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Jan Zrzavy Sold at Auction Prices


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    Dec. 01, 2024


    Est: €1,000 - €1,800

    Charcoal drawing on paper, unsigned. Proposal for printing. Jan Zrzavý (1890 Vadín, today Okrouhlice - 1977 Prague). Prague 1957, dimensions 12 x 11 cm. Framed, mounted, glazed. Together with proofreading. From the estate of engineer Karel Vavřínek. Condition 2+

    Dec. 01, 2024


    Est: €1,600 - €3,000

    Charcoal on paper, unsigned. Design for the print. Jan Zrzavý (1890 Vadín, today Okrouhlice - 1977 Prague). Prague 1957, dimensions 16 x 20 cm. Framed, passepartout, glazed. Together with a permission from the Cultural Commission of the Ministry of Forestry and Timber Industry to print (the copy) and a proof. From the estate of Ing. Karel Vavřínek. Condition 2+

  • Jan Zrzavy, (1890 – 1977), Head of a Woman, 1910
    Nov. 10, 2024

    Jan Zrzavy, (1890 – 1977), Head of a Woman, 1910

    Est: -

    charcoal on paper 27 x 22 cm signed and dated lower left: Jan Zrzavy 1910 Provenance: – property of Mrs. Stein-Löwenbach, Buenos Aires, Argentina – family of Mrs. Stein-Löwenbach, Buenos Aires, Argentina Exhibited. Publicated. Expertise by Professor Jaromir Zemina enclosed. Further consulted with Dr Irena Zantovska Murray HonFRIBA, Dr Jiri Machalicky and Vladimir Lekes.

    Adolf Loos Apartment and Gallery
  • Jan Zrzavy, Damen mit Sonnenschirm, Pastell von 1930, gerahmt
    Nov. 08, 2024

    Jan Zrzavy, Damen mit Sonnenschirm, Pastell von 1930, gerahmt

    Est: €3,500 - €4,500

    Jan Zrzavy, Damen mit Sonnenschirm, Pastell von 1930, gerahmt Jan Zrzavý, 1890 Okrouhlice bei Havlíčkův Brod, Österreich-Ungarn - 1977 Prag, bedeutender tschechischer Maler, Grafiker und Illustrator, hier: Sommerlich duftiges Pastell mit zwei jungen Frauen und einem Kind unter einem Sonnenschirm in einer Parkanlage. Im Hintergrund zwei weitere Frauen, Pastell/Papier, 46 x 31 cm, r. u. sign., ansprechend gerahmt Zum Künstler: Jan Zrzavý war ein führender Künstler der bildenden tschechischen Avantgarde zu Beginn des 20. Jahrhunderts, er studierte an der Prager Kunstakademie und war Mitbegründer der Gruppe „Sursum. Nach dem Ersten Weltkrieg wurden seine Bilder zunehmend lyrisch-abstrakt mit weichen Formen, wie z.B. „Melancholie“& „Freundin“. Aus dieser Schaffensphase stammt auch das vorliegende Pastell. In der zweiten Hälfte des 20. Jahrhunderts widmete Jan Zrzavý sein Augenmerkmal überwiegend der Landschaftsmalerei, wie z.B. „Camaret“, „San Marco in der Nacht“, „San Marco am Tage“, „Ostrauer Halden“. In diesen Werken schuf Zrzavý seine eigene malerische Metamorphose, quasi ein Gefühl des Zusammenhanges der Naturgewalten, Harmonie und Ruhe. Jan Zrzavy, Ladies with Parasol, pastel from 1930, framed Jan Zrzavý, 1890 Okrouhlice near Havlíčkův Brod, Austria-Hungary - 1977 Prague, important Czech painter, graphic artist and illustrator, here: Summery, fragrant pastel with two young women and a child under a parasol in a park. In the background two other women, pastel/paper, 46 x 31 cm, signed on the right, attractively framed About the artist: Jan Zrzavý was a leading artist of the Czech visual avant-garde at the beginning of the 20th century, he studied at the Prague Academy of Fine Arts and was a co-founder of the group "Sursum. After the First World War, his paintings became increasingly lyrical and abstract with soft forms, such as "Melancholy" & "Girlfriend". The present pastel also dates from this creative phase. In the second half of the 20th century, Jan Zrzavý devoted most of his attention to landscape painting, such as "Camaret", "San Marco at Night", "San Marco by Day", "Ostrava Slagheaps". In these works, Zrzavý created his own painterly metamorphosis, a sense of the coherence of the forces of nature, harmony and tranquillity.

    K&K – Auktionen in Heidelberg
  • JAN ZRZAVÝ 1890 - 1977 - IN KRUCEMBURK
    Jun. 06, 2024

    JAN ZRZAVÝ 1890 - 1977 - IN KRUCEMBURK

    Est: -

    Jan Zrzavý significantly influenced the development of Czech visual art with his creative imagination. From memory, Jan Zrzavý creates a lyrical world beyond the reach of the everyday world and preserves valuable experiences in it. Landscapes full of symbols, meditation and creatures are messengers of desires and projections of dreams. Jan Zrzavý loved Krucemburk so much that he called it his birthplace, even though he was not born there. He used to visit his relatives here and used to visit the parish priest. Although he was buried in Prague, he is buried here in Krucemburk. The work is dedicated to "Mr. Ing. Jaroslav Janáček in respect and sincere devotion - Jan Zrzavý - In Krucemburk 19. VIII. 1941". Newly framed under anti-reflective glass with UV filter. Technique: charcoal, paper, Signed: sign. lower right: Jan Zrzavý 40

