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Shiwei Wu Sold at Auction Prices

b. 1957 -

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  • 吳士偉 WU Shi-wei (Taiwanese, b. 1957)
    Nov. 30, 2024

    吳士偉 WU Shi-wei (Taiwanese, b. 1957)

    Est: NT$180,000 - NT$280,000

    斑斕 Dazzling Potted Blossoms 釋文:斑斕。 款識:庚辰初春,吳士偉畫作。 鈐印:吳(朱文)、士偉(白文)、繁華入夢來(朱文) Signed WU Shi-wei in Chinese With three seals of the artist

  • 吳士偉 WU Shi-wei (Taiwanese, b. 1957)
    Nov. 30, 2024

    吳士偉 WU Shi-wei (Taiwanese, b. 1957)

    Est: NT$30,000 - NT$60,000

    清趣 Spiritual Delights 款識:清趣,士偉畫。 鈐印:吳士偉(朱文)、春長好(白文)、春常駐(朱文) Signed Shi-wei in Chinese With three seals of the artist

  • 吳士偉 WU Shi-wei (Taiwanese, b. 1957)
    Nov. 30, 2024

    吳士偉 WU Shi-wei (Taiwanese, b. 1957)

    Est: NT$80,000 - NT$160,000

    瓶花 Vase with Flowers 釋文:華年。 款識:二零一八年元月,吳士偉畫。 鈐印:吳(朱文)、士偉(朱文)、尋花(朱文)、春華秋實(朱文) Signed WU Shi-wei in Chinese With four seals of the artist

  • 小魚;吳士偉XIAO Yu (Taiwanese, b. 1947); WU Shi-wei (Taiwanese, b. 1957)
    Jun. 01, 2024

    小魚;吳士偉XIAO Yu (Taiwanese, b. 1947); WU Shi-wei (Taiwanese, b. 1957)

    Est: NT$30,000 - NT$60,000

    瑩神靜慮 Plum Blossom 釋文: (一)瑩神靜慮。 (二)點綴疏華不染塵。 款識: (一)漢篆法,小魚。 (二)二O一八年戊戌之春,吳士偉畫。 鈐印: (一)小魚(白文) (二)吳氏(朱文)、士偉(朱文)、尋華(朱文) Signed XIAO yu and WU Shi-wei in Chinese With four seals of the artists

  • 吳士偉WU Shi-wei (Taiwanese, b. 1957)
    Jun. 01, 2024

    吳士偉WU Shi-wei (Taiwanese, b. 1957)

    Est: NT$20,000 - NT$40,000

    臨石濤春景 Spring Scenery 釋文:晴靄翠紛紛,春橋水乍分。山家何處是,松外萬重雲。 款識:丁卯夏,士偉。頃見三十餘年前,臨習清湘老人舊作,遂再取次補色潤飾增美,二O二O年庚子之秋,吳士偉並記。 鈐印:士偉(白文)、春長駐(朱文)、吳氏(朱文)、士偉(白文)、春長好(白文) Signed Shi-wei and WU Shi-wei in Chinese With five seals of the artist

  • 吳士偉WU Shi-wei (Taiwanese, b. 1957)
    Jun. 01, 2024

    吳士偉WU Shi-wei (Taiwanese, b. 1957)

    Est: NT$80,000 - NT$160,000

    四君子 Four Gentlemen 釋文: (一)蘭香馥郁。 (二)翠雲。 (三)凝霜。 (四)暗香籠月。 款識: (一)蘭為王者香芬馥清風裏,從未巖六姿不競繁華美,清程樊句。二O二一年元月,士偉。 (二)竹君子石大人,千歲友四時春,清鄭燮句。二O二一年元月,吳士偉畫。 (三)二O二一年元月,吳士偉畫。 (四)二O二一年元月,吳士偉畫。 鈐印: (一)吳氏(朱文)、士偉(白文)、靜觀(朱文)、福安(朱文) (二)吳氏(朱文)、士偉(白文)、靜觀(朱文)、明月前身(朱文) (三)吳氏(白文)、士偉(朱文)、陵見美人(朱文)、丞振蘭暉(朱文) (四)吳氏(朱文)、士偉(朱文)、春長好(白文)、明月前身(朱文) Signed Shi-wei and Wu Shi-wei in Chinese With sixteen seals of the artist

