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Chen Wang Sold at Auction Prices

Painter, Landscape painter

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  • Wang Chen (1720-1797), Chinese painting scroll of Landscape, ink and color on paper, hanging scroll.brbr Dimensions: 35.5"h x 1...
    Feb. 06, 2025

    Wang Chen (1720-1797), Chinese painting scroll of Landscape, ink and color on paper, hanging scroll.brbr Dimensions: 35.5"h x 1...

    Est: $1,000 - $1,500

    Wang Chen (1720-1797), Chinese painting scroll of Landscape, ink and color on paper, hanging scroll. Dimensions: 35.5"h x 16.75"w (90.17 x 42.55 cm) Provenance: Property of Kobijutsu KenShuDo, Japanese Osaka Estate Antique Company. For additional information, including condition reports, please email Clars Los Angeles at ask@ClarsLA.com. The absence of a condition statement does not mean that the lot is in perfect condition.

    Clars Auctions
  • A Chinese 'landscape' painting, by Wang Chen (Chinese, 1720-1797)
    Sep. 15, 2024

    A Chinese 'landscape' painting, by Wang Chen (Chinese, 1720-1797)

    Est: $2,000 - $3,000

    A Chinese 'landscape' painting by Wang Chen (Chinese, 1720-1797) Featuring a monochrome riverside landscape scene with leafy trees and flowing waterfalls. With inscription, signature, and four seals. H: 46 1/2, W: 20 1/8 in. (H: 118.11, W: 51.12 cm. (sight, approximately)) Copy the following link for high resolution images: oag.smugmug.com/161-Chinese-Painting-and-Calligraphy

    Oakridge Auction Gallery
  • China Chen, Wang Leporello mit 12 ganzseitigen Zeichnungen mit Landschaftsdarstellungen. 1720-1792. Je Tusche und Aquarell auf Seide, auf Unterlage
    Jun. 23, 2024

    China Chen, Wang Leporello mit 12 ganzseitigen Zeichnungen mit Landschaftsdarstellungen. 1720-1792. Je Tusche und Aquarell auf Seide, auf Unterlage