    Arthouse Hejtmánek
  • JAN ZRZAVÝ 1890 - 1977 - SPRING
    Jun. 06, 2024

    JAN ZRZAVÝ 1890 - 1977 - SPRING

    Est: -

    Z posudku PhDr. Rey Michalové Ph.D.: "Jan Zrzavý se v sedmnácti letech odvrátil od impresionismu a "Údolím smutku" a dalšími obrazy, které následovaly, nalezl nezaměnitelný umělecký výraz, své fascinující niterné, imaginativní a snové umění plné poezie a citového náboje. Bylo to přitom právě médium kresby, které nejcitlivěji zachycovalo malířův tvůrčí proces a často s mnohaletým předstihem předznamenávalo pozdější obrazové kompozice. V pozdním období dokonce malíř pastel či kombinovanu techniku preferoval, neboť byl zklamán z barevných změn, které za léta prodělaly některé jeho olejomalby. Jan Zrzavý významně zasáhl do vývoje naší moderní kultury svou autentickou tvůrčí imaginací, v níž propojil českou linii duchovního lyrismu s evropským modernismem. Velmi brzy našel vlastní způsob vyjádření, který jevovou skutečnost zrcadlí nepřímo, v promyšlených znameních a symbolech. Gesta, krajinné motivy, tajemné hory a květiny, náznaky architektur - vše se stává symbolem myšlenek a zkušeností. Okouzloval ho především lyrický, uzavřený a snově měkký tvar. Jeho obraznost formovaly časté cesty a pobyty v cizině - zejména ve Francii a Itálii. Předložené dílo "Jaro" je sběratelsky mimořádně cennou Zrzavého prací, jež se pbezprostředně váže ke stejnojmennému monumentálnímu obrazu, finálně dokončenému roku 1929 a dnes se nacházejícímu v Galerii výtvarného umění v Ostravě. Posuzované dílo bylo dosud uchováváno v soukromé sbírce a uniklo pozornosti odborné veřejnosti. Zadíváme-li se na Jaro, vidíme na něm krajinu autorova dětství, kterou popisuje ve svých vzpomínkách z Českomoravské vysočiny. Nahý jinoch leonardovského tajemného výrazu je nesporně umělcovou autostylizací. Již Karel Teige poukázal na to, že některé autorovy kresy mají platnost finálního obrazu. Závěrečná realizace je ve svém výrazu mnohem utaženěnjší a postrádá bezprostřední citovou rozechvělost, jež se zrcadlí v tomto pastelu." Technique: pastel on paper, Signed: sign. a dat. upper left: Zrzavý 1927

    Arthouse Hejtmánek
  • Jan Zrzavy, (1890 – 1977), Angel
    Apr. 21, 2024

    Jan Zrzavy, (1890 – 1977), Angel

    Est: -

    pastel on paper 42.5 x 30.2 cm signed lower in the middle: J.Z. and further signed lower right: Z.J Expertise of the renowned expert, Professor Jaromir Zemina, enclosed. Consulted with Dr Irena Zantovska Murray HonFRIBA, Dr Jiri Machalicky and Vladimir Lekes.

    Adolf Loos Apartment and Gallery
  • Jan Zrzavy, (1890 – 1977), Head
    Apr. 21, 2024

    Jan Zrzavy, (1890 – 1977), Head

    Est: -

    pastel on paper 42 x 30.2 cm signed lower right: J.Z. Expertise of the renowned expert Professor Jaromir Zemina, enclosed. Consulted with Dr Irena Zantovska Murray HonFRIBA, Dr Jiri Machalicky and Vladimir Lekes.

    Adolf Loos Apartment and Gallery
  • Jan Zrzavy, (1890 – 1977), Barques on the Coast, 1955
    Apr. 21, 2024

    Jan Zrzavy, (1890 – 1977), Barques on the Coast, 1955

    Est: -

    pastel on handmade paper 41 x 29.5 cm signed and dated lower right: Z. J. 55 inscription with dedication by the author's hand lower in the middle: In memory of Mr. Josef Valenta, Jan Zrzavy / Prague 30.V.56 Expertise of the renowned expert Professor Jaromir Zemina, enclosed. Consulted with Dr Irena Zantovska Murray HonFRIBA, Dr Jiri Machalicky and Vladimir Lekes.

    Adolf Loos Apartment and Gallery
  • Jan Zrzavy, (1890 – 1977), Madonne, 1929–1930
    Apr. 21, 2024

    Jan Zrzavy, (1890 – 1977), Madonne, 1929–1930

    Est: -

    oil tempera on canvas, 35 x 27 cm, signed and dated with the dedication "á madame Dolléans 1.I.1930 J.J." verso further signed and inscribed by Jan Zrzavy on the artist's original frame: 'J. Zerzavy 37 rue, Fondary Paris 15' and also verso by the artist's hand on the label 'J. Zerzavy 37 rue Fondary 37 Paris 15' Provenance: – Jan Zrzavy gave the painting on New Year's Day 1930 to Mrs. Edulphie Adele Marcelle Loye, wife of Professor Edouard Dolléans, who was his friend during the artist‘s stay in Paris Exhibited: – Exhibition of paintings and drawings by Jan Zrzavy, Umelecka beseda Prague, October 1930, exhibited under No. 10 Publicated: – Catalogue of the Exhibition of paintings and drawings by Jan Zrzavy, Umelecka beseda, October 1930, No. 10 Expertise of the renowned expert Professor Jaromir Zemina, enclosed. Consulted with Dr Irena Zantovska Murray HonFRIBA, Dr Jiri Machalicky, Dr Karel Srp and Vladimir Lekes.

    Adolf Loos Apartment and Gallery
  • Jan ZRZAVY(1890-1977) Le phare,1938
    Dec. 16, 2023

    Jan ZRZAVY(1890-1977) Le phare,1938

    Est: €2,000 - €3,000

    Jan ZRZAVY(1890-1977) Le phare,1938 Technique mixte sur papier, signé et daté en bas à droite 31,2 x 45 cm

    Louiza Auktion & Associés
  • Zrzavy Jan (CZECH, 1890-1977) - Bouquet (Gift for Jiří Siblík's 50th Birthday)
    Nov. 27, 2023

    Zrzavy Jan (CZECH, 1890-1977) - Bouquet (Gift for Jiří Siblík's 50th Birthday)

    Est: -

    Bouquet (Gift for Jiří Siblík's 50th Birthday) Sgr Dvořák 160. Written confirmation by PhDr. Jaromír Zemina.