  • 吳士偉 WU Shi-wei (Taiwanese, b. 1957)
    Dec. 02, 2023

    吳士偉 WU Shi-wei (Taiwanese, b. 1957)

    Est: NT$50,000 - NT$100,000

    清韻、晴靄山巒及香自遠(三件一組) Potted Plants, Landscape and Lotus in the Pond (A Set of Three) 釋文: (上)清韻。少年眼力健觀書,卷裏千言一覽無。 官事薄書昏惘惘,致尤石上種菖蒲。清隱。几案栽石菖蒲,佐以奇石,取其有深岩窮谷之景。 靜坐閑玩,覽超然塵外。 (右下)香自遠。 款識: (上)二O一七夏日,吳士偉畫。二O一七年,丁酉之夏,吳士偉畫。 (左下)士偉。 (右下)二O二O年夏日,吳士偉。 鈐印: (上)士偉(朱文)、吳氏(朱文)、淨心(朱文)、溪上(白文)、士偉(朱文)、吳氏(朱文)、春常駐(朱文)、春長好(白文) (左下)吳士偉(朱文)、春常駐(朱文)、春長好(白文) (右下)淨心(朱文)、吳士偉(朱文)、春長好(白文) Signed WU Shi-wei and Shi-wei in Chinese With fourteen seals of the artist

  • 吳士偉 WU Shi-wei (Taiwanese, b. 1957)
    Jun. 03, 2023

    吳士偉 WU Shi-wei (Taiwanese, b. 1957)

    Est: NT$180,000 - NT$280,000

    江南香影Potted Greenery 釋文:江南香影。周庄是中國江南古鎮,環境清幽,建築古樸,歷經九百多年的歲月仍完整的保存著水鄉古鎮的完整風貌,其中葉楚滄故居庭院內花木扶疏,錯落有致天井處高盈數尺逾兩層樓高之臘梅盛開,令人驚艷不已,歸來入畫以誌紀念。 款識:二O一三年三月吳士偉畫。 鈐印:吳(朱文)、士偉(白文)、凝香(白文)、 照見山河萬朵(朱文) Signed WU Shi-wei in Chinese With four seals of the artist

  • 吳士偉 WU Shi-wei (Taiwanese, b. 1957)
    Jun. 03, 2023

    吳士偉 WU Shi-wei (Taiwanese, b. 1957)

    Est: NT$30,000 - NT$60,000

    清景芳菊Chrysanthemums 釋文:清景芳菊。 款識:二O一四年二月,吳士偉畫。 鈐印:吳士偉(朱文)、千花百草(白文)、春常駐(朱文) Signed WU Shi-wei in Chinese With three seals of the artist

  • 吳士偉 WU Shi-wei (Taiwanese, b. 1957)
    Dec. 03, 2022

    吳士偉 WU Shi-wei (Taiwanese, b. 1957)

    Est: NT$80,000 - NT$160,000

    素艷雪梅、繁枝白梅、萬玉爭春及香影(四件一組) Plum Blossoms in Winter, White Plum Blossoms, Clusters of Plum Blossoms and Plum Blossoms (A Set of Four) 釋文: ( 一 ) 素艷雪凝樹,清香風滿枝。 ( 二 ) 尺幅中繁枝叢雜,紛葩爛漫,有空谷深林境界。 ( 三 ) 萬玉爭春。 ( 四 ) 香影。從來不見梅花譜,信手拈來自有神。 不信試看千萬樹,東風吹著便成春。 款識: ( 一 ) 錄東坡句,歲在乙酉之春,吳士偉畫。 ( 二 ) 乙酉春日,遊風櫃斗歸來寫,吳士偉並記。 ( 三 ) 歲次乙酉之春,吳士偉畫。 ( 四 ) 徐渭句。乙酉春日,吳士偉畫。 鈐印: ( 一 ) 吳 ( 白文 )、士偉 ( 朱文 )、淨心 ( 朱文 ) ( 二 ) 吳 ( 白文 )、士偉 ( 朱文 )、靜圓 ( 朱文 ) ( 三 ) 吳 ( 白文 )、士偉 ( 朱文 )、春不老 ( 朱文 ) ( 四 ) 士偉 ( 朱文 )、淨心 ( 朱文 ) Signed WU Shi-wei in Chinese With eleven seals of the artist

