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Bolognino Zaltieri Sold at Auction Prices

Etcher, Printer

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  • Castrum Praetorium
    Jun. 26, 2023

    Castrum Praetorium

    Est: -

    Bolognino Zaltieri (1555-1576 (fl.)) publisher Castrum Praetorium Engraving, 320 x 512 mm Representation and plan of the Castro Pretorio in Rome. See similar plate by Antonio Lafreri, part of Speculum Romanae Magnificentiae. Huelsen 35 Well inked, fresh and sharp impression on laid paper with watermark. Trimmed. Some oxidation of the paper. Trace of a central vertical fold visible on the reverse. For the rest in good condition.

    Bertolami Fine Art s.r.l.
  • Zaltieri early map of Ireland
    Apr. 22, 2023

    Zaltieri early map of Ireland

    Est: $15,000 - $25,000

    ZALTIERI, Bolognini (fl. 1555-1576). HIBERNIA Insula non longe Britania in Oceano sita est... Engraved map. Venice: Bolognino Zaltieri, 1566. (Second State). 21 1/4" x 16 1/2" sheet. Very rare early map of Ireland by Zaltieri, and the first separately issued map of the island.

    Arader Galleries
  • Carteri, pub. 1571 - 8 Engravings of Gods or Mythical Creatures
    Apr. 01, 2023

    Carteri, pub. 1571 - 8 Engravings of Gods or Mythical Creatures

    Est: $250 - $550

    This early engraving is from Vincenzo Cartari's Le imagini de i dei de gli antichi... or Images of the Gods. The work was published in Venice in 1571 by Vincentio Valgrisi. The engravings were completed by Bolognino Zaltieri. This is the first illustrated edition of Cartari's work. The work was considered the "first encyclopedia of classical iconography... widely used by Renaissance and Baroque artists." (Arntzen & Rainwater H35) It was a treatise on the mythology of the ancients, explaining the gods' guises and attributes. The iconography was intended to aid artists, painters, and sculptors in understanding the subject matters. Zaltieri's illustrations pictured gods solely working from a textual description instead of drawing inspiration from antique representations. The work was very successful in its time and became the iconographic handbook for painters for centuries. (Cicognara 4684)

    Trillium Antique Prints & Rare Books
  • Zaktieri Map of North America 1566
    Jan. 25, 2020