    Einszwei Gallery
  • Zrzavy Jan (CZECH, 1890-1977) - Well in Karlachovy Gardens
    Nov. 27, 2023

    Zrzavy Jan (CZECH, 1890-1977) - Well in Karlachovy Gardens

    Est: -

    Well in Karlachovy Gardens

    Einszwei Gallery
  • JAN ZRZAVÝ (1890 Okrouhlice - 1977 Prag)
    Nov. 18, 2023

    JAN ZRZAVÝ (1890 Okrouhlice - 1977 Prag)

    Est: €700 - €900

    Bekränzter Kopf (Ověnčená hlava) Lithographie auf glattem Japanbütten. 1973. 35,2 x 26,8 cm (52,4 x 37,8 cm). Signiert "Jan Zrzavý" und gewidmet "Für Zdenka Podhájská als Andenken". Provenienz: Privatsammlung Wien Prachtvoll nuancierter Druck mit breitem Rand, nach dem 1952 entstandenen, gleichnamigen Gemälde.

  • JAN ZRZAVÝ (1890 Okrouhlice - 1977 Prag)
    Nov. 18, 2023

    JAN ZRZAVÝ (1890 Okrouhlice - 1977 Prag)

    Est: €1,000 - €1,500

    Venezianisches Stillleben (Benátské zátiší) Farblithographie auf leicht bräunlichem Velin. 1961. 32 x 47 cm (42 x 57 cm). Signiert "Jan Zrzavý". Provenienz: Privatsammlung Wien Farblich sehr schön abgestimmter Druck mit Rand, nach dem gleichnamigen Gemälde von 1946.. Beigeben: Eine signierte Farblithographie "Markusplatz" von Jan Zrzavy.

  • JAN ZRZAVÝ (1890 Okrouhlice - 1977 Prag)
    Nov. 18, 2023

    JAN ZRZAVÝ (1890 Okrouhlice - 1977 Prag)

    Est: €20,000 - €30,000

    "Diana" Tempera und Bleistift auf Malkarton. 1963. 41 x 27 cm. Unten rechts mit Bleistsift monogrammiert "J. Z." und datiert sowie verso mit Kugelschreiber in Blau signiert "Jan Zrzavý", datiert, betitelt und mit Bleistiftannotationen zur Technik. Provenienz: Zdenka Podhajská (1901 Brünn - 1991 Wien, Tänzerin, Auftritte in Paris, eigene Ballett-Schule in Prag, danach Förderin von Leoš Janáček und Bohuslav Martinů) / Privatbesitz Traiskirchen bei Baden Die Gesichter und der Weg der tschechischen Avantgarde der ersten Jahrzehnte des 20. Jahrhunderts sind hier nach wie vor weitgehend unbekannt. Daran hat auch die bedeutende Rolle, die Dr. Peter Spielmann als Direktor des Museums Bochum von 1972 bis 1997, spielte, nicht viel geändert. Dass dort ein, gewissermaßen ungehobener Schatz osteuropäischer, insbesondere tschechischer Kunst liegt, wird nur gelegentlich sichtbar, beiläufig eingestreut, wenn die Thematik einer Ausstellung dazu anregt. Es ist nicht ohne Ironie, dass sich darin noch heute scheinbar in einem Gegenbild die Verhältnisse widerspiegeln, die zu Beginn des letzten Jahrhunderts die unterschiedlichen Wege in der Kultur beider Nationen ausmachten. Für die Künstler aus der Tschechoslowakei war der direkte Weg nach Paris so etwas wie eine Selbstverständlichkeit. Nicht zuletzt durch den Deutsch-Französischen Krieg von 1870/71 war zumindest der offizielle Blick aus dem Deutschen Reich auf Paris als Metropole von nationalistischen Vorurteilen besetzt. Dagegen setzten die Sezessions-Bewegungen bewusst vielerorts neue Akzente und öffneten den Blick auf ein Europa jenseits der nationalen Grenzen und so wurden umgekehrt Berlin, München zu wichtigen Zentren für Künstler aus Osteuropa. Nicht nur als bloße Zwischenstation auf dem Weg nach Paris, um nur an Chagall und El Lissitzky zu erinnern. Dennoch scheint in der Tschechoslowakei die Anzahl der Künstler, die es direkt nach Paris zog, weit höher gewesen zu sein als hierzulande. Nicht zuletzt dürfte die 1918 erlangte Unabhängigkeit Prags vom Kaiserreich Österreich diese Westorientierung der jungen Künstler des Landes gefördert haben. Jan Zrzavý ist einer der Großen der tschechischen Moderne. Und zugleich einer der komplexesten und eigenwilligsten. Für sein Werk ist ein tiefer, ihn als 17-jährigen traumhaft berührender Eindruck maßgebend, den 1907 die erste Begegnung mit Leonardos "Mona Lisa" während zweier Wochen in Paris in ihm hinterließ. Zugleich ist seine junge Seele einem Wechselbad der Gefühle ausgesetzt. Die religiöse Welt des Heranwachsenden liegt im Kampf mit all den inneren Erfahrungen, die zuvor 1905 in Prag gesehene Ausstellungen von Munch und Gauguin noch weiter in ihm aufgebrochen haben. Es gibt in seinem Frühwerk kleine, ganz expressive Äußerungen, die er aber des Weiteren in die gedämpftere Sprache des Symbolismus zu übersetzen sucht. Auf diesen Grundlagen beginnt er sich durch seine Freundschaft mit dem sechs Jahre älteren Malerkollegen Bohumil Kubišta (1884 – 1918), der 1910 nach Paris sich in Paris umgesehen hatte und den Kirchner und Otto Müller 1911 in Prag besuchten hatten, mit der methodischen Vereinfachung der Bildformen des Kubismus auseinanderzusetzen. Allerdings ohne je dabei die Form gänzlich in einzelne Bruchstücke von Flächen zu zerlegen, um sie sodann völlig in die Bildfläche aufzuheben. Indem er im Wesentlichen an Leonardos Sfumato-Technik festhält, und deren Ergebnisse dann auch abstrakt einsetzt, wird die Form, anders als im Kubismus, vielmehr im Sinne einer Skulptur abgeschliffen, wie gleichzeitig Brancusi dies als Bildhauer getan hat. Die derart vereinfachten Elemente seiner Bildvorstellungen verbindet Zrzavý immer wieder parallel zum einen mit einer starken, räumlichen Tiefe, zum anderen aber wird der Raum für ihn, wie in dem vorliegenden Gemälde, auch nur mehr in eine klare Aufteilung farbiger Flächen übersetzt. Themen und Variationen in Zrzavýs Oeuvre, ob religiös oder nicht, sind Zeugnis eines künstlerischen Arbeitens, das sich stets als Meditation verstand.