  • 吳士偉 WU Shi-wei (Taiwanese, b. 1957)
    Dec. 03, 2022

    吳士偉 WU Shi-wei (Taiwanese, b. 1957)

    Est: NT$40,000 - NT$80,000

    翠灑玲瓏 Potted Green 釋文:奇在蒼苔點墨濃,毫端濕翠灑秋空。長竿細辨玲瓏影,半在靈邱烟霧中。 款識:陸甄香館集,庚辰初夏,吳士偉。 鈐印:吳(白文)、士偉(朱文)、靜賞 (白文)、一片心(白文) Signed WU Shi-wei in Chinese With four seals of the artist

  • 吳士偉 WU Shi-wei (Taiwanese, b. 1957)
    Jun. 04, 2022

    吳士偉 WU Shi-wei (Taiwanese, b. 1957)

    Est: NT$50,000 - NT$100,000

    福隆遊記 A Trip to Fulong 釋文:今年過年期間至福隆走春騎鐵馬,舊草嶺隧道、環狀自行車道,此舊草嶺隧道為全台第一條以鐵道改進的鐵馬道,騎行期間伴著音樂,一片清涼如吹冷氣一般。此環狀自行車道,又途經北濱海岸沿路依山傍水,地景風貌豐富地形天然多元,海蝕平台奇岩、造形綠藻礁石等,海岸地形鬼斧神工景色絕美。途經有石城漁港、卯澳馬崗漁村、三貂角燈塔等地,小漁村的石頭厝建材造,形樸拙可愛,令人印象深刻。一路上藍天白雲、湛藍海景、奇岩怪石盡收眼底,真是令人心曠神怡,寵辱皆忘啊。 款識:二O一八年三月,戊戌之春,吳士偉畫並記。 鈐印:吳氏(白文)、士偉(朱文)、溪上(白文)、春常駐(朱文)、吳氏(朱文)、士偉(朱文) Signed WU Shi-wei in Chinese With six seals of the artist

  • 吳士偉 WU Shi-wei (Taiwanese, b. 1957)
    Dec. 04, 2021

    吳士偉 WU Shi-wei (Taiwanese, b. 1957)

    Est: NT$150,000 - NT$240,000

    姸姿 Potted Flowers 釋文:姸姿。 款識:​二OO九年己丑之冬,吳士偉畫。 鈐印:千花百草(白文)、吳士偉(朱文)、拈花微笑(朱文)、欣欣向榮(朱文) Signed WU Shi-wei in Chinese With four seals of the artists

  • 吳士偉;李義弘 WU Shi-wei (Taiwanese, b. 1957); LEE Yih-hong (Taiwanese, b. 1941)
    Dec. 04, 2021

    吳士偉;李義弘 WU Shi-wei (Taiwanese, b. 1957); LEE Yih-hong (Taiwanese, b. 1941)

    Est: NT$80,000 - NT$160,000

    一捻秋色 Autumn Blossoms 釋文:一捻秋色 結廬在人境,而無車馬喧。 問君何能爾?心遠地自偏。 採菊東籬下,悠然見南山。 山氣日夕佳,飛鳥相與還。 此中有真意,欲辨已忘言。 秋菊有佳色,裡露掇其英。 汎此忘憂物,遠我遺世情。 一觴雖獨進,杯盡壺自傾。 日入群動息,歸鳥趨林鳴。 嘯傲東東軒下,聊復得此生。 款識:​陶潛,飲酒詩二首。二OO六年四月丙戊,吳士偉畫,李義弘題。 鈐印:吳(白文)、士偉(朱文)、小酌(白文)、義弘手跡(朱文) Signed WU Shi-wei and LEE Yih-hong in Chinese With four seals of the artists

  • 吳士偉 WU Shi-wei (Taiwanese, b. 1957)
    Dec. 04, 2021

    吳士偉 WU Shi-wei (Taiwanese, b. 1957)

    Est: NT$50,000 - NT$100,000

    浮生悠悠 Fish Swimming in the Pond 釋文:浮生悠悠。 款識:​二O一O年庚寅之春,吳士偉畫。 鈐印:尋華(朱文)、吳士偉(朱文)、千花百草(白文)、芳菲消息(朱文) Signed WU Shi-wei in Chinese With four seals of the artist

