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Dacheng Wu Sold at Auction Prices


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  • WU DACHENG (1835-1902) C. 17cm Height x 53.5 cm Width
    Dec. 01, 2024

    WU DACHENG (1835-1902) C. 17cm Height x 53.5 cm Width

    Est: $200 - $400

    WU DACHENG (1835-1902) 太澂道人 隸書節臨《曹全碑》扇面 A mounted calligraphy fan in clerical script style Ink on paper, fan leaf Signed Taicheng Daoren and dedicated to Cai Shou, with one seal of the artist, and one collection seal of Cai Shou Wu Dacheng (1835–1902) was a prominent Chinese scholar, calligrapher, and collector during the late Qing Dynasty. He was known for his expertise in epigraphy, bronze and stone inscriptions, and Chinese antiquities. Wu Dacheng served in various government positions and was highly regarded for his cultural and intellectual contributions. His interest in ancient inscriptions and artifacts influenced the preservation and study of Chinese antiquities. He was also known for his refined calligraphy and poetry, and his collections of art and antiquities were highly respected. Fan, Ink on Paper Provenance: Choi Jit Fu (Cai Zhefu) Collection and thence by descent. 吳大澂,字止敬,又字清卿,號恆軒,又號愙齋,江蘇蘇州府吳縣人,清朝學者、金石學家、書畫家、政治人物。 題識:奇璧仁兄大雅之屬,太澂道人 收藏印:有奇所有 蔡守 (1879-1941) 原名珣,字奇壁、哲夫,號寒瓊。廣東順德人。蔡守是晚清著名文人學者,1904年與鄧實、黃節、黃賓虹、章太炎等人在上海發起國學保存會。1909年加入晚清最大文學革命團體南社,為主要創始人之一。

  • A Chinese five-character seal script calligraphic couplet, by Wu Dacheng (Chinese, 1835-1902)
    Sep. 15, 2024

    A Chinese five-character seal script calligraphic couplet, by Wu Dacheng (Chinese, 1835-1902)

    Est: $100 - $200

    A Chinese five-character seal script calligraphic couplet by Wu Dacheng (Chinese, 1835-1902) With signature and three seals. (2). H: 55 3/4, W: 14 7/8 in. (H: 141.61, W: 37.78 cm. (each, sight)) Copy the following link for high resolution images: oag.smugmug.com/161-Chinese-Painting-and-Calligraphy

    Oakridge Auction Gallery
  • 吳大澂 篆書六言聯 | Wu Dacheng, Calligraphy Couplet in Zhuanshu
    Apr. 08, 2024

    吳大澂 篆書六言聯 | Wu Dacheng, Calligraphy Couplet in Zhuanshu

    Est: $60,000 - $120,000

    吳大澂 篆書六言聯 水墨梅花箋 立軸 款識:錦為文而異色,筆如夢以生花。清卿吳大淳篆。 鈐印:「吳大淳印」、「清卿氏」。 註:吳大澂,本名大淳,因避同治名諱易名,同治於一八六二年即位,故推知本幅應早於此。 each 126 x 28.8 cm 49⅝ x 11⅜ in.(2) ---------------------------------------------- Wu Dacheng 1835-1902 Calligraphy Couplet in Zhuanshu ink on paper, pair of hanging scrolls signed, with 2 seals of the artist each 126 x 28.8 cm 49⅝ x 11⅜ in.(2)

  • 吳大澂 篆書八言聯 | Wu Dacheng, Calligraphy Couplet in Zhuanshu
    Apr. 08, 2024

    吳大澂 篆書八言聯 | Wu Dacheng, Calligraphy Couplet in Zhuanshu

    Est: $70,000 - $140,000

    吳大澂 篆書八言聯 水墨灑金紅箋 立軸 款識:周寶鳳彝,永睦兄弟;漢吉羊洗,長宜子孫。 藹生仁兄大人雅屬。愙齋吳大澂。 鈐印:「吳大澂印」、「愙齋」。 each 165.3 x 31.2 cm 65 x 12⅜ in.(2) ---------------------------------------------- Wu Dacheng 1835-1902 Calligraphy Couplet in Zhuanshu ink on gold-flecked red paper, pair of hanging scrolls signed, with a dedication and 2 seals of the artist each 165.3 x 31.2 cm 65 x 12⅜ in.(2)

