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Ng Lung Wai Sold at Auction Prices

b. 1971 -

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  • 伍龍威 NG Lung Wai (Hong Kong, b. 1971)
    Jun. 01, 2019

    伍龍威 NG Lung Wai (Hong Kong, b. 1971)

    Est: NT$480,000 - NT$700,000

    伊莉莎白‧泰勒 Elizabeth Taylor 簽名畫背:Ng Lung Wai 2015 Signed on the reverse Ng Lung Wai and dated 2015 賞析: 伍龍威,香港中文大學建築碩士畢業,曾與香港藝術館、香港文化博物館、香港海防博物館展、香港規劃及基建展覽館等機構合 作,以創作完成各式的藝術專案計畫。伍龍威以伊莉莎白女王二世、毛澤東、約翰.藍儂等聞名全球的傳奇名人作為主角,利用 非傳統的創作媒材,像是烙畫、郵票、象棋、西洋棋、水墨瓶……等收集而來的物件,在精心的安排下組成大尺幅的人物肖像。 以這種「情景點畫法」的藝術,反映同世代香港居民所陷入的文化認同迷惘。所謂「點畫法」源自於19世紀末期的後印象派藝術 家ー喬治.秀拉,以筆尖沾取顏料,以點的方式鋪滿畫布。傳統畫作講究的精通描繪技巧,能描繪出人物風景栩栩如生且讓人瞧 不出筆觸痕跡才稱得上名家,然而,印象派以明顯的筆觸表達出光影變化的明媚,迷人的風光備受世人喜愛,也因此改變了人們 對於畫作「不可留下筆觸」的執著。新印象派延續其「筆觸」的概念,但改以機械式的「點」來作畫。「情景點畫法」則是再進 一步的新概念,每一個「點」都是由具有象徵意義的物件所構成。伍龍威所用的西洋棋和象棋、水墨瓶和油畫筆尖,是以此表示 香港的社會環境中,中西兩不同文化的融合及衝突,以及其看似一體、實為分化且矛盾的社會認同感。近期獲獎包括2009年的仁 川國際「綠色生活」設計大賽優異獎,義大利 Alessi 協辦的國際餐具設計大賽入圍獎,2010年首爾設計奧林匹克設計大賽入圍 獎,及2013年香港科技園舉辦「給香港一份GIFT」建築設計概念賽優異獎等。 Catalogue Note: Ng Lung Wai, graduated from The Chinese University of Hong Kong with a master degree in architecture, has completed several art projects cooperating with museums and institutions including Hong Kong Museum of Art, Hong Kong Heritage Museum, Hong Kong Museum of Coastal Defense, and Hong Kong Planning and Infrastructure Exhibition Gallery. Ng Lung Wai created images of Elizabeth the II, Mao Zedong, John Lennon and many other legendary figures with unconventional materials, including pyrography, stamps, Chinese ink bottles, Chinese chess, Western chess …… and more. Whereas “Pointillism” can refer to large-scale portraiture marked by the meticulousness of its composition, today a sort of “contextual pointillism” can be seen in the current inner-generational confusion over cultural identity that prevails amongst Hong Kongers. The concept of pointillism originally relates to late-19th-century Neo-impressionist Georges Seurat, an artist who filled canvases with dots, daubing just the brush tip in the paint. Traditionally, painting was a pursuit of technical proficiency. Becoming famous was a matter of who could paint lifelike portraits in which the brushstrokes were imperceptible to the viewer. This changed, however, when the Impressionists used clear brushstrokes as a means to express radiant variations in light and shadow. Such scenes became a favorite of people around the world and ultimately changed people's persistence on “invisible brushwork.” Neo- impressionists extended this brushwork concept but shifted it to a mechanical one with paintings made up of points. Contextual pointillism, then, is a conceptual progression in which all the points are composed of symbolically significant things. Using both Western and Chinese chess, bottles of sumi ink, and the tips of paint brushes, Ng Lung Wai explores the conflicts and compromises between of Chinese and Western cultures, and how they seem to integrate with each other along the contradictory dividing lines of social identity. Ng Lung Wai has received awards like Incheon “Green Life” in South Korea, Italy Alessi “Aperitivo in 2009. Seoul Design Olympic in 2010, and Hong Kong Technology “Park Gift” architectural design in 2013.

  • NG LUNG WAI (HONG KONG, B. 1971) 伍龍威
    Dec. 01, 2018

    NG LUNG WAI (HONG KONG, B. 1971) 伍龍威

    Est: NT$300,000 - NT$440,000

    Audrey Hepburn 奧黛莉.赫本 Signed NGLUNGWAI and dated 2015 on the reverse 簽名年代畫背:NGLUNGWAI 2015

  • NG LUNG WAI (HONG KONG, B. 1971) 伍龍威
    Jun. 02, 2018

    NG LUNG WAI (HONG KONG, B. 1971) 伍龍威

    Est: NT$280,000 - NT$420,000

    John Lennon 約翰.藍儂 Signed on the reverse of the frame Ng Lung Wai and dated 2014 簽名背板:Ng Lung Wai 2014

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