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Jaroslav Veris Sold at Auction Prices


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    Dec. 04, 2024


    Est: -

    Jaroslav Veris, alias Zamazal, came from a medical family. He received his first artistic education at the private school of Vojtěch Doležil in Brno, then continued at the Prague Academy under Jan Preisler, Vratislav Nechleba and Karel Krattner. He graduated in 1923 and the following year went to Paris, from where he returned in 1938. In Paris he attended the Académie Julian and private lectures by František Kupka. He exhibited at the Salon d'Automne and the Salon des Indépendants. He had a solo exhibition in 1928 at Galerie Bernheim-Jeune. He spent the years of occupation and World War II in several concentration camps, the period after 1948 in the displeasure of the ruling regime, Despite being a member of the Purkyně Artists Association and participating in many exhibitions, his work almost fell into oblivion and has been newly commemorated with a large exhibition from his estate organized by Arthouse Hejtmánek in 2019. Veris's work is multifaceted and characterized by a sensitivity to new currents in art as well as an ability to interpret them in a personal way. A small painting of the Reclining Female Nude from 1926 reflects the contemporary trend towards neo-classicism, civility and the new materiality.

    Arthouse Hejtmánek
  • Veris Zamazal, Jaroslav (1900 Vsetín - 1983 Kutná Hora, studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Prague),"Portrait of a Lady",(1900 Vsetín - 1983 Kutná Hora, studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Prague),
    Jun. 15, 2024

    Veris Zamazal, Jaroslav (1900 Vsetín - 1983 Kutná Hora, studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Prague),"Portrait of a Lady",(1900 Vsetín - 1983 Kutná Hora, studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Prague),

    Est: -

    Veris Zamazal, Jaroslav (1900 Vsetín - 1983 Kutná Hora, studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Prague),"Portrait of a Lady",(1900 Vsetín - 1983 Kutná Hora, studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Prague), "Portrait of a Lady", Oil on cardboard, inscribed Veris Paris lower right, 41.5 x 33 cm. Provenance: acquired in the Czech Republic, since then private property Veris Zamazal, Jaroslav (1900 Vsetín - 1983 Kutná Hora, Studium an der Akademie der bildenden Künste in Prag), "Damenporträt", Öl auf Karton, bezeichnet unten rechts Veris Paris, 41.5 x 33 cm. Provenienz: in Tschechien erworben, seither Privatbesitz

    Auktionshaus Plückbaum
    Jun. 06, 2024


    Est: -

    His own name was Jaroslav Zamazal, a student of the Academy of Fine Arts in Prague and professors Jan Preisler, Vratislav Nechleba and Karel Krattner. In 1925 he became a correspondent for Český slovo and regularly sent feuilletons from France accompanied by his own illustrations to the German newspaper Prager Presse. In his extensive work, the author developed his own pictorial expression - from the classical painting of the old masters, neoclassicism, he moved on to cubism, surrealism and abstraction. He excelled in portraiture, figure painting, still life and landscape painting. Nude with Fan is a harmonious work that reflects the interwar tendencies of poetism and neoclassical forms, balancing between the many styles Jaroslav Veris managed to try out during his lifetime. Location: Paris, Signed: sign. lower right: Veris Jar. 1929

    Arthouse Hejtmánek
  • Veris Jaroslav (CZECH, 1900-1983) - Lady with a Hat
    Nov. 27, 2023

    Veris Jaroslav (CZECH, 1900-1983) - Lady with a Hat

    Est: -

    Lady with a Hat

    Einszwei Gallery
  • Veris, Jaroslav (Vsetin 1900 - 1983 Prag, tschechischer Künstler),
    Jun. 03, 2023

    Veris, Jaroslav (Vsetin 1900 - 1983 Prag, tschechischer Künstler),

    Est: -

    Veris, Jaroslav (Vsetin 1900 - 1983 Prag, tschechischer Künstler), "Porträt einer Pariserin", Öl auf Karton, signiert rechts unten JVeris Paris (geritzt), verso bezeichnet auf tschechisch 1940 Veris, 40 x 28 cm (RA), unter Glas gerahmt

    Auktionshaus Plückbaum
    Mar. 09, 2023


    Est: $1,000 - $2,500

    Jaroslav Zamazal (Czech, 1900-1983) - Two Women and a Dog, Oil on Board. Also known as Jaroslav Veris. Signed. 39x31cm.