  • Boats in the biblical land
    Jun. 23, 2023

    Boats in the biblical land

    Est: -

    Signed and dated lower right Jan Zrzavý 56, framed under glass, passe-partout. Dimensions with a frame: 23.3 x 27.2 cm. Reference: 1. Art Consulting, Auction 36, 5 October 2008. Technique: combination of techniques: gouache, watercolour, pencil on paper. Czech artist.

    Auction House Groma
  • Zrzavý Jan ( Czech / Bohemian, 1890-1977 ) - Piazetta
    May. 29, 2023

    Zrzavý Jan ( Czech / Bohemian, 1890-1977 ) - Piazetta

    Est: -

    Zrzavý Jan ( Czech / Bohemian, 1890-1977 ) Piazetta soft pastel 16 x 17,6 cm Written talks. PhDr. Jaromír Zemina, leading art historian. Pastel listed in the painter's personal records, see photo (in the archive of PhDr. Jana Orlíková) Zrzavý Jan 1890-1977 Piazetta 1951 měkký pastel, protisk 16 x 17,6 cm signatura: vpravo dole rám: rámováno Písemné dobrozdání Prof. PhDr. Jaromír Zemina, přední historik umění. Pastel uveden v malířově osobních záznamech, viz foto (v archivu PhDr. Jany Orlíkové)Written talks. PhDr. Jaromír Zemina, leading art historian. Pastel listed in the painter's personal records, see photo (in the archive of PhDr. Jana Orlíková)

    Einszwei Gallery
    Dec. 08, 2022


    Est: -

    Neogothic well in Vyšehrad depicted by Jan Zrzavý, numbered 166/300. Jan Zrzavý has always been his own, completely different, after avant-garde beginnings we can most closely assign him to artists who prefer neoclassicism, new materiality or magical realism. His artworks show subtle meditative lyricism. Technique: Lithography on paper, Signed: Lower right "Jan Zrzavý"

    Arthouse Hejtmánek
  • Jan Zrzavy (1890 - 1977), Young Woman with Horse | Jan Zrzavy (1890-1977), Maedchen mit Pferd
    Oct. 14, 2022

    Jan Zrzavy (1890 - 1977), Young Woman with Horse | Jan Zrzavy (1890-1977), Maedchen mit Pferd

    Est: €5,000 - €8,000

    Jan Zrzavy (1890 - 1977), Young woman with horse, watercolor on paper, signed lower right Jan Zrzavy, with frame 49 x 57 cm. | Jan Zrzavy (1890-1977), Junge Frau mit Pferd, Aquarell auf Papier, signiert unten rechts Jan Zrzavy, mit Rahmen 49 x 57 cm.

    Amadeus Auction
  • Najada - Jan Zrzavý (1890–1977)
    Jun. 19, 2022

    Najada - Jan Zrzavý (1890–1977)

    Est: -

    RD Zrzavý

    1. Art Consulting
  • Jan Zrzavý: St. Mark's Square
    May. 26, 2022

    Jan Zrzavý: St. Mark's Square

    Est: -

    Signed lower right. Framed under glass, passe-partout. Litography. Dimensions with frame 37 x 41.5 cm. Czech artist. More Information on - https://www.groma.sk/salova-aukcia/katalog

    Auction House Groma
  • JAN ZRZAVÝ 1890 - 1977 - ANGEL
    Dec. 14, 2021

    JAN ZRZAVÝ 1890 - 1977 - ANGEL

    Est: -

    Author's print of the well-known theme by Jan Zrzavý with the Angel motif. Jan Zrzavý repeatedly returned to the motifs of angels and reworked them in various ways. The concept of the face of the angel himself is interesting, when Jan Zrzavý attributes more than one pair of eyes to him according to some mythological descriptions of seraphin. Jan Zrzavý can undoubtedly be one of the symbolists of the second generation, his works represent an intense insight into inner experiences and an orientation towards the search for spiritual truth. Jan Zrzavý has always been his own, completely different, after avant-garde beginnings we can most closely assign him to artists who prefer neoclassicism, new materiality or magical realism. His portraits show subtle meditative lyricism. Technique: Lithography, paper, Signed: Lower right "Jan Zrzavý"

    Arthouse Hejtmánek
  • JAN ZRZAVÝ 1890 - 1977 - YELLOW BARGE
    Dec. 14, 2021

    JAN ZRZAVÝ 1890 - 1977 - YELLOW BARGE

    Est: -

    Jan Zrzavý significantly influenced the development of our modern culture with his authentic creative imagination, in which he connected the Czech line of spiritual lyricism with European modernism. Very soon he found his own way of expression, which mirrors the phenomenal reality indirectly, in elaborate signs and symbols. Jan Zrzavý's sensory landscapes are a direct reflection of the facts and impressions that his travels left in him. Jan Zrzavý composes his own spiritual landscape, the landscape of "peace in eternal movement" and the search for the meaning of existence, where he came to a positive answer - understanding, humbleness and acceptance. The colorful shells of the silent barges have become strange beings in Red's imagination - messengers of human dreams that inhabit a landscape dotted with large, heavy boulders. The theme of the barges on the coast and the water surface, which belongs to Zrzavý's most famous, legendary motifs, depicted in the presented painting, was the artistic result of the captivating nature of the region of the sea, stones and lights - Brittany. From his memory, Jan Zrzavý creates a lyrical world beyond the reach of the everyday world and preserves valuable experiences in it. The yellow barge carries a certain vital energy that acts like a washed-up treasure on the beach under a cloudy sky. It brings a message of hope, life and sun in the middle of dusk. Dedicated to Vilém Kafka, expert opinion by PhDr. J. Orlíková. Technique: Tempera on cardboard, Signed: Lower right "Jan Zrzavý 48"

