and the rules in Section 7.5 of the Conditions of Business, the Company shall not:
(i) be responsible for any errors or omissions in the information provided by the Company to the Bidder verbally or in writing, no matter whether this is caused by negligence or other reasons, with the exception of provision contained in Section 6.1 of the Conditions of Business;
(ii) make any guarantee or warranty to the Bidder, excluding any implied warranty and rules other than the expressed warranty that the Seller has entrusted the Company to make to the Buyer (with the exception of those responsibilities that cannot be discharged according to the stipulations of laws);
(iii) be accountable to any Bidder for any actions or omissions of the Company regarding the auction or the sale of any Lot (no matter whether this is caused by negligence or other reasons).
7.3 Unless the Company owns the Lot to be sold, it shall not be responsible for any breach of the Conditions of Business by the Seller.
7.4 Without affecting Section 7.1 and 7.2 of these rules, any claim for compensation that the Bidder makes to the Company or the Seller shall be limited to the Hammer Price and the Buyer's Commission of the Lot. Under no circumstances shall the Company and the Seller bear any consequential or indirect losses incurred by the Buyer.
7.5 Section 7 of the Conditions of Business does not exempt or restrict the liabilities of the Company regarding any misrepresentation with fraudulent element made by the Company or the Seller, nor the responsibilities of casualty or death caused by negligent acts or omissions of the Company or the Seller.

Section 8 Catalogue and Lot Descriptions
8.1 The Company shall prepare a catalogue of the Lot to briefly introduce the conditions of the Lot with words and/or pictures to facilitate the Bidder and Seller to participate in the auction held by the Company. The words and Estimate in the catalogue of the Lot, pictures, other images as well as public materials are only references for the Bidder and may be revised before auction. The Company provides no warranty or representation of any kind or nature in respect to merchantability, fitness for purpose, correctness of the catalogue or other description of the physical condition, size, quality, rarity, importance, medium, material, attribution, provenance, period, culture, source, origin, exhibitions, literature, historical significance, authenticity, value, tone or flawlessness of the Lot.
8.2 In case that the tone, color, graduation and shape of the Lot shown in the catalogue and/or any other illustrations, images and public materials differ from those of the original Lot due to printing, photography or other technical reasons, the original Lot shall take precedence. Any introduction and appraisal of any Lot made by the Company and its employees or its agents in any way (including the certificate, catalogue, slide show and news media) are only opinions for reference and do not constitute any guarantee for the Lot. The Company and its employees or its agents shall undertake no liability for any inaccuracy or omission in the aforesaid introduction or appraisal.
8.3 The Bidder and/or his/her/its agents shall have the responsibility to learn about the actual conditions of the Lot and shall be legally liable for his/her/its bid for a certain Lot. We strongly advise the Bidders to personally inspect the original Lot that they intend to bid by identification or other methods before Auction Date. Bidders shall judge whether the descriptions in the catalogue are accurate instead of placing reliance on the accuracy of our catalogue and other images and advertisements of the Lot.

Section 9 Absentee Bid, Telephone Bid and Online Bidding
9.1 Prospective Bidders are advised to attend the auction in person. If the Bidder is unable to do so, Marchance may accept the Bidder's written instruction of Absentee Bid or Telephone Bid to bid on their behalf.
9.2 Bidders shall acknowledge and understand that both Absentee Bid and Telephone Bid are free services provided by Marchance, neither Marchance nor its employees shall be liable to the Bidder for any negligence or default or breach of contract in doing so or for failure to do so.
9.3 If a Bidder who has appointed the Company to bid, the auction results and the related legal responsibilities shall be borne by the Bidder. The Bidder shall indemnify the Company from any claims or liabilities as a result of the act of the Company. If the Bidder indicates in the Absentee Bid Order that he/she/it bids by instant communication methods such as telephone, it shall fill in the instant communication method accurately and keep the instant communication instrument properly, during the period in which the Company is appointed to bid, the Bidder shall use that instant communication instrument himself/herself/itself. In the case when the instant communication instrument is lost or it cannot function properly or cannot function at all, the Bidder shall immediately use a written form recognized by the Company to change the instant communication method filled in the Absentee Bid Order. During the period the Company is appointed to bid, it shall make appropriate efforts to contact the Bidder, the bidding information transmitted by that instant communication instrument (whether or not it is transmitted by the Bidder personally or the Bidder's agent) shall be considered as transmitted by the Bidder himself/herself/itself, and the Bidder shall be liable for the actions taken by he/she/it, unless the Bidder himself/herself/itself has changed the instant communication method filled in the Absentee Bid Order by a written method recognized by the Company. Nevertheless, under no circumstances shall the Company be responsible for any unsuccessful contact or errors or omissions in the bidding process using that instant communication instrument.
9.4 Prospective Bidder shall authorize Marchance to act as his/her agent by submitting the Commission Bid Agreement, duly completed, at least 24 hours before the auction day, and shall pay Marchance a deposit in accordance with the following schedule:
- Total bid at HK$150,000 or below deposit at 100%
- Total bid at HK$150,001 - 600,000 deposit at HK$150,000
- Total bid at HK$600,001 or above deposit at 30%
The balance shall be paid within 14 days after auction ended.
9.5 If we receive more than one absentee bid with same bid price for a particular Lot, and at auction these bids are the highest bids for the Lot, it will be sold to the person whose absentee bid we received first.
9.6 Marchance has no obligation to accept the Absentee Bid or Telephone Bid application and Marchance's decision in this regard shall be final. Prospective Bidders shall not assume Marchance's acceptance of his/her pre-registration application unless he/she has received a written confirmation from Marchance to that effect.
9.7 If prospective Bidder would like to cancel the bidding, he/she shall notify Marchance in written form no less than 24 hours before the auction day.
9.8 In the case of successful bid, the result of the bid will be sent by SMS or other electronic means or post after the auction.
9.9 Online bidding: Marchance offers online bidding service for bidders who cannot attend the sale. In completing the bidder registration online, it is considered that the bidder understands and agrees that any Lots purchased via live online auction service will be subject to an additional 3-5% commission charge at the rate imposed on the hammer price.

Section 10 Images and Screens
At some auctions, there will be a video or other screens in operation for the convenience of Bidders, which is intended for reference only. However, there may be errors or omissions in the figures, numbers, images projected, or foreign exchange rates on the screen. We shall not be liable for any losses and damages caused by such errors or omissions.

Section 11 Reserves and Estimate
11.1 Unless otherwise indicated, all Lots are offered subject to a Reserve, which is the confidential minimum price below which the Lot will not be sold.
11.2 With respect to Lots that are offered without reserve, unless there are already competing bids, the Auctioneer, in his/her discretion, will generally open the bidding at 50% of the pre-sale estimate for the lot. In the absence of a bid at that level, the auctioneer will proceed backwards in his/her discretion until a bid is recognised, and then continue up from that amount.
11.3 Under no circumstances shall the Company bear any liability when the bids for a Lot do not reach the Reserve. If the bids are lower than the Reserve, the Auctioneer, in his or her discretion, may sell the Lot at a price lower than the Reserve. However under such circumstances, the amount that the Company shall pay the Seller shall be the amount that the Seller would receive as if the Lot was sold at the Reserve.
11.4 The Estimate is estimated at an earlier time before the Auction Date, it is not a confirmed selling price, and is not legally binding. Estimates cannot be used as a forecast of the Hammer Price of the Lot, and the Company has the right to revise the already made Estimate from time to time.

Section 12 Bid Increments
Value Increment
HK$1,999 HK $ 100
HK$2,000 to HK$4,999 HK$200, HK$500, HK$800
(i.e. HK$2,200, HK$2,500, HK$2,800, HK$3,000)
HK$5,000 to HK$9,999 HK $ 500
HK$10,000 to HK$19,999 HK $ 1,000
HK$20,000 to HK$49,999 HK$2,000, HK$5,000, HK$8,000
(i.e. HK$22,000, HK$25,000, HK$28,000, HK$30,000)
HK$50,000 to HK$99,999 HK $ 5,000
HK$100,000 to HK$199,999 HK $ 10,000
HK$200,000 to HK$499,999 HK$20,000, HK$50,000, HK$80,000
(i.e. HK$220,000, HK$250,000, HK$280,000, HK$300,000)

HK$500,000 to HK$999,999 HK $ 50,000
HK$1,000,000 or HK$9,999,999 HK $ 100,000
HK$10,000,000 or HK$99,999,999 HK$ 1,000,000

Section 13 Auctioneer's Discretion
The Auctioneer has the right at his/her absolute and sole discretion in the following matters:
13.1 Refusal or acceptance of any bid;
13.2 Carrying out the auction in such a manner as he/she may decide;
13.3 Withdrawal of any Lot, dividing it for auction separately, combining any two or more Lots for auction;
13.4 If there are errors or disputes, no matter if they occur during or after the auction, he/she shall have the right to decide the successful Bidder, whether or not to continue the auction, to cancel the auction or place the Lot under dispute for auction again;
13.5 The Auctioneer may open and carry out the bidding at a level with bidding increments that he/she considers suitable, and has the right to bid on behalf of the Seller up to the amount of the Reserve, either by placing consecutive bids or by placing bids in response to other Bidders;
13.6 Adoption of other actions that he/she considers as appropriate;
13.7 The striking of hammer represents the acceptance of the highest bid, at which moment the Buyer shall be imposed with all the obligations associated with the successful bid.

Section 14 Successful Bid
The fact that the Auctioneer confirms the highest bid of a Bidder by striking his/her hammer or in any other manner of publicly confirming the sale shall indicate the conclusion of a sales contract for the Lot between the Bidder and the Seller. Buyer shall bear all the obligations associated with the successful bid, and fully pay and collect lot(s) according to Section 16 and Section 17. Buyer shall not refuse or delay payment, or he/she shall be liable for breach of contract. All payments are non-refundable, any forms of cancellation of the deal by Buyer shall be treated as breach of contract. The Company has the right to terminate the consignment auction contract and cancel the deal, under no circumstances shall the Company bear the corresponding liability and any consequential or indirect losses incurred.

Section 15 Buyer's Premium and Expenses
The Bidder will be deemed as the Buyer of the Lot after succeeding in bidding and shall pay us the Buyer's Premium together with any applicable expenses and charges. Unless with specification. The Buyer's Premium is equal to 23% of the Hammer Price of each Lot up to and including HK$8,000,000; and 15% of the excess of the hammer price above HK$8,000,000. Buyer who fully pays within 14 days after the Sale Date (including the Sale Date) can enjoy Early Payment Discount Buyer's Premium, which is equal to 20% of the Hammer Price of each Lot up to and including HK$8,000,000; and 12% of the excess of the Hammer Price above HK$8,000,000. For other special collection, the buyer's premium will be announced respectively.

