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Johann (1757) Walch Sold at Auction Prices

Painter, copperplate engraver

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  • JOHANN WALCH Augsburg, Germany (1757) / (1824) "Map of Poland"
    Sep. 24, 2024

    JOHANN WALCH Augsburg, Germany (1757) / (1824) "Map of Poland"

    Est: €150 - €200

    Hand-colored engraving Signed on plate. Engraved by Franz Xaver Hutter. Stains on the paper Measurements: Paper: 57 x 71.5 cm; footprint: 52 x 62 cm

  • Johann Walch
    Sep. 21, 2024

    Johann Walch

    Est: €200 - €300

    Johann Walch 1757 - 1816 Konvolut - "Der Erde nördliche, suedliche, westliche, oestliche Halbkugel" - 4 kolorierte Kupferstiche/Papier. Je ca. 21,5 x 25,5 cm (Blattmaß). Jeweils in der Platte bez. unten: Augsburg bei / Joh: Walch. Jeweils im Passepartout. Gebräunt. Stockfleckig. Kartograph und Landkartenverleger aus Kempten in Augsburg. Übernahm den Verlag von J. M. Will 1806 und baute diesen zu einem bedeutenden Unternehmen aus.

    Das Kunst- und Auktionshaus Kastern GmbH & Co KG
    Oct. 26, 2023


    Est: -

    WALCH, Johann(1757 Kempten - 1815 Augsburg) Landkarte von Osteuropa Kolorierter Kupferstich. Passepartoutausschnitt: 19 x 23 cm. Gerahmt & hinter Glas : 31,5 x 35,5 cm. Detaillierte Landkarte "Des europäischen Rußlands südlicher Theil" . Blatt stockfleckig. Deutscher Maler, Zeichner, Kupferstecher, Kartograph und Verleger. Aufrufzeit 26. | Okt 2023 | voraussichtlich 16:57 Uhr (CET) WALCH, Johann(1757 Kempten - 1815 Augsburg) Map of Eastern Europe Colored copperplate engraving. Passepartout section: 19 x 23 cm. Framed & behind glass : 31.5 x 35.5 cm. Detailed map "Des europäischen Rußlands südlicher Theil" . Sheet foxed. German painter, draftsman, engraver, cartographer and publisher. Call time 26 | Oct 2023 | expected 16:57 (CET). *This is an automatically generated translation from German by deepl.com and only to be seen as an aid - not a legally binding declaration of lot properties. Please note that we can only guarantee for the correctness of description and condition as provided by the German description.

    Auktionshaus Wendl
    Oct. 26, 2023


    Est: -

    WALCH, Johann(1757 Kempten - 1815 Augsburg) Landkarte des Osmanischen Reiches Kolorierter Kupferstich. Druckplatte: 51,5 x 60,5 cm, Blatt: 55 x 67 cm. Detaillierte Landkarte des europäischen Teils des osmanischen Reiches, mit Titelkartusche "Imperii Osmanici sive Turcici Europaei tabula ad normam Recentissimarum Observationem concinnata Sumtibus joannis Walchii, Augustae Vind. - Das osmanische Reich in Europa. Nach den neuesten nachrichten und bewährtesten Hülfsmitteln [...] 1820 entworfen" . Hinterklebte Bugfalten, großer Knick im rechten Bereich, etwas griffspurig und stockfleckig. Deutscher Maler, Zeichner, Kupferstecher, Kartograph und Verleger. Aufrufzeit 26. | Okt 2023 | voraussichtlich 16:56 Uhr (CET) WALCH, Johann(1757 Kempten - 1815 Augsburg) Map of the Ottoman Empire Color copperplate. Printing plate: 51.5 x 60.5 cm, sheet: 55 x 67 cm. Detailed map of the European part of the Ottoman Empire, with title cartouche "Imperii Osmanici sive Turcici Europaei tabula ad normam Recentissimarum Observationem concinnata Sumtibus joannis Walchii, Augustae Vind. - The Ottoman Empire in Europe. According to the latest news and proven Hülfsmitteln [...] 1820 designed" . Backglued centerfolds, large crease in the right area, some grip and foxing. German painter, draftsman, engraver, cartographer and publisher. Call time 26 | Oct 2023 | expected 16:56 (CET). *This is an automatically generated translation from German by deepl.com and only to be seen as an aid - not a legally binding declaration of lot properties. Please note that we can only guarantee for the correctness of description and condition as provided by the German description.