    Est: -

    China Chen, Wang Leporello mit 12 ganzseitigen Zeichnungen mit Landschaftsdarstellungen. 1720-1792. Je Tusche und Aquarell auf Seide, auf Unterlage montiert u. eingefasst in Seidenbordüre. Sichtmaß je ca. 27,5 x 39 cm. Je in der Darstellung in chinesischer Sprache bezeichnet sowie mit Stempelsignatur versehen. Gebunden als Leporello mit Holzdeckeln, VDeckel mit Gravur sowie 2 fragmentarisch erhaltenen Etiketten, hiervon eines in chin. Sprache beschriftet. Die Zeit der Quing-Dynastie (1644-1912), eine bewegte und ereignisreiche Ära in der Geschichte Chinas, war zugleich eine der schöpferischsten Epochen in der Geschichte der chinesischen Malerei. Geprägt von einer Mischung aus traditionellen Stilen sowie Einflüssen der westlichen Welt, welche von Jesuiten nach China gebracht wurden, zeichnete sich die Kunst der Malerei, der Keramik und des Kunsthandwerks durch eine neu gewonnene Vielfalt und Raffinesse aus und entwickelte sich über die bisher geltenden Grenzen normativer Darstellungen hinaus. - Wang Chen, ein Künstler dieser Dynastie, stammte aus Taicang in der Provinz Jiangsu. Entgegen aufkommender Neuerungen verpflichtete er sich Berichten zufolge einer strikten Beibehaltung traditioneller Maltechniken, weshalb er zusammen mit den Künstlern Wang Jiu, Wang Su und Wang Yu (1662-1748) nach der Malergruppe "Vier Wangs" als einer der "Vier kleinen Wangs" bezeichnet wurde. - In der traditionellen Malerei wird die Natur nicht als eigenständiges Thema behandelt, sondern vielmehr wird ihr Verhältnis zum Menschen und zum menschlichen Geist in Bezug auf sein Ausmaß erforscht. Zudem verlangt das Studium der Malerei einen langen Lernprozess und viel Übung, weshalb die Schüler oft über Jahre hinweg die Bilder ihrer Meister kopierten. In vorliegenden zwölf Zeichnungen studiert Wang Chen in scheinbar subtiler Einfachheit sowie unter der Verwendung von kräftigen Pinselstrichen die Werke von Künstlern wie Zhu Rui (Song-Dynastie), Cao Yunxi, Zhao Zhòngmù (Yuan-Dynastie), Huang Yifeng u.a. Die Zeichnungen je kalligraphisch bezeichnet und mit Stempelsignatur versehen ("Wang Chen" (vgl. The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1989.363.163), "Wang Chén shuhuà", "Wang Chen zhiyìn" sowie "Zibing" und "Pengxin" als Beinamen von Wang Chen). - Materialbedingt nur wenig fleckig. Insgesamt sehr gut erhalten. China - Leporello with 12 full-page drawings depicting landscapes. Each ink and watercolour on silk, mounted on backing and framed in silk border. Each inscribed in Chinese in the image and with stamp signature. Bound as leporello with wooden covers, front cover with engraving and 2 fragmentary labels, one of which is inscribed in Chinese. - The period of the Quing Dynasty (1644-1912), a turbulent and eventful era in China's history, was also one of the most creative periods in the history of Chinese painting. Characterised by a mixture of traditional styles and influences from the Western world brought to China by Jesuits, the art of painting, ceramics and craftsmanship was characterised by a newfound diversity and sophistication and developed beyond the previous boundaries of normative representations. - Wang Chen, an artist of this dynasty, originated from Taicang in Jiangsu province. Contrary to the emerging innovations, he reportedly committed himself to a strict adherence to traditional painting techniques, which is why he, together with the artists Wang Jiu, Wang Su and Wang Yu (1662-1748), was named one of the "Four Little Wangs" after the painter group "Four Wangs". - In traditional painting, nature is not treated as a subject in its independence, but rather its relationship to man and the human spirit is explored in relation to its scale. Moreover, the study of painting requires a long process of learning and extensive practice, which is why students often spent years copying the paintings of their masters. In the present twelve drawings, Wang Chen studies the works of artists such as Zhu Rui (Song dynasty), Cao Yunxi, Zhao Zhòngmù (Yuan dynasty), Huang Yifeng and others with seemingly subtle simplicity and the use of bold brushstrokes. The drawings each inscribed in calligraphy and with stamp signature ("Wang Chen", "Wang Chén shuhuà", "Wang Chen zhiyìn" as well as "Zibing" and "Pengxin" as epithets of Wang Chen). - Only slightly stained due to the material. Altogether in very well preserved condition.

    Jeschke Jádi Auctions Berlin GmbH
  • Wang Chen (1720-1797) - Landscape
    May. 17, 2024

    Wang Chen (1720-1797) - Landscape

    Est: $1,000 - $1,500

    Wang Chen (1720-1797) - Landscape. Hanging scroll, ink and color on paper, inscribed, signed with 4 seals, 31"h x 17.25"w.

    Clars Auctions
  • 王宸 倣王蒙《層巒松靄圖》|Wang Chen, Landscape after Wang Meng
    Apr. 07, 2024

    王宸 倣王蒙《層巒松靄圖》|Wang Chen, Landscape after Wang Meng

    Est: $30,000 - $50,000

    Property from a Private Hong Kong Collection, Lot 2566-2580 Wang Chen (1720-1797) Landscape after Wang Meng ink on paper, fan leaf signed Mengsou Wang Chen, dated Renzi(1792) and with 2 seals of the artist with 1 collector’s seal 15.8 x 50.2 cm. 6 1/4 x 19 3/4 in. ---------------------------------------------- 香港私人收藏,拍品編號2566-2580 王宸 倣王蒙《層巒松靄圖》 水墨紙本 扇面 釋文:黃鶴老樵《層巒松靄圖》意。蒙叟王宸寫,時在壬子(1792)三月,行年七十有二。鈐印:「宸」、「蓬心」 藏印:(宮本昂)「宮子行玉父共欣賞」 15.8 x 50.2 cm. 6¼ x 19¾ in.