  • Jaroslav Veris - Copy according to van Eyck
    Nov. 29, 2020

    Jaroslav Veris - Copy according to van Eyck

    Est: Kč50,000 - Kč70,000

    oil on cardboard, dated around 1935, Signed lower right

    Galerie KODL
  • JAROSLAV ZAMAZAL (1900-1983, République Tchèque) Nature morte au livre et au pistolet
    Jul. 09, 2020

    JAROSLAV ZAMAZAL (1900-1983, République Tchèque) Nature morte au livre et au pistolet

    Est: €800 - €1,000

    JAROSLAV ZAMAZAL (1900-1983, République Tchèque) Nature morte au livre et au pistolet Exécuté en 1918 Huile sur toile Signée et daté en bas à gauche « Zamazal Jaroslav 18 » 50 x 65 cm

  • Veris (Zamazal) Jaroslav: The act
    Mar. 30, 2019

    Veris (Zamazal) Jaroslav: The act

    Est: -

    oil on canvas

    Auction House Groma
  • Jaroslav Veris Zamazal (1900-1983)
    Dec. 08, 2018

    Jaroslav Veris Zamazal (1900-1983)

    Est: -

    DRAWING OF A GIRL WITH RED LIPS 1926 Pencil and pastel on paper, 202x157 mm, marked and dated in pencil lower right "Jaroslav Veris / Paris 10. 6. 1926". Framed, glazed. Jaroslav Veris Zamazal (1900-1983) KRESBA DÍVKY S ČERVENÝMI RTY 1926 Tužka a pastel na papíře, 202x157 mm, zn. a dat. tužkou vpravo dole "Jaroslav Veris / Paris 10. 6. 1926". Rámováno, zaskleno. Jaroslav Veris Zamazal byl malířem žánrů, jenž vystudoval AVU v Praze v ateliérech u J. Preislera a V. Nechleby. Dalšímu studiu se věnoval ve Vídni a v Paříži, kde pracoval v kopírovacích dílnách v Louvru. Žil střídavě v Praze a Paříži, na studijní cesty jezdil do Itálie, Španělska a Francie. Pracoval způsobem starých mistrů. Navštěvoval přednášky F. Kupky a byl v kontaktu s českými surrealisty Toyen a J. Štyrským. Napodoboval i dobovou patinu obrazů. Od inspirace holandskými a italskými mistry přešel k impresionistickému portrétu francouzského typu a novoklasické hladké malbě. Věnoval se též ilustrační tvorbě. Vystavoval v Topičově salónu, v Aventinské mansardě aj. V Paříži byl členem Podzimního salonu a Salonu nezávislých umělců. Jaroslav Veris Zamazal (1900-1983) MÄDCHEN MIT ROTEN LIPPEN 1926 Bleistift und Pastell auf Papier, 202x157 mm, gezeichnet und datiert in Bleistift rechts unten "Jaroslav Veris / Paris 10. 6. 1926". Gerahmt, verglast.

    Auction House Zezula
  • Jaroslav Veris - Zamazal (1900-1983)
    Apr. 14, 2018

    Jaroslav Veris - Zamazal (1900-1983)

    Est: Kč15,000 - Kč30,000

    Jaroslav Veris - Zamazal (1900-1983) DÍVKA V ALŽÍRSKÉM KROJI1942Olej na kartonu, 76x60 cm, sign. vpravo dole „Veris Paris“. Rámováno, zaskleno.Stav A.Jaroslav Zamazal - Veris - studoval na pražské akademii u prof. Jana Preislera a Vratislava Nechleby, také ve Vídni a v Paříži. Věnoval se hlavně žánrovým výjevům, lidské postavě, zátiším. Jaroslav Veris - Zamazal (1900-1983) GIRL IN AN ALGERIAN COSTUME1942Oil on board, 76x60 cm, signed and marked lower right „Veris Paris“. Framed, glazed.Condition A. Jaroslav Veris - Zamazal (1900-1983) MÄDCHEN IM ALGERIENTRACHT1942Öl auf Karton, 76x60 cm, signiert rechts unten „Veris Paris“. Gerahmt, verglast.Zustand A.