    Auktionshaus Wendl
  • Map of Britannia, Scotia, Hibernia 18th century German Magna Britannia Et Hibernia Secundum Kitchen et Dorrest
    Oct. 17, 2021

    Map of Britannia, Scotia, Hibernia 18th century German Magna Britannia Et Hibernia Secundum Kitchen et Dorrest

    Est: $350 - $450

    Scarce map of the British Isles, from a late 18th century large format German Atlas. Johann, or Johannes, Walch (1757-1816) was a painter and engraver. He was well-known for painting miniature portraits, having trained in Geneva, Venice, and Rome. Walch published several atlases and sheet maps. As with his atlases, many of Walch’s maps were reprinted after his death. Map of Britannia, Scotia, Hibernia 18th century German Magna Britannia Et Hibernia Secundum Kitchen et Dorrest. Published Augsburg 1797.

    4th Meridian Fine Art
  • Walch - Map of the Eastern United States
    Sep. 25, 2021

    Walch - Map of the Eastern United States

    Est: $200 - $400

    This fine map engraving with original outline color is by Johann Walch. The map is dated 1818. Johann, or Johannes, Walch (1757-1816) was a painter and engraver. He trained in Geneva, Venice, and Rome. Walch published several atlases and sheet maps, with many reprinted posthumously.

    Trillium Antique Prints & Rare Books
  • Walch - Map of the West Indies (Florida, Mexico, Cuba, Jamaica)
    Sep. 25, 2021

    Walch - Map of the West Indies (Florida, Mexico, Cuba, Jamaica)

    Est: $200 - $400

    This fine map engraving with original outline color is by Johann Walch. The map is dated 1818. Johann, or Johannes, Walch (1757-1816) was a painter and engraver. He trained in Geneva, Venice, and Rome. Walch published several atlases and sheet maps, with many reprinted posthumously.

    Trillium Antique Prints & Rare Books
  • Walch - Map of the Eastern Hemisphere
    Sep. 25, 2021

    Walch - Map of the Eastern Hemisphere

    Est: $200 - $400

    This fine map engraving with original outline color is by Johann Walch. The map is dated 1818. Johann, or Johannes, Walch (1757-1816) was a painter and engraver. He trained in Geneva, Venice, and Rome. Walch published several atlases and sheet maps, with many reprinted posthumously.

    Trillium Antique Prints & Rare Books
  • Walch - Map of India and the East Indies
    Sep. 25, 2021

    Walch - Map of India and the East Indies

    Est: $200 - $400

    This fine map engraving with original outline color is by Johann Walch. The map is dated 1818. Johann, or Johannes, Walch (1757-1816) was a painter and engraver. He trained in Geneva, Venice, and Rome. Walch published several atlases and sheet maps, with many reprinted posthumously.

    Trillium Antique Prints & Rare Books
  • Walch - Map of Asia
    Sep. 25, 2021

    Walch - Map of Asia

    Est: $200 - $400

    This fine map engraving with original outline color is by Johann Walch. The map is dated 1818. Johann, or Johannes, Walch (1757-1816) was a painter and engraver. He trained in Geneva, Venice, and Rome. Walch published several atlases and sheet maps, with many reprinted posthumously.

    Trillium Antique Prints & Rare Books
  • Walch - Map of Africa
    Sep. 25, 2021

    Walch - Map of Africa

    Est: $200 - $400

    This fine map engraving with original outline color is by Johann Walch. The map is dated 1818. Johann, or Johannes, Walch (1757-1816) was a painter and engraver. He trained in Geneva, Venice, and Rome. Walch published several atlases and sheet maps, with many reprinted posthumously.