Section 16 Payments
16.1 After the Lot is successfully sold in an auction, the Buyer shall fully pay the Purchase Price within 14 days after the Sale Date (including the Sale Date), and collect the Lot. Otherwise, the Buyer shall be liable for breach of contract, the Company has the right to adopt measures according to Section 18 without further notice.
16.2 If there is any tax liability imposed on the Buyer arising from the Purchase, the Buyer shall bear it himself/herself/itself according to the provisions of the relevant laws currently in force.
16.3 If packing, moving costs, and insurance expenses, expenses related to export is/are involved, the Buyer shall pay them altogether.
16.4 All payments shall be made in Hong Kong Dollars. If the Buyer make payments in currency other than the designated one, the currency shall be converted at the rate agreed upon by the Buyer and us or at the rate announced by Bank of China (Hong Kong) Limited one business day prior to the payment. We shall charge the Buyer for any conversion costs or bank charges incurred.
16.5 Our company will issue an invoice of property sold under the name and address on the Bidding Paddle Registration Form and the registered name and address cannot be changed.
16.6 Our company does not accept payment from a third party other than the Buyer. This applies to the agent as well. If the agent participates in the auction on behalf of others, we only accept payment from the Principal. Other than accepting payment from the Buyer, our company reserves the right to reject payments from other sources.
16.7 Payment Methods
(i) By Cash or Cashier Order
If payment is made by cash or cashier order, the purchases will be released immediately. However, our company does not accept sums exceeding HK$80,000 (or its equivalent in other currencies) in cash in a single or multiple payments.
(ii) By Cheque
Payable to "Marchance Auctioneers Limited"
Please be reminded that the purchases will not be released until such cheques have been cleared. Traveler's cheques are not accepted.
(iii) By Bank Transfer
Please include your name and paddle number or invoice number with your instructions to the bank.
Account Name: Marchance Auctioneers Limited
Bank: The Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation
Account No.: 004-652-209198-001
(iv) Payment by UnionPay
Marchance accepts payment by UnionPay. Buyer is required to present UnionPay card in-person to complete the transaction. For full payment made within 5 days after the Sale Date, no additional administration fee required.
For payment by other credit cards, please check with our onsite staff for the arrangements.

Section 17 Collecting, Packing, Shipping and Exporting of Lots
17.1 The Buyer shall collect the purchased Lot no later than 14 days after the Sale Date (including the Sale Date). Otherwise, whether or not payments have been made, the Company has the right to adopt one or more measures below:
(i) We shall be permitted to remove the property to a third party warehouse. All costs (including but not limited to the Storage Fee calculated and charged according to the provisions of the Bidder Registration Order starting from the 31st day from the Sale Date (including the Sale Date) and/or risks for the taking out of an insurance policy and/or storing the Lot in the Company or other places shall be borne by the Buyer. Only after the Buyer has paid the full amount of the Purchase Price, he/she/it can collect the Lot (packing and moving costs, insurance expenses, expenses related to export shall be at the Buyer's expense);
(ii) If the Buyer has not yet collected the Lot within 30 days from the Sale Date (including the Sale Date), after notifying the Buyer, the Company has the right to sell that Lot in a public auction or by a method and with methods and conditions that it considers suitable. Any proceeds after the deduction of all the losses, expenses (packing & moving costs, insurance costs, expenses related to export, Storage Fee, and notarial expenses etc.) incurred by the Company from the disposal shall be collected by the Buyer; such balance is non-interest-bearing. If the Buyer fails to collect the proceeds back two years after the Sale Date, the balance shall be deposited to a Hong Kong court by the Company after deducting the relevant expenses (including legal fees).
17.2 Where Properties are not collected within 30 calendar days (including the day of sale) from the day of sale, the Buyer must pay the monthly Storage Fee of HK$800 per Lot starting from the 31st day. For storage of less than one month, one whole month's Storage Fee will be charged. All other additional expenses such as insurance, packing & transport costs will be charged separately.
17.3 The Buyer shall bear all the risks and expenses incurred after the deadline as stated in the Conditions of Business if he/she/it cannot collect the Lot concerned within that deadline. Even though the Lot is still under our or any of our agent's custody, neither we nor our agents shall be liable for any losses or damages incurred regardless of the reasons.
17.4 We may arrange packing and handling of the purchased Lot on behalf of the Buyer upon his/her/its request. This is considered as a service provided by the Company to the Buyer and the Company has the sole and absolute discretion to decide whether to provide this service, if any losses arise there from, the Buyer shall be personally liable for such losses. Packing and handling fee is charged as follow

Purchase value Packing and handling fee
Up to and including HK$1,000 HK$100
Between HK$1,001 and HK$1,000,000 HK$300
Above HK$1,000,000 HK$500

17.5 Where the Buyer requests the Company to assist in collecting the purchased Lot (the packaging, mailing and transportation expenses shall be paid by the Buyer) by means of post, express delivery or transportation, the Company shall be deemed to have delivered the Lot and the Buyer shall be deemed to have collected such Lot according to the normal procedure upon the Company's delivery of the Lot to the post, express delivery and transportation entities, companies or their employees/branch offices. The risks arising from this process shall be borne by the Buyer. Unless as Buyer gives a clear indication and pays insurance premium, no insurance is provided in the process of mailing, express delivery or transportation generally. The Company shall undertake no liability for any error, omission, damage or destruction caused by the packaging company and post, express delivery and transportation entities or companies designated by the Buyer or recommended by the Company to the Buyer.
17.6 Under no circumstances shall the Company be responsible for any damage of the glass or picture frame, box, backing sheet, frame case, mounting, inserts, rolling rod or similar auxiliary objects caused by any reasons.
17.7 For items made of botanic or animal materials (coral, crocodile, ivory, whale bone, tortoise, rhinoceros horn and Brazilian Rosewood, etc.) or containing botanic or animal materials, regardless of their year or value, may require application for permits or certificates before exporting outside Hong Kong, and other application for permits or certificates may be required when importing into countries outside Hong Kong. Please pay attention that the ability to obtain export permits or certificates does not ensure that import permits or certificates can be obtained in another country, and vice versa. For example, importing ivory of less than 100 years is illegal in the USA. Bidders should enquire about the import regulations on products made of or containing botanic or animal materials of the governments concerned before participating in an auction. The Buyer shall be responsible for obtaining any import and export licenses, permit for endangered animals or other aspects related to the Lot. Failure or delay in obtaining any permits required shall not be deemed as a reason for cancelling the purchase or delaying in paying the Purchase Price. The Company shall not bear any responsibilities for the failure to properly fill in or submit the required import or export documents. If the Buyer requests the Company to apply for the import and export licenses on his/her/its behalf, the Company has the right to charge service fees for this service. However, the Company does not warrant that the import or export license will be issued. The Company and the Seller has not made declaration or warranty in respect of whether or not any Lot is subject to import and export restrictions or any embargo.

Section 18 Remedies for non-payment
If the Buyer fails to make full payment according to the provisions of the Conditions of Business or any payment arrangements agreed with the Company, the Company has the right to adopt one or more of the following remedies:
18.1 After the Lot is sold, if the Buyer fails to pay the Purchase Price within 14 days from the Sale Date (including the Sale Date), the auction deposit paid at the time of bidding registration shall be forfeited, and it shall at the same time assume the liabilities according to the provisions of the Conditions of Business; if the Buyer has bought a few Lots with the same paddle, after the Lots are sold, if the Buyer has not paid the Purchase Price of any of the Lots within the time stipulated, then the entire auction deposit shall not be refunded, and it shall at the same time assume the relevant liabilities according to the provisions of the Conditions of Business;
18.2 If the Buyer fails to pay the Purchase Price in full to the Company within 14 days from the Sale Date (including the Sale Date), the Company has the right to appoint a third party organization to collect the entire or part of the Purchase Price that the Buyer owes and the Buyer shall also pay the Company all the costs of such collection;
18.3 If the Buyer fails to pay the Purchase Price in full within 14 days from the Sale Date (including the Sale Date), the Company has the right to charge interest at 0.03% per day on the unpaid portion starting from the 15th day after the Sale Date until the day on which the Buyer has fully paid the monies, with the exception that the Buyer has otherwise agreed with the Company;
18.4 The Buyer shall bear the risks and expenses of taking out an insurance policy, moving and storing the Lot in the Company or other places;
18.5 To commence legal proceedings against the Buyer and demand for compensation for all the losses due to the breach of contract by the Buyer including the interest loss caused by the delay in payment or refusal to make payments by the Buyer;
18.6 To retain that or any other Lot that the same Buyer has bought via the Company, and any other properties or rights to property of the Buyer that the Company holds for any reasons, all the expenses and/or risks incurred during the retention period shall be borne by the Buyer. If the Buyer fails to perform all his/her/its duties concerned within the period specified by the Company, the Company has the right to issue a lien notice to the Buyer and dispose of the items under lien if the Buyer has not yet fully paid all outstanding amounts within 30 days after the issue of that notice. If the items under lien are insufficient to offset all the monies payable by the Buyer to the Company, the Company has the right to claim them;
18.7 The Company has the sole discretion to cancel the sale or agree that the Consignor can cancel the deal, and reserve the right to claim all the losses suffered by the Company due to the cancellation of that deal;
18.8 The Company can place the Lot for auction again or sell it by other means according to the provisions of the Conditions of Business with the consent of the Seller, and the Company reserves the right to decide the Estimate and Reserve. The original Buyer shall pay the commission and other Buyer's Expenses and the Seller in the first auction, and he/she/it shall bear all the costs of the second auction or the sale of the Lot by other means. If the price obtained from the second auction or the sale of the Lot by other means is lower than the original auction sum, the original Buyer shall pay the shortfall;
18.9 To offset any monies related to the Lot that the Buyer owes the Company by any sums that the Company owes the Buyer in any other transactions;
18.10 The Company can decide to use any monies paid by the Buyer to repay any sums that the Buyer owes the Company in any other transactions;
18.11 To reject any bids made by the Buyer or his/her/its agent in future auctions, or to obtain auction deposit before accepting any bids;
18.12 To disclose the information of the Buyer to the Seller, so that the Seller can commence legal proceedings to recover the outstanding amount, or claim damages and claim legal fees for the breach of contract by the Buyer.

Section 19 Transfer of Ownership
The Buyer shall only acquire ownership of the Lot after the payment of the Purchase Price in full. Even if the Company has delivered the Lot to the Buyer, the Buyer has not yet obtained the ownership of the Lot. This shall pass onto the Buyer only when the Buyer has fully paid the Purchase Price and all monies that the Buyer owes the Company.

Section 20 Transfer of Risks
After a successful bid, any Lot purchased shall be entirely at Buyer's risk as soon as one of the following occurs:
(i) The Buyer collects the Lot purchased;
(ii) The Buyer pays us full Purchase Price for the Lot;
(iii) The expiry of 14 days after the Sale Date (including the Sale Date).

Part 3 Conditions Applicable to Seller

Section 21 Consignment Procedures
21.1 When arranging the consignment of the Seller's Lot to the Company for auction:
(i) The Seller must present a valid identity document with photo issued by the government (e.g. resident identity card or passport) if the Seller is a natural person, and sign a consignment auction contract with the Company;
(ii) A valid certificate of incorporation, proof of shareholding, or a legal authorization document shall be required if the Seller is a legal entity or any other organization, which shall sign a consignment auction contract with the Company;
21.2 When arranging the consignment of the Lot to the Company for auction, the Seller's agent shall submit to the Company the relevant authorization certificates including:
(i) A valid identity document if such agent is a natural person;
(ii) A valid certificate of incorporation and proof of shareholding if such agent is a legal person or any other organization; and
(iii) A valid power of attorney duly executed.
The Company has the right to examine the aforesaid documents in a lawful manner.
21.3 When the Seller or Seller's agent signs a consignment auction contract with the Company, the Company shall be automatically authorized to make pictures, illustrations, catalogues, or other video images of the Lot without the necessity to pay any charges.