  • 吳士偉 WU Shi-wei (Taiwanese, b. 1957)
    Dec. 04, 2021

    吳士偉 WU Shi-wei (Taiwanese, b. 1957)

    Est: NT$20,000 - NT$40,000

    紅芳 Red Blossoms 款識:​紅芳,士偉畫。 鈐印:吳士偉(白文) Signed Shi-wei in Chinese With one seal of the artist

  • 吳士偉WU Shi-wei(Taiwanese, b. 1957)
    Jul. 17, 2021

    吳士偉WU Shi-wei(Taiwanese, b. 1957)

    Est: NT$80,000 - NT$160,000

    晚蕊 Evening Blossom 釋文:晚蕊。 款識:二O 一六年二月,吳士偉畫。 鈐印:吳士偉(朱文)、千花百草(白文)、紛亂(朱文)、尋花(朱文) Signed Wu Shi-wei in Chinese With four seals of the artist

  • 吳士偉WU Shi-wei(Taiwanese, b. 1957)
    Jul. 17, 2021

    吳士偉WU Shi-wei(Taiwanese, b. 1957)

    Est: NT$80,000 - NT$160,000

    清游 Fish Swimming in the Pond 釋文:清游。 款識:二 OO 九年己丑初冬,吳士偉畫。 鈐印:吳氏(朱文)、士偉(朱文)、尋華(朱文)、芳菲消息(朱文) Signed Wu Shi-wei in Chinese With four seals of the artist

  • 吳士偉WU Shi-wei(Taiwanese, b. 1957)
    Jul. 17, 2021

    吳士偉WU Shi-wei(Taiwanese, b. 1957)