    Auction House Zezula
  • Jaroslav Veris - Zamazal (1900-1983)
    Jun. 17, 2017

    Jaroslav Veris - Zamazal (1900-1983)

    Est: Kč10,000 - Kč20,000

    ITALIAN LANDSCAPE WITH AN AQUEDUCT. Oil on plywood, 50,5x72 cm, signed lower right „JVeris“. Framed. Condition B. Jaroslav Veris - Zamazal (1900-1983) ITALSKÁ KRAJINA S AKVADUKTEM. Olej na překližce, 50,5x72 cm, sign. vpravo dole „JVeris“. Rámováno. Stav B. Jaroslav Veris - Zamazal (1900-1983) ITALIENISCHE LANDSCHAFT MIT AQUÄDUKT. Öl auf Brettholz, 50,5x72 cm, sign. rechts unten "JVeris". Gerahmt. Zustand B.

    Auction House Zezula
  • A Portrait Of A Girl, Jaroslav Veris – Zamazal
    Nov. 28, 2015

    A Portrait Of A Girl, Jaroslav Veris – Zamazal

    Est: €120 - €200

    Oil on wood, signed and dated "VERIS PARIS 28" at bottom right, Jaroslav Veris - Zamazal (*1900 Vsetin - +1983 Prague). Paris, 1928, dimensions 23 x 33 cm, framed. Condition 2

    May. 28, 2015


    Est: -

    JAROSLAV VERIS (1900-1983) ABSTRACT COMPOSITION 1950s - 1960s, Bohemia This work shows the artist's wide stylistic range - realistic figures, expressionistic landscapes, still lifes and abstract pieces with references to cubism. This painting comes from the artist's estate. Oil on cardboard. Signed bottom right: Veris.

    Arthouse Hejtmánek
    May. 28, 2015


    Est: -

    JAROSLAV VERIS (1900-1983) DREAMING 1950s, Bohemia This piece was apparently inspired by the surrealistic works of Salvador Dali, which the artist must have encountered during his travels in Spain. Like Dali, Veris combines impeccable painting and strange, dream-like imagination. The irrational dimension is enhanced by the original, ornate gilded frame (inside dimensions of the frame: 86 x 68.5 cm). Painting comes from the artist's estate. Oil on cardboard, unsigned.

    Arthouse Hejtmánek
  • Bohemian Landscape, Jaroslav Veris (Zamazal)
    Apr. 28, 2014

    Bohemian Landscape, Jaroslav Veris (Zamazal)

    Est: €500 - €800

    Oil on canvas, signed lower right "Veris", Jaroslav Veris (Zamazal) (*1900 Vsetin - +1983 Prague), Bohemia around 1940, dimensions 120 x 90 cm, framed. Condition 2

  • Jaroslav Veris - Zamazal (1900-1983)  PORTRÉT
    Nov. 09, 2013

    Jaroslav Veris - Zamazal (1900-1983)  PORTRÉT

    Est: Kč250 - Kč500

    Jaroslav Veris - Zamazal (1900-1983)  PORTRÉT MLADÉ ŽENY. Kombinovaná technika (kresba pastelem, tuší a perem) na papíře, 369x221 mm, sign. vpravo dole „Veris", vpravo nahoře zn. tužkou „č 6". Jaroslav Veris - Zamazal (1900-1983)  PORTRÉT MLADÉ ŽENY. Kombinovaná technika (kresba pastelem, tuší a perem) na papíře, 369x221 mm, sign. vpravo dole „Veris", vpravo nahoře zn. tužkou „č 6". Jaroslav Veris - Zamazal (1900-1983)  PORTRÉT MLADÉ ŽENY. Kombinovaná technika (kresba pastelem, tuší a perem) na papíře, 369x221 mm, sign. vpravo dole „Veris", vpravo nahoře zn. tužkou „č 6".