Section 22 The Seller's Warranties
The Seller hereby makes irrevocable warranties to the Company and the Buyer with respect to the Lot he/she/it consigns to the Company for auction as follows:
(i) The Seller has absolute ownership or legal right to dispose or sell the Lot. The auction of the Lot will not infringe any legal interest or right (including copyright interest) of any third party, and will not violate the provisions of relevant laws and regulations;
(ii) The Seller has, to the best of his/her/its knowledge, made full and complete disclosure and description to the Company with respect to the origin and any flaw of the Lot and notified the Company in writing, without any concealment or fabrication;
(iii) If the Lot being consigned shall be imported into Hong Kong, the Seller shall guarantee the compliance with the laws of its origin, and ensure the completion of the export and import procedures and notify the Company in writing; and
(iv) If the violation of the above warranties causes the actual owner of the Lot or any third party who claims to have right to bring any claim or action and causes the Company and/or the Buyer to suffer losses and damages, the Seller shall compensate for all losses and damages suffered by the Company and/or the Buyer as well as all expenses and costs incurred as a result.

Section 23 Insurance
23.1 Unless as otherwise instructed by the Seller in writing, all Lots will be automatically covered under the insurance policies purchased by the Company after the Seller enters into the consignment auction contract with the Company and delivers the Lots to the Company. The insured amount shall be based on the Reserve agreed by the Seller and the Company in the consignment auction contract (if there is no Reserve, it shall be the agreed insured amount of the Lot; if the Reserve is adjusted, it shall be the original Reserve of the Lot). The insured amount is only applicable to insurance and claim for compensation, it is not the Company's warranty or guarantee for the value of the Lot, and does not mean that the Lot can be sold for an amount equal to the insured amount through any auction by the Company.
23.2 If the Lot is sold in the auction, the insurance period shall terminate at the earlier of the expiry of the 14th day after the Sale Date (including the Sale Date) and the date when the Buyer collects the Lot. If the Lot is not sold in the auction, the insurance period shall terminate upon the expiry of thirty days after the Company issues the notice on the collection of the Lot.
23.3 If the Lot is sold, the insurance premium payable by the Seller shall be 2% of the Hammer Price unless as otherwise agreed by the Seller and the Company. If the Lot is not sold, the Seller shall as well pay the insurance premium at 1% of the Reserve.
23.4 In the event that the Seller notifies the Company in writing not to insure the Lot, he/she/it shall undertake all the risks and the following liabilities at any time (unless as otherwise ruled by an arbitration institution):
(i) To compensate for any claim or action brought by any other parties against the Company with respect to the damage or destruction of the Lot;
(ii) To compensate the Company and/or any other parties for all losses suffered and all expenses incurred because of the damage or destruction of the Lot caused by any reason; and
(iii) To notify the compensation related provisions herein to any insurer of the Lot.
23.5 Any damage or destruction of the Lot caused by incidents or disasters covered by the insurance purchased by the Company for the Lot shall be handled in accordance with the policies and regulations of the insurance company concerned. The Company shall pay insurance indemnities after deducting the Company's expenses (other than the Commission) to the Seller after the Company obtains such indemnities from the insurance company.
23.6 During the period in which we assume the risks of the Lot, we shall be liable for any loss thereupon for up to 100% of the Reserve only.
23.7 The damage or destruction of the Lot caused by natural wear, inherent flaws, internal or potential defects, change of substance
itself, self-combustion, self-heating, oxidation, corrosion, leakage, rat-bite, worm-bite, change in the atmosphere (climate or air temperature), change in humidity or temperature, or other gradual changes or caused by force majeure such as earthquake, tsunami, war, hostile action, armed conflict, terrorism, coup, strike and social riot, or nuclear radiation or radioactive pollution as well as the damage or destruction of book frames, glass, drawers, bottom pads, trestles, mountings, insert pages, scroll heads or other similar accessories caused by any reason are not within the scope of insurance indemnity.

Section 24 Commission and Expenses
24.1 Unless as otherwise agreed upon by the Seller and the Company, the Seller shall authorize the Company to deduct 10% of the Hammer Price as Commission, 2% of the Hammer Price as Insurance Fee, HK$1,200 per page as Catalogue Fee and at the same time deduct other expenses.
24.2 Despite the fact that the Company is the Seller's agent, the Seller agrees that the Company may collect the Commission and other expenses from the Buyer in accordance with provisions in Section 15 hereof.
24.3 If the Lot fails to sell, the insurance premium payable by the Seller shall be equivalent to 1% of the Reserve.

Section 25 Sale Arrangements
25.1 Unless as otherwise agreed upon by the Company and the Seller, all Lots are offered subject to a Reserve. The Reserve shall be determined by the Seller and the Company in writing through consultation, and no modification of the Reserve shall be made without the prior consent of the other party after it is determined by both parties.
25.2 The Company shall be entitled to sell the Lot below the Reserve. If we do so, we shall pay the Seller the difference between the Hammer Price and the Reserve. In such cases, the Seller's obligations to us with respect to such a Lot are the same as if it had been sold at auction.
25.3 If any Lot is bought in or otherwise unsold by auction, we are authorized as the exclusive agent for the Seller for a period of up to 30 days following the Auction Date to sell such Lot privately at a price which will give the Seller a net proceed (i.e. after deduction of all charges due from the Seller) at least equivalent to what the Seller would have been entitled had the Lot been sold at the Reserve. Or, subject to Seller's consent, we can sell the Lot at a lesser amount. In such cases, the Seller's obligations to us with respect to such a Lot are the same as if it had been sold at auction.
25.4 The Seller has the right to bid at the auction, and The Company also has the right to bid on behalf of the Seller at a price not more than the Reserve.

25.5 Any estimate given, orally or in writing, is a matter of opinion only and is not an assurance of the price the Lot will eventually be sold.
25.6 In no circumstance shall the Company bear any liability for failure to sell the Lot at the Reserve at the auction held by the Company.
25.7 The Company may decide the following matters at its absolute and sole discretion:
(i) Explanation and/or appraisal of any aspect of any Lot through the catalogue of the Lot and/or news media and/or other carriers;
(ii) The illustration of the Lot in the catalogue, the exhibition of the Lot and other forms of publicizing the Lot, the arrangement in the promotional activities as well as the standards of payable expenses;
(iii) Whether to consult any expert or not;
(iv) Suitability of a Lot for auction by the Company;
(v) The combination or division of Lots for sale;
(vi) Whom should or should not be admitted to the auction, which bids should be accepted;
(vii) The date of auction, the place of auction, the conditions of auction and the manner of auction;
(viii) To agree on special conditions of the payment of the Purchase Price;
(ix) To remove, store and insure the sold Lot;
(x) To settle claims brought by the Buyer or the Seller in accordance with the relevant articles hereof;
(xi) To take other necessary measures to collect the outstanding payment owed by the Buyer to the Seller.

Section 26 Withdrawal and Suspension
26.1 The Seller may withdraw the Lot at any time prior to the Auction Date by issuing a written notice to the Company. In the case that the Lot has been listed in the catalogue or other public materials and they have begun to be printed at the time of the withdrawal of the Lot, the Seller shall pay an amount equal to 20% of the Reserve of the Lot and all other expenses. In the case that the catalogue or other public materials have not been printed, the Seller shall pay an amount equal to 10% of the Reserve of the Lot and all other expenses. Any dispute or claim arising out of the Seller's withdrawal of the Lot shall be borne by the Seller and the Company shall have no liability for resolving such dispute or claim.
26.2 After the Seller has signed the consignment auction contract with and delivered the Lot to the Company, if for any reason the Company believes that the Lot is not suitable for auction by the Company, the Seller shall collect the Lot within thirty days from the issuance date of the Company's notice (fees for packaging and transportation shall be at the Seller's own expense). The consignment auction contract between the Seller and the Company will terminate on the date when the Seller collects the Lot. If during the above-mentioned period the Seller fails to collect the Lot, the consignment auction contract will automatically terminate upon the expiration of such period. If within seven days after the termination of the consignment auction contract the Seller does not collect the Lot, the Company shall have the right to charge the Storage Fee, insurance fees and other reasonable expenses, and to dispose of the Lot in a way the Company deems appropriate. The Seller is responsible for the collection of, if any, the amount obtained from the disposal after deducting all the fees and expenses incurred by the Company.
26.3 The Company has the right to suspend the auction of any Lot at any time before the actual auction under any one of the following situations:
(i) The Company has an objection to the ownership or authenticity of the Lot;
(ii) Any third party has an objection to the ownership or authenticity of the Lot and can provide relevant evidence materials as to the basis of such objection, pays a security pursuant to the Company's requirements and is willing to take the corresponding liabilities for the legal consequences and all losses caused by the suspension of auction;
(iii) The Company has an objection to the explanation of the Seller or the accuracy of the Seller's warranty mentioned in Article 7 hereof;
(iv) Any evidence proves the Seller has violated or will violate any provisions of these Conditions of Business is alleged;;
(v) For any other reason, the Company believes that the auction of such Lot shall be suspended.
Whichever situation causes such suspension, if the Company is aware of any ownership or other dispute in relation to the Lot being consigned for auction, the Company shall have the right to refuse to return such Lot until the dispute is settled.

Section 27 Successful Bids
27.1 After the sale, we shall demand the Buyer for full payment. Should there be no disputes between the Buyer and us, we shall pay the Seller within 35 days after Auction Date the Hammer Price less applicable deductions.
27.2 If there is a delay in payment by the Buyer, we shall only make payment to the Seller within 7 days after receipt of payment from Buyer.
27.3 The Seller shall be responsible for payment of all taxes arising from the receipt of the Proceeds of Sale obtained. If the Company has the obligation to withhold and pay taxes according to the provisions of the relevant laws, the Company will comply with the provisions of the applicable laws. The Seller shall assist in handling all the formalities and pay the corresponding taxes and expenses.
27.4 The Seller shall, at the time of its consignment of the Lot to the Company for auction, be deemed to have authorized the Company to demand the corresponding outstanding payment from the Buyer on behalf of the Seller. Where the Buyer fails to fully pay the Purchase Price within 14 days after the Sale Date (including the Sale Date), the Company shall have the right to demand the Commission and other Buyer's Expenses according to the provisions of Article 18 hereof. In addition, the Company shall as well have the right to take appropriate measures (including but not limited to resorting to legal proceedings) to assist the Seller in collecting such outstanding payment from the Buyer where it is deemed by the Company to be practicable. The above provision does not exclude the Seller's right to demand in person or authorize any third party to demand the outstanding payment from the Buyer and does not obligate the Company to demand the corresponding outstanding payment from the Buyer on behalf of the Seller under any circumstance. This Company shall not bear the corresponding liability for the Seller because of the Buyer's failure to pay the Purchase Price under any circumstance.
27.5 The sale shall be deemed as cancelled should the Buyer fail to make full payment within 60 days after Auction Date. We shall therefore return the Lot to the Seller without any liabilities and obligations.
27.6 Should we be obliged to take the Lot back from the Buyer on the basis that it is a fake or forgery, the Seller shall refund to us in full the proceeds of sale he/she so received.
27.7 Unless otherwise instructed by the Seller, we shall pay the Seller in Hong Kong currency.