  • 吳大澂 致宮太保中堂三札|Wu Dacheng, Three Letters
    Apr. 07, 2024

    吳大澂 致宮太保中堂三札|Wu Dacheng, Three Letters

    Est: $300,000 - $500,000

    Property From a Private North American Collection, Lot 2514-2548 Wu Dacheng 1835-1902 Three Letters ink on paper, album of sixteen leaves  signed 3 times and with dedications various sizes ---------------------------------------------- 北美私人收藏,拍品編號2514-2548 吳大澂 致宮太保中堂三札 水墨紙本 十六開冊 釋文: 宮太保伯中堂。節前冬月廿六日,西和道中接讀手教,辱承垂念,感何可言。獻歲發春,伏惟勛躬萬福。政煩民□,為頌無量安解元已□,前月計偕北上,其弟取古入泮,文字粗有規模,才尚可造,乃父亦長者,循僅有餘,吶吶如不出口拔置前列可即補廩,他日必食忠厚之報,此生當不付期許也。大澂于月朔按臨武都山,行數日無風雪之苦,路多紆仄,尚不甚險。此間十四五年不見使者車旗,野叟山農繦負雲集,以為昇平盛事,每過一村必有數十兒童夾道趨送。生齒之緐,甲于秦隴,山多田少,商農均不甚裕,得循良司牧生聚之教訓之可富之都也。文風不如天水書院,經費未充,已屬潁川刺史,善謀之士氣質直非不可教,有淫陽賈人岳仲瀛者,捐納線承,在階僑庽假,公斂錢士,民切齒控案累累,均屬有因。昨屬顧牧勒令回籍矣。前將各屬呈報節孝彙造清冊,咨成冰案。想蒙鑑及試事已竣,歲將云莫雨雪載塗,忽忽旋陝不獲繞赴蘭垣一聆□誨臨□□,望依戀莫名,惟願為國葆重,無任企禱,手肅敬賀年禧,敬請勛安,不盡欲陳。晚生吳大澂頓首尚。臘月十四日階州佛入崖行館。 (另兩通文略,不錄) various sizes

    Mar. 29, 2024


    Est: -

    22 x 24.5cm;on paper; framed;

    Fukuoka Yumekai Auction
  • 吳大澂 花卉冊 | Wu Dacheng, Flowers
    Oct. 08, 2023

    吳大澂 花卉冊 | Wu Dacheng, Flowers

    Est: $100,000 - $200,000

    吳大澂 花卉冊 水墨紙本 八開冊 吳湖帆署簽並題 簽書:愙齋公花卉冊。吳氏家藏。 題識:墨花八幀,蓋尚書公晚年筆。雖經營草草,而天機橫溢,有如石濤、八大縱筆,奕奕有神,或如白陽、新羅逸趣,不泥成法,純以造化為師。惜未著款字為憾耳,補鈐印記,重裝題記。癸酉十二月廿四日,湖帆謹書。 鈐印:〈吳大澂〉「吳大澂印」、「吳大澂印」、「清卿臨本」、「恆軒畫記」、「吳大澂」、「清卿」、「大澂私印」、「愙齋」、「吳大澂印」。 〈吳湖帆〉「先人真跡湖颿嗣守」、「吳萬寶藏」(鈐於簽條)。 來源:上海古籍書店舊藏,具標簽 註:吳大澂寫花卉時託仿古,或曰南田、白陽,或曰新羅、冬心,亦偶見寫生。本冊八開乃晚歲所出,從其昔年稿本中,多可尋到蹤跡,竹石、蜀葵、鷄冠花、水仙等皆嘗有摹古之作,雁來紅則屬粵中所見。 吳氏晚年索居,以金石、書畫自遣,筆墨迭有進境。本冊未署款鈐印,寫畢自藏,行筆運墨頗具逸趣,吳湖帆贊其「天機橫溢」、「以造化為師」,故重裝為冊,每開補鈐印記,無一重複,並跋之述其淵源,先人之跡,寶愛甚矣! each 27.4 x 39.4 cm 10¾ x 15½ in. (8) ---------------------------------------------- Wu Dacheng Flowers ink on paper, album of 8 leaves signed, with 9 seals of the artist each 27.4 x 39.4 cm 10¾ x 15½ in. (8)