    Auction House Zezula
  • Bohemian Landscape, Jaroslav Veris (Zamazal)
    Apr. 22, 2013

    Bohemian Landscape, Jaroslav Veris (Zamazal)

    Est: €600 - €800

    Oil on canvas, signed lower right "Veris", Jaroslav Veris (Zamazal) (*1900 Vsetin - +1983 Prague), Bohemia around 1940, dimensions 120x90 cm, framed. Condition 2

  • Artwork by - Zamazal - Veris Jaroslav (Vsetín 1900
    Mar. 09, 2013

    Artwork by - Zamazal - Veris Jaroslav (Vsetín 1900

    Est: - Kč6,000

    Artwork by - Zamazal - Veris Jaroslav (Vsetín 1900 - 1983 Prague)

  • Artwork by - Zamazal - Veris Jaroslav (Vsetín 1900
    Mar. 09, 2013

    Artwork by - Zamazal - Veris Jaroslav (Vsetín 1900

    Est: - Kč5,000

    Artwork by - Zamazal - Veris Jaroslav (Vsetín 1900 - 1983 Prague)

  • Bohemian Landscape, Jaroslav Veris (Zamazal)
    Nov. 17, 2012

    Bohemian Landscape, Jaroslav Veris (Zamazal)

    Est: €1,000 - €1,200

    Oil on canvas, signed lower right "Veris", Jaroslav Veris (Zamazal) (*1900 Vsetin - +1983 Prague), Bohemia around 1940, dimensions 120x90 cm, framed. Condition 2

  • Jaroslav Veris - Zamazal (1900-1983)
    Nov. 03, 2012

    Jaroslav Veris - Zamazal (1900-1983)

    Est: Kč5,000 - Kč10,000

    Jaroslav Veris - Zamazal (1900-1983) PORTRAIT OF A WOMAN WITH BOWTIE. Portrait of a young woman with a black bowtie in a dress with a low cleavage. Aquarelle on paper, 325x243 mm (inside mount measurements), bottom right corner signed "JVeris". Mounted, framed, glassed. Jaroslav Zamazal - Veris - studied Prague Academy under prof. J. Preisler and V. Nechleba, also studied in Vienna and Paris. He dedicated his works mostly for genre scenes and figural scenes and still-lives. Jaroslav Veris - Zamazal (1900-1983) PORTRÉT ŽENY S MOTÝLKEM. Podobizna mladé ženy s drdolem, černým motýlkem a v šatech s velkým výstřihem. Akvarel na papíře, 325x243 mm (výřez pasparty), sign. vpravo dole „JVeris". Paspartováno, rámováno, zaskleno. Jaroslav Zamazal - Veris - studoval na pražské akademii u prof. Jana Preislera a Vratislava Nechleby, také ve Vídni a v Paříži. Věnoval se hlavně žánrovým výjevům, lidské postavě a zátiším. Jaroslav Veris - Zamazal (1900-1983) PORTRÄT EINER FRAU MIT SCHMETTERLING. Abbildung einer jungen Frau mit Knoten, schwarzem Schmetterling und tief ausgeschnittenem Kleid. Aquarell auf Papier, 325x243 mm (ohne Passepartout), rechts unten sign. „JVeris". Passepartout, gerahmt, verglast.

    Auction House Zezula
  • Bohemian Landscape, Jaroslav Veris (Zamazal)
    Jun. 30, 2012

    Bohemian Landscape, Jaroslav Veris (Zamazal)

    Est: €900 - €1,200

    Oil on canvas, signed lower right "Veris", Jaroslav Veris (Zamazal) (*1900 Vsetin - +1983 Prague), Bohemia around 1940, dimensions 120x90 cm, framed. Condition 2

  • MIRROR NO. 20
    Nov. 19, 2011

    MIRROR NO. 20

    Est: Kč60,000 - Kč84,000

    Oil on plywood, 84.5 x 61cm, signed lower right: Veris, dated to the 1950s.

    Arcimboldo Auctions
    Nov. 19, 2011


    Est: Kč150,000 - Kč210,000

    Oil on canvas mounted on cardboard, 100 x 70cm, signed and dated lower right: 46.

    Arcimboldo Auctions
    Nov. 19, 2011


    Est: Kč45,000 - Kč63,000

    Tempera on plywood, 33.5 x 28cm, signed lower right: J. Veris 26.

    Arcimboldo Auctions
  • Jaroslav Veris-Zamazal (1900-1983) Sitting nude
    Nov. 12, 2011

    Jaroslav Veris-Zamazal (1900-1983) Sitting nude

    Est: Kč6,500 - Kč13,000

    Jaroslav Veris-Zamazal (1900-1983) Sitting nude woman. Pencil drawing and colored chalks on paper, 635x435 mm (inside frame measurements), bottom right pencil signed „J Veris Paris". Framed, glassed. Jaroslav Veris-Zamazal (1900-1983) SEDÍCÍ ŽENSKÝ AKT. Kresba tužkou a barevnými křídami na papíře, 635×435 mm (výřez rámu), sign. tužkou vpravo dole „J Veris Paris". Rámováno, zaskleno. Jaroslav Veris-Zamazal (1900-1983) SITZENDER FRAUENAKT. Bleistiftzeichnung und Farbkreide auf Papier, 635×435 mm (ohne Rahmen), rechts unten mit Bleistift signiert „J Veris Paris". Gerahmt, verglast.