    Est: NT$280,000 - NT$400,000

    湖岸幽茫 Reeds by the Lake 釋文:湖岸幽茫。 款識:太湖湖面遼闊一望無際,沿湖蘆葦一根根的立在湖岸成片成林,構成了一片片,一叢叢詩意的情境。二 O 一 O 年庚寅之夏,吳士偉畫。 鈐印:吳(朱文)、士偉(白文)、幽馥(朱文)、芳菲消息(朱文)、繁枝凝露(白文) Signed Wu Shi-wei in Chinese With five seals of the artist 美的追尋:吳士偉的創作 吳士偉曾說:「美的追尋是一段生命追尋的過程。」從中國傳統人文到吳士偉的創作,圍繞著中國藝術的骨幹,無非是「因景而生情,因情而造景」,把眼前看到的繁盛自然景物,再現心靈的境界,要麼滋潤空虛心境,要麼讚頌美好境況,昇華至寄寓盛世的憧憬。 宏觀古今中外,瓶花的靜景繪畫是文人民俗喜愛的主題。在中國文人畫中,梅蘭菊竹被喻為君子,盛開的牡丹被聯想為繁華的嚮往。花似乎因各自的品種,被變成一個印象、一種寄寓。對於吳士偉,物象表面的繁盛,均備有更深層的意義。「中國繪畫看似具象,但其中包含了抽象的情境。我在看似繁華錦簇的花卉裡,畫出了內在的孤寂蕭索。因為創作的本質正是如此。」 《晚蕊》(拍品編號 632)作品花團錦簇,襯托潔白的背景,平衡妍麗盛放的花朵。畫面採用傳統的對角線構圖,枝葉花朵由下往上方伸展,再傾斜至右下方的空間。花卉草木佔有三分之二的畫面,下方的花瓶似乎快要傾倒。吳士偉卻故意利用透視的玻璃材質與細小的花瓶襯托澎湃的主角,製造視覺的矛盾,引入緊繃的張力,從而尋找舒暢心靈的出口。這種心靈的掙扎彷彿提示藝術家內在的孤寂蕭索,在探索的過程中,尋找安順的路口,卻又是一種別趣。 畫中吳士偉選擇利用細微的顏色變化及多重的層次,令景象充滿驚喜和聯想。全圖以深赭色的菊花貫穿主要的基調,灰暗的顏色看似重重的乾花枯葉,帶出孤寂滄桑的淒美。但在這灰暗的色調個中穿插暗紅的碎花,襯托暗紅的桌子,此微妙的顏色變化卻又帶上幾分活潑與樂趣。藝術家個性細膩,透過仔細的觀察及細筆雙鉤的筆法,讓錯綜的線條突顯花卉盛放的百態,有的向上爭妍,有的因地心引力微垂,為靜物添上無限的動感。 吳士偉曾說:「我不像其他畫家得刻意找題材,因為生活周遭就有畫不完的材料,看似普通的內容,其實正是平凡見真情啊!」對於這位藝術家來說,細緻的性格讓他懂得欣賞大自然最細微的美。《清游》(拍品編號 631)描繪的正是毫不起眼的小魚兒。它們雖然微小,一群魚兒游泳卻成為另一種景象。每一條小魚均以簡筆一撇,添上兩隻小眼便成形了。數十筆簡筆共組成數群魚兒,向橫幅延伸,佈滿畫面的每一個角落。紛亂的簡筆卻巧妙地展現魚兒的個性:饞嘴的圍起來搶食物,好奇的輕咬海藻,有些卻漫無目的地結伴暢遊。背後的海藻隨著水流飄蕩,成為前面舞者的陪襯,整體畫面疏朗暢逸。 吳士偉早年藝專的設計背景,有利藝術家在主題、物象與尺幅,甚至色調上的搭配。《湖岸幽茫》(拍品編號630)以太湖遼闊的蘆葦岸為主題,橫幅的編排,從岸邊的草叢延伸至畫面上方的湖面,呈現湖面的平遠,既得莫奈《睡蓮》靈動的散點透視,亦得北宋郭熙《窠石平遠圖》平遠遼闊的視覺。多元的視點由中上方的蘆葦,帶領至下方色彩穠麗的野花與草叢。面對著吳士偉的作品,當代作家蔣勳曾說:「(藝術家)以基本的文人畫風的線條與墨韻⋯⋯又從民間工藝的系統借來斑斕的艷彩⋯⋯」無論構圖、墨韻、線條的運用,吳士偉的畫作斑斕穠麗,卻又維持著主題的樸素平靜,不愧是一位當代卓越非凡的藝術家。 THE QUEST FOR BEAUTY: WORKS OF WU SHI-WEI WU SHIH-WEI ONCE MENTIONED, "THE QUEST FOR BEAUTY IS THE QUEST OF MY LIFE." Enlightenment through aesthetic appreciation of nature, has been one of the main pillars of Chinese art, from traditional arts to Wu Shih-wei's creations. The beauty of nature shares an appreciation of the mind and of life itself. Still life has been the subject of depiction for centuries in the East and the West. Plum blossoms, orchids, bamboo and chrysanthemums were praised as noble scholars, while peonies represent prosperity. Flowers become a connotation and a blessing. Yet, to Wu Shih-wei, such connotations stay on the surface of appreciation. A representation of nostalgic beauty is the key to Wu's erpretation. Evening Blossom (Lot 632) shows a bouquet of colourful flowers in front of a white background, which balance the visual impact. A diagonal composition was used as flowers poured down from the upper left corner, occupying two third of the panel. A tiny transparent glass vase was used to enhance the heaviness at the top, creating a visual tension for the eye, thus enhancing the pleasure of the viewers. Subtle changes and layering of colours filled the panel with surprises. Chrysanthemums in dark red form the basic tone of the painting. Darker tones of dried flowers initiate the nostalgic emotion, yet it brightens up again with the burgundy red table. With the detail-minded character of the artist, every minute detail is depicted through careful observations and delicate brushwork. Every state of blooms are depicted: some in full blooms,while some slightly collapse under gravity, bringing the painting to life. Instead of capturing an instant, the painting shows flowers in the four seasons from blossoms in spring and summer, to their downfall in autumn and winter, through to their rebirth in spring. Such appreciation of the circle of life allows the artist to fill his studio with flowers of all kinds in all states of life, thus allowing him to observe flowers in their various forms. The artist's praises of life are thus reflected in his works. As the most satisfying and impactful painting to the artist, it was chosen to be put in the invitation card and the poster of the artist's exhibition. To the artist, every minute object of nature could become the subject of his depiction. Such character allows him to paint the minutest subjects of nature. Fish Swimming in the Pond (Lot 631) depicted tiny fish with just a line with two dots. Yet a shoal of fish forms a majestic scenery scattering through the panel. Such clusters of lines highlight the characters of each fish, some grabbing their food, some nibbling algae, while some swimming with their friends. Amidst the topsy turvy scene, algae sway gently behind the fish, forming a relaxing background. Wu Shih-wei's design education background allows him to manipulate the subjects, compositions, structure and colours in a panel. Reeds by the Lake (Lot 630) depict a field of reeds in a horizontal structure. Bushes from the left extend to the right, demonstrating its horizontal depth. Such treatment gives hints to the multiple perspectives of Monet's Waterlilies, and the horizontal distance from a painting by Guo Xi of the Northern Song. Multiple perspectives bring the eye back to the bushes and colourful wild flowers. Contemporary author Chiang Hsun once praised the artist for his playful composition of lines, ink and multifarious colours. From its structure, ink and lines, Wu Shi-wei managed to balance its colours in a tranquil setting, making him one of the greatest artists in the contemporary art scene.