  • WU DACHENG (1835-1902) Seven-character Calligraphic Couplet in Seal Script
    Aug. 29, 2023

    WU DACHENG (1835-1902) Seven-character Calligraphic Couplet in Seal Script

    Est: $40,000 - $60,000

    WU DACHENG (1835-1902) Seven-character Calligraphic Couplet in Seal Script A pair of hanging scrolls, ink on paper Each scroll measures 126 x 31 cm. (49 5/8 x 12 ¼ in.) (2)

  • WU DACHENG (1835-1902) Seven-character Calligraphic Couplet in Seal Script
    Aug. 29, 2023

    WU DACHENG (1835-1902) Seven-character Calligraphic Couplet in Seal Script

    Est: $40,000 - $60,000

    WU DACHENG (1835-1902) Seven-character Calligraphic Couplet in Seal Script A pair of hanging scrolls, ink on paper Each scroll measures 136 x 32 cm. (53 ½ x 12 5/8 in.) (2)

  • WU DACHENG (1835-1902) Calligraphy in Stone-drum Script A set of four hangi
    Aug. 29, 2023

    WU DACHENG (1835-1902) Calligraphy in Stone-drum Script A set of four hangi

    Est: $200,000 - $300,000

    WU DACHENG (1835-1902) Calligraphy in Stone-drum Script A set of four hanging scrolls, ink on paper Each scroll measures 128.5 x 31 cm. (50 5/8 x 12 ¼ in.) (4)

  • WU DACHENG (1835-1902) Autumn Landscape in Rain Scroll, mounted and framed,
    Jun. 01, 2023

    WU DACHENG (1835-1902) Autumn Landscape in Rain Scroll, mounted and framed,

    Est: $100,000 - $200,000

    WU DACHENG (1835-1902) Autumn Landscape in Rain Scroll, mounted and framed, ink on paper 134 x 59.5 cm. (52 3/4 x 23 3/8 in.)

  • A Chinese fan painting and calligraphy, signed Shen Xinhao (Chinese, 1855-after 1941); calligraphy signed Wu Dacheng (Chinese, 1835-1902)
    Mar. 18, 2023

    A Chinese fan painting and calligraphy, signed Shen Xinhao (Chinese, 1855-after 1941); calligraphy signed Wu Dacheng (Chinese, 1835-1902)

    Est: $2,000 - $3,000

    A Chinese fan painting and calligraphy signed Shen Xinhao (Chinese, 1855-after 1941); calligraphy signed Wu Dacheng (Chinese, 1835-1902) One fan with painting, another fan with calligraphy. Both with signature and one seal each; framed. H: 9 1/4, W: 20 1/2 in. H: 23.49, W: 52.07 cm. (largest, sight) Click here for high resolution images.

    Oakridge Auction Gallery
    Jun. 11, 2022


    Est: $800 - $1,200

    Each of rectangular form with square cross section, seal side inscribed Xi Zai, dated bingyin (1866) June, seal face each carved with four characters associated with Wu Dacheng. Qing Dynasty period.

