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Aleksej Gavrilovic Venecianov Sold at Auction Prices

Painter, Caricaturist, Etcher, Lithographer, b. 1780 - d. 1847

Alexey Gavrilovich Venetsianov (18 February 1780–4 January 1847) was a Russian painter, renowned for his paintings devoted to peasant life and ordinary people.

Alexey Venetsianov was born into a merchant family in Moscow. He entered the civil service in the early 19th century and moved to St. Petersburg, where he began to study art. He first practiced with pictures of the Hermitage and with portraits of friends. He later became acquainted with Vladimir Borovikovsky and lived in his house as an apprentice. He tried to work as a freelance portraitist, but received few commissions. In 1811 the Board of the Academy of Arts awarded him the title of Academician for his two works - Self-Portrait and Portrait of K. I. Golovachevsky and the Younger Pupils of the Academy.

In 1819, devoting himself purely to art, Venetsianov left the service, bought the village of Safonkovo, and settled there. During this time he painted scenes from nature that he observed around him. These works were of prime importance in his career. He painted portraits of peasants, and scenes illustrating rural life. He was the first to depict peasant life in Russian art. His works achieved great success at the exhibition of 1824, where he received critical praise.

Venetsianov wished to become a professor in the Academy of Arts, but the academicians did not grant him their approval, mainly because he lacked academic training. During the years prior to 1820 he began to attract young people from poor backgrounds, and even serfs such as Grigory Soroka, to teach them painting. By the middle of the 1820s he had a group of followers, and established his own school of painting. Tsar Nicholas I, who liked to promote ‘national trends’, expressed his approval for the artist and appointed him a court painter. This title gave him the financial support necessary for running the school, where tuition was practically free. Venetsianov died in an accident in 1847 when his horses dashed off and his carriage fell down a steep slope

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  • VENETSIANOV ALEXEY (1780 - 1847) 19th Cent. Russia…
    Sep. 28, 2024

    VENETSIANOV ALEXEY (1780 - 1847) 19th Cent. Russia…

    Est: €1,500 - €3,000

    19th Cent. Russian oil on canvas (on panel) - attributed to Alexey Venetsianov VENETSIANOV ALEXEY (1780 - 1847) 19th Russian olieverfschilderij op doek (op paneel) : "Jongetje met ijsschaatsen onder de arm in een winterlandschap" - 42,1 x 31,3 toegeschreven aan

    Jun. 30, 2023


    Est: €500 - €700

    OTECHESTVENNAYA VOYNA 1812 [THE PATRIOTIC WAR OF 1812] Venetsianov A.G. (1780-1847) Napoleon's Winter Quarters First quarter of the 19th century Paper; etching, watercolor Sheet – 23.5 x 32 cm; frame – 26.5 x 35 cm In good condition. Minor foxing. Alexey Gavrilovich Venetsianov (1780-1847) was a Russian painter, draftsman, engraver, and educator. He was one of the leading artists of the late Russian Neoclassicism in the first half of the 19th century. Venetsianov was known for his genre scenes and portraits, which combined academic tradition with a romantic worldview, portraying peasant life in an original manner. He was an Academician of the Imperial Academy of Arts in St. Petersburg and the court artist of Emperor Nicholas I (since 1830). During the Patriotic War of 1812, Venetsianov collaborated with Ivan Terebenyov in creating caricatures of the French and the Frenchophile nobility. He also painted genre scenes depicting the lives of the nobility and the urban middle class. Первая четверть XIX в. Бумага; офорт, акварель. Лист – 23,5х32 см; рама – 26,5х35 см. В хорошей сохранности. Незначительные фоксинги. Венецианов Алексей Гаврилович (1780–1847) — русский живописец, рисовальщик, гравёр и педагог. Один из главных художников позднего русского классицизма первой половины XIX века, жанрист и портретист, создавший на стыке академической традиции и романтического мировоззрения оригинальную манеру изображения крестьянского быта. Академик Императорской Академии художеств в Санкт-Петербурге, придворный художник императора Николая I (с 1830). ​​ Во время Отечественной войны 1812 года совместно с Иваном Теребенёвым создавал карикатуры на французов и дворян-галломанов. Писал также жанровые сцены из дворянской и мещанской жизни.

    Hermitage Fine Art
    Jun. 17, 2023


    Est: $100 - $150

    Attributed to Alexey Venetsianov, Russian, 1780 to 1847, an oil on canvas painting depicting a portrait of a woman holding a flower and lookin at a child. Framed. Provenance: Parker Fine Art Auctions, April 15, 2021, lot 286. Alexey Gavrilovich Venetsianov was a painter renowned for his paintings devoted to peasant life and ordinary people. Antique Portrait Paintings And Russian Art Collectibles.

