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Qingfang Wang Sold at Auction Prices

b. 1900 - d. 1956

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  • WANG QINGFANG (1900-1956) Horses
    May. 14, 2024

    WANG QINGFANG (1900-1956) Horses

    Est: £800 - £1,200

    WANG QINGFANG (1900-1956) Horses Ink on paper, handscroll Dated 1932. 32cm high (12 5/8in) x 136cm (53 1/2in) wide

  • WANG QINGFANG (1900-1956) Flowers in a Vase / Parrots Unmounted scroll / s
    Feb. 28, 2023

    WANG QINGFANG (1900-1956) Flowers in a Vase / Parrots Unmounted scroll / s

    Est: $10,000 - $20,000

    WANG QINGFANG (1900-1956) Flowers in a Vase / Parrots Unmounted scroll / scroll, mounted for framing, ink and colour on paper

  • WANG QINGFANG (1900-1956) Spring Landscapes Two hanging scrolls, ink and c
    Feb. 28, 2023

    WANG QINGFANG (1900-1956) Spring Landscapes Two hanging scrolls, ink and c

    Est: $10,000 - $20,000

    WANG QINGFANG (1900-1956) Spring Landscapes Two hanging scrolls, ink and colour on paper One measures 67 x 43.2 cm. (26 3/8 x 17 in.) (2)

  • 王青芳 陶然亭春色圖 - Wang Qingfang, Taoranting Park in Spring
    Apr. 30, 2022

    王青芳 陶然亭春色圖 - Wang Qingfang, Taoranting Park in Spring

    Est: $40,000 - $80,000

    Wang Qingfang 1900-1956 Taoranting Park in Spring ink and colour on paper, handscroll signed, dated 1954, with 1 seal of the artist 27.3 x 296.7 cm 10¾x 116⅞in. ---------------------------------------------- 王青芳 1900-1956 陶然亭春色圖 設色紙本 手卷 一九五四年作 款識:陶然亭在轉變中。 五二年速寫。五四年一月畫之。王青芳初稿。 鈐印:「青芳」。 註:王青芳,安徽蕭縣人。初入南京師範學校,習美術,復轉入北平藝專,相繼執藝文中學、北平藝專、中央美院諸校教席。嘗拜齊白石門下,與徐悲鴻在師友間,所作山水、花卉、馬皆有可觀,後期多畫魚藻。亦長於版畫、篆刻。 陶然亭,位於北京城南, 列四大名亭。「陶然」二字取自白居易「更待菊黃佳釀熟,與君一醉一陶然」句,由康熙時工部郎中江藻營建,故又名「江亭」。其地避塵囂,勝跡林立,又可盡覽波光瀲灧、遠岫出雲,引京城名士墨客流連觴詠。然幾經風雨膏火,陶然亭周邊荒蕪殆盡。一九五二年,政府疏浚開湖,援葑堆山,復築路搭橋,面貌一新,建成今日之陶然亭公園。 本卷即描繪當年改造現場:時在夏日,草木葳蕤,人們皆著短衫。穿過起首處的門樓,入目便是如火如荼的工地,工人們忙於掘土挖湖、荷擔壘山;復前行,則是另一番景象,遊人呼朋偕幼,學生們嬉戲打球,煞是熱鬧。此處乃景點所在,依稀可辨香冢、鸚鵡冢、賽金花墓、醉郭先生墓等處;陶然亭踞高獨立,而與之遙對的黃瓦古寺,或係慈悲庵。 通卷以蜿蜒的小徑貫連,匠工、遊人不絕,牽引著觀眾視線,氣脈暢通。湖泊如梭,令畫卷仿佛跌宕起伏的韻律,與點綴的人物、亭閣、鴨子,合奏為華麗昂揚的樂章。結尾處以湖泊的留白淡出,餘音裊裊。 一九四九年之後,藝術家努力擁抱新時代,探索繪畫與時代的融合,爭相描繪社會新貌。王青芳此卷取材於時,熱火朝天的建設,人潮如織,紅旗飄飄,高聳的工廠煙囪冒出縷縷白煙……無不洋溢新時代的氣息,與綿延的城墻,青瓦亭閣,交相輝映,盡現古都新貌。 卷尾題曰「初稿」,畫家或有雄心再創巨構,惜隔年溘然長逝。其畫跡少傳,本卷在紀念王青芳的文章內屢被提及,面貌獨樹一幟,乃殊為難得的遺珠。 27.3 x 296.7 cm 10¾x 116⅞in.

    Apr. 11, 2021


    Est: Kč22,000 - Kč33,000

    China, undated. 106 x 52.5 cm. Ink and colours on paper. Hanging scroll, brocade mounting. Signed: Painted by Mang Dang Shan Ren Wang Qing Fang. Seal under signature: Wang Qingfang. Collector's seal in the lower left: Huo Lan (Holan). Provenance: Collection of Karel Holan.

