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Invaluable's artist database is the ultimate resource for art enthusiasts and collectors, with information on over 500,000 international artists, and featuring over 2 million works of art sold or upcoming at auction. Find your favorite artists in three ways: the alphabetical artist list, a selection of prominent artists sorted into in over 200 Artist Genres, or a selection of the Invaluable 1,000™ most prominent artists.

Invaluable's Artist Database is the ultimate resource for art enthusiasts and collectors, offering you informational pages on over 500,000 international artists. The Fine Art database represents over 2 million works of art sold, or Upcoming at auction. With new artists and lots added daily, the database provides the most up to date information from around the art world. Each artist page contains valuable research including:

  • Artist biographies
  • Artist Genres, related artists, and related information
  • Works of art sold at auction for more than 100,000 artists
  • Upcoming art available at auction from over 1,000 auction houses worldwide
4,880 Results