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Karl (1856) Wagner Sold at Auction Prices


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  • Karl Theodor Wagner (Austrian, 1856-1921) Landscape Oil On Canvas
    Mar. 09, 2025

    Karl Theodor Wagner (Austrian, 1856-1921) Landscape Oil On Canvas

    Est: $1,000 - $2,000

    Medium: Oil On Canvas Painting Size: 12 x 10 inches Frame Size: 15 x 13 inches Condition: This artwork is in good overall condition for its age. Artist: Karl Theodor Wagner ( Austrian, 1856-1921 ) Signature: Signed Provenance: Collection from estate in Long Island.

  • Karl Theodor Wagner (Austria,1856-1921) oil painting antique
    Dec. 15, 2024

    Karl Theodor Wagner (Austria,1856-1921) oil painting antique

    Est: $950 - $1,200

    ARTIST: Karl Theodor Wagner (Austrian, 1856 - 1921) TITLE: Village Scene MEDIUM: oil on canvas CONDITION: One scratch 1 1/2" long in lower left corner. No visible inpaint under UV light. ART SIZE: 15 x 23 inches / 38 x 58 cm FRAME SIZE: 18 x 26 inches / 45 x 66 cm SIGNATURE: lower left CATEGORY: old antique vintage painting for auction sale online AD: ART CONSIGNMENTS WANTED. CONTACT US SKU#: 126501 US SHIPPING: $75 + insurance.

    Broward Auction Gallery LLC
  • Karl Theodor Wagner (1856 Wien – Perchtoldsdorf 1921) – Belebte Küstenstraße mit Blick auf den Golf von Neapel (Busy coastal street with a view of the Bay of Naples)
    Nov. 17, 2023

    Karl Theodor Wagner (1856 Wien – Perchtoldsdorf 1921) – Belebte Küstenstraße mit Blick auf den Golf von Neapel (Busy coastal street with a view of the Bay of Naples)

    Est: €2,000 - €2,500

    Oil on canvas. 63.7 x 90 cm. Signed lower right. Framed.

    Karl & Faber
  • KARL THEODOR WAGNER (1856-1921)
    Jun. 13, 2022

    KARL THEODOR WAGNER (1856-1921)

    Est: €400 - €600

    Karl Theodor WAGNER (1856-1921) Lively beach scene, returning from fishing Oil on canvas, signed at lower right. framed, small holes H : 53 cm Width : 79 cm

  • Karl Theodor WAGNER (1856-1921), niederländische Hafenszene, Öl/Leinwand
    Dec. 18, 2021

    Karl Theodor WAGNER (1856-1921), niederländische Hafenszene, Öl/Leinwand

    Est: -

    Karl Theodor WAGNER (1856-1921), niederländische Hafenszene, Öl/Leinwand, 1x hinterlegte Stelle, gerahmt, RG 75,5 x 61,5cm.

    Auktionshalle Cuxhaven
  • Wagner, Karl Theodor: Hafenstadt in den Niederlanden
    Jul. 10, 2021

    Wagner, Karl Theodor: Hafenstadt in den Niederlanden

    Est: €700 - €900

    Karl Theodor Wagner 1856 - 1921 Seaport in the Netherlands Oil on canvas; H 69.5 cm, W 55.5 cm; signed lower right ''K. Wagner''

    Peter Karbstein - Kunst und Auktionshaus
  • Karl Wagner, Osteria in Süditalien
    May. 08, 2021

    Karl Wagner, Osteria in Süditalien

    Est: -

    Landschaftsmaler, vorrangig südliche Szenerien (1856 Wien - 1921 Perchtoldsdorf), Öl/Leinwand, unten links signiert, um 1890, auf Rahmenetikett bezeichnet, großformatige, luftige Landschaftsszene aus dem südlichen Italien; Passanten und ein Pferdewagen beleben die kleine Straße, an deren Seite ein kleines Gasthaus, eine Osteria, zum Verweilen einlädt, kompositorisch wird die malerische, aber etwas beliebige Motivik durch eine steilaufragende Pappel belebt, die den Blick zu antiken Ruinensäulen hinlenkt, altersgemäß guter Zustand, Krakelee, 59 x 78 cm (HxB), goldfarbener Prunkrahmen, Rahmen bestoßen, Rahmenbreite 18 cm; Small inn in southern Italy, oil on canvas, around 1890, signed bottom left, airy and light landscape scenery in southern Italy with rests of antique ruins, good age-appropriate condition, some craquelure, rich ornamental frame, heavy