    Antique Arena Inc
    May. 06, 2023


    Est: $100 - $150

    Attributed to Alexey Venetsianov, Russian, 1780 to 1847, an oil on canvas painting depicting a portrait of a woman holding a flower and lookin at a child. Framed. Provenance: Parker Fine Art Auctions, April 15, 2021, lot 286. Alexey Gavrilovich Venetsianov was a painter renowned for his paintings devoted to peasant life and ordinary people. Antique Portrait Paintings And Russian Art Collectibles.

    Antique Arena Inc
    Dec. 03, 2019


    Est: €500 - €800

    (Mosca, 1780 - Tver', 1 1847) Ritratto di dama Olio su tela, cm 82X64 Di origini greche l'artista si formò nella bottega familiare e a causa di un impiego governativo come guardiano forestale inizialmente studiò pittura in maniera discontinua, per poi trasferirsi a San Pietroburgo per frequentare la bottega di Vladimir Borovikovsky. A Mosca ebbe occasione di apprendere le tecniche del pastello e dopo le guerre napoleoniche nel 1811 fu ammesso fra gli accademici dell'Accademia di Belle Arti. La sua produzione più importante é dedicata alla ritrattistica e sue sono le effigi di lo scrittore Nicolai Gogol (1834), Viktor KotchoubeÔ (1830 circa), Nikolai Karamzin (1828).

    Wannenes Art Auctions
  • 19th Cent. Russian oil on canvas (on board) - attributed to Alexeï Venetsianov
    Oct. 05, 2019

    19th Cent. Russian oil on canvas (on board) - attributed to Alexeï Venetsianov

    Est: €1,500 - €3,000

    19th Cent. Russian oil on canvas (on board) - attributed to Alexeï Venetsianov VENETSIANOV ALEXEÏ (1780 - 1845) Russisch olieverfschilderij op doek (gemaroufleerd op karton) : "Jongetje met schaatsen" - 42,5 x 31,5 - ca 1840 toegeschreven aan

  • 19th Cent. Russian oil on canvas (on board) - with the monogram " B " in Cyrilic of / attributed to
    Oct. 05, 2019

    19th Cent. Russian oil on canvas (on board) - with the monogram " B " in Cyrilic of / attributed to

    Est: €500 - €1,500

    19th Cent. Russian oil on canvas (on board) - with the monogram " B " in Cyrilic of / attributed to Alexeï Venetsianov VENETSIANOV ALEXEÏ (1780 - 1845) Russisch olieverfschilderij op doek (gemaroufleerd op karton) : "Jonge vrouw" - 26,5 x 23 gemonogrammeerd met een Cyrillische " B " (= V in het Latijns lettertype) / toegeschreven aan

  • 19th Cent. Russian oil on canvas by a follower of Venetsianov
    Sep. 23, 2017

    19th Cent. Russian oil on canvas by a follower of Venetsianov

    Est: €300 - €500

    VENETSIANOV ALEXEI GAVRILOVICH (1780 - 1847) / NAVOLGER olieverfschilderij op doek : "Portret van een jong meisje" - 44,8 x 33

  • 19th Cent. Russian oil on canvas from the studio/surroundings of Venetsianov
    Apr. 01, 2017

    19th Cent. Russian oil on canvas from the studio/surroundings of Venetsianov

    Est: €800 - €1,200

    19th Cent. Russian oil on canvas from the studio/surroundings of Venetsianov VENETSIANOV ALEXEI GAVRILOVICH (1780 - 1847) / STUDIO VAN olieverfschilderij op doek : "Portret van een jong meisje" - 44 8 x 33

  • 19th cent. Russina oil on canvas - with monogram attributed to
    Feb. 18, 2017

    19th cent. Russina oil on canvas - with monogram attributed to

    Est: €4,000 - €6,000

    VENETSIANOV ALEXEY GAVRILOVICH (1780 - 1847) olieverfschilderij op doek (herdoekt): "Portret van een jonge vrouw" - 41,3 x 31,1 gemonogrammeerd met een cyrillische "B" (= "V") toegeschreven aan Venetsianov wordt beschouwd als de belangrijkste Russische schilder