    Arthouse Hejtmánek
  • Jan Zrzavy, (1890 – 1977), Boats in the Bay
    Nov. 27, 2021

    Jan Zrzavy, (1890 – 1977), Boats in the Bay

    Est: -

    pastel and colored chalks on paper 12 x 16,5 cm signed lower right: "Z.J." Consulted with Professor Jaromir Zemina, Dr Jiri Machalicky and Vladimir Lekes. Expertise by Professor Jaromir Zemina attached.

    Adolf Loos Apartment and Gallery
  • ZRZAVÝ JAN - Still life with fruits
    Oct. 21, 2021

    ZRZAVÝ JAN - Still life with fruits

    Est: Kč110,000 - Kč130,000

    The mark lower right. Verification on the back of the art work by art historian František Dvořák. Framed, under glass, passe-partout. Minor damage on the frame. Dimensions with frame 27 x 32 cm. Pastel on paper.

    Auction House Groma
  • JAN ZRZAVÝ 1890 - 1977 - A HEAD
    Jun. 17, 2021

    JAN ZRZAVÝ 1890 - 1977 - A HEAD

    Est: -

    From the expert assessment by PhDr. Karel Srp: "This drawing shows the very delicate position of Jan Zrzavý, who was approached by the art of the Italian Renaissance. He was inspired by portraits from around 1500. Although the head is stylized, it is very likely that Zrzavý could have a specific starting point for its type of artwork and the actual design suggests how he was able to accurately express body volume with a simple stroke that characterized the whole body, but also how he was able to model them almost imperceptibly. In this sense, it is a perfect drawing, which also offers a number of interpretations concerning the transitions between male and female, which were typical of Zrzavý's lifelong work. " Technique: Pastel, paper, Signed: Lower right "J.Z."

    Arthouse Hejtmánek
    Jun. 17, 2021


    Est: -

    From the opinion of PhDr. J. Orlíková: "The assessed painting Portrait of Miss Tydlitátová is an extremely interesting variant of the portrait, which is in Munich in the family's possessions. It is an interesting insight into the artist's work on one of his best portraits. It can be dated to 1928, as well as the final portrait in Munich is one of the most beautiful portraits of Zrzavý - It is dated to 1928 and the work we are assessing probably comes from the same year. The portrait was drawn in pencil on canvas and we can boldly declare it a painting. The discrepancies between the Munich painting and the work we are considering are probably due to the fact that our work is the second variant of the painting, which probably went into the family's possession immediately after painting. The Portrait of Miss Tydlitátová is located within the family and it can be assumed that Zrzavý wanted to keep the portrait in front of his eyes even when he did not have access to the original painting. " Technique: Drawing on a canvas, Signed: Lower right "Jan Zrzavý"

    Arthouse Hejtmánek
  • Jan Zrzavy, (1890 – 1977), Early Evening in Krucemburk, 1935
    Apr. 18, 2021

    Jan Zrzavy, (1890 – 1977), Early Evening in Krucemburk, 1935

    Est: Kč180,000 - Kč220,000

    pastel on paper cut out a passe-partout: 14,5 x 27,5 cm signed and dated lower right: "Zrzavy 35" Provenance: collection of a prominent Czechoslovak diplomat Consulted with Professor Jaromir Zemina, Dr Karel Srp, Dr Jiri Machalicky, Aneta Kopecka and Vladimir Lekes. Confirmation of authenticity attached.

    Adolf Loos Apartment and Gallery
  • Jan ZRZAVY (1890-1977) Cheval sur le quai des douanes à Venise,1950
    Mar. 20, 2021

    Jan ZRZAVY (1890-1977) Cheval sur le quai des douanes à Venise,1950

    Est: €3,000 - €4,000

    Jan ZRZAVY (1890-1977) Cheval sur le quai des douanes à Venise,1950 Pastel et crayon sur papier, signé et daté en bas à droite 23 x 32 cm

    Louiza Auktion & Associés
  • Jan ZRZAVY (1890-1977) Phare en bord de mer,1923
    Mar. 20, 2021

    Jan ZRZAVY (1890-1977) Phare en bord de mer,1923

    Est: €2,500 - €3,000

    Jan ZRZAVY (1890-1977) Phare en bord de mer,1923 Pastel sur papier, signé et daté en bas à droite 25 x 34 cm

    Louiza Auktion & Associés
  • JAN ZRZAVÝ 1890 - 1977 - QUEEN OF THE SEAS
    Dec. 10, 2020