    Kunst- und Auktionshaus Quedlinburg
  • Karl T Wagner 1856-1921 Coastal Landscape Painting
    Mar. 31, 2021

    Karl T Wagner 1856-1921 Coastal Landscape Painting

    Est: $100 - $1,000

    Karl Theodor Wagner (Austrian, 1856-1921). Original oil painting on canvas. Depicts a coastal scene with figures, boats, and buildings. Artist signature lower right corner. Housed in ornate antique gilt frame. Work size: 23 x 18 inches. SHIPPING Hill Auction Gallery will not ship. Gallery will refer a local shipper for international buyers. Purchaser pick up available upon request.

    Hill Auction Gallery
  • Karl Theodor Wagner (1856 - 1921) Normandy
    Feb. 21, 2021

    Karl Theodor Wagner (1856 - 1921) Normandy

    Est: $1,000 - $2,000

    Karl Theodor Wagner (Austria, 1856 - 1921) Monumental seaport painting with figures. Oil on canvas. Signed lower right. Housed in a massive gilt frame. Old label attached verso. Areas of paint loss in center portion of painting, as well as center/left portion of painting. Provenance: Comes from the estate of Richard Swann Godfather of Democratic fundraising in Florida' and former finance chair for President Jimmy Carter. Sight Size: 37.5 x 55 in. Overall Framed Size: 47.5 x 65.5 in.

    Helmuth Stone
  • Karl Theodor Wagner (1856-1921
    Nov. 14, 2020

    Karl Theodor Wagner (1856-1921

    Est: -

    Karl Theodor Wagner (1856-1921), Austrian landscape and vedute painter. Large view of a village street at the gold of Naples, oil on hardboard., U. re. sign. ''K. Wagner'', 73 x 100 cm, in the opulent ornate frame (best.) 117 x 144 cm

    Historia Auctionata
  • Karl Theodor Wagner (1856 Vienna - 1921 Prechtoldsdorf)
    Dec. 03, 2016

    Karl Theodor Wagner (1856 Vienna - 1921 Prechtoldsdorf)

    Est: -

    Dutch harbor scene, oil on canvas, 68 cm x 55 cm, lower right K. Wagner signed

  • Karl Theodor Wagner. 1856 Wien - 1921 Perchtoldsdorf.
    Sep. 25, 2016

    Karl Theodor Wagner. 1856 Wien - 1921 Perchtoldsdorf.

    Est: -

    {Karl Theodor Wagner. 1856 Wien - 1921 Perchtoldsdorf.} Sign. Kanalansicht in Amsterdam mit angelegten Booten prachtvollen Häuserfassaden und Personenstaffage. Öl/Lwd. 685 x 555 cm. R

    Auktionshaus Zeller
  • Karl Theodor Wagner (1856-1921) österreichischer
    Aug. 30, 2016

    Karl Theodor Wagner (1856-1921) österreichischer

    Est: -

    Karl Theodor Wagner (1856-1921) österreichischer Maler Hirte am Waldrand mit saufenden Kühen Öl/Lwd. u. li. sign. 'Th. Wagner' rest. u. retusch. Abplatzer rest.-bed. 55 x 70 cm

    Historia Auctionata
  • KARL THEODOR WAGNER - Hafenszene bei Rotterdam
    Jun. 15, 2016

    KARL THEODOR WAGNER - Hafenszene bei Rotterdam

    Est: CHF1,200 - CHF1,800

    Wien 1856-1921 Perchtoldsdorf Unten links signiert "K. Wagner". Rückseitig auf dem Keilrahmen bezeichnet "Rotterdam 1908" bzw. "Nr. 71". Öl auf Lwd., 50 x 82 cm

    Galerie Fischer Auktionen AG
    May. 13, 2016


    Est: €1,500 - €2,000

    WAGNER, KARL THEODOR 1856 Vienna - 1921 Prechtoldsdorf London. View Over the River Thames on the Tower Bridge Under Construction. 1892. Oil on paper. 35,5 x 53cm. Signed and dated lower right: K. Wagner / 92. Framed.

    Van Ham Kunstauktionen
  • KARL THEODOR WAGNER, 1856 - Perchtoldsdorf bei Wien - 1921: Dorf an der süditalienische Küste.
    Apr. 23, 2016

    KARL THEODOR WAGNER, 1856 - Perchtoldsdorf bei Wien - 1921: Dorf an der süditalienische Küste.