  • 王宸 倣大癡姚山雨霽圖|Wang Chen, Landscape after Huang Gongwang
    Apr. 07, 2024

    王宸 倣大癡姚山雨霽圖|Wang Chen, Landscape after Huang Gongwang

    Est: $200,000 - $400,000

    Wang Chen (1720-1797) Landscape after Huang Gongwang ink on paper, hanging scroll signed Pengxi Wang Chen, dated yimao (1795), with a dedication to Qian Yue(1743-1815) and with 3 seals of the artist Titleslip by Wang Wenxin (1888-1974) and with 2 collector's seal of his 120 x 53.7 cm. 47¼ x 21⅛ in. ---------------------------------------------- 王宸 倣大癡姚山雨霽圖 水墨紙本 立軸 署簽:(王文心)王蓬心紙本仿大癡姚山雨霽圖。甲子(1924)重裝,蒙泉書書藏。鈐印:「王文心藏」、一印漫漶不辨 款識:乾隆乙卯(1795)之春,倣大癡道人《姚山雨霽圖》,為黼堂贊善大人清鑒。蓬心王宸,時年七十有六。 鈐印:「王宸」、「子冰」、「柳東」 藏印:(王文心)「曾藏荊門王氏處」、「三羊齋藏金石書畫」、一印漫漶不辨 120 x 53.7 cm. 47¼ x 21⅛ in.

  • WANG CHEN (1720-1797) - Landscape after Dong Qichang
    Dec. 02, 2023

    WANG CHEN (1720-1797) - Landscape after Dong Qichang

    Est: $80,000 - $120,000

    WANG CHEN (1720-1797) Landscape after Dong Qichang Hanging scroll, ink and colour on paper 100 x 35 cm. (39 ½ x 13 ¾ in.)

  • Wang Chen Album / paintings on silk
    Sep. 27, 2023

    Wang Chen Album / paintings on silk

    Est: -

    Wang Chen. 1720-1797 China. Album mit 12 Landschaftsgemälden auf Seide. Tuschmalerei mit leichten Farben, jeweils aufgezogen, rote Siegelstempel, handschriftl. bezeichnet. Erstes Blatt handschriftl. signiert. Leichte Bräunungen/ Verfärbungen der Seide. Faltalbum/ Leporello mit Holzdeckeln, Deckeletiketten teils abgerissen. 46 x 33,5 cm (Deckelformat). Wang Chen (1720-1797): 12 landscape paintings, ink on silk, in leporello fold. Wang Chen stammte aus Taicang in der Provinz Jiangsu und soll während der Qing-Dynastie eine Beamtenprüfung absolviert haben. Aufgrund ihrer strikten Einhaltung traditioneller Maltechniken wurden Wang Chen zusammen mit Wang Jiu, Wang Su und Wang Yu (1662-1748) nach der Malergruppe ''Vier Wangs'' als ''Vier kleine Wangs'' bezeichnet.

    Kunstauktionshaus Günther
  • WANG CHEN (1720-1797) Ink Landscape after Wang Meng, 1782
    Sep. 19, 2023

    WANG CHEN (1720-1797) Ink Landscape after Wang Meng, 1782

    Est: $5,000 - $8,000

    WANG CHEN (1720-1797) Ink Landscape after Wang Meng, 1782 Hanging scroll, ink on paper, inscribed by the artist with a dedication, dated renyin and signed Pengxin Wang Chen, with an artist's seal, the outer titleslip inscribed by Tang Hong (1926-2018) dated 1966. 46 1/2 x 12in (118 x 30.6cm)

  • WANG CHEN (1720-1797) Sailing on a River in Spring Handscroll, ink on paper
    Jun. 01, 2023

    WANG CHEN (1720-1797) Sailing on a River in Spring Handscroll, ink on paper

    Est: $150,000 - $200,000

    WANG CHEN (1720-1797) Sailing on a River in Spring Handscroll, ink on paper 36.5 x 116.5 cm. (14 3/8 x 45 7/8 in.)