    Trillium Antique Prints & Rare Books
  • Walch - Map of the Americas
    Sep. 18, 2021

    Walch - Map of the Americas

    Est: $200 - $400

    This fine map engraving with original outline color is by Johann Walch. The map is dated 1818. Johann, or Johannes, Walch (1757-1816) was a painter and engraver. He trained in Geneva, Venice, and Rome. Walch published several atlases and sheet maps, with many reprinted posthumously.

    Trillium Antique Prints & Rare Books
  • Walch - Map of North America
    Sep. 18, 2021

    Walch - Map of North America

    Est: $200 - $400

    This fine map engraving with original outline color is by Johann Walch. The map is dated 1818. Johann, or Johannes, Walch (1757-1816) was a painter and engraver. He trained in Geneva, Venice, and Rome. Walch published several atlases and sheet maps, with many reprinted posthumously.

    Trillium Antique Prints & Rare Books
  • Walch - Map of Australia and the Pacific including New Zealand and Sandwich Islands (Hawaii)
    Sep. 18, 2021

    Walch - Map of Australia and the Pacific including New Zealand and Sandwich Islands (Hawaii)

    Est: $200 - $400

    This fine map engraving with original outline color is by Johann Walch. The map is dated 1818. Johann, or Johannes, Walch (1757-1816) was a painter and engraver. He trained in Geneva, Venice, and Rome. Walch published several atlases and sheet maps, with many reprinted posthumously.

    Trillium Antique Prints & Rare Books
  • Walch - Map of the Western Hemisphere (with Hawaii or Sandwich Islands and New Zealand as New See-land)
    Sep. 18, 2021

    Walch - Map of the Western Hemisphere (with Hawaii or Sandwich Islands and New Zealand as New See-land)

    Est: $200 - $400

    This fine map engraving with original outline color is by Johann Walch. The map is dated 1818. Johann, or Johannes, Walch (1757-1816) was a painter and engraver. He trained in Geneva, Venice, and Rome. Walch published several atlases and sheet maps, with many reprinted posthumously.

    Trillium Antique Prints & Rare Books
  • Walch - Map of the World from the South Pole
    Sep. 18, 2021

    Walch - Map of the World from the South Pole

    Est: $200 - $400

    This fine map engraving with original outline color is by Johann Walch. The map is dated 1818. Johann, or Johannes, Walch (1757-1816) was a painter and engraver. He trained in Geneva, Venice, and Rome. Walch published several atlases and sheet maps, with many reprinted posthumously.

    Trillium Antique Prints & Rare Books
  • Walch - Map of the World from the North Pole
    Sep. 18, 2021

    Walch - Map of the World from the North Pole

    Est: $200 - $400

    This fine map engraving with original outline color is by Johann Walch. The map is dated 1818. Johann, or Johannes, Walch (1757-1816) was a painter and engraver. He trained in Geneva, Venice, and Rome. Walch published several atlases and sheet maps, with many reprinted posthumously.

    Trillium Antique Prints & Rare Books
  • Johann Walch (1757-1815)
    Nov. 08, 2014

    Johann Walch (1757-1815)