    Sep. 24, 2016


    Est: -

    ALEXEJ GAVRILOVITJ (ALEXEI GAWRILOWITSCH) VENETSIANOV (WENEZIANOW) 1780 Moskau - 1847 Poddubje bei Twer (attr.) BILDNIS EINES RUSSISCHEN BAUERNMÄDCHENS MIT KOPFTUCH Öl auf Leinwand. 45,5 cm x 37,8 cm. Min. gereinigt. Reste des alten Originalrahmens aus der ersten Hälfe des 19. Jahrhunderts erhalten. Provenienz: Aus dem Nachlass von Karl Julius Ernst Freiher von Ellrichshausen (Schloss Assumstadt bei Möckmühl im Landkreis Heilbronn). Beigabe: Reste des alten Originalrahmens; Porträtbildnis Karl Julius Ernst Freiher von Ellrichshausen (Zeichnung); Signierte Fotografie von Grossfürstin Olga, der Tochter von Zar Nikolaus I. Karl Julius Ernst Freiher von Ellrichshausen (1796 Assumstadt - 1855 Stuttgart) war Rittmeister, Generalmajor und erster Adjutant des Wüttembergischen Königs Wilhelm I. In diese Funktion beauftragte ihn der König Wilhelm I in Russland die Hochzeit des Sohnes Karl Friedrich Alexander von Württemberg (1864 bis 1891 dritter König von Württemberg) mit der Grossfürstin Olga, der Tochter von Zar Nikolaj I, zu arrangieren. Die Hochzeit fand am 13. Juli 1846 im Schloss Peterhof in der Nähe von Sankt Petersburg statt. Zar Nikolaus I war ein großer Förderer von Venetsianov. Er ernannte den Maler 1824 zum Hofmaler. Es ist überliefert das Olga bei Venetsianov Maluntericht nahm. Sehr wahrscheinlich ist, dass Karl Julius Ernst Freiher von Ellrichshausen am Hofe Zar Nikolaj I in Sankt Petersburg mit dem Werk Wenetsianows in Berührung kam. Ob das Gemälde ein Geschenk der Zarenfamilie war oder Ellrichshausen es bei Künstler erwarb muss offen bleiben. Alexej Venetsianov wurde 1780 als Sohn einer Kaufmannsfamilie in Moskau geboren. Früh trat der Maler in den Staatsdienst ein und zog nach Sankt-Petersburg, wo er begann an der Akademie Kunst zu studieren. Es folgte eine Ausbildung bei dem Maler Wladimir Borowikowski, dessen Geselle er wurde. 1819 trat Venetsianov aus dem Staatsdients aus und widmete sich alleine der Malerei. Er übersiedelte nach Safokowo wo er fortan lebte und begann das bäuerliche Leben in seiner Malerei darzustellen. Es entstanden Porträts von Bauern und Werke mit Szenen aus dem Landleben, die den Höhepunkt seines künstlerischen Oeuvres charakterisieren. Alexej Venetsianov war der erste Maler, der das bäuerliche Leben in Russland malte. Er eröffnete 1825 eine eigene Malschule. Mit der Ernennung zum Hofmaler durch Zar Nikolaus I konnte Venetsianov den Unterricht in seiner Malschule - dank der finanziellen Unterstützung durch den Zaren - seinen Lehrlingen kostenlos anbieten. Der Maler starb 1847 nach einem Reitunfall.""

    Hargesheimer Kunstauktionen Düsseldorf
    Jun. 08, 2016


    Est: £8,000 - £10,000

    SCHOOL OF ALEXEI GAVRILOVICH VENETSIANOV (1780-1847) Portrait of Sofia Matveevna Velikopolskaya nee Mudrova bears paper label with inscription in Cyrillic ‘Sofia Matveevna /Velikopolskaya /nee Mudrova /My mother’ (on verso) oil on canvas 29 x 23cm (11 7/16 x 9 1/16in). " "Sofia Matveevna Velikopolskaya, née Mudrova" "(1815-1897), was the wife of Ivan Yermolaevich" "Velikopolskiy, a retired military officer, estate owner" "and, most importantly, a long-life friend of Alexander" Sergeevich Pushkin.

    Oct. 25, 2014


    Est: $5,000 - $7,000

    ALEXEY GAVRILOVICH VENETSIANOV (RUSSIAN 1780-1847) Lunchtime, 1821 watercolor on paper 13.5 x 16.8 cm (5 1/4 x 6 1/2 in.) signed and dated lower right; indistinctly signed and dated on verso LOT NOTES Alexey Venetsianov is renowned for his paintings devoted to peasant life and ordinary people. In 1811 the Board of the Academy of Arts awarded him the title of Academician. In 1819, devoting himself purely to art, Venetsianov left the service and settled in the village of Safonkovo. During this time he painted scenes from nature that he observed around, creating the works of prime importance in his career, including the present lot. He was probably the first to depict peasant life in Russian art. Venetsianov painted portraits of peasants, and scenes illustrating rural life. His works achieved great success at the exhibition of 1824, where he received critical praise. By the middle of the 1820s he had a group of followers, and established his own school of painting.

    Shapiro Auctions LLC
  • Alexei Venetsianov (1780-1847)
    Oct. 12, 2009

    Alexei Venetsianov (1780-1847)

    Est: £30,000 - £50,000

    Alexei Venetsianov (1780-1847) Portrait of a seated young woman pastel on vellum laid down on board 14½ x 11¾ in. (36.8 x 29.8 cm.)

  • Alexei Gavrilovich Venetsianov, 1780-1847 , First steps oil on canvas
    Sep. 18, 2007

    Alexei Gavrilovich Venetsianov, 1780-1847 , First steps oil on canvas

    Est: £500,000 - £1,000,000

    signed in Cyrillic l.l., dated 1839 and inscribed S: Safonkovo oil on canvas

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