    California Asian Art Auction Gallery USA
  • WU DACHENG (1835-1902) Pine and Waterfall / Landscape after Huang Gongwang
    May. 30, 2022

    WU DACHENG (1835-1902) Pine and Waterfall / Landscape after Huang Gongwang

    Est: $20,000 - $40,000

    WU DACHENG (1835-1902) Pine and Waterfall / Landscape after Huang Gongwang A pair of hanging scrolls, ink and colour on paper Each scroll measures 30.5 x 19 cm. (12 x 7 1/2 in.) (2)

  • Wu Dacheng (1835-1902) Calligraphy Couplet in Seal Script (2)
    Mar. 21, 2022

    Wu Dacheng (1835-1902) Calligraphy Couplet in Seal Script (2)

    Est: $5,000 - $7,000

    Wu Dacheng (1835-1902) Calligraphy Couplet in Seal Script A pair of hanging scrolls, ink on paper, with a dedication to Lansheng, signed Wu Dacheng with two seals Wu Dacheng Yin and Kezhai. 58 5/8 x 13 1/8in (149 x 33.5cm), each scroll (2). For further information on this lot please visit the Bonhams website

  • Wu Dacheng (1835-1902) Calligraphy in seal script, Liyoubi Ding Inscription
    Mar. 21, 2022

    Wu Dacheng (1835-1902) Calligraphy in seal script, Liyoubi Ding Inscription

    Est: $7,000 - $10,000

    Wu Dacheng (1835-1902) Calligraphy in seal script, Liyoubi Ding Inscription Hanging scroll, ink on paper, signed by the artist Wu Dacheng, with two artist's seals Wu Dacheng yin and Kezhai. 63 3/8 x 31in (160.8 x 78.5cm) For further information on this lot please visit the Bonhams website

    Dec. 10, 2021


    Est: $800 - $1,200

    A CHINESE PAINTING OF MOUNTAINS LANDSCAPE Image only size 85 cm by 37 cm. Wu Hufan, born in Suzhou, Jiangsu Province, is the descendant and grandson of Wu Dacheng (1894-1968). At the beginning, it was named Yiyan, with the word Yun Jun, and later changed its name to Wan, with the word Dongzhuang, also known as Qian. It was not signed by Chou Yu, and was named Qian'an. Its calligraphy and painting were signed Hufan.

    Wilmington Gallery
  • WU DACHENG (1835-1902) Barren Woods in the Cold Mountain Hanging scroll, in
    Nov. 29, 2021

    WU DACHENG (1835-1902) Barren Woods in the Cold Mountain Hanging scroll, in

    Est: $80,000 - $120,000

    WU DACHENG (1835-1902) Barren Woods in the Cold Mountain Hanging scroll, ink and colour on paper 68.5 x 26.5 cm. (26 7/8 x 10 3/8 in.)

  • Wu Dacheng (1835-1902) Landscapes, 1895 (12)
    Sep. 20, 2021

    Wu Dacheng (1835-1902) Landscapes, 1895 (12)

    Est: $7,000 - $10,000

    Wu Dacheng (1835-1902) Landscapes, 1895 Album of twelve leaves, ink or ink and color on paper, the last leaf inscribed with a dedication, dated the second month of yiwei and signed Wu Dacheng, with two artist's seals reading shigui shanfang and Kezhai, and two collector's seals Xuezhai jingyan and Haiyan Shen shi zhencang. 4 7/8 x 10 3/8in (12.5 x 26.4cm), each leaf (12). For further information on this lot please visit the Bonhams website

  • Wu Dacheng (1835-1902) Calligraphy in Seal Script Liyoubi Ding Inscription
    Nov. 30, 2020

    Wu Dacheng (1835-1902) Calligraphy in Seal Script Liyoubi Ding Inscription

    Est: $80,000 - $120,000

    Wu Dacheng (1835-1902) Calligraphy in Seal Script Liyoubi Ding Inscription Hanging scroll, ink on paper, signed by the artist Wu Dacheng, with two artist's seals reading Wu Dacheng yin, Kezhai. 161 x 79cm (63⅜ x 31⅛in) For further information on this lot please visit the Bonhams website