Section 28 Unsold Lots
28.1 The Company may re-negotiate with the Seller on the revised Reserve and sell the Lot in private sale, and pay the Seller the Proceeds of Sales adjusted based on the revised Reserve.
28.2 The Company may re-auction the Lot. The Commission and expenses scale set out in the previous consignment auction contract remains applicable.
28.3 The Seller shall collect the Lot within 7 days upon the issuance of our notice on collection or within 30 days after Auction Date (whichever date is earlier) and pay the Company the service fee for unsuccessful auction and other expenses. Fees for packaging and transportation shall be paid by the Seller. The Company shall, upon expiration of such time limit, be entitled to charge the Storage Fee, insurance fees and other reasonable expenses. If any such Lot is not collected within 60 days after the date of sale, the Company shall have the right to sell the Lot through public auction or other means of sale according to the conditions the Company deems appropriate. The Company shall also be entitled to deduct the service fee for unsuccessful auction and other expenses payable by the Seller in the first auction as well as all expenses for re-sale of the Lot by auction from the Proceeds of Sale before paying the remaining amount to the Seller.
28.4 Risk Assumption
The Seller shall assume liability for all risks and expenses that occur after the time limit prescribed herein if the Seller fails to recover the possession of the Lot not auctioned or the unsold Lot within such time limit. Where the Seller requests Company to assist in the return of the Lot within the time limit provided herein and the Company so agrees, the Seller shall assume liability for all risks and expenses that occur after the Lot leaves the place designated by the Company. Unless the Seller specifically gives an indication and pays insurance premium in advance, the Company has no obligation to insure the Lot for any period after its departure from the place designated by the Company. Where the Seller requests the Company to assist in returning the Lot by means of post, express delivery or other third-party transportation, the Company shall be deemed to have returned the Lot and the Seller shall be deemed to have collected the Lot upon the Company's delivery of the Lot to the post, express delivery and transportation entities, companies or their employees/branch offices.

Part 4 Miscellaneous
Section 29 Copyright
The Seller authorizes the Company to produce photos, illustrations, catalogue, video products and advertising materials in any other forms of the Lot that it has appointed the Company to place for auction, the Company is entitled to the above photos, illustrations, catalogue, video products and advertising materials in any other forms of the Lot, and has the right to use them without the necessity to pay any charges. Without prior written consent of the Company, the Buyer and any other third party shall not use them. The Company and the Seller have not made any statement and warranty as to whether the Lot is restricted by copyright or if the Buyer has obtained any copyright of the Lot.

Section 30 Obtaining Information, Video Taking
In connection with the operation of the auction business of the Company, the Company may make audio recording, video recording of any auction process, and need to collect personal information from the Bidder or ask for the information of the Bidder from third parties (such as asking for credit review from banks). Such information will be handled and kept in confidential by the Company. However the information concerned may be provided to the Company, its divisions, affiliates and subsidiaries in order to assist the Company to provide comprehensive services to Bidders, carry out client analysis, or in order to provide services that meet the requirements of the Bidder. For the sake of the interest of the Bidder, the Company may also provide some personal information of the Bidder to third party service providers (such as cargo liners or storage houses). By participating in the auction of the Company, the Bidder agrees to all previously stated disclosure. If the Bidder would like to obtain or amend his/her/its personal information, please contact the customer service department.

Section 31 Authentication Right
The Company may authenticate the Lot if necessary. In case of any discrepancy between the authentication conclusion and the conditions of the Lot in the consignment auction contract, the Company shall have the right to request modification or rescission of the consignment auction contract.

Section 32 Notice
The Bidder and the Buyer shall inform the Company their permanent and effective correspondence address and contact methods in the bidding registration documents or by other methods recognized by the Company. If there are changes, they shall inform the Company in writing immediately.
The notices mentioned in the Conditions of Business only refer to written notices sent by letter or fax formats. A notice shall be deemed as served at the following moment:
(i) If it is served by hand, when it reaches the address of the party concerned;
(ii) If it is sent by post, then it is the seventh day after it is posted;
(iii) If it is sent by fax, then it is the moment the outgoing fax transmission is confirmed by the fax machine.

Section 33 Severability
If any part of these Conditions of Business is found by any court to be invalid, illegal or unenforceable, that part shall be discounted and the rest of the conditions shall continue to be valid to the fullest extent permitted by law.

Section 34 Law and Jurisdiction
34.1 The Conditions of Business and the related matters, transactions, any disputes caused by or in connection with the participation in the auction activities of the Company pursuant to the Conditions of Business shall be subject to Hong Kong laws and shall be interpreted by Hong Kong laws. The Company and the Buyer and the Bidder shall submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of Hong Kong courts.
34.2 By bidding at auction, whether in person or by agent, by absentee bid, telephone or other means, the Buyer shall be deemed to have accepted these Conditions and submitted, for the benefit of Marchance to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Hong Kong.

Section 35 Right of Interpretation
The right of interpretation of these Rules shall belong to the Company.

Section 36 Language
The Chinese version of the Conditions of Business shall be the standard texts; the English version is for reference only. Should there be
any discrepancy between the English version and Chinese version, the Chinese version shall prevail.


第一部份 总则

第一条 规则制定

第二条 声明
(1) 除另有约定外本公司一般担任卖家的代理人。拍卖品之成交合约则为卖家与买家之间的合约。本规则、载于图录或由拍卖官不时公布或于拍卖会场以通告形式提供之所有其他条款、条件及通知均构成卖家、买家及/或本公司作为拍卖代理之协议条款。
(2) 本公司可以通过在拍卖会场张贴公告或者通过拍卖官在拍卖会上宣布的方式对本规则进行修改。
(3) 凡参加本公司拍卖活动的竞投人和买家应仔细阅读并遵守本规则。竞投人及/或买家应特别仔细阅读本规则所载之本公司之责任及限制、免责条款。竞投人及/或其代理人有责任亲自审看拍卖品原物,并对自己竞投拍卖品的行为承担法律责任。
(4) 在本公司举办的拍卖活动中,竞投人的应价经拍卖官落槌或者以其他公开表示买定的方式确认时,即表明关于拍卖品的买卖合同关系已合法生效,该竞投人即成为该拍卖品的买家。本公司、卖家及买家应承认拍卖品已出售、成交的事实,并享有法律规定及本规则约定的权利,承担法律规定和本规则约定的义务。(任何一方不履行义务均应承担相应的法律责任。)
(5) 本公司作为卖家的代理人,对卖家或买家的任何违约行为不承担责任。在卖家或买家出现违反本业务规则的情况下,本公司有权根据自己的绝对酌情权决定向卖家或买家披露另一方的名称和地址,使受到损害的一方得以通过法律诉讼或其他方法获得损害赔偿。但是,本公司在向卖家或买家披露该等数据之前,将采取合理步骤通知将被披露资料的一方。
(6) 在拍卖现场出现异常或不可预见的情况下,本公司有权做出紧急处理。如拍卖现场出现任何争议,本公司有权协调解决。

第三条 名词解释
(1) “本公司”指万昌斯拍卖行有限公司;
(2) “拍卖日”指在某次拍卖活动中,本公司公布的正式开始进行拍卖交易之日。若公布的开始日期与开始拍卖活动实际日期不一致,则以拍卖活动实际开始之日为准;
(3) “拍卖官”指本公司指定主持某场拍卖的人员;
(4) “竞投人”指参加本公司的拍卖活动,凭身份证或护照登记并办理了必要手续,取得合法竞投权的个人或组织。本规则中,除非另有说明或根据文义特殊需要,竞投人均包括竞投人的代理人;
(5) “买家”指拍卖官所接纳之最高竞投价或要约之竞投人包括以代理人身份竞投之人士之委托人;
(6) “卖家”指委托本公司拍卖物品的物主或物主之代理人或保管该物品之个人或组织,本规则中除非另有说明或根据文义特殊需要,卖家均包括卖家的代理人(不包括本公司)、遗嘱执行人或遗产代理人;
(7) “拍卖品”指卖家委托本公司进行拍卖及于拍卖会上被拍卖的物品,尤其指任何图录内编有任何编号而加以说明的物品;
(8) “估价”指在拍卖品图录或其他介绍说明文字之后标明的拍卖品估计售价,不包括买家须支付之佣金;
(9) “底价”指卖家提出并与本公司协议后书面确定的且不公开之拍卖品之最低售价;
(10) “落槌价”指拍卖官落槌决定将拍卖品售予买家的价格,或若为拍卖会后交易,则为协议出售价;
(11) “出售所得款项净额”指支付卖家的款项净额,该净额为落槌价减去按比率计算的佣金、各项费用及卖家应支付本公司的其他款项后的余额;
(12) “买家须支付之佣金”指买家根据本规则所载费率按落槌价须向本公司支付之佣金;
(13) “购买价款”指买家因购买拍卖品而应支付的包括落槌价、全部佣金。应由买家支付的其他各项费用以及因买家不履行义务而应当支付的所有费用在内的总和;
(14) “买家负责的各项费用”指与本公司出售拍卖品相关的支出和费用,包括但不限于本公司对拍卖品购买保险、包装、运输、储存、保管、买家额外要求的有关任何拍卖品之测试、调查、查询或鉴定之费用或向违约买家追讨之开支、法律费用等;
(15) “储存费”指买家按本规则规定应向本公司支付的储存费用。

第二部份 关于竞投人及买家的条款

第四条 竞投人及买家
(1) 除非在拍卖日前,本公司以书面认可某竞投人是表明身份的某买家代理,否则竞投人应被视为买家本人。本公司只会向竞投人收取款项。
(2) 竞投人为个人的应在拍卖日前凭政府发出附有照片的有效身份证或护照办理登记手续,并提供现时住址证明( 如公用事业账单或银行月结单),否则不视为正式竞投人。
(3) 竞投人为公司或者其他组织的,应在拍卖日前凭有效的注册登记文件、股东证明文件以及合法的授权委托证明文件办理登记手续,否则不视为正式竞投人。
(4) 本公司可能要求竞投人出示用作付款的银行资料或其他财政状况证明。
(5) 本公司可根据不同拍卖条件及拍卖方式等任何情况,在拍卖日前公布办理竞投号牌的条件和程序包括但不限于制定竞投人办理竞投号牌的资格条件。
(6) 本公司郑重提示,竞投号牌是竞投人参与现场竞价的唯一凭证。竞投人必须妥善保管自己的竞投号牌,谨防丢失。一旦丢失,应立即以本公司认可的书面方式办理挂失手续。未经本公司书面同意,竞投人不得将自己的竞投号牌转借他人使用。否则,竞投人需对他人使用其竞投号牌竞投相应拍卖品的后果承担全部责任。无论是否接受竞投人的委托,凡持竞投号牌者在拍卖活动中所实施的竞投行为均视为竞投号牌登记人本人所为,竞投人应当对其行为承担法律责任,除非竞投号牌登记人本人已以本公司认可的书面方式在本公司办理了该竞投号牌的挂失手续。