    Est: €500 - €650

    KARL THEODOR WAGNER 1856 - Perchtoldsdorf bei Wien - 1921 Dorf an der süditalienische Küste. Oel auf Leinwand. Signiert. 63 x 90,5 cm. Doubliert. Mit Retuschen und kleinem Einriß. Gerahmt. [bg]

  • Karl Wagner. 1856 Wien - 1921 Perchtoldsdorf.
    Apr. 15, 2016

    Karl Wagner. 1856 Wien - 1921 Perchtoldsdorf.

    Est: -

    {Karl Wagner. 1856 Wien - 1921 Perchtoldsdorf.} Sign. mit Pseud. L. Kurtner. Fischerboote in einem Hafen an einem Frühlingsmorgen. Öl/Lwd. 80 x 100 cm. R

    Auktionshaus Zeller
  • Karl Theodor Wagner (1856-1921) / Karl Theodor Wagner (1856-1921) / Karl Theodor Wagner (1856-1921)
    Dec. 06, 2014

    Karl Theodor Wagner (1856-1921) / Karl Theodor Wagner (1856-1921) / Karl Theodor Wagner (1856-1921)

    Est: Kč35,000 - Kč70,000

    FLOWER MARKET. Oil on canvas, 79x52,5 cm, signed lower right 'K. Th. Wagner'. Framed. Condition A/B. KVĚTINOVÝ TRH. Olej na plátně, 79x52,5 cm, sign. vpravo dole „K. Th. Wagner". Rámováno. Stav A/B. BLUMENMARKT. Öl auf Leinwand, 79x52,5 cm, rechts unten sign. „K. Th. Wagner". Gerahmt. Zustand A/B. Karl Theodor Wagner - rakouský malíř architektury, figurálních námětů, marín, pouličních scén, větrných mlýnů. Maloval pod svým jménem, ale používal též řadu pseudonymů, např. A. Defort, J. Pragan, T. Eliz, A. Geyton.

    Auction House Zezula
  • Karl Theodor Wagner (Austrian, 1856-1921) Dutch canal scenes, 21 x 16.5in.
    Feb. 06, 2014

    Karl Theodor Wagner (Austrian, 1856-1921) Dutch canal scenes, 21 x 16.5in.

    Est: £500 - £700

    Karl Theodor Wagner (Austrian, 1856-1921) oil on canvas, Dutch canal scenes, signed, 21 x 16.5in.

  • KARL WAGNER, (1856-1921)OIL ON BOARDSight- 18 1/4" x 26 1/8"
    Nov. 11, 2012

    KARL WAGNER, (1856-1921)OIL ON BOARDSight- 18 1/4" x 26 1/8"

    Est: $1,200 - $1,800

    KARL WAGNER, (1856-1921)OIL ON BOARDSight- 18 1/4" x 26 1/8"

    Robert Slawinski Auctioneers, Inc.
  • Wagner, Karl Theodor 1856 Wien - 1921 Prechtoldsdorf Im Hafen einer flandrischen Stadt
    Feb. 01, 2012

    Wagner, Karl Theodor 1856 Wien - 1921 Prechtoldsdorf Im Hafen einer flandrischen Stadt

    Est: - €1,200

    Wagner, Karl Theodor 1856 Wien - 1921 Prechtoldsdorf Im Hafen einer flandrischen Stadt Unten rechts: K. Wagner. Öl auf Leinwand. 79 x 55,5cm. Rahmen.

    Van Ham Kunstauktionen
  • Wagner, Karl Theodor1856 Vienna - 1921 Prechtoldsdorf Coastal Road in southern Italy.
    May. 13, 2011

    Wagner, Karl Theodor1856 Vienna - 1921 Prechtoldsdorf Coastal Road in southern Italy.

    Est: €2,000 - €2,500

    Wagner, Karl Theodor 1856 Vienna - 1921 Prechtoldsdorf Coastal Road in southern Italy. Signed bottom right: K. Wagner. Oil on canvas. Laid down on card. 74 x 100cm. Framed.

    Van Ham Kunstauktionen
  • Wagner, Karl Theodor1856 Vienna - 1921 Prechtoldsdorf On a rural road in Italy.
    Nov. 19, 2010

    Wagner, Karl Theodor1856 Vienna - 1921 Prechtoldsdorf On a rural road in Italy.

    Est: €1,800 - €2,000

    Wagner, Karl Theodor 1856 Vienna - 1921 Prechtoldsdorf On a rural road in Italy. Signed on the lower left: K. Wagner. Oil on canvas. Relined. 58,5 x 80cm. Framed.