  • WANG CHEN (1720-1797) Landscape, 1752
    Dec. 14, 2022

    WANG CHEN (1720-1797) Landscape, 1752

    Est: $3,000 - $5,000

    WANG CHEN (1720-1797) Landscape, 1752 Ink on paper, hanging scroll, dated renchen year (1752), with one dedication, inscribed and signed Pengxin Wang Chen, with one seal of the artist reading Wang Chen si yin. 23 3/4 x 16 5/8in (57.9 x 42.2cm)

  • WANG CHEN (1720-1797) Album of Ink Bamboo
    Sep. 20, 2022

    WANG CHEN (1720-1797) Album of Ink Bamboo

    Est: $4,000 - $6,000

    WANG CHEN (1720-1797) Album of Ink Bamboo Album of ten leaves, ink on paper, each leaf with one or two artist's seals Wang Chen zhi yin and Lianxin, four leaves with the collector's seals of Xiao Shoumin (1896-1970), the final leaf signed Lianxin jushi Wang Chen. 9 1/8 x 11 3/4in (23 x 29.8cm), each leaf For further information on this lot please visit the Bonhams website

    Sep. 10, 2022


    Est: $1,000 - $2,000

    Chinese. Ink on paper. Landscape. Hanging scroll. Inscribed and signed Wang Chen, with two seal marks of the artist, dated to the 54th year of Qianlong reign. Height: 37 2/8 in (94.5 cm) Width: 11 3/8 in (28.8 cm)

    California Asian Art Auction Gallery USA
    Mar. 07, 2021


    Est: $2,500 - $3,500

    Attributed to Wang Chen (1720-1797), Landscape, ink and color on paper, hanging scroll. Dimensions: 35.5"h x 16.75"w (90.17cm x 42.55cm) Provenance: Property of Kobijutsu KenShuDo, Japanese Osaka Estate Antique Company. CONDITION

    Linwoods Auction
  • Wang Chen Pei (?- 1805). Chinese Ink and Water Color
    Jan. 28, 2021

    Wang Chen Pei (?- 1805). Chinese Ink and Water Color

    Est: $600 - $800

    Wang Chen Pei (?- 1805). Chinese Ink and Water Color Fan Painting. L 52.5 cm.

    Montgomery Auction
  • Attributed to Wang Chen (1720-1797), Landscape
    Oct. 11, 2020

    Attributed to Wang Chen (1720-1797), Landscape

    Est: $2,000 - $3,000

    Attributed to Wang Chen (1720-1797), Landscape, ink and color on paper, hanging scroll. Dimensions: 35.5"h x 16.75"w (90.17cm x 42.55cm) Provenance: Property of Kobijutsu KenShuDo, Japanese Osaka Estate Antique Company.

    Clars Auctions
  • WANG CHEN (1720-1797), LANDSCAPE
    Jan. 28, 2020

    WANG CHEN (1720-1797), LANDSCAPE

    Est: $500 - $800

    Ink on paper. Mounted and framed. H 78 x 41 cm

    Linwoods Auction
  • Attributed to Wang Chen (1720-1797) Landscape after Huang Gongwang
    Dec. 18, 2019

    Attributed to Wang Chen (1720-1797) Landscape after Huang Gongwang

    Est: $1,500 - $2,500

    Attributed to Wang Chen (1720-1797) Landscape after Huang Gongwang Ink and color on paper, hanging scroll, inscribed and bearing a signature reading Wang Chen with two artist's seals reading Wang Chen zhi yin and Zibing. 31 x 17 1/4in (79 x 44.1cm) For further information on this lot please visit the Bonhams website

  • WANG CHEN (1720-1797) - Rivers Xiao and Xiang
    Nov. 25, 2019

    WANG CHEN (1720-1797) - Rivers Xiao and Xiang

    Est: $220,000 - $350,000

    WANG CHEN (1720-1797) Rivers Xiao and Xiang Handscroll, ink and colour on paper 51.5 x 355 cm. (20 ¼ x 139 ¾ in.)