(1) 本公司具有绝对之酌情权拒绝任何人士进入拍卖场地、参与拍卖、或在拍卖会现场进行拍照、录音、摄像等活动,亦可拒绝接受任何竞投。

第五条 保证金

第六条 竞投人及本公司有关出售拍卖品之责任
(1) 受本规则第六(2)至六(6)条所载事项所规限及本规则第七条所载特定豁免所规限,本公司应基于(i)卖家向本公司提供的数据;(ii)学术及技术知识(如有);及(iii)相关专家普遍接纳之意见,以合理审慎态度发表(且与本规则中有关本公司作为拍卖代理的条款相符)载于图录描述或状况报告之明示声明。
(2) 本公司对各拍卖品之认知部分依赖于卖家提供之数据,本公司无法及不会就拍卖品进行全面尽职检查。竞投人知悉此事,并承担检查及检验拍卖品原物之责任,以使竞投人满意其可能感兴趣之拍卖品。
(3) 本公司出售之各拍卖品于出售前可供竞投人审看。竞投人及/或其代理人参与竞投,即视为竞投人已在竞投前全面检验拍卖品,并满意拍卖品之状况及其描述之准确性。
(4) 任何人如因审看拍卖品而导致拍卖品有任何损毁,万昌斯有权向审看人追索赔偿金额,金额为该拍卖品之估价。
(5) 竞投人确认众多拍卖品年代久远及种类特殊,意味拍卖品并非完好无缺。所有拍卖品均以拍卖时之“现状状态”出售(无论竞投人是否出席拍卖),且无追索权。状况报告或可于审看拍卖品时提供。图录描述及状况报告在若干情况下可用作拍卖品某些瑕疵之参考。然而,竞投人应注意拍卖品可能存在其他于图录或状况报告内并无明确指出之瑕疵。不提拍品的状况并不意味拍品状况良好,或完全没有破损、裂纹、瑕疵或老化现象;提及具体缺陷亦不表示没有其他缺陷。拍卖图录条目或状况报告中提到的损毁或修复仅供参考,应该由竞投人或内行的代表亲自检查评估。
(6) 提供予竞投人有关任何拍卖品之资料,包括任何预测资料(无论为书面或口述)及包括任何图录所载之数据、规则或其他报告、评论或估值,该等资料并非事实之陈述,而是本公司所持有之意见之声明,该等资料可由本公司不时全权酌情决定修改。
(7) 如果所购拍卖品在交货前失窃、错发或遗失而无法交货,则本公司所承担的责任不得超过买家支付的金额。如拍卖品于万昌斯保管期间有损毁,除非此等损毁由万昌斯承认之相关专家确认会严重影响拍卖品之价值,否则竞投人不得以拍卖品之品相状况等理由要求豁免其竞投行为之法律责任,且本公司所承担的责任不得超过该拍卖品之买家佣金金额。
(8) 本公司或卖家一概无就任何拍卖品是否受任何第三者对其版权有申索或买家是否已购买任何拍卖品之版权发出任何声明或保证。

第七条 对买家之责任豁免及限制
(1) 本公司对拍卖品的真伪及/或质量不承担缺陷担保责任。竞投人及/或其代理人有责任自行了解有关拍卖品的原物状况并对自己竞投拍卖品的行为承担责任。
(2) 受本规则第六条之事项所规限及受规则第七(5)条所规限,本公司无须:
(i) 对本公司向竞投人以口述或书面提供之数据之任何错误或遗漏负责,无论是由于疏忽或因其他原因引致,惟本规则第六(1)条所载者则除外;
(ii) 向竞投人作出任何担保或保证,且卖家委托本公司向买家作出之明示保证以外之任何暗示保证及规则均被排除(惟法律规定不可免除之该等责任除外);
(iii) 就本公司有关拍卖或有关出售任何拍卖品之任何事宜之行动或遗漏(无论是由于疏忽或其他原因引致)向任何竞投人负责。
(3) 除非本公司拥有出售之拍卖品,否则无须就卖家违反本规则而负责。
(4) 竞投人向本公司或卖家提出之任何索赔以该拍卖品之落槌价连同买家佣金为限。本公司或卖家在任何情况下均无须承担买家任何相应或间接而产生的损失。
(5) 本规则第七条概无免除或限制本公司有关本公司或卖家作出之任何具欺诈成份之失实声明或有关本公司或卖家之疏忽行为或遗漏而导致之人身伤亡之责任。

第八条 图录及其他说明
(1) 为便于竞投人及卖家参加本公司举办的拍卖活动,本公司制作拍卖品图录,以文字及/或图片的形式,对拍卖品之状况进行简要陈述。本公司在拍卖图录或其他任何媒体上对任何拍卖品的有关文字、估价、图片以及其他形式的影像制品和宣传品,仅供竞投人参考,并可于拍卖前修订。本公司对拍卖品的适销性、特定用途适用性、拍卖目录的正确性或物理状况的其他描述、尺寸、质量、稀有性、重要性、介质、材料、作者认定、出处、时期、文化、来源、根源、展出、文献、历史意义、真伪、价值、色调或有无缺陷等不作任何种类或性质的明示或暗示保证或声明。
(2) 因印刷或摄影等技术原因造成拍卖品在图录及/或其他任何形式的图标、影像制品和宣传品中的色调、颜色、形态等与原物有误差者,以原物为准。本公司及其工作人员或其代理人对任何拍卖品用任何方式(包括证书、图录、幻灯投影、新闻载体等)所作的介绍及评价,均为参考性意见,不构成对拍卖品的任何担保。本公司及其工作人员或其代理人对上述之介绍及评价中的不准确或遗漏之处不承担责任。
(3) 竞投人及/或其代理人有责任自行了解有关拍卖品的实际状况并对自己竞投某拍卖品的行为承担法律责任。本公司郑重建议,竞投人应在拍卖进行前亲自鉴定其有兴趣竞投的拍卖品之原物,自行判断该拍卖品是否符合其描述,而不应依赖本公司拍卖品图录以及其他形式的影像制品和宣传品之陈述作出决定。

第九条 书面、电话委托竞投及网上竞投
(1) 本公司建议竞投人亲自竞投,如无法出席,可委托本公司代理书面及电话竞投。
(2) 书面及电话竞投均是免费提供之附加服务,风险由竞投人承担,对代理竞投过程中所出现的过失或疏忽或违约或无法代为竞投,本公司及其职员概不负责。
(3) 竞投人委托本公司代为竞投的竞投结果及相关法律责任由竞投人承担。竞投人需弥偿本公司一切因本公司履行代为竞投所引起之索偿及责项。竞投人如在委托竞投表格中表示以电话等实时通讯方式竞投,则应准确填写实时通讯方式并妥善保管该实时通讯工具,在本公司受托竞投期间,竞投人应亲自使用该实时通讯工具,一旦该实时通讯工具丢失或因故障而无法使用,应立即以本公司认可的书面方式变更委托竞投表格中填写的实时通讯方式。在本公司受托竞投期间会尽适当努力联络竞投人,而该实时通讯工具所传达之竞投信息(无论是否竞投人本人或竞投人的代理人传达),均视为竞投人本人所为,竞投人应当对其行为承担法律责任,除非竞投人本人已以本公司认可的书面方式变更了委托竞投表格中填写的实时通讯方式。但在任何情况下,如未能联络,或在使用该实时通讯工具的竞投中有任何错误或遗漏,本公司均不负任何责任。
(4) 委托本公司竞投应在规定时间内(不迟于拍卖日前二十四小时)办理委托手续,向本公司出具书面及电话委托竞投代理协议,并将保证金汇至本公司;其余款项在竞投成功后十四日内付清。保证金收取标准按竞投总额计算如下:
(5) 如本公司就某一拍卖品收到多个委托竞投之相同竞投价,而在拍卖时此等竞投价乃该拍卖品之最高竞投价;则本公司将以最先与本公司办理委托竞投手续者为拍卖品的买家。
(6) 本公司有权决定是否接受委托竞投。如非收到由本公司发出之书面确认,委托竞投人不应视委托竞投申请成功。
(7) 委托人如需取消委托竞投,应不迟于拍卖日前二十四小时以书面通知本公司。
(8) 若成功竞投,成交结果将在拍卖结束后以电话短讯或邮递或其他电子短讯渠道通知。
(9) 网上竞投:无法亲自莅临万昌斯拍卖行的竞投人可通过网站进行网上实时竞投。通过网站投得本公司之任何拍卖品,除落槌价和买家应付之佣金外,竞投人需额外支付相等于落槌价3至5%之网络手续费。竞投人于网站完成竞投登记则视为明白及同意此收费。

第十条 货币兑换显示板

第十一条 底价及估价
(1) 除非另外列明,所有提供的拍卖品均定有底价,即是由卖家所订,拍卖品不会以低于此价出售的一个保密的最低价。
(2) 就不设底价的拍卖品,除非已有竞投,原则上拍卖官有权自行斟酌决定起拍价,通常会以拍卖品的售前估价的50%开始拍卖。若在此价格并无投标,拍卖官会自行斟酌将价格下降继续拍卖,直至有客户开始竞投,然后再由该投标价向上继续拍卖。
(3) 在任何情况下,本公司不对拍卖品在本公司举办的拍卖会中未达底价不成交而承担任何责任。若拍卖品竞投价格低于底价,拍卖官有权自行决定以低于底价的价格出售拍卖品。但在此种情况下,本公司向卖家支付之款项为按底价出售拍卖品时卖家应可收取之数额。
(4) 估价在拍卖日前较早时间估定并非确定之售价,不具有法律约束力。任何估价不能作为拍卖品落槌价之预测,且本公司有权不时修订已作出之估价。

第十二条 竞价阶梯
竞价金额 阶梯
HK$1,999 或以下 HK $ 100
HK$2,000 至 HK$4,999 HK$200, HK$500, HK$800
(如HK$2,200, HK$2,500, HK$2,800, HK$3,000)
HK$5,000 至 HK$9,999 HK $ 500
HK$10,000 至 HK$19,999 HK $ 1,000
HK$20,000 至 HK$49,999 HK$2,000, HK$5,000, HK$8,000
(如HK$22,000, HK$25,000, HK$28,000, HK$30,000)

HK$50,000 至 HK$99,999 HK $ 5,000
HK$100,000 至 HK$199,999 HK $ 10,000
HK$200,000 至 HK$499,999 HK$20,000, HK$50,000, HK$80,000
(如HK$220,000, HK$250,000, HK$280,000, HK$300,000)

HK$500,000 至 HK$999,999 HK $ 50,000
HK$1,000,000 至 HK$9,999,999 HK $ 100,000
HK$10,000,000 至 HK$99,999,999 HK $ 1,000,000

(1) 拒绝或接受任何竞投;
(2) 以其决定之方式进行拍卖;
(3) 将任何拍卖品撤回或分开拍卖或将任何两件或多件拍卖品合并拍卖;
(4) 如遇有出错或争议时,不论在拍卖之时或拍卖之后,有权决定成功竞投者、是否继续拍卖、取消拍卖或将有争议的拍卖品重新拍卖;
(5) 拍卖官可以在其认为合适的水平及竞价阶梯下开始及进行竞投,并有权代表卖家以竞投、连续竞投或以响应其他竞投人的竞投价而竞投的方式,代卖家竞投到底价的金额;
(6) 采取其合理认为适当之其他行动;
(7) 拍卖官下槌即表示对最高竞投价之接受,此时买家将对拍卖品承担所有责任。