  • Wu Dacheng (1835-1902) Landscapes, 1895
    Nov. 30, 2020

    Wu Dacheng (1835-1902) Landscapes, 1895

    Est: $120,000 - $150,000

    Wu Dacheng (1835-1902) Landscapes, 1895 Album of twelve leaves, ink or ink and colour on paper, the last leaf inscribed with a dedication, dated the second month of yiwei and signed Wu Dacheng, with two artist's seals reading shigui shanfang and Kezhai. 12.5 x 26.4cm (4⅞ x 10⅜in) each (12) For further information on this lot please visit the Bonhams website

  • WU DACHENG (1835-1902) - Calligraphy
    Jul. 21, 2020

    WU DACHENG (1835-1902) - Calligraphy

    Est: $3,500 - $6,500

    WU DACHENG (1835-1902) Calligraphy A pair of hanging scrolls, ink on paper Each scroll measures 527⁄8 x 75⁄8 in. (134.4 x 19.5 cm.) Inscribed and signed, with two seals of the artist Dedicated to Zhuyun

  • WU DACHENG, ETC. | Landscape and Calligraphy
    May. 22, 2020

    WU DACHENG, ETC. | Landscape and Calligraphy

    Est: $4,000 - $6,000

    dated 1878

  • WU DACHENG (1835-1902) - Landscape
    Nov. 25, 2019

    WU DACHENG (1835-1902) - Landscape

    Est: $30,000 - $50,000

    WU DACHENG (1835-1902) Landscape Round fan leaf mounted as a hanging scroll, ink on silk 26 cm. (10 ¼ in.) in diameter

  • WU DACHENG AND XU HANQIN | Rubbings of Wu's Antiques
    Oct. 07, 2019

    WU DACHENG AND XU HANQIN | Rubbings of Wu's Antiques

    Est: $250,000 - $300,000

    all signed, inscribed, with a dedication, thirteen seals of Wu, and eight seals of Xu

  • WU DACHENG | Letters to Friends
    Oct. 07, 2019

    WU DACHENG | Letters to Friends

    Est: $40,000 - $60,000

    with four seals of the artist. Titleslip by Lu Hui. Annotations by Wang Renjun and Wan Zhongli

  • WU DACHENG | Letters to Elder Brother Wu Dagen
    Oct. 07, 2019

    WU DACHENG | Letters to Elder Brother Wu Dagen

    Est: $60,000 - $80,000

    ink on paper, eight leaves, framed

  • WU DACHENG | Calligraphy in Zhuanshu
    Oct. 07, 2019

    WU DACHENG | Calligraphy in Zhuanshu

    Est: $300,000 - $400,000

    signed WU DACHENG, titled, and with two seals of the artist

  • WU DACHENG | Scholar Studio by the Lake
    Oct. 07, 2019

    WU DACHENG | Scholar Studio by the Lake

    Est: $200,000 - $300,000

    signed WU DACHENG, dated 1862, inscribed, with a dedication, and two seals of the artist. Annotation by Wu Hufan

  • WU DACHENG | Wisteria in Liu Yuan
    Oct. 07, 2019

    WU DACHENG | Wisteria in Liu Yuan

    Est: $40,000 - $60,000

    signed WU DACHENG, dated 1897, with a dedication, and one seal of the artist. The reverse, calligraphy in Xingshu by Yang Shoujing

  • WU DACHENG | Calligraphy Couplet in Zhuanshu
    Oct. 07, 2019

    WU DACHENG | Calligraphy Couplet in Zhuanshu

    Est: $150,000 - $200,000

    signed WU DACHENG, and with two seals of the artist

  • WU DACHENG (1835-1902) Tile Rubbing / Vase and Tripod Two scrolls and one fan leaf mounted as a hanging scroll, ink and colour on paper Each scroll measures 17 x 9.5 cm. (6 3/4 x 3 3/4 in.) Fan leaf measures 17 x 46 cm. (6 3/4 x 18 1/8 in.)
    May. 27, 2019