  • 吳士偉 WU SHI-WEI (Taiwanese, b. 1957)
    Dec. 05, 2020

    吳士偉 WU SHI-WEI (Taiwanese, b. 1957)

    Est: NT$30,000 - NT$60,000

    山水 Landscape 款識:二O一八戊戌春日,吳士偉畫。 鈐印:春長好(白文)、吳氏(朱文)、士偉(朱文) Signed Wu Shi-Wei in Chinese With three seals of the artist

  • 吳士偉 WU SHI-WEI (Taiwanese, b. 1957)
    Dec. 05, 2020

    吳士偉 WU SHI-WEI (Taiwanese, b. 1957)

    Est: NT$280,000 - NT$400,000

    霜浦平遠 Reeds 釋文: (一)霜浦平遠。高郵湖畔蘆葦蕩,煙波浩渺沿湖迤邐。環繞船行其間,蕭瑟靈秀甚有詩意。 (二)在潤飾中再憶一回當年創作此幅的情景與心境還是感動,只是感嘆時光太匆匆。 款識: (一)二O一O年庚寅之夏吳士偉畫。 (二)二O一八年戊戍之冬,吳士偉再題。 鈐印:吳(朱文)、士偉(白文)、吳士偉(朱文)、千花百草(白文)、華枝春滿(白文)、芳菲消息(朱文)、霞綺(白文) Signed Wu Shi-Wei in Chinese With seven seals of the artist

  • 吳士偉 WU SHI-WEI (Taiwanese, b.1957)
    Jul. 18, 2020

    吳士偉 WU SHI-WEI (Taiwanese, b.1957)

    Est: NT$240,000 - NT$380,000

    釋文:翠華含英。 款識:二O一八年戊戌之夏,吳士偉畫。 鈐印:吳(朱文)、士偉(白文)、幽馥(朱文)、羣芳華滋(朱文) Signed WU SHI-WEI in Chinese With four seals of the artist

  • WU SHIWEI | Aquatic Scene
    May. 22, 2020

    WU SHIWEI | Aquatic Scene

    Est: $20,000 - $40,000

    dated 2009

  • 吳士偉 WU SHI-WEI (Taiwanese, b. 1957)
    Nov. 30, 2019

    吳士偉 WU SHI-WEI (Taiwanese, b. 1957)

    Est: NT$110,000 - NT$220,000

    悠游 Fish Swimming in the Pond 釋文:悠游,風做不動萍,紅雨灑花津, 跳波魚出藻,擾碎一池春。 款識: (一)二零一五年乙未之春,吳士偉畫。 (二)惲壽平句,二零一七年丁酉之秋吳士偉再題。 鈐印:吳士偉(朱文)、千花百草(白文)、 吳士偉(朱文)、春華秋實(朱文)、尋花(朱文) Signed WU SHI-WEI in Chinese With five seals of t he artist

  • WU SHIWEI (B.1957) Reed Fields Ink and colour on paper, hanging scroll
    May. 26, 2017

    WU SHIWEI (B.1957) Reed Fields Ink and colour on paper, hanging scroll

    Est: HKD60,000 - HKD80,000

    WU SHIWEI (B.1957) Reed Fields Ink and colour on paper, hanging scroll Inscribed and signed Wu Shiwei, with four seals of the artist Dated gengyin year (2010) 139.5cm x 78cm (55in x 30¾in).

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