    Est: Kč500 - Kč1,000

    Johann Walch (1757-1815) A MAP OF THE LANDS OF BOHEMIAN CROWN. Boehmen, / Mähren, Schlesien, / und / die Lausitz. From the work 'Allgemeiner Atlas nach den bewährsten Hülfsmitteln und astronomischen Ortsbestimungen', published by John Walch's printing office in 1803, 1808, 1812 and 1816. Colorized copper engraving on paper, 235x187 mm, set on cardboard. Provided with a graphic measuring scale. Johann Walch (1757-1815) MAPA ZEMÍ KORUNY ČESKÉ. Boehmen, / Mähren, Schlesien, / und / die Lausitz. Z díla „Allgemeiner Atlas nach den bewährsten Hülfsmitteln und astronomischen Ortsbestimungen", vydaného tiskárnou Johana Walcha v letech 1803, 1808, 1812 a 1816. Kolorovaná mědirytina na papíře, 235x187 mm, adjustováno na kartonu. Opatřeno grafickým měřítkem. Johann Walch (1757-1815) ATLAS DER LÄNDER DER BÖHMISCHEN KRONE. Boehmen, / Mähren, Schlesien, / und / die Lausitz. Aus dem Werk „Allgemeiner Atlas nach den bewährsten Hülfsmitteln und astronomischen Ortsbestimungen", herausgegeben bei Johan Walch in 1803, 1808, 1812 und 1816. Kupferstich auf Papier auf Karton, koloriert, 235x187 mm. Graphischer Maßstab. Johann Walch - německý malíř-miniaturista a mědirytec. V roce 1755 založil spolu se svým tchánem Johannem Martinem Willem v Augsburgu tiskárnu, která je v držení jeho potomků dodnes funkční. Zpočátku vydávali především mapy a užitou grafiku. V roce 1789 získal také vydavatelství Gustava Conrada Lottera, založené Matthäusem Seutterem, a stal se tak hlavním producentem map ve střední Evropě. V roce 1840 se podnik rozšířil o knihtisk a litografii.

    Auction House Zezula
  • Two Early 19th Century German World Maps
    Sep. 13, 2014

    Two Early 19th Century German World Maps

    Est: $200 - $400

    both hand-colored copperplate engravings in double-hemisphere format and unframed, the first being KARTE DER ERDE by Johann Walch, Augsburg, 1816 (21.5 x 26 in.); the second, DIE ERDE, anonymous, Prague, 1807 (11.75 x 15.5 in.). The Private Collection of a Lady

    Leland Little Auctions
  • JOHANN WALCH (GERMAN, 1757-1816)
    Nov. 27, 2012

    JOHANN WALCH (GERMAN, 1757-1816)

    Est: £600 - £800

    JOHANN WALCH (GERMAN, 1757-1816) Charles (1771-1847), Archduke of Austria and Duke of Teschen, in white uniform, wearing the jewel of the Order of the Golden Fleece and the sash and breast-star of the Imperial Austrian Order of Maria Theresa on ivory oval, 2 5/16 in. (59 mm.) high, gilt metal frame, the glazed reverse revealing a miniature of a lady next to a plinth inscribed 'Pensez a moi'

  • WALCH Johann 26.11.1757 Kempten - 23.3. 1816
    Jun. 01, 2008

    WALCH Johann 26.11.1757 Kempten - 23.3. 1816

    Est: -

    WALCH Johann 26.11.1757 Kempten - 23.3. 1816 Augsburg) Karte der Erde Hand-coloured copper plate engraving, 560 x 730 mm, mounted, dated 1816, signed in the plate in the bottom centre. German painter, he studied at the Academy of Arts in Augsburg, he travelled widely around Germany, Switzerland and Italy, in 1786 he founded a shop in Augsburg specializing in maps. He is also known for his miniature portraits of Austrian and French officers. See TB 35/66, B 10/607, N 23/456.

    European Arts
  • JOHANN WALCH (1757-1816)
    Nov. 06, 2001

    JOHANN WALCH (1757-1816)

    Est: $1,120 - $1,680

    Archduke Charles of Austria (1771-1847), facing right in the white uniform of the Third Infantry Regiment, black stock, wearing the breast stars of the Order of the Teutonic Knights and of the Imperial Austrian Order of Maria-Theresia signed 'Walch' (lower right) 2 5/16 in. (58 mm.) diam., reeded gold mount NOTES Archduke Charles of Austria, the third son of Holy Roman Emperor Leopold II, was adopted by his childless aunt Maria Christina and her husband Albert of Saxe-Teschen after the death of his father in 1792. A brilliant military commander, he was also High-Master of the Order of the Teutonic Knights from 1801 to 1804.

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