  • WANG CHEN 1720 - 1797 | Autumn Moon at Dongting Lake
    Oct. 06, 2019

    WANG CHEN 1720 - 1797 | Autumn Moon at Dongting Lake

    Est: $400,000 - $600,000

    signed Pengxing Chen and with one seal of the artist Titleslip by Teijirō Yamamoto (1870-1937), and with one seal of his Inscription on the wooden box by Torajiro Naito (1866-1934), and with one seal of his

  • Wang Chen (1720-1797) Landscape after Huang Gongwang, 1792
    Jun. 25, 2019

    Wang Chen (1720-1797) Landscape after Huang Gongwang, 1792

    Est: $3,000 - $4,000

    Wang Chen (1720-1797) Landscape after Huang Gongwang, 1792Ink on paper, hanging scroll, dated renzi qiu ri (1792, autumn) and inscribed as following the style of Yifeng Laoren (Huang Gongwang), and signed Lianxin Wang Chen at age seventy-three, with two artist's seals reading Wang Chen shu hua and Lianxin and one collector's seal.41 x 17 1/2in (104.2 x 44.5cm) 王宸 山水 水墨紙本 立軸 1792年作款識:壬子秋日[ ] 一峰老人筆,蓮心王宸時年七十有三。鈐印:王宸書画、蓮心藏印:(一印不辨)

  • WANG CHEN (1720-1797) Ink Landscape, 1752 Hanging scroll, ink on paper, dated renchen
    Sep. 10, 2018

    WANG CHEN (1720-1797) Ink Landscape, 1752 Hanging scroll, ink on paper, dated renchen

    Est: $8,000 - $12,000

    WANG CHEN (1720-1797) Ink Landscape, 1752 Hanging scroll, ink on paper, dated renchen year (1752), with one dedication, inscribed and signed Pengxin Wang Chen, with one seal of the artist, reading Wang Chen si yin. 23 3/4 x 16 5/8in (57.9 x 42.2cm)

  • Landscape painting of Water and Mountain by Wang Chen
    Mar. 19, 2018

    Landscape painting of Water and Mountain by Wang Chen

    Est: $1,500 - $3,000

    Wang Chen (1720-1797) famous for painting water, mountains and rocks. His paintings have different characteristics during the different periods. H:64inches/162.5cm W:18.6inches/47.5cm

    Muses Auction Gallery
  • Wang Chen (1720-1797) - Ink And Color On Silk, Hanging-Scroll.
    Jun. 26, 2017

    Wang Chen (1720-1797) - Ink And Color On Silk, Hanging-Scroll.

    Est: $2,000 - $4,000

    Wang Chen (1720-1797) Ink And Color On Silk, Hanging-Scroll. Signed And Seals And Collectors Seals. 83 x 31 cm (32 5/8 x 12 1/8 in) 王宸(1720-1797) 約2.3平尺 軸心:設色絹本 款識:撫清溪子法,王宸 鈐印:王宸,蓬心 Provenance 來源:舊金山華人祖父傳下之藏品

    Golden State Auction Gallery
  • Wang Chen (1720-1797) Landscape
    Dec. 18, 2016

    Wang Chen (1720-1797) Landscape

    Est: $1,500 - $3,000

    Wang Chen (1720-1797) Landscape Ink On Paper, Hanging Scroll. Signed And Seals With Many Collector Seals 78 x 34 cm. (71 5/8 x 11 in.) 王宸(1720-1797)山水 約3.4平尺 軸心:水墨紙本 款識:蓬心老拙宸 鈐印:王宸之印,蓬心, Provenance 來源:陳玉泉先生藏品(1873-1963)陳玉泉家人提供

    Golden State Auction Gallery
    Dec. 08, 2016


    Est: Kč36,000 - Kč42,000

    Ink painting on silk. Hanging scroll, brocade mounting. In the upper left corner there are six seven-syllable verses on the subject of nature.Signed: Wang Chen. Seal: Wang Chen Zhi Yin.In the lower right is an illegible collector’s seal.Wang Chen was a direct descendant of the founders of the orthodox school of painting, Wang Shimin and Wang Yuanqi. He passed his state examinations and held the office of prefect. As an artist, he earned his renown thanks to his calligraphy. His landscapes are technically excellent, yet, in the spirit of that orthodoxy, quite conservative. On this narrow, carefully executed scroll painting we follow two riders and a servant on a path that winds along a river valley to the mountains in the distance, pieced together from smaller regular blocks. In this tall format, the artist has convincingly evoked a composition with depth. China, 18th century. 121 x 29.7 cm.