    WU DACHENG (1835-1902) Tile Rubbing / Vase and Tripod Two scrolls and one fan leaf mounted as a hanging scroll, ink and colour on paper Each scroll measures 17 x 9.5 cm. (6 3/4 x 3 3/4 in.) Fan leaf measures 17 x 46 cm. (6 3/4 x 18 1/8 in.)

    Est: $50,000 - $100,000

    WU DACHENG (1835-1902) Tile Rubbing / Vase and Tripod Two scrolls and one fan leaf mounted as a hanging scroll, ink and colour on paper Each scroll measures 17 x 9.5 cm. (6 3/4 x 3 3/4 in.) Fan leaf measures 17 x 46 cm. (6 3/4 x 18 1/8 in.) Inscribed, with a total of seven seals of the artist

  • WU DACHENG (1835-1902) Couplet in Seal Script A pair of hanging scrolls, ink on gold-flecked paper Each scroll measures 160 x 29.2 cm. (63 x 11 1/2 in.) (2)
    May. 27, 2019

    WU DACHENG (1835-1902) Couplet in Seal Script A pair of hanging scrolls, ink on gold-flecked paper Each scroll measures 160 x 29.2 cm. (63 x 11 1/2 in.) (2)

    Est: $40,000 - $60,000

    WU DACHENG (1835-1902) Couplet in Seal Script A pair of hanging scrolls, ink on gold-flecked paper Each scroll measures 160 x 29.2 cm. (63 x 11 1/2 in.) (2)Inscribed and signed, with two seals of the artist Dedicated to Xingmen

  • WU DACHENG | Letter to Wu Changshuo
    Apr. 02, 2019

    WU DACHENG | Letter to Wu Changshuo

    Est: $28,000 - $35,000

    signed DACHENG

  • WU DACHENG | Scenery of Mount Lu
    Apr. 02, 2019

    WU DACHENG | Scenery of Mount Lu

    Est: $500,000 - $700,000

    all signed, dated 1891, titled, inscribed, with seven seals of the artist. Frontispiece and annotation by artist, annotation by other artists

  • WU DACHENG 1835-1902 | Poem of Zheng Xie in Regular Script
    Apr. 01, 2019

    WU DACHENG 1835-1902 | Poem of Zheng Xie in Regular Script

    Est: $15,000 - $25,000

    signed Wu Dacheng, dated jisi (1869) and with two seals of the artist

  • WU DACHENG (1835-1902) Calligraphy Hanging scroll, ink on paper 37 7/8 x 18 1/2 in. (96 x 46.8 cm.)
    Mar. 19, 2019

    WU DACHENG (1835-1902) Calligraphy Hanging scroll, ink on paper 37 7/8 x 18 1/2 in. (96 x 46.8 cm.)

    Est: $3,000 - $5,000

    WU DACHENG (1835-1902) Calligraphy Inscribed and signed, with two seals of the artist Hanging scroll, ink on paper 37 7/8 x 18 1/2 in. (96 x 46.8 cm.)

  • WU DACHENG (1835-1902) Narcissus Ink on silk, framed Inscribed and signe
    Oct. 01, 2018

    WU DACHENG (1835-1902) Narcissus Ink on silk, framed Inscribed and signe

    Est: HKD60,000 - HKD80,000

    WU DACHENG (1835-1902) Narcissus Ink on silk, framed Inscribed and signed Wu Dacheng, with two seals of the artist Inscriptions by Feng Shu (1867-1948), dated gengshen year (1920), with one seal; Wu Shijian (1868-1934), with one seal; Chu Deyi (1871- 1942), dated renxu year (1922), with two seals; Chen Baochen (1848- 1935), dated renxu year (1922), with one seal; and Zhu Xiaozang (1857-1931), dated yichou year (1925), with one seal 27.5 x 84cm (10 x 33in).