第十四条 拍卖成交

第十五条 佣金及费用
- 落槌价首HK$8,000,000之23%
- 落槌价超过HK$8,000,000之部份则以15%计算
- 落槌价首HK$8,000,000之20%
- 落槌价超过HK$8,000,000之部份则以12%计算

第十六条 付款
(1) 竞投成功后,买家应自拍卖成交日(含成交日)起十四日内全额支付购买价款并安排领取拍卖品,否则将被视为违约并应承担违约责任,本公司有权按第十八条采取措施而不另行通知。
(2) 如有任何因购买拍卖品而适用于买家的课税责任,买家应根据现行相关法律规定自行负担。
(3) 若涉及包装及搬运费用、运输及保险费用、出境费等,买家需一并支付。
(4) 所有货款以港币为结算单位,如买家以本公司指定货币以外之其他货币付款,应按买家与本公司约定的汇价折算或按照中国银行(香港)有限公司于买家付款日前一个工作日公布的港币与该币种的汇价折算。本公司将向买家收取所招致之任何外汇及银行费用。
(5) 本公司将向竞投牌登记表格上的姓名及地址发出售出拍卖品的账单,且登记的姓名及地址不得更改。
(6) 本公司不接受除买家外的任何第三方付款。此项规定亦适用于代理人。如代理人代表他人参与竞投,仅接受委托人的付款。除接受买家付款外,本公司保留拒收其他来源付款的权利。
(7) 付款方式:
(i) 现金或银行本票
如以现金或银行本票缴付款项,则可立即提取拍卖品。惟本公司恕不接受以一笔或多次付款形式用现金支付超过港币80,000 元或同等价值外币之款项。
(ii) 支票
开户银行: 香港上海汇丰银行有限公司
开户名称: 万昌斯拍卖行有限公司
帐 号: 004-652-209198-001

开户银行: 中国工商银行 深圳皇岗支行
开户名称: 林伟
帐 号: 622208-4000-0069-11518

(ii) 以银联卡付款

第十七条 拍卖品之领取、包装、付运及出口
(1) 买家须在拍卖成交日起十四日内领取所购买的拍卖品。若买家未能在拍卖成交日(含成交日)起十四日内提取其购得的拍卖品,则不论已付款与否,本公司有权采取以下之一种或多种措施:
(i) 将该拍卖品投保及/或储存在本公司或其他地方,由此发生的一切费用(包括但不限于自拍卖成交日(含成交日)起的第三十一日起按竞投人登记表格的规定计收储存费等费用及/或风险均由买家承担。在买家如数支付全部购买价款后,方可提取拍卖品(包装及搬运费用、运输及保险费用、出境费等买家自行负担);
(ii) 如买家自成交日(含成交日)起的三十日内仍未提取拍卖品,则本公司有权在通知买家后,以公开拍卖或其他本公司认为合适的方式及条件出售该拍卖品,处置所得在扣除本公司因此产生之全部损失、费用(包装及搬运费用、运输及保险费用、出境费、储存费、公证费等)后,若有余款,则由买家自行取回,该余款不计利息,拍卖成交日后两年尚未取回的余款在扣除相关开支(包括法律费用) 后由本公司存入香港法庭。
(2) 自拍卖成交日(含成交日)起的第三十一日起,买家须为本次拍卖会未领取的拍卖品支付储存费,每件每月港币八百元。储存不足一个月者,亦须缴付整月储存费。储存费不包括其他额外费用,如保险和运输费,其他额外费用将会另行收取。
(3) 买家应对其超过本规则规定期限未能提取相关拍卖品而在该期限届满后所发生之一切风险及费用自行承担责任,即使该拍卖品仍由本公司或其他代理人代为保存,本公司及其工作人员或其代理人对任何原因所致该拍卖品的损毁、损失,不负任何责任。
(4) 本公司工作人员应买家要求代为包装及处理购买的拍卖品,仅应视为本公司对买家提供的服务,本公司可绝对酌情决定是否提供此项服务,若因此发生任何损失均由买家个人自负。包装及处理费计算方式如下:
货物金额 包装及处理费
HK$1,000或以下 HK$100
HK$1,001 至 HK$1,000,000 HK$300
HK$1,000,000以上 HK$500
(5) 如买家要求本公司协助以邮寄、快递或运输方式领取其所购买的拍卖品(包装及邮递、运输费用由买家负担),一旦本公司将拍卖品交付邮寄、快递、运输部门、公司或其雇员/分支机构,则视为本公司已交付该拍卖品,同时应视为买家已按正常程序领取该拍卖品,此过程中的风险由买家承担,除非买家特别指明并负担保险费外,在邮寄、快递、运输过程中一般不予投保。对于买家指定或本公司向买家推荐的包装公司及邮寄、快递、运输部门或公司所造成的一切错误、遗漏、损坏或灭失,本公司不承担责任。
(6) 在任何情况下,本公司对因任何原因造成的框架或玻璃、囊匣、底垫、支架、装裱、插册、轴头或类似附属物的损坏、灭失不负责任。
(7) 由植物或动物材料(如珊瑚、鳄鱼、象牙、鲸骨、玳瑁、犀牛角及巴西玫瑰木等)制成或含有植物或动物材料之物品,不论其年份或价值,均可能须申领许可证或证书方可出口至香港境外,且由香港境外国家进口时可能须申领其他许可证或证书。务请注意,能取得出口许可证或证书并不能确保可在另一国家取得进口许可证或证书,反之亦然。例如,将历时不足100 年之象牙进口至美国即属非法。竞投人应向相关政府查核有关野生动物植物进口之规定后再参与竞投。买家须自行负责取得任何有关拍卖品进出口、濒临绝种生物或其他方面之许可证。未获得任何所需之许可证或延误取得该类许可证不可被视为买家取消购买或延迟支付购买价款之理由。本公司不承担因不能填妥或呈交所需出口或进口货单、清单或文件所产生之任何责任。如买家要求本公司代其申请出口许可证,本公司则有权就此服务另行收取服务费用。然而,本公司不保证出口许可证将获发放。本公司及卖家概不会就任何拍卖品是否受进出口限制或任何禁运作出声明或保证。

第十八条 未付款之补救方法
(1) 拍卖成交后,若买家未在拍卖成交日(含成交日) 起十四日内支付购买价款,于竞投登记时支付的竞投保证金不予退还,同时还应按照本规则规定承担相应责任;买家以同一竞投号牌同时拍得多件拍卖品的情况下,拍卖成交后若买家未按照规定时间支付任一拍卖品购买价款,则全部竞投保证金不予退还,同时还应按照本规则规定承担相应责任;
(2) 在拍卖成交日(含成交日)起十四日内,如买家未向本公司付清全部购买价款,本公司有权委托第三方机构代为向买家催要欠付的全部或部分购买价款及要求买家支付第三方机构之催款费用;
(3) 在拍卖成交日(含成交日)起十四日内,如买家仍未足额支付购买价款,本公司有权自拍卖成交日后第十五日起就买家未付款部分按照日息万分之三收取利息,直至买家付清全部款项之日止,买家与本公司另有协议者除外;
(4) 在本公司或其他地方投保、移走及储存拍卖品,风险及费用均由买家承担;
(5) 对买家展开法律诉讼,要求赔偿本公司因其违约造成的一切损失,包括因买家迟付或拒付购买价款造成的利息损失;
(6) 留置同一买家在本公司投得的该件或任何其他拍卖品,以及因任何原因由本公司占有该买家的任何其他财产或财产权利,留置期间发生的一切费用及/或风险均由买家承担。若买家未能在本公司指定期间内履行其全部相关义务,则本公司有权在向买家发出行使留置权通知且买家在该通知发出后三十日内仍未偿清所有欠付款项的情况下处分留置物。处分留置物所得不足抵偿买家应付本公司全部款项时,本公司有权另行追索;
(7) 本公司有绝对酌情决定权撤销或同意委托人撤销交易,并拒绝该逾期付款买家提出的付款请求、提货请求,并保留追索因撤销该笔交易致使本公司所蒙受全部损失的权利;
(8) 经征得委托人同意,本公司可按照本规则规定再行拍卖或以其他方式出售该拍卖品,并由本公司酌情决定估价及底价。原买家除应当支付第一次拍卖中买家及卖家应当支付的佣金及其各自负责的其他各项费用并承担再次拍卖或以其他方式出售该拍卖品所有费用外,若再行拍卖或以其他方式出售该拍卖品所得的价款低于原拍卖价款,原买家应当补足差额;
(9) 将本公司在任何其他交易中欠付买家之款项抵销买家欠付本公司关于拍卖品之任何款项;
(10) 本公司可自行决定将买家支付的任何款项用于清偿买家欠付本公司关于拍卖品或其他交易之任何款项;
(11) 拒绝买家或其代理人将来作出的竞投或在接受其竞投前收取竞投保证金;
(12) 向卖家透露买家之资料,以使卖家可展开法律诉讼,以收回欠款,或就买家违约申索损害赔偿及申索法律费用。

第十九条 所有权转移

第二十条 风险转移
(1) 买家领取所购拍卖品;
(2) 买家向本公司支付有关拍卖品的全部购买价款;
(3) 拍卖成交日(含成交日)起十四日届满。

第三部份 关于卖家的条款

第二十一条 委托程序
(1) 卖家亲自委托本公司拍卖其物品时:
(i) 卖家若为自然人,必须凭政府发出附有照片的身份证明文件(如居民身份证或护照)并与本公司签署委托拍卖合同;
(ii) 卖家若为法人或其他组织,应持有效注册登记文件、股东证明文件或合法的授权委托证明文件,并与本公司签署委托拍卖合同;
(2) 若代理卖家委托本公司拍卖物品,应向本公司出具相关委托证明文件。包括:
(i) 若为自然人,必须持有有效身份证明;
(ii) 卖家的代理人若为法人或其他组织,须持有有效注册登记文件或/及股东证明文件;
(iii) 经合法程序作出的授权委托书。
(3) 卖家或卖家的代理人与本公司签署委托拍卖合同时,即自动授权本公司对该物品自行制作照片、图示、图录或其他形式的影像制品而无须支付任何费用。

第二十二条 卖家之保证
(1) 其对该拍卖品拥有绝对的所有权或享有合法的处分权,对该拍卖品的拍卖不会侵害任何第三方的合法权益(包括版权权益),亦不违反相关法律、法规的规定;
(2) 其已尽其所知,就该拍卖品的来源和瑕疵向本公司进行了全面、详尽的披露和说明并以书面形式通知本公司,不存在任何隐瞒或虚构之处;
(3) 若委托拍品由外地进口香港,卖家应保证符合来源地法律,完成进出口手续并以书面形式通知本公司;
(4) 如因违反上述保证造成拍卖品的实际所有权人或声称拥有权利的任何第三方提出索赔或诉讼,致使本公司及/或买家