    Arcimboldo Auctions
  • WANG CHEN 1720-1797 | BAMBOO
    Sep. 15, 2016

    WANG CHEN 1720-1797 | BAMBOO

    Est: $3,000 - $4,000

    signed Mengsou, dated xinhai (1791), at the age of seventy-two, with three seals of the artist, wang chen, zi bin, zi zai feng, dong po cao gao, and one collector's seal, shi chan mi wan

  • WANG CHEN 1720-1797 | LANDSCAPES
    Sep. 14, 2016

    WANG CHEN 1720-1797 | LANDSCAPES

    Est: $30,000 - $50,000

    (1) with one seal of the artist, peng xin shu hua (2) with one seal of the artist, wang chen si yin (3) signed Pengxin daoren, with one seal of the artist, wang chen (4) signed Pengxin, with one seal of the artist, wang chen si yin (5) signed Zining, with one seal of the artist, peng xin (6) with one seal of the artist, wang chen zhi yin (7) with one seal of the artist, peng xin (8) signed Wang Chen, with one seal of the artist, wang chen (9) signed Wang Chen, with one seal of the artist, zhi fei (10) signed Wang Chen, with two seals of the artist, wang chen, peng xin shu hua Titleslip by Ziyu shi; titlepage by Mei'an, dated xinchou (1841) of the Daoguang reign

  • 王宸 Wang Chen (1720 - 1797) 西湖八景册 共计8 开 绢本 纸本 West Lake Landscpe Album, 12 Leaves, Ink and Color on Silk , Ink and Color on Silk , 31x22.6cm
    Apr. 10, 2016

    王宸 Wang Chen (1720 - 1797) 西湖八景册 共计8 开 绢本 纸本 West Lake Landscpe Album, 12 Leaves, Ink and Color on Silk , Ink and Color on Silk , 31x22.6cm

    Est: S$12,000 - S$15,000

    王宸 Wang Chen (1720 - 1797) 西湖八景册 共计8 开 绢本 纸本 West Lake Landscpe Album, 12 Leaves, Ink and Color on Silk , Ink and Color on Silk , 31x22.6cm

    Gianguan Singapore
    Mar. 17, 2016


    Est: $8,000 - $12,000

    signed Lianxin Wang Chen, dated jiayin of the Qianlong reign (1794), autumn, with two seals of the artist, wang chen zhi yin, peng xin han mo With one collector's seal, xiao xian xin shang miao ji

  • Wang Chen (1720-1797) Landscape
    Nov. 23, 2014

    Wang Chen (1720-1797) Landscape

    Est: -

    Wang Chen (1720-1797) Landscape

  • WANG CHEN (1720-1797)
    May. 17, 2013

    WANG CHEN (1720-1797)

    Est: -

    WANG CHEN (1720-1797) AN ALBUM OF 28 LANDSCAPE PAINTINGS Ink on paper, comprising seventeen leaves mounted with twenty-eight drawings variously depicting mountainous and river landscapes, four with seals. 11¾ in. x 8 7/8 in. (30 cm. x 22.5 cm.)

  • WANG  CHEN  1720-1797
    Mar. 21, 2013

    WANG  CHEN  1720-1797

    Est: $30,000 - $50,000

    PROPERTY  OF  AN  IMPORTANT  AMERICAN  COLLECTION LANDSCAPES signed  Pengxin  (2)  and  Wang  Chen,  dated  jimao  (1759),  autumn,  with  a  dedication,  and  twelve  seals  of  the  artist,  wang  chen,  chen  yin,  zi  ning,  xue  xi,  chen,  shi  shi  hou  ren ink  and  color  on  paper,  album  of  six  leaves 21.2  by  29.8  cm.  8  3/8    by  11  3/4    in.

  • Ch'en Wang watercolor
    Sep. 15, 2012

    Ch'en Wang watercolor

    Est: $300 - $500

    Ch'en Wang- Landscape- ink and watercolor on paper, mounted to support (More...)