    Van Ham Kunstauktionen
  • WAGNER, Karl Theodor (1856-1921): 'Fischmarkt',
    Sep. 25, 2010

    WAGNER, Karl Theodor (1856-1921): 'Fischmarkt',

    Est: - €500

    WAGNER, Karl Theodor (1856-1921): 'Fischmarkt', signiert u.l., Öl/Lwd., 79 x 56 cm

    Auktionshaus Dr. Hull
  • Sign. Mediterrane Landschaft mit
    Dec. 04, 2008

    Sign. Mediterrane Landschaft mit

    Est: -

    Sign. Mediterrane Landschaft mit Architekturstaffage und lebhaftem Treiben. Öl/Lwd. 73 x 100 cm. R Karl Wagner. 1856 Wien - 1921 Perchtoldsdorf.

    Auktionshaus Michael Zeller
  • Wagner Karl 1856 - 1921 A summer landscape in
    Nov. 22, 2008

    Wagner Karl 1856 - 1921 A summer landscape in

    Est: - €1,500

    Wagner Karl 1856 - 1921 A summer landscape in Northern Italy Oil/canvas, 74 x 100 cm, sign. lo. le. K. Wagner, some rest., min. chips of the paint. Lit.: Fuchs, Busse.

    Auktionshaus Stahl
  • Wagner Karl 1856 - 1921 A view of Romee
    Nov. 22, 2008

    Wagner Karl 1856 - 1921 A view of Romee

    Est: - €1,500

    Wagner Karl 1856 - 1921 A view of Romee Oil/canvas, 74 x 100 cm, sign. lo. ri. K. Wagner, rest.

    Auktionshaus Stahl
  • Karl Wagner Wien 1856-1921. A summer landscape in
    Sep. 13, 2008

    Karl Wagner Wien 1856-1921. A summer landscape in

    Est: - €2,200

    Karl Wagner Wien 1856-1921. A summer landscape in Italy Oil/canvas, 74 x 100 cm, sign. lo. le. K. Wagner, some rest, relined. Lit.: Fuchs, Busse.

    Auktionshaus Stahl
  • Karl Wagner, a lake landscape at dawn, oil on
    Jun. 14, 2008

    Karl Wagner, a lake landscape at dawn, oil on

    Est: -

    Karl Wagner, a lake landscape at dawn, oil on canvas, signed and dated 1917 verso. 41 cm x 50 cm.

    Arthur Johnson & Sons
  • Italian coastal street on the Riviera.
    Nov. 16, 2007

    Italian coastal street on the Riviera.

    Est: - €2,200

    Signed bottom right: Karl Wagner. Oil on canvas. 73,5 x 101cm. Framed.

    Van Ham Kunstauktionen
  • Karl T. Wagner, (Austrian, 1856-1921), Village Scene with People and Canal
    Feb. 25, 2007

    Karl T. Wagner, (Austrian, 1856-1921), Village Scene with People and Canal

    Est: $800 - $1,200

    Karl T. Wagner (Austrian, 1856-1921) Village Scene with People and Canal oil on canvas signed (lower right) 17 x 22 inches.

  • Karl Theo Wagner (Austrian, 1856-1921)
    Jul. 24, 2005

    Karl Theo Wagner (Austrian, 1856-1921)

    Est: £1,000 - £1,500

    Mooring the fishing boats, Rotterdam both signed and dated 'K. Wagner/1887' (lower right) oil on panel, unframed 20 3/4 x 16 1/4 in. (52.7 x 41.2 cm.) a pair. (2)

  • Karl Theo Wagner (Austrian, 1856-1921)
    Apr. 13, 2005

    Karl Theo Wagner (Austrian, 1856-1921)

    Est: £2,000 - £3,000

    Mooring the fishing boats, Rotterdam both signed and dated 'K. Wagner/1887' (lower right) oil on panel, unframed 20 3/4 x 16 1/4 in. (52.7 x 41.2 cm.) a pair. (2)

  • K. Wagner (Austrian, 1856-1921), "Launching the Boats", c.1880; oil/canvas laid down, 18" x 27", signed.
    Mar. 02, 2003

    K. Wagner (Austrian, 1856-1921), "Launching the Boats", c.1880; oil/canvas laid down, 18" x 27", signed.

    Est: $1,500 - $2,000

    Toomey & Co. Auctioneers
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