    JAN ZRZAVÝ 1890 - 1977 - QUEEN OF THE SEAS

    Est: -

    The Golden Beauty or the Queen of the Seas - the masterpiece of a series of ports and barges by Jan Zrzavý. On the back of the picture is an inscription by Dr. František Dvořák: "Chochola and I visited Zrzavý one evening in 1950. He had a mixed color on his palette and asked with a smile that was not typical of him if this color was royal enough that the painting was called the Queen of the Seas. We nodded and Red he painted the ship slowly and thoughtfully. He had such a strong emotional connection to this painting." Jan Zrzavý found his own way of expression, which mirrors the visible reality indirectly, in well-thought-out signs and symbols. Jan Zrzavý's sensory landscapes are a direct reflection of the facts and impressions that his travels left in him. Under the guise of a seemingly material form, an inner tension takes place, evident even under the arch of balance and fulfillment, peace and duration. Jan Zrzavý composes his own spiritual landscape, the landscape of "peace in eternal movement" and the search for the meaning of existence, where he came to a positive answer - understanding, acceptance and acceptance. The Queen of the Seas, like the legendary Argo, is a symbol of the end of the journey. A symbol of finding the meaning of life. Sovereign and coherent painting is a landscape of completely clear to tangible contours. Visible experience. The painting was originally supposed to be called the Golden Beauty and the ship was to be covered with gold leaf. Instead, Jan Zrzavý chose a glowing and exciting orange, a color that, by its very nature, catches the human eye at first sight. The Queen of the Seas is moored in a peaceful landscape at low tide between boulders. In beloved Brittany, where Jan Zrzavý found, in his own words, an intact land, living among the elements and the element itself - the promised land of his painting, an inexhaustible treasure trove of beauty and a source of painterly excitement. The authenticity of the work confirmed by Dr. František Dvořák on a double inscription from behind, also notes by J. Zrzavý. An expert opinion by PhDr. Rea Michalová Ph.D., PhDr. Jaromír Zemina, PhDr. J. Orlíková, Zora Grohmanova, radiography and detailed material research by academic painter and restorer Martin Martan. Technique: Tempera on plywood, Signed: Lower left "Jan Zrzavý 48", on revers "Královna moří Tempera 1948 Loď domalována 1950 J.Z."

    Arthouse Hejtmánek
    Dec. 10, 2020


    Est: -

    Jan Zrzavý can undoubtedly be one of the symbolists of the second generation, his works represent an intense insight into inner experiences and an orientation towards the search for spiritual truth. Jan Zrzavý has always been his own, completely different, after avant-garde beginnings we can most closely assign him to artists who prefer neoclassicism, new materiality or magical realism. His portraits show subtle meditative lyricism. Listed in the inventory Dvořák František, Zrzavý Jan, Graphic Work No. 46. Technique: Lithography, paper, Signed: Lower right "Zrzavý"

    Arthouse Hejtmánek
  • Jan Zrzavy (Czech, 1890 - 1977)
    Dec. 06, 2020

    Jan Zrzavy (Czech, 1890 - 1977)

    Est: €450,000 - €550,000

    Title: Come to me, everyone Date: year 1938 Technique: oil on canvas Painting dimensions: 50 x 61 cm Signed: at the top right Jan Zrzavy On the reverse: exhibition label from Umelecka beseda from the year 1938 and other exhibition number 41 with note Zrzavy Exhibited: Prague, year 1938, Aslova sin Umelecke besedy, under number 36 Exhibited: Exhibition Josef Sima - Jan Zrzavy: Paintings from famous collections, from 13 February to 24 February 2019, Prague, Adolf Loos Apartment and Gallery in Manes, Exhibited: REDISCOVERED MASTERPIECES from private collections, from 21 November to 30 November 2019, exhibition space Galerie Zlata husa, Dlouha 12, Prague 1, the exhibition was organized by the company Starozitnosti-Galerie USTAR in cooperation with company Art collections URBAN, the painting is reproduced in catalog on pages 18 and 19. The originality of this work was confirmed by Mgr. Kristyna Brozova, National Gallery in Prague, curator of painting - Collection of Modern and Contemporary Art. Expert report: PhDr. Rea Michalova, Ph. D. The work is reproduced in the catalog for the exhibition Czech Artists in France, FOR CZECHOSLOVAKIA, Tribute to a Non-existent Country, ISBN 978-80-260-9880-5 Text from the above catalog: The painting by Jan Zrzavy, who reacted immediately to the Munich Agreement, Come to me, everyone, oil from the autumn of 1938, could be described as a revelation. Already its topic. In his Gospel, Matthew quotes the words of Christ: "Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest" (MT 11:28). The context in which these words were heard in the time of Christ and in the autumn of 1938, when this image was created, is also evident: "From the days of John the Baptist until today the kingdom of heaven suffers violence and rapists reach for it" (MT 11:12). In the time immediately after the Munich dictatorship, there was a hopeless situation in However, the complete political and mental disillusionment for most of the nation did not mean a spiritual crisis for Jan Zrzavy, who was known to be a Roman Catholic. On the contrary. Complete destruction - actually an apocalypse - could only be escaped by believing in the all-embracing arms that appeared in the painting. Christ's arms were offered here from the idyllic landscape to all the mild and desperate, burdened by the burdens of betrayal, loneliness and the worst visions. Bohuzel nejhorsi vize se naplni v nasledujicich letech, ale ti, kteri neztratili viru v Bozi a lidskou spravedlnost, dostali vykoupeni a pokoj o sedm let pozdeji. Jan Zrzavy, a shy and non-ostentatious Catholic, offered his solution to the crisis at the time by painting of this painting and exposing it on an exhibition in Umelecka beseda in Mala Strana in Prague. It was December 1938, everything seemed to be lost, but the belief in a better next was all the brighter and more radiant at the show. An artistic act, a cipher, a message of a comforting gesture, but also a personal act par excellence. Provenance: Private collection of Ota Hofman (1928 - 1989), writer of children's literature, screenwriter and chief dramaturg of the creative group of children's film - Mr. Tau, Three Wishes for Cinderella, The Visitors. Interesting fact: Jan Zrzavy had many friends among filmmakers and he also starred in the film. He played himself in the children's film Kate and the Crocodile based on a screenplay by Ota Hofman, from whose collection the work presented here comes.