  • WU DACHENG (1835-1902) Calligraphy in Seal Script Folding fan mounted for frame, ink
    Sep. 10, 2018

    WU DACHENG (1835-1902) Calligraphy in Seal Script Folding fan mounted for frame, ink

    Est: $2,000 - $3,000

    WU DACHENG (1835-1902) Calligraphy in Seal Script Folding fan mounted for frame, ink on gold-flecked paper, with one dedication, signed Wu Dacheng, with one seal of the artist reading Qingqing. 6 3/4 x 20 1/8in (17 x 51cm)

  • WU DACHENG (1835-1902); XU ZHEN (1841-1915),
    Sep. 07, 2018

    WU DACHENG (1835-1902); XU ZHEN (1841-1915),

    Est: $800 - $1,200

    WU DACHENG (1835-1902); XU ZHEN (1841-1915) TWO FAN PAINTINGS: CALLIGRAPHY and BIRD WITH WISTERIA Ink and color on gold-flecked paper, both inscribed and with one seal to left side, the second dated to the bingzi year, mounted as a hanging scroll. Images approx. H: 9 in., 23cm; W: 20 1/4 in., 51.5cm

    Freeman's | Hindman
  • WU DACHENG Calligraphy Couplet in... A pair of hanging scrolls, ink on dr
    May. 28, 2018

    WU DACHENG Calligraphy Couplet in... A pair of hanging scrolls, ink on dr

    Est: $80,000 - $120,000

    WU DACHENG Calligraphy Couplet in... A pair of hanging scrolls, ink on dragon-bat-and-cloud patterned coloured paper 93.6 x 18.6 cm. (36 7/8 x 7 3/8 in.) (2)

  • WU DACHENG (1835-1902) Couplet Calligraphy in Seal Script A pair of hangi
    May. 28, 2018

    WU DACHENG (1835-1902) Couplet Calligraphy in Seal Script A pair of hangi

    Est: $60,000 - $80,000

    WU DACHENG (1835-1902) Couplet Calligraphy in Seal Script A pair of hanging scrolls, ink on gold-flecked coloured paper Each scroll measures 171.5 x 33 cm. (67 1/2 x 13 in.) (2)

  • WU DACHENG | Calligraphy Couplet in Zhuanshu
    Apr. 02, 2018

    WU DACHENG | Calligraphy Couplet in Zhuanshu

    Est: $80,000 - $120,000

    signed WU DACHENG, with a dedication, and two seals of the artist

  • WU DACHENG | Various Subjects after Ancient Artists
    Apr. 02, 2018

    WU DACHENG | Various Subjects after Ancient Artists

    Est: $150,000 - $250,000

    three paintings signed, inscribed, and with five seals of the artist

    Mar. 25, 2018


    Est: $8,000 - $12,000

    Ink on paper. A pair of hanging scrolls. Signed by Wu Dacheng, with a dedication and two seals of the artist, Wu Da Cheng Yin, Kw Zhai. 129.2 x 31.1 cm.(2)

    Linwoods Auction
  • Manner of Wu Dacheng
    Dec. 16, 2017

    Manner of Wu Dacheng

    Est: $300 - $500

    Manner of Wu Dacheng (Chinese, 1835-1902), Mountain Landscape, ink and color on paper, with poetic colophon to the upper left, bearing signature and seals Wu Dacheng, painting: 50"h × 24"w, overall (scroll): 84"h × 30"w

    Clars Auctions
  • WU DACHENG (1835-1902) - Mountain and Stream in Rain
    Nov. 27, 2017

    WU DACHENG (1835-1902) - Mountain and Stream in Rain

    Est: $20,000 - $30,000

    WU DACHENG (1835-1902) Mountain and Stream in Rain

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