    Rachel Davis Fine Arts
  • Ch'en Wang ink and watercolor
    Sep. 15, 2012

    Ch'en Wang ink and watercolor

    Est: $1,500 - $2,500

    Ch'en Wang- Landscape- ink and watercolor on paper, 1778, signed. 28 (More...)

    Rachel Davis Fine Arts
  • WANG CHEN (1720-1797)
    Nov. 28, 2011

    WANG CHEN (1720-1797)

    Est: $40,000 - $60,000

    WANG CHEN (1720-1797) Living in the Forest Fan leaf, mounted and framed, ink on paper 15.5 x 49 cm. (6 1/8 x 19 1/4 in.) Inscribed and signed, with three seals of the artist Dated late spring, guichou year 91793)

  • WANG CHEN (1720-1797)
    Nov. 30, 2010

    WANG CHEN (1720-1797)

    Est: $60,000 - $80,000

    WANG CHEN (1720-1797) Pavilion by a Creek Inscribed with a poem and signed, with two seals of the artist Further inscribed with a poem by Li Chunyuan, signed, with one seal Hanging scroll, ink on silk 133.5 x 36.5 cm. (52 1/2 x 14 3/8 in.)

  • WANG CHEN (1720-1797)
    May. 28, 2010

    WANG CHEN (1720-1797)

    Est: $60,000 - $80,000

    WANG CHEN (1720-1797) Landscape Hanging scroll, ink on paper 130 x 59.7 cm. (51 1/8 x 23 1/2 in.) Inscribed with a poem and signed, with two seals of the artist Dedicated to Bi Weng Dated summer, dingwei year (1787) Four collectors' seals

  • WANG CHEN (1720-1797)
    Nov. 29, 2009

    WANG CHEN (1720-1797)

    Est: $80,000 - $100,000

    WANG CHEN (1720-1797) Pavilion by a Creek Hanging scroll, ink on silk 133.5 x 36.5 cm. (52 1/2 x 14 3/8 in.) Inscribed with a poem and signed, with two seals of the artist Further inscribed by Li Chunyuan, signed with one seal

  • Landscape
    May. 26, 2008


    Est: $40,000 - $60,000

    WANG CHEN (1720-1797) Landscape Hanging scroll, ink on paper 66.5 x 36 cm. (26 1/8 x 14 1/8 in.) Inscribed and signed, with three seals of the artist Dedicated to Xiang Shan Zhang Xiong Dated autumn of guisi year (1773) Four collectors's seals

  • WANG CHEN (1720-1797)
    May. 28, 2007

    WANG CHEN (1720-1797)

    Est: $50,000 - $60,000

    WANG CHEN (1720-1797) Pavilion by a Creek Hanging scroll, ink on silk 133.5 x 36.5cm. (52 1/2 x 14 3/8 in.) Inscribed with a poem and signed by the artist: Liu Dong Wang Chen Two seals of the artist: Wang Chen Zhi Yin, Zi Ning Further inscribed with a poem by Li Chunyuan, signed, with one seal

  • WANG CHEN (1720-1797)
    May. 30, 2005

    WANG CHEN (1720-1797)

    Est: $40,000 - $60,000

    AUTUMN LANDSCAPE Hanging scroll, ink on paper 82 x 47.8 (32 1/4 x 18 3/4 in.) Inscribed by the artist and signed: Wang Chen Four seals of the artist: Wang Chen Zhi Yin, Zi Bing, Zi Zai Feng, Lian Xin Lao Qiao Dated autumn, xinhai year (1791) Dedicated to Qingchuan Ten collectors' seals including two of Zhang Xiangning, and three of Ou Hanbo (20th century) Titleslip by Zhang Xiangning, signed, with one seal

    Mar. 20, 2000


    Est: $800 - $1,000

    Doyle New York
  • WANG CHEN (1720-1797)
    Sep. 13, 1999

    WANG CHEN (1720-1797)

    Est: $800 - $1,000

    Four-page album of landscapes, ink on paper, 9 x 11 inches (22.8 x 27.9 cm), signed Pengxin Wang Chen and with two seals of the artist and six collectors' seals; cyclically dated 1796.

    Doyle New York
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