第二十三条 保险
(1) 除卖家另有书面指示外,在卖家与本公司订立委托拍卖合同并将拍卖品交付本公司后,所有拍卖品将自动受保于本公司的保险,保险金额以本公司与卖家在委托拍卖合同中确定的底价为准(无底价的,以该拍卖品的约定的保险金额为准。调整拍卖底价的,以该拍卖品原底价为准)。此保险金额只用于投保和索赔,并非本公司对该拍卖品价值的保证或担保,也不意味着该拍卖品由本公司拍卖,即可售得相同于该保险金额之款项。
(2) 如拍卖品成功拍卖,保险期限至拍卖成交日起十四日(含成交日)终止或买家领取拍卖品之日终止(以两者较早为准)。如拍卖品未成交,则保险期限至拍卖会结束后三十天(含成交日)内或卖家领回之日止(以两者较早为准)。
(3) 拍卖成交后,除非卖家与本公司另有约定,卖家应支付相当于落槌价百分之二的保险费。如拍卖品未成交,卖家也应支付相当于底价百分之一的保险费。
(4) 如卖家以书面形式告知本公司不需投保其拍卖品,则任何风险由卖家自行承担。同时,卖家还应随时承担以下责任:
(i) 对其他任何权利人就拍卖品的毁损、灭失向本公司提出的索赔或诉讼做出赔偿;
(ii) 赔偿本公司及/或任何他方因任何原因造成拍卖品毁损、灭失等所遭受的全部损失及所支出的全部费用;
(iii) 将本条所述的赔偿规定通知该拍卖品的任何承保人。
(5) 凡属因本公司为拍卖品所购保险承保范围内的事件或灾害所导致的拍卖品损毁、遗失应根据所投保之保险公司的赔偿规定处理。本公司在向保险公司进行索偿,并获得保险赔偿后,将保险赔款扣除本公司费用(佣金除外)的余款支付给卖家。
(6) 若于本公司承担风险期间,拍卖品遗失或损毁,则参照拍卖品的底价支付赔偿金额,最高不得超过底价的100%。
(7) 因自然磨损、固有瑕疵、内在或潜在缺陷、物质本身变化,自燃、自热、氧化、锈蚀、渗漏、鼠咬、虫蛀、大气(气候

第二十四条 佣金及其他费用
(1) 除卖家与本公司另有协议外,拍卖品成交后,卖家应支付本公司相当于成交价(即落槌价)百分之十之佣金,百分之二之保险费,港币 $1,200元/版之图录费及其他各项费用。
(2) 尽管本公司是卖家的代理人,但卖家同意本公司可根据本规则第十五条的规定向买家收取佣金及其他各项费用。
(3) 如拍卖品未能成交,卖家应支付本公司相当于底价百分之一的保险费及其他各项费用。

第二十五条 拍卖安排
(1) 除本公司与卖家约定无底价的拍卖品外,所有拍卖品均设有底价。底价由本公司与卖家通过协商书面协议。底价数目一经双方确定后如需更改,须事先征得双方同意。
(2) 本公司有权将拍卖品以低于底价拍卖。如本公司按此将拍卖品拍卖,本公司将有责任向卖家支付成交价与底价之差额。在此情况下,卖家须向本公司支付佣金,且卖家就该拍卖品而对本公司所负之责任,等同与拍卖品成功拍卖。
(3) 除卖家与本公司另有协议,否则若拍卖品在拍卖会中收回或未成功拍卖。本公司有权在拍卖后三十天内按不少于该拍卖品付给卖家的净款价(即底价扣除一切费用的价格);或按卖家另行同意的较低价将该拍卖品出售。在此情况下,卖家须向本公司支付佣金,且卖家就该拍卖品而对本公司所负之责任,等同于拍卖品成功拍卖。
(4) 卖家保留在拍卖中竞投之权利,本公司亦有权代卖家以不超过底价之价格参与竞投。
(5) 任何拍卖品的估价,无论口头或书面,均只属意见,而非拍卖品最终可卖得之价钱的保证。
(6) 在任何情况下,本公司不对某一拍卖品在本公司举办的拍卖会中未达底价不成交而承担任何责任。
(7) 本公司对下列事宜拥有完全及唯一的决定权:
(i) 通过拍卖品图录及/或新闻媒体及/或其他载体对任何拍卖品做任何内容说明及/或评价;
(ii) 拍卖品在图录中插图、拍卖品展览及其他形式的拍卖品宣传,推广活动中的安排及所应支付费用的标准;
(iii) 是否应征询任何专家意见;
(iv) 某拍卖品是否适合本公司拍卖;
(v) 将拍卖品合并或分开拍卖;
(vi) 让谁人进场竞投以及竞投价之接受;
(vii) 拍卖日期、拍卖地点、拍卖条件及拍卖方式等事宜;
(ix) 视具体情况搬移、贮存及/或投保已出售的拍卖品;
(x) 根据本规则有关条款,解决买家提出的索赔或卖家提出的索赔;
(xi) 采取其他必要措施收取买家拖欠卖家的款项。

第二十六条 拍卖品撤回及中止拍卖
(1) 卖家在拍卖日前任何时间,均可向本公司发出书面通知,撤回其拍卖品。但撤回拍卖品时,若该拍卖品已列入图录或其他宣传品已开始印刷,则卖家应支付相当于该拍卖品底价百分之二十的款项及其他各项费用。如图录或任何其他宣传品尚未印刷,也需支付相当于该拍卖品底价百分之十的款项及其他各项费用。因撤回拍卖品而引起的任何争议或索赔均由卖家自行承担,与本公司无关,本公司无责任解决该争议或索赔。
(2) 卖家与本公司签署委托拍卖合同且将拍卖品交付本公司后,若因任何原因致使本公司认为某拍卖品不适合由本公司拍卖的,则卖家应自本公司发出通知日起三十日内取回该拍卖品(包装及搬运等费用由卖家自负),本公司与卖家之间的委托拍卖合同自卖家领取该拍卖品之日解除。若拍卖人未于上述期限内取走拍卖品,则本公司与卖家之间的委托拍卖合同自上述期限届满之日即告解除。若卖家在委托拍卖合同解除后七日内仍未取走拍卖品,本公司有权收取储存费、保险费及其他合理支出,本公司亦有权以本公司认为合理的方式处置该拍卖品,处置所得在扣除本公司因此产生之全部费用后,若有余款,由卖家自行取回。
(3) 如出现下列情况之一,本公司有权在实际拍卖前的任何时间中止任何拍卖品的拍卖活动:
(i) 本公司对拍卖品的所有权或真实性持有异议;
(ii) 第三方对拍卖品的所有权或真实性持有异议且能够提供异议所依据的相关证据材料,并按照本公司规定交付担保金,同时愿意对中止拍卖活动所引起的法律后果及全部损失承担相应责任;
(iii) 对卖家所作的说明或对本规则第七条所述卖家保证的准确性持有异议;
(iv) 有证据表明卖家已经违反或有违反本规则的任何条款之指控;
(v) 本公司认为应当中止拍卖的其他任何原因;
(vi) 无论何种原因导致拍卖中止,如本公司得知卖家寄售之拍品涉及权属或其他争议时,本公司有权暂不予办理退货手续,待争议解决后再予办理相关手续。

第二十七条 成功拍卖后
(1) 拍卖品成功拍卖后,本公司将要求买家全额付款。在买家付款后,并且未与本公司发生任何纠纷,则本公司会于成功拍卖日期后三十五天,将一笔相等于成交价扣除卖家应支付之所有费用之款额付予卖家。
(2) 如遇买家拖欠付款,则本公司将在买家付款后七天内付予卖家。
(3) 卖家需承担由所得的出售所得款项净额所衍生之所有税项,如有关法律规定本公司有代扣、代缴义务,本公司将依照合适法律规定执行,卖家应协助办理所有手续,并承担相应税费。
(4) 卖家在委托本公司拍卖其物品的同时,被视为授权本公司有权代卖家向买家追索相应拖欠价款。如买家在拍卖成交日(含成交日)起十四日内未向本公司付清全部购买价款,本公司除有权按照本规则第十八条之约定向买家追索其应付的佣金及其他各项费用外,亦有权在本公司认为实际可行的情况下,采取适当措施(包括但不限于通过法律途径解决)协助卖家向买家收取拖欠的款项。上述约定并不排除卖家亲自或委托任何第三方向买家追索相应拖欠款项的权利,亦不赋予本公司在任何情况下代卖家向买家追索相应拖欠价款的义务。本公司在任何情况下不应因买家未能支付购买价款而向卖家承担相应责任。
(5) 拍卖品成功拍卖日期后六十天,如买家未全额付款则表明交易取消,本公司将拍卖品归还卖家,而不承担任何责任。
(6) 如因拍卖品为膺品而本公司被迫向买家收回,卖家须将已收取之拍卖净款全数退还予本公司。
(7) 除卖家另有书面指示外,本公司将以港币付款。

第二十八条 拍卖品未成交处理
(1) 拍卖后交易
(2) 重新上拍
(3) 取回拍品
(4) 风险承担

第四部份 其他

第二十九条 版权

第三十条 数据采集、录像

第三十一条 鉴定权

第三十二条 通知
(1) 如由专人送达,当送抵有关方地址之时;
(2) 如以邮寄方式发出,则为邮寄日后第七天;
(3) 如以传真方式发出,当发送传真机确认发出之时。

第三十三条 可分割性

第三十四条 法律及管辖权
(1) 本业务规则及其相关事宜、交易、因依照本规则参加本公司拍卖活动而引起或与之有关的任何争议,均受香港法律规管并由香港法律解释。本公司、买家及竞投人等相关各方均须服从香港法院之非唯一管辖权。
(2) 拍卖竞投时,无论是亲自出席,由代理人出席竞投,以书面、电话或其他方法竞投,买家均被视为接受本业务规则,及为本公司之利益而言,服从香港法院之非唯一裁判权。

第三十五条 解释权

第三十六条 语言文本

Payment 付款

Section 16 Payments
16.1 After the Lot is successfully sold in an auction, the Buyer shall fully pay the Purchase Price within 14 days after the Sale Date (including the Sale Date), and collect the Lot. Otherwise, the Buyer shall be liable for breach of contract, the Company has the right to adopt measures according to Section 18 without further notice.
16.2 If there is any tax liability imposed on the Buyer arising from the Purchase, the Buyer shall bear it himself/herself/itself according to the provisions of the relevant laws currently in force.
16.3 If packing, moving costs, and insurance expenses, expenses related to export is/are involved, the Buyer shall pay them altogether.
16.4 All payments shall be made in Hong Kong Dollars. If the Buyer make payments in currency other than the designated one, the currency shall be converted at the rate agreed upon by the Buyer and us or at the rate announced by Bank of China (Hong Kong) Limited one business day prior to the payment. We shall charge the Buyer for any conversion costs or bank charges incurred.
16.5 Our company will issue an invoice of property sold under the name and address on the Bidding Paddle Registration Form and the registered name and address cannot be changed.
16.6 Our company does not accept payment from a third party other than the Buyer. This applies to the agent as well. If the agent participates in the auction on behalf of others, we only accept payment from the Principal. Other than accepting payment from the Buyer, our company reserves the right to reject payments from other sources.
16.7 Payment Methods
(i) By Cash or Cashier Order
If payment is made by cash or cashier order, the purchases will be released immediately. However, our company does not accept sums exceeding HK$80,000 (or its equivalent in other currencies) in cash in a single or multiple payments.
(ii) By Cheque
Payable to "Marchance Auctioneers Limited"
Please be reminded that the purchases will not be released until such cheques have been cleared. Traveler's cheques are not accepted.
(iii) By Bank Transfer
Please include your name and paddle number or invoice number with your instructions to the bank.
Account Name: Marchance Auctioneers Limited
Bank: The Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation
Account No.: 004-652-209198-001
(iv) Payment by UnionPay
Marchance accepts payment by UnionPay. Buyer is required to present UnionPay card in-person to complete the transaction. For full payment made within 5 days after the Sale Date, no additional administration fee required. For payment by other credit cards, please check with our onsite staff for the arrangements.