    Galerie Ustar
  • Jan Zrzavy (Czech, 1890 - 1977)
    Dec. 06, 2020

    Jan Zrzavy (Czech, 1890 - 1977)

    Est: €900,000 - €1,000,000

    Title: Fantastic landscape Date: 1913 to 1914 Technique: oil on canvas Painting dimensions: 49.5 x 49.5 cm Overall dimensions with frame: 78 x 78 cm Signed: lower right J. Z. Extremely high quality and very valuable painting, which can no doubt be described as one of the best oil paintings by Jan Zrzavy, which has entered to the Czech and internationaly auction market in the last 20 years. Provenance: Originally from the collection of photographer and painter Frantisek Drtikol (1883 - 1961). Subsequently, this painting was part of the collection of Dr. Saman and then Oldrich Bures. Literature: the painting is written in the inventory of the work of Jan Zrzavy from 1926, which was written by the author himself. This list states that this work was created between 1913 and 1914, together with another much smaller size variant of this painting, and that the painting presented here was owned by photographer Frantisek Drtikol. Literature: the painting is listed in the catalog of the exhibition, Umelecka beseda, year 1941 Literature: Jan Zrzavy mentions this painting in his monograph, page 303, Dilo Jana Zrzaveho (Prague 1941) Exhibited: REDISCOVERED MASTERPIECES from private collections, from 21 November to 30 November 2019, exhibition space Galerie Zlata husa, Dlouha 12, Prague 1, the exhibition was organized by the company Starozitnosti-Galerie USTAR in cooperation with company Art collections URBAN, the painting is reproduced in catalog on pages 16 and 17. Expert report: PhDr. Karel Srp Comment from the report: This work comes from the author's most important period from year 1910 to 1913, when his painting attitude was formed. The work has a clear literary inspiration by Julius Zeyer, who dealt with the description of similar landscapes in his literary works. The image is characterized by great sensitivity. It introduces the viewer to a fantastic landscape, which is also called paradise. From the point of view of the entire painting development of Jan Zrzavy, the painting is extremely important. Jan Zrzavy represents here painting with ingenious play with scales, volumes and color contrasts, with which viewer introduces to another world. On a final note, it is important to add that this painting represents a discovery which significantly enriches our knowledge and understanding of Jan Zrzavy´s work. Such an outstanding painting can be ornament in any private collection of European modern art. Expert report: Zora Grohmanova (complete material research, including a comparison of painting materials and pigments with the database of the National Gallery in Prague). Expert report: PhDr. Jana Orlikova Expert report: PhDr. Jaromir Zemina

    Galerie Ustar
  • Jan Zrzavý - Girl's Face
    Nov. 29, 2020

    Jan Zrzavý - Girl's Face

    Est: Kč120,000 - Kč150,000

    charcoal on paper, dated 1960, Signed lower right

    Galerie KODL
  • Jan Zrzavý - Small Czech Town
    Nov. 29, 2020

    Jan Zrzavý - Small Czech Town

    Est: Kč3,000,000 - Kč4,000,000

    mixed technique (tempera, oil) on wooden board, dated 1947, Signed high right

    Galerie KODL
  • JAN ZRZAVY, (Czech, 1890-1977), Ulice v Locronanu (Street in Locronan), 1937, tempera on board, 10 3/4 x 16 in., frame: 14 x 19 in.
    Nov. 15, 2020

    JAN ZRZAVY, (Czech, 1890-1977), Ulice v Locronanu (Street in Locronan), 1937, tempera on board, 10 3/4 x 16 in., frame: 14 x 19 in.

    Est: $20,000 - $40,000

    JAN ZRZAVY (Czech, 1890-1977) Ulice v Locronanu (Street in Locronan) 1937, tempera on board signed and dated Zrzavy 37 upper left; titled, dated, and signed verso 10 3/4 x 16 in., frame: 14 x 19 in.

    Grogan & Company
  • Jan ZRZAVY (1890-1977) Paysage exotique
    Oct. 24, 2020

    Jan ZRZAVY (1890-1977) Paysage exotique

    Est: €3,000 - €4,000

    Jan ZRZAVY (1890-1977) Paysage exotique Aquarelle sur papier, signée en bas à droite 27,5 x 34,5 cm

    Louiza Auktion & Associés
    Jul. 07, 2020


    Est: -

    Jan Zrzavý significantly influenced the development of our modern culture with his authentic creative imagination, in which he connected the Czech line of spiritual lyricism with European modernism. Very soon he found his own way of expression, which mirrors the phenomenal reality indirectly, in elaborate signs and symbols. From the expert assessment of PhDr. Rea Michalová PhD .: "Boats in the Harbor", depicting the author's admired Bretagne landscape, is Zrzavý's beautiful work, which could be said to have originated as a "concentrated meditation", brilliantly connecting the author's original worldview with concrete reality in the order of maximum harmony. In a scenery with silent barge shells swaying in the rhythm of curly waves, framed by the rustic masses of harbor piers, the author brilliantly managed to capture the dreamy moment of motionless balance resulting from the interaction of two forces - land and sea. We can even talk about "peace in eternal movement". Jan Zrzavý decided to paint at an early age and pursued his goal despite the initial resistance of the family, poor health and ultimately the inability to adapt to the requirements of academic education. Study at the School of Applied Arts in Prague with Prof. Emanuel Dítě was too much formalist, so he considered it useless and was expelled from school in 1909. He was fascinated mainly by lyrical, closed, dreamily soft shape. Its imagery was shaped by frequent trips and stays abroad, especially in Italy and France." Technique: Tempera on plywood, Signed: Lower left and right „Zrzavý 1929“ a „J.Z. 1929“

    Arthouse Hejtmánek
  • BATH
    Jul. 07, 2020


    Est: -

    Jan Zrzavý had always been very much himself and completely different from others. After the beginnings of avant-garde, we can most closely assign him to artists who prefer neoclassicism, new materiality or magical realism. He used geometry, elements of lyricism, and projected certain element of inner contemplation and shame towards the full-blown act in the situation of person sitting on the bench in the shower room, adding a certain delicacy to the situation. Technique: Pencil and coloured pencils on paper, Signed: Lower right "Jan Zrzavý" and upper right "J.Z."