    Arcimboldo Auctions
  • WANG QINGFANG (1900-1956), ink and colour on paper…
    Nov. 11, 2019

    WANG QINGFANG (1900-1956), ink and colour on paper…

    Est: £200 - £400

    WANG QINGFANG (1900-1956), ink and colour on paper, cicadas around a flower, ca. 1930s, 32 x 32cm 王青芳(1900-1956) 昆蟲蔬果

  • WANG QINGFANG   (attributed to, 1900 – 1956) Horse Drinking Chinese ink and colour on paper, hanging scroll painting signed Wang Qingfang, with one seal of the artist 69.5 x 34.5cm. Provenance: London private collection. 王青芳(傳)  
    Nov. 12, 2018

    WANG QINGFANG   (attributed to, 1900 – 1956) Horse Drinking Chinese ink and colour on paper, hanging scroll painting signed Wang Qingfang, with one seal of the artist 69.5 x 34.5cm. Provenance: London private collection. 王青芳(傳)  

    Est: £200 - £300

    WANG QINGFANG   (attributed to, 1900 – 1956) Horse Drinking Chinese ink and colour on paper, hanging scroll painting signed Wang Qingfang, with one seal of the artist 69.5 x 34.5cm. Provenance: London private collection. 王青芳(傳)   飼馬 設色紙本   立軸 款識:芒碭山人王青芳 鈐印:「王青芳」 簽條:王青芳畫馬

    Chiswick Auctions
  • WANG QINGFANG (1900-1956) - PIN
    Jun. 13, 2018

    WANG QINGFANG (1900-1956) - PIN

    Est: €2,000 - €3,000

    WANG QINGFANG (1900-1956) PIN Dimensions: 67 x 46 cm. (26 3/8 x 18 1/8 in.)

  • WANG QINGFANG   (attributed to, 1900 – 1956) Horse Drinking ink and colour on paper, hanging scroll signed Wang Qingfang, with one seal of the artist 69.5 x 34.5cm. Provenance: Singaporean Private Collection formed in London in the 1970s and
    May. 24, 2018

    WANG QINGFANG   (attributed to, 1900 – 1956) Horse Drinking ink and colour on paper, hanging scroll signed Wang Qingfang, with one seal of the artist 69.5 x 34.5cm. Provenance: Singaporean Private Collection formed in London in the 1970s and

    Est: £300 - £500

    WANG QINGFANG   (attributed to, 1900 – 1956) Horse Drinking ink and colour on paper, hanging scroll signed Wang Qingfang, with one seal of the artist 69.5 x 34.5cm. Provenance: Singaporean Private Collection formed in London in the 1970s and 1980s. 王青芳(傳)   飼馬 設色紙本   立軸 簽條:王青芳畫馬 款識:芒碭山人王青芳 鈐印:「王青芳」

    Chiswick Auctions
  • WANG QINGFANG   (attributed to, 1900 – 1956) - Horse Drinking
    Nov. 13, 2017

    WANG QINGFANG   (attributed to, 1900 – 1956) - Horse Drinking

    Est: £800 - £1,200

    WANG QINGFANG   (attributed to, 1900 – 1956) Horse Drinking ink and colour on paper, hanging scroll signed Wang Qingfang, with one seal of the artist 69.5 x 34.5cm. Provenance: Singaporean Private Collection formed In London In the 1970s and 1980s. 王青芳(傳)   飼馬 設色紙本   立軸 款識:芒碭山人王青芳 鈐印:「王青芳」 簽條:王青芳畫馬

    Chiswick Auctions
  • WANG QINGFANG (1900-1956) VASE WITH PEONIES Mounted and framed, ink and col
    May. 12, 2017

    WANG QINGFANG (1900-1956) VASE WITH PEONIES Mounted and framed, ink and col

    Est: £800 - £1,200

    WANG QINGFANG (1900-1956) VASE WITH PEONIES Mounted and framed, ink and colour on paper. Inscribed and signed, with one seal of the artist. 20 x 14 1/2 in. (50.8 x 36.8 cm.)

  • WANG QINGFANG (1900-1956) THREE FISH Mounted and framed, ink on paper Inscr
    May. 12, 2017

    WANG QINGFANG (1900-1956) THREE FISH Mounted and framed, ink on paper Inscr

    Est: £600 - £1,000

    WANG QINGFANG (1900-1956) THREE FISH Mounted and framed, ink on paper Inscribed and signed, with one seal of the artist 20 x 14 1/2 in. (50.8 x 36.8 cm.)

    Nov. 25, 2015


    Est: Kč28,000 - Kč37,000

    China, undated. 106 x 52.5 cm. Ink and colours on paper. Hanging scroll, brocade mounting. Signed: Painted by Mang Dang Shan Ren Wang Qing Fang.Seal under signature: Wang Qingfang.Collector's seal in the lower left: Huo Lan (Holan).Provenance: Collection of Karel Holan.

    Arcimboldo Auctions
  • Wang Qingfang (1900-1956)
    Dec. 07, 2012

    Wang Qingfang (1900-1956)

    Est: €2,000 - €2,400

    A hanging scroll by Wang Qingfang (1900-1956) depicting a standing official. Ink and light colours on paper. Long inscription, signed and sealed Wang Qingfang. 69.5 x 34 cm

    Kunsthaus Lempertz KG
  • Wang Qingfang (1900-1956) Phoenix, Watercolor and ink on scroll.
    Mar. 15, 2012

    Wang Qingfang (1900-1956) Phoenix, Watercolor and ink on scroll.

    Est: $500 - $900

    Wang Qingfang (1900-1956) Phoenix, Watercolor and ink on scroll. h:34.50 w: 13.50 in.

    Gray's Auctioneers
  • Wang Qingfang (1900-1956) Phoenix, Watercolor and ink on scroll.
    Jan. 26, 2012

    Wang Qingfang (1900-1956) Phoenix, Watercolor and ink on scroll.

    Est: $500 - $900

    Wang Qingfang (1900-1956) Phoenix, Watercolor and ink on scroll. h:34.50 w:13.50 in.

    Gray's Auctioneers
  • Wang Qingfang (1900-1956) Phoenix, Watercolor and ink on scroll.
    Nov. 17, 2011

    Wang Qingfang (1900-1956) Phoenix, Watercolor and ink on scroll.

    Est: $800 - $1,200

    Wang Qingfang (1900-1956) Phoenix, Watercolor and ink on scroll. h:34.50 w:13.50 in.

    Gray's Auctioneers
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