    Auction House Zezula
  • Jaroslav Veris-Zamazal (1900-1983) Nude woman with
    Nov. 12, 2011

    Jaroslav Veris-Zamazal (1900-1983) Nude woman with

    Est: Kč6,500 - Kč13,000

    Jaroslav Veris-Zamazal (1900-1983) Nude woman with a blue shoe. Colored pencil and colored chalk on paper, 435x635 mm (inside frame measurements), bottom right pencil signed „J Veris Paris". Framed, glassed. Jaroslav Veris-Zamazal (1900-1983) ŽENSKÝ AKT S MODRÝM STŘEVÍCEM. Kresba tužkou a barevnými křídami na papíře, 435×635 mm (výřez rámu), sign. tužkou vpravo dole „J Veris Paris". Rámováno, zaskleno. Jaroslav Veris-Zamazal (1900-1983) FRAUENAKT MIT BLAUEM SCHUH. Bleistiftzeichnung und Farbkreide auf Papier, 435×635 mm (ohne Rahmen), rechts unten mit Bleistift signiert „J Veris Paris". Gerahmt, verglast.

    Auction House Zezula
  • JAROSLAV VERIS (Czech, 1900-1983). SHEEP AMIDST RUINS, signed and located "Paris" lower right. Oil on board.
    Sep. 16, 2011

    JAROSLAV VERIS (Czech, 1900-1983). SHEEP AMIDST RUINS, signed and located "Paris" lower right. Oil on board.

    Est: $400 - $600

    JAROSLAV VERIS (Czech, 1900-1983). SHEEP AMIDST RUINS, signed and located "Paris" lower right. Oil on board - Framed, 19 1/4 in. x 26 3/4 in.

    Sloans & Kenyon
  • Jaroslav Veris - Zamazal (1900-1983). Book cover
    Apr. 02, 2011

    Jaroslav Veris - Zamazal (1900-1983). Book cover

    Est: Kč600 - Kč1,200

    Jaroslav Veris - Zamazal (1900-1983). Book cover to „Orpheus in underworld". Zincography on paper, 240x180 mm (inside mount), print marked „Veris". Mounted. Jaroslav Veris - Zamazal (1900-1983). UMSCHLAG ZUM WERK ORPHEUS IN DER UNTERWELT. Zinkografie auf Papier, 240×180 mm (ohne Passepartout), im Druck bezeichnet „Veris". Passepartout. Jaroslav Veris - Zamazal (1900-1983). OBÁLKA K DÍLU ORFEUS V PODSVĚTÍ. Zinkografie na papíře, 240×180 mm (výřez pasparty), zn. v tisku „Veris". Paspartováno.

    Auction House Zezula
    Dec. 11, 2010


    Est: Kč12,000 - Kč16,800

    Pen and ink drawing on paper.Signed lower right, dated to the 1950s-1960s ZAHRADA LÁSKY - OSTROVY ŠTĚSTĚNY Kresba perem, tuší na papíře.Signováno vpravo dole, datace 50. - 60. léta

    Arcimboldo Auctions
    Dec. 11, 2010


    Est: Kč49,000 - Kč68,600

    Oil on plywood.Signed lower right, dated to the beginning of the 1950s.Work from the artist's estate. SURREALISTICKÁ KOMPOZICE Olej na překližce.Signováno vpravo dole, datace počátek 50. let. Dílo pochází z pozůstalosti autora.

    Arcimboldo Auctions
    Dec. 11, 2010


    Est: Kč75,000 - Kč105,000

    Oil on cardboard.Signed lower right, late 1940s.Work is part of the artist's estate. SURREALISTICKÁ HLAVA Olej na kartonu.Signováno vpravo dole, konec 40. let.Dílo pochází z pozůstalosti autora.