    Zaktieri Map of North America 1566

    Est: $70,000 - $100,000

    ZALTIERI, Bolognino (fl. 1555-1575) after Paolo Forlani (fl.1560-71). [Americas Map] Il Disegno Del Discoperto Della Nova Franza, il quale s’e hauuto ultimamente dalla nouissima nauigatione de’ Franzesi in quel luogo. Engraved map. Venice: Bolognino Zaltieri, 1566. 10 4/8 x 15 6/8 inches, full margins, showing the plate mark. THE EARLIEST PRINTED MAP DEVOTED TO THE CONTINENT OF NORTH AMERICA, AND THE FIRST MAP TO SHOW THE STRAIT OF ANIAN WHICH SEPARATES AMERICA FROM ASIA First published the previous year without Zaltieri’s imprint. The modest dimensions of Paolo Forlani’s rare and finely engraved map of North America belie its signal importance in the history of New World cartography. It is the earliest printed map devoted solely to North America, the first to portray that landmass as a separate continent and the first to show the so-called Strait of Anian separating America from Asia at the approximate location of the Bering Strait (in a purely coincidental instance of early geographical myth dovetailing with the discoveries of later exploration). The first depictions of the American continent appeared on early world maps as the eastern component of the Asian land mass” (Cohen). Entitled ‘The Drawing of the Discovery of New France, recently derived from the Newest Voyage of the French in that Region” Forlani based his rendering largely on the western part of a world map published by his colleague, the great Venetian cartographer Giacomo Gastaldi, several years before. Gastaldi had been the first to formulate the concept of the Strait of Anian, a name that probably originated with Ania, a Chinese province mentioned in a 1559 edition of Marco Polo’s travels. Forlani’s early graphic depiction of Gastaldi’s mistaken theory, which persisted well into the eighteenth century, makes this map a cornerstone work in the mapping of America. In the early 1560s, Forlani also published a map of South America and the West Indies, ‘La descrittione de tutto il Peru’, and with this 1565 map of North America he completed his coverage of the New World. The map stretches from Greenland down the coast of Canada and the Atlantic Seaboard to the West Indies, including a corner of South America, and from the coast of China in the west to the Azores and Cape Verde in the east. It is the first map to portray North America as a continent separate from Asia, and the first to show the Strait of Anian (the Bering Strait), depicted as flowing between the Mare Setentrionale in Cognito (north of the North American continent) and the Golfo Chinan (west of the continent). The concept of a strait separating America from Asia was first proposed only four years earlier by Giacomo Gastaldi in his pamphlet “La Universale Descrittione del Mondo” (Venice, 1562). The map also includes French names, such as Lacardia and Canada, as well as Spanish names, including Florida, and the first ever mention of the Sierra Nevada (snowy mountains). Quivira is shown as an Indian Tribe in south-central Kansas, reached by Francisco Vasquez de Coronado in 1541. Quivira was the name of the mythical kingdom of gold sought by Coronado, but became the Spanish word for Wichita, the Indian tribe that Coronado found instead of gold. Until fairly recently, the map was attributed to Venetian publisher Bolognino Zaltieri, whose name and imprint appear on the second state, published in 1566, as here. As David Woodward has demonstrated, however, authorship should be ascribed to Forlani, who sold some copperplates - including, presumably, the one used to print this map - to Zaltieri sometime around late 1565 or early 1566. Zaltieri then altered the plate, adding his own name, and proceeded to issue his own examples of the map, in a practice of appropriation (or licit plagiarism) that was quite common in the fluid world of Venetian map publishing. Following in the footsteps of his great colleague Giacomo Gastaldi, Paolo Forlani was a Venetian engraver and publisher of many significant maps and charts in the period of the Renaissance. It was in Italy, and particularly in Venice, that the map trade, which was to influence profoundly the course of cartographic history, was most highly developed during the first half of the 16th century. Venice was the most active port in the world, and successful trading expeditions necessitated accurate maps. In the 15th century the city had already become a clearing-house for geographical information, and the development of cartography in the city was further impelled by the accomplishment of Venetian printers and engravers. Forlani was perhaps the most prolific producer of maps in the mid-16th century, and largely responsible for diffusing advanced geographical information to other parts of Europe. (Ashley Bayntun-Williams “The ‘Lafreri School’ of Italian Mapmakers circa 1544 – 1602” online). Cohen, “Mapping of the West”, pages 29-30. R.V. Tooley, “Maps in Italian Atlases of the Sixteenth Century,” Imago Mundi 3 (1939), n. 80; Lloyd Arnold Brown, The World Encompassed, exh. cat. (Baltimore, 1952), n. 207; David Woodward, “The Forlani Map of North America,” Imago Mundi 46 (1994): 29-40; Philip D. Burden, The Mapping of North America: A List of Printed Maps 1511-1670 (Rickmansworth, 1996), 41." Plate 30 in Schwartz / Ehrenberg "The Mapping of America".

    Arader Galleries
  • Zaltieri Early Map of Ireland
    Jan. 27, 2018

    Zaltieri Early Map of Ireland

    Est: $10,000 - $15,000

    HIBERNIA Insula non longe Britania in Oceano sita est... Bolognini Zaltieri (fl. 1555-1576). Engraved map. Venice: Bolognino Zaltieri, 1566. (Second State). 21 1/4 x 16 1/2 inches sheet. Very rare early map of Ireland by Zaltieri, and the first separately issued map of the island.

    Arader Galleries
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