第十六条 付款
(1) 竞投成功后,买家应自拍卖成交日(含成交日)起十四日内全额支付购买价款并安排领取拍卖品,否则将被视为违约并应承担违约责任,本公司有权按第十八条采取措施而不另行通知。
(2) 如有任何因购买拍卖品而适用于买家的课税责任,买家应根据现行相关法律规定自行负担。
(3) 若涉及包装及搬运费用、运输及保险费用、出境费等,买家需一并支付。
(4) 所有货款以港币为结算单位,如买家以本公司指定货币以外之其他货币付款,应按买家与本公司约定的汇价折算或按照中国银行(香港)有限公司于买家付款日前一个工作日公布的港币与该币种的汇价折算。本公司将向买家收取所招致之任何外汇及银行费用。
(5) 本公司将向竞投牌登记表格上的姓名及地址发出售出拍卖品的账单,且登记的姓名及地址不得更改。
(6) 本公司不接受除买家外的任何第三方付款。此项规定亦适用于代理人。如代理人代表他人参与竞投,仅接受委托人的付款。除接受买家付款外,本公司保留拒收其他来源付款的权利。
(7) 付款方式:
(i) 现金或银行本票
如以现金或银行本票缴付款项,则可立即提取拍卖品。惟本公司恕不接受以一笔或多次付款形式用现金支付超过港币80,000 元或同等价值外币之款项。
(ii) 支票
开户银行: 香港上海汇丰银行有限公司
开户名称: 万昌斯拍卖行有限公司
帐 号: 004-652-209198-001

开户银行: 中国工商银行 深圳皇岗支行
开户名称: 林伟
帐 号: 622208-4000-0069-11518

(ii) 以银联卡付款

Shipping 付运

Section 17 Collecting, Packing, Shipping and Exporting of Lots
17.1 The Buyer shall collect the purchased Lot no later than 14 days after the Sale Date (including the Sale Date). Otherwise, whether or not payments have been made, the Company has the right to adopt one or more measures below:
(i) We shall be permitted to remove the property to a third party warehouse. All costs (including but not limited to the Storage Fee calculated and charged according to the provisions of the Bidder Registration Order starting from the 31st day from the Sale Date (including the Sale Date) and/or risks for the taking out of an insurance policy and/or storing the Lot in the Company or other places shall be borne by the Buyer. Only after the Buyer has paid the full amount of the Purchase Price, he/she/it can collect the Lot (packing and moving costs, insurance expenses, expenses related to export shall be at the Buyer's expense);
(ii) If the Buyer has not yet collected the Lot within 30 days from the Sale Date (including the Sale Date), after notifying the Buyer, the Company has the right to sell that Lot in a public auction or by a method and with methods and conditions that it considers suitable. Any proceeds after the deduction of all the losses, expenses (packing & moving costs, insurance costs, expenses related to export, Storage Fee, and notarial expenses etc.) incurred by the Company from the disposal shall be collected by the Buyer; such balance is non-interest-bearing. If the Buyer fails to collect the proceeds back two years after the Sale Date, the balance shall be deposited to a Hong Kong court by the Company after deducting the relevant expenses (including legal fees).
17.2 Where Properties are not collected within 30 calendar days (including the day of sale) from the day of sale, the Buyer must pay the monthly Storage Fee of HK$800 per Lot starting from the 31st day. For storage of less than one month, one whole month's Storage Fee will be charged. All other additional expenses such as insurance, packing & transport costs will be charged separately.
17.3 The Buyer shall bear all the risks and expenses incurred after the deadline as stated in the Conditions of Business if he/she/it cannot collect the Lot concerned within that deadline. Even though the Lot is still under our or any of our agent's custody, neither we nor our agents shall be liable for any losses or damages incurred regardless of the reasons.
17.4 We may arrange packing and handling of the purchased Lot on behalf of the Buyer upon his/her/its request. This is considered as a service provided by the Company to the Buyer and the Company has the sole and absolute discretion to decide whether to provide this service, if any losses arise there from, the Buyer shall be personally liable for such losses. Packing and handling fee is charged as follow

Purchase value Packing and handling fee
Up to and including HK$1,000 HK$100
Between HK$1,001 and HK$1,000,000 HK$300
Above HK$1,000,000 HK$500

17.5 Where the Buyer requests the Company to assist in collecting the purchased Lot (the packaging, mailing and transportation expenses shall be paid by the Buyer) by means of post, express delivery or transportation, the Company shall be deemed to have delivered the Lot and the Buyer shall be deemed to have collected such Lot according to the normal procedure upon the Company's delivery of the Lot to the post, express delivery and transportation entities, companies or their employees/branch offices. The risks arising from this process shall be borne by the Buyer. Unless as Buyer gives a clear indication and pays insurance premium, no insurance is provided in the process of mailing, express delivery or transportation generally. The Company shall undertake no liability for any error, omission, damage or destruction caused by the packaging company and post, express delivery and transportation entities or companies designated by the Buyer or recommended by the Company to the Buyer.
17.6 Under no circumstances shall the Company be responsible for any damage of the glass or picture frame, box, backing sheet, frame case, mounting, inserts, rolling rod or similar auxiliary objects caused by any reasons.
17.7 For items made of botanic or animal materials (coral, crocodile, ivory, whale bone, tortoise, rhinoceros horn and Brazilian Rosewood, etc.) or containing botanic or animal materials, regardless of their year or value, may require application for permits or certificates before exporting outside Hong Kong, and other application for permits or certificates may be required when importing into countries outside Hong Kong. Please pay attention that the ability to obtain export permits or certificates does not ensure that import permits or certificates can be obtained in another country, and vice versa. For example, importing ivory of less than 100 years is illegal in the USA. Bidders should enquire about the import regulations on products made of or containing botanic or animal materials of the governments concerned before participating in an auction. The Buyer shall be responsible for obtaining any import and export licenses, permit for endangered animals or other aspects related to the Lot. Failure or delay in obtaining any permits required shall not be deemed as a reason for cancelling the purchase or delaying in paying the Purchase Price. The Company shall not bear any responsibilities for the failure to properly fill in or submit the required import or export documents. If the Buyer requests the Company to apply for the import and export licenses on his/her/its behalf, the Company has the right to charge service fees for this service. However, the Company does not warrant that the import or export license will be issued. The Company and the Seller has not made declaration or warranty in respect of whether or not any Lot is subject to import and export restrictions or any embargo.

第十七条 拍卖品之领取、包装、付运及出口
(1) 买家须在拍卖成交日起十四日内领取所购买的拍卖品。若买家未能在拍卖成交日(含成交日)起十四日内提取其购得的拍卖品,则不论已付款与否,本公司有权采取以下之一种或多种措施:
(i) 将该拍卖品投保及/或储存在本公司或其他地方,由此发生的一切费用(包括但不限于自拍卖成交日(含成交日)起的第三十一日起按竞投人登记表格的规定计收储存费等费用及/或风险均由买家承担。在买家如数支付全部购买价款后,方可提取拍卖品(包装及搬运费用、运输及保险费用、出境费等买家自行负担);
(ii) 如买家自成交日(含成交日)起的三十日内仍未提取拍卖品,则本公司有权在通知买家后,以公开拍卖或其他本公司认为合适的方式及条件出售该拍卖品,处置所得在扣除本公司因此产生之全部损失、费用(包装及搬运费用、运输及保险费用、出境费、储存费、公证费等)后,若有余款,则由买家自行取回,该余款不计利息,拍卖成交日后两年尚未取回的余款在扣除相关开支(包括法律费用) 后由本公司存入香港法庭。
(2) 自拍卖成交日(含成交日)起的第三十一日起,买家须为本次拍卖会未领取的拍卖品支付储存费,每件每月港币八百元。储存不足一个月者,亦须缴付整月储存费。储存费不包括其他额外费用,如保险和运输费,其他额外费用将会另行收取。
(3) 买家应对其超过本规则规定期限未能提取相关拍卖品而在该期限届满后所发生之一切风险及费用自行承担责任,即使该拍卖品仍由本公司或其他代理人代为保存,本公司及其工作人员或其代理人对任何原因所致该拍卖品的损毁、损失,不负任何责任。
(4) 本公司工作人员应买家要求代为包装及处理购买的拍卖品,仅应视为本公司对买家提供的服务,本公司可绝对酌情决定是否提供此项服务,若因此发生任何损失均由买家个人自负。包装及处理费计算方式如下:
货物金额 包装及处理费
HK$1,000或以下 HK$100
HK$1,001 至 HK$1,000,000 HK$300
HK$1,000,000以上 HK$500
(5) 如买家要求本公司协助以邮寄、快递或运输方式领取其所购买的拍卖品(包装及邮递、运输费用由买家负担),一旦本公司将拍卖品交付邮寄、快递、运输部门、公司或其雇员/分支机构,则视为本公司已交付该拍卖品,同时应视为买家已按正常程序领取该拍卖品,此过程中的风险由买家承担,除非买家特别指明并负担保险费外,在邮寄、快递、运输过程中一般不予投保。对于买家指定或本公司向买家推荐的包装公司及邮寄、快递、运输部门或公司所造成的一切错误、遗漏、损坏或灭失,本公司不承担责任。
(6) 在任何情况下,本公司对因任何原因造成的框架或玻璃、囊匣、底垫、支架、装裱、插册、轴头或类似附属物的损坏、灭失不负责任。
(7) 由植物或动物材料(如珊瑚、鳄鱼、象牙、鲸骨、玳瑁、犀牛角及巴西玫瑰木等)制成或含有植物或动物材料之物品,不论其年份或价值,均可能须申领许可证或证书方可出口至香港境外,且由香港境外国家进口时可能须申领其他许可证或证书。务请注意,能取得出口许可证或证书并不能确保可在另一国家取得进口许可证或证书,反之亦然。例如,将历时不足100 年之象牙进口至美国即属非法。竞投人应向相关政府查核有关野生动物植物进口之规定后再参与竞投。买家须自行负责取得任何有关拍卖品进出口、濒临绝种生物或其他方面之许可证。未获得任何所需之许可证或延误取得该类许可证不可被视为买家取消购买或延迟支付购买价款之理由。本公司不承担因不能填妥或呈交所需出口或进口货单、清单或文件所产生之任何责任。如买家要求本公司代其申请出口许可证,本公司则有权就此服务另行收取服务费用。然而,本公司不保证出口许可证将获发放。本公司及卖家概不会就任何拍卖品是否受进出口限制或任何禁运作出声明或保证。