    Arcimboldo Auctions
    Dec. 11, 2010


    Est: Kč6,000 - Kč8,400

    Ink drawing.Signed and dated lower right "Paris 38". Work is part of the artist's estate. ŽENA S CIGARETOU Tušová kresba.Signováno a datováno vpravo dole Paris 38. Dílo pochází z pozůstalosti autora.

    Arcimboldo Auctions
    Dec. 11, 2010


    Est: Kč60,000 - Kč84,000

    Oil on plywood.Signed and dated lower right 1930. Work is part of the artist's estate. POBŘEŽÍ FRANCIE Olej na překližce.Signováno a datováno vpravo dole 1930. Dílo pochází z pozůstalosti autora.

    Arcimboldo Auctions
  • Jaroslav Veris - Zamazal (1900 - 1983)
    Jun. 05, 2010

    Jaroslav Veris - Zamazal (1900 - 1983)

    Est: Kč19,000 - Kč38,000

    Portrait of a lady. Oil on board, 58,5 x 47 cm (frame cut-out), bottom right signed „J Veris Paris". Framed, condition A (restored). Jaroslav Veris - Zamazal (1900-1983) Portrét dámy. Olej na kartonu, 58,5x47 cm (výřez rámu), sign. vpravo dole „J Veris Paris". Rámováno, stav A (restaurováno). Malíř žánrů, studoval u J. Preislera a V. Nechleby na AVU v Praze. Dalšímu studiu se věnoval ve Vídni a v Paříži, kde pracoval v kopírovacích dílnách v Louvru. Žil střídavě v Paříži a v Praze, pracoval způsobem starých mistrů a napodoboval i dobovou patinu obrazů. Od inspirace holandskými a italskými mistry přešel k impresionistickému portrétu francouzského typu a novoklasické hladké malbě. Jaroslav Veris - Zamazal (1900-1983) Porträt einer Dame. Öl auf Karton, 58,5x47 cm (ohne Rahmen), rechts unten sign. „J Veris Paris". Gerahmt, Zustand A (restauriert).

    Auction House Zezula
  • Jaroslav Veris - Zamazal (1900 - 1983)
    Mar. 27, 2010

    Jaroslav Veris - Zamazal (1900 - 1983)

    Est: Kč6,000 - Kč12,000

    Portrait of a girl, 1929. Oil on plywood, 46 x 37 cm, sign. „J Veris Paris 29". Framed, mounted, Condition A. Jaroslav Veris - Zamazal (1900-1983): Portrét dívky, 1929. Olej na překližce, 46x37 cm, sign. „J Veris Paris 29". Rámováno, paspartováno, stav A. Jaroslav Veris - Zamazal (1900-1983): Porträt eines Mädchens, 1929. Öl auf Furnier, 46x37 cm, sign. „J Veris Paris 29". Gerahmt, Passepartout, Zustand A.

    Auction House Zezula
  • Jaroslav Veris Zamazal (1900 - 1983)
    Jun. 06, 2009

    Jaroslav Veris Zamazal (1900 - 1983)

    Est: Kč7,000 - Kč14,000

    Countryside with a bridge. Oil on cardboard, 45 x 55,5 cm (frame aperture), signed bottom right "Veris". Framed, condition A. Krajina s mostem. Olej na kartonu, 45 x 55,5 cm (výřez rámu), sign. vpravo dole „Veris". Rámováno, stav A. Landschaft mit Brücke. Öl auf Karton, 45 x 55,5 cm (ohne Rahmen), rechts unten sign. „Veris". Gerahmt, Zustand A.

    Auction House Zezula
  • Jaroslav Veris Zamazal (1900 - 1983)
    Mar. 21, 2009

    Jaroslav Veris Zamazal (1900 - 1983)

    Est: Kč20,000 - Kč40,000

    Portrait- seated lady with fan. Oil on board, 58 cm x 48 cm (frame aperture), signed lower right hand side „J Veris". Framed, condition A.

    Auction House Zezula
  • Jaroslav Veris Zamazal (1900 - 1983)
    Mar. 21, 2009

    Jaroslav Veris Zamazal (1900 - 1983)

    Est: Kč3,900 - Kč7,800

    Portrait of a lady with a green background. Oil on board, 35 cm x 25 cm, signed lower right hand side „J Veris". Framed, mounted and glazed, condition A.