    Arthouse Hejtmánek
    Jul. 07, 2020


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    Perhaps the most famous Venetian veduta by Jan Zrzavý inspired by an oil painting from 1928, which was in 1930 even exhibited at the Venice Biennale. Jan Zrzavý worked with matter after the de Chirico model and anchored the given elements of the composition with a strong contour line. In the almost monochromatic scale of variation between blue and purple, light strokes of white indicate ripples on the water, and the author's effort to capture a moment of peaceful moment on the banks of the Grand Canal with the glittering sun on water surface is evident. With a minimum of artistic means of expression, Jan Zrzavý captures the essence of the moment. After his five week stay he liked to return to the subject of Venice multiple times. Technique: Watercolour, tempera, gouache, paper

    Arthouse Hejtmánek
  • JAN ZRZAVY (1890-1977) - Nature morte surréaliste. Pastel signé en bas à droite 13 x 19,5 cm (à
    Jun. 23, 2020

    JAN ZRZAVY (1890-1977) - Nature morte surréaliste. Pastel signé en bas à droite 13 x 19,5 cm (à

    Est: €700 - €800

    JAN ZRZAVY (1890-1977) Nature morte surréaliste. Pastel signé en bas à droite 13 x 19,5 cm (à vue)

    Dec. 10, 2019


    Est: -

    The mythical symbol of the ferryman navigating amongst the cliffs forming the gate to the River Styx. A somewhat blurred moon hovers in the sky above him. The old man is headed on the voyage of the dead to the other side, from where only he may return. Jan Zrzavý often visited the motifs of water and death in his work. In this case, water is the transitional element between life and death. Jan Zrzavý was a member of the Sursum art group, the Mánes Union of Fine Artists and Umělecká Beseda.

    Arthouse Hejtmánek
    Dec. 10, 2019


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    In this drawing the Arma Christi, the holy Christian objects associated with Jesus' Passion, are exhibited on a table under a baldachin. In addition to the common instruments of torture and death, there is also the scarlet robe of mockery and the dice with which soldiers cast lots for the robe. The number 70707 refers to the Kabbalistic understanding of numbers and numerology. This work by a leading Czech symbolist shows elements of strong lyricism and existentialism.

    Arthouse Hejtmánek
    Dec. 10, 2019


    Est: -

    The motif of boats swaying on the waves at high tide or resting on the wet sandy coast at low tide is a frequent subject in Jan Zrzavý’s work. He first visited Brittany in 1925 and returned regularly until 1938. His favorite places he depicted in his work were the port of Camaret, Île de Sein, and the old town of Locronan. He was captivated by the rocky shore of Brittany, where the dunes battered by the Gwalarn winds meet the steep cliffs plunging to the ocean.

    Arthouse Hejtmánek
  • Karel Hynek Mácha (1810-1836) Jan Zrzavý (1890-1977)
    Dec. 07, 2019

    Karel Hynek Mácha (1810-1836) Jan Zrzavý (1890-1977)

    Est: Kč3,900 - Kč7,800

    MÁJ Prague 1924 Book format 4°, 82 p., In Czech. New leather binding with labeled title. 6 full-page collotype illustrations + publisher`s mark „A“ + portrait of K. H. Mácha at the end of the book. With a green case of wood and paper. Excellent condition. „Tekst přehlédl podle faksimile rukopisu a prvního vydání z r. 1936 Dr. Fr. Krčma, vyzdobil Jan Zrzavý, upravil V. H. Brunner, vydal v tisíci číslovaných výtiscích Dr. Ot. Štorch-Marien, Praha Žižkov, Fibichova 1307 jako 94. svazek své edice Aventinum k Vánocům roku 1924. Obrazové přílohy reprodukoval a vytiskl závod V. Neubert a synové na Smíchově, část tekstovou knihtiskaři Kryl a Scotti v Novém Jičíně na Moravě.“ MÁJ Praha 1924 Vel. 4°, 82 s., č. Nová kožená vazba s nalepeným názvem díla. 6 celostránkových světlotiskových ilustrací + značka nakladatele „A“ + portrét K. H. Máchy na konci knihy. Součástí je zelený futrál ze dřeva a papíru. Výborný stav. „Tekst přehlédl podle faksimile rukopisu a prvního vydání z r. 1936 Dr. Fr. Krčma, vyzdobil Jan Zrzavý, upravil V. H. Brunner, vydal v tisíci číslovaných výtiscích Dr. Ot. Štorch-Marien, Praha Žižkov, Fibichova 1307 jako 94. svazek své edice Aventinum k Vánocům roku 1924. Obrazové přílohy reprodukoval a vytiskl závod V. Neubert a synové na Smíchově, část tekstovou knihtiskaři Kryl a Scotti v Novém Jičíně na Moravě.“ Jan Zrzavý – český malíř a grafik, významný představitel české výtvarné avantgardy 1. pol. 20. století. Studoval na uměleckoprůmyslové škole v Praze u Emanuela Dítěte, také u Karla Reisnera, Františka Ženíška a F. Županského. Intenzivně se také věnoval studiu italského quattrocenta. Podnikl studijní cesty po Německu, Itálii, Belgii, Francii. Spoluzakladatel skupiny SURSUM, člen SVU Mánes a Tvrdošíjných. V jeho díle se objevuje symbolismus, postupy malby starých mistrů, hladká fraktura. Jeho poslední autorská výstava se uskutečnila r. 2007 ve Valdštejnské jízdárně v Praze. MAI Prag 1924 Größe 4°, 82 S., Tschechisch. Neuer Ledereinband mit aufgeklebtem Werktitel. 6 vollseitigen Lichtdruck-Illustrationen + Herausgeber-Zeichen „A“ + Bildnis von K. H. Mácha am Ende des Buches. Inkl. grünes Etui aus Holz und Papier. Ausgezeichneter Zustand. „Tekst přehlédl podle faksimile rukopisu a prvního vydání z r. 1936 Dr. Fr. Krčma, vyzdobil Jan Zrzavý, upravil V. H. Brunner, vydal v tisíci číslovaných výtiscích Dr. Ot. Štorch-Marien, Praha Žižkov, Fibichova 1307 jako 94. svazek své edice Aventinum k Vánocům roku 1924. Obrazové přílohy reprodukoval a vytiskl závod V. Neubert a synové na Smíchově, část tekstovou knihtiskaři Kryl a Scotti v Novém Jičíně na Moravě.“

    Auction House Zezula
  • Zrzavý - Diana
    Dec. 01, 2019

    Zrzavý - Diana

    Est: Kč40,000 - Kč60,000

    pencil on paper, dated 1970's

    Galerie KODL
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