    Auction House Zezula
  • Jaroslav Veris Zamazal (1900 - 1983)
    Mar. 21, 2009

    Jaroslav Veris Zamazal (1900 - 1983)

    Est: Kč1,500 - Kč3,000

    Nude study. Coloured chalk and pencil sketch on paper, 420mm x 265mm (mount aperture), signed in pencil „Veris". Framed, mounted and glazed.

    Auction House Zezula
  • VERIS (ZAMAZAL) Jaroslav (10. 7. 1900 Vsetin - 28.
    Sep. 27, 2008

    VERIS (ZAMAZAL) Jaroslav (10. 7. 1900 Vsetin - 28.

    Est: -

    VERIS (ZAMAZAL) Jaroslav (10. 7. 1900 Vsetin - 28. 10. 1983 Prague) Female nude seen from profile Pen, tempera and pastel on paper, 50 x 35,5 cm, mounted, dated 1967 and inscribed, signed lower right. Czech painter of genre, he studied under J. Preisler and V. Nechleba at the Academy of Fine Arts in Prague. See T 2/646, V 5/195, TB 36/392.

    European Arts
  • Zamazal - Veris Jaroslav (Vsetín 1900 - 1983
    Sep. 20, 2008

    Zamazal - Veris Jaroslav (Vsetín 1900 - 1983

    Est: Kč30,000 - Kč45,000

    Zamazal - Veris Jaroslav (Vsetín 1900 - 1983 Prague) From Provence, signed Veris Paris bottom right, oil/canvas, 56 x 67 cm, damaged original frame

  • VERIS ZAMAZAL) Jaroslav 10. 7. 1900 Vsetin - 28.
    Jun. 01, 2008

    VERIS ZAMAZAL) Jaroslav 10. 7. 1900 Vsetin - 28.

    Est: -

    VERIS ZAMAZAL) Jaroslav 10. 7. 1900 Vsetin - 28. 10. 1983 Prague) Female nude in a lace night gown Oil on cardboard, 63 x 48 cm, framed, glazed, undated, signed lower right, verification of authenticity by the artist dated 1943 at the back. Czech painter of genre, he studied under J. Preisler and V. Nechleba at the Academy of Fine Arts in Prague, then in Vienna and Paris. See T 2/646, V 5/195, TB 36/392.

    European Arts
  • Zamazal - Veris Jaroslav (Vsetín 1900 - 1983
    Mar. 15, 2008

    Zamazal - Veris Jaroslav (Vsetín 1900 - 1983

    Est: Kč8,000 - Kč12,000

    Zamazal - Veris Jaroslav (Vsetín 1900 - 1983 Prague) A Portrait of a Man with a Pipe, signed and described Veris Paris bottom left, coloured pen drawing/paper, 52 x 36 cm, passe partout, glass, frame

  • Zamazal - Veris Jaroslav (Vsetín 1900 - 1983
    Mar. 15, 2008

    Zamazal - Veris Jaroslav (Vsetín 1900 - 1983

    Est: Kč20,000 - Kč30,000

    Zamazal - Veris Jaroslav (Vsetín 1900 - 1983 Prague) A Portrait of a Young Lady, signed and dated Veris Paris 32 top right, oil/plywood, passe partout, frame

  • Zamazal - Veris Jaroslav (Vsetín 1900 - 1983
    Mar. 15, 2008

    Zamazal - Veris Jaroslav (Vsetín 1900 - 1983

    Est: Kč15,000 - Kč20,000

    Zamazal - Veris Jaroslav (Vsetín 1900 - 1983 Prague) A Prague Motif, signed Veris bottom right, oil/cardboard, 50 x 41 cm, frame

  • VERIS (ZAMAZAL) Jaroslav (10. 7. 1900 Vsetin - 28.
    Dec. 08, 2007

    VERIS (ZAMAZAL) Jaroslav (10. 7. 1900 Vsetin - 28.

    Est: - Kč2,200

    VERIS (ZAMAZAL) Jaroslav (10. 7. 1900 Vsetin - 28. 10. 1983 Prague) Seated female nude with a mirror Watercolour, Indian ink, pastel and pencil on paper, 41 x 30 cm, framed, glazed, dated 1947, signed lower right. Czech painter of genre, he studied under J. Preisler and V. Nechleba at the Academy of Arts in Prague, then in Vienna and Paris. See T 2/646, V 5/195, TB 36/392.

    European Arts
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