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Josef Váchal Sold at Auction Prices

Wood cutter, Illustrator, b. 1884 - d. 1969

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  • Vachal, Josef
    Feb. 14, 2025

    Vachal, Josef

    Est: €250 - €400

    Vachal, Josef (1884-1969). Waldgeister. Farbholzschnitt auf China, mit Bleistift signiert. 15:15,6 (17,3:22,2) cm.

  • JOSEF VÁCHAL 1884 - 1969 - PARADISE
    Dec. 04, 2024

    JOSEF VÁCHAL 1884 - 1969 - PARADISE

    Est: -

    Váchal's very distinctive artistic style and themes were based on his original perception of the world and his inner visions, as evidenced by the woodcut Ráj. He oscillated between different schools of thought, alternately rejecting and embracing the Catholic faith. Mysticism and spirituality weave through his work like a thin guiding thread that runs through his entire oeuvre. Framed under anti-reflective glass with UV filter. Technique: coloured woodcut, paper, Signed: sign. lower right: J. Váchal

    Arthouse Hejtmánek
  • Váchal, Josef: Die Insel der Glückseeligen
    Nov. 27, 2024

    Váchal, Josef: Die Insel der Glückseeligen

    Est: €2,000 - €2,500

    Die Insel der Glückseeligen. Farbholzschnitt auf chamoisfarbenem Similjapan. 20,9 x 20,8 cm. Signiert und eigenh. betitelt. (1912). Diese farbprächtige Vision paradiesischer Idylle entspringt der Phantasie des tschechischen Graphikers, Buchkünstlers, Malers sowie Dichters Josef Váchal. Seit seiner Wiederentdeckung in den 1990er Jahren gilt er in seinem Heimatland als einer der originellsten Vertreter der Avantgarde. In Vacháls künstlerischem Idiom gehen Symbolismus, Jugendstil und Expressionismus kongenial ineinander auf, ohne dass sich sein höchst individueller Stil auf eine bestimmte Strömung reduzieren ließe. Nach einer Ausbildung zum Buchbinder geriet Váchal zur Zeit der Jahrhundertwende in den Sog der Prager Künstlerszene und wandte sich zugleich spiritistischen und theosophischen Kreisen zu. Er glaubte an die Kraft der visionären Imagination und verstand den künstlerischen Schöpfungsprozess als Zusammenspiel höherer kosmischer Kräfte. Hin- und hergerissen zwischen christlicher Mystik, dem Okkulten und tiefer Naturverbundenheit, beharrte Váchal zeit seines Lebens auf eigenen Ansichten. 1910 war er Mitbegründer der kurzlebigen symbolistischen Künstlergruppe Sursum. Nach deren Auflösung bestritt er seinen weiteren Weg als Einzelgänger. - Ganz ausgezeichneter, farbintensiver Druck mit breitem Rand, oben und rechts mit dem originalen Schöpfrand. Leicht vergilbt, vereinzelte Fleckchen und Stockfleckchen im weißen Rand , sonst in sehr schöner und unberührter Erhaltung. - Wir bitten darum, Zustandsberichte zu den Losen zu erfragen, da der Erhaltungszustand nur in Ausnahmefällen im Katalog angegeben ist. - Please ask for condition reports for individual lots, as the condition is usually not mentioned in the catalogue.

    Bassenge Auctions
  • Josef Vachal
    Sep. 21, 2024

    Josef Vachal

    Est: €260 - €400

    Josef Vachal 1884 Milavce - 1969 Studenany Konvolut - Figürliche Szenen - 7 Farbholzschnitte/Papier. Je ca. 22 x 14 cm, je 35 x 21,5 cm (Blattmaß). Je sign. r. u.: JVachal. Blätter liegen lose. Josef Vachal war ein tschechoslowakischer Schriftsteller, Maler, Graphiker und Buchdrucker, Erfinder neuer Techniken des Farbholzschnitts.

    Das Kunst- und Auktionshaus Kastern GmbH & Co KG
  • Vachál, Josef: Die Insel der Glückseeligen
    May. 29, 2024

    Vachál, Josef: Die Insel der Glückseeligen

    Est: €2,000 - €2,500

    Die Insel der Glückseeligen. Farbholzschnitt auf chamoisfarbenem Similjapan. 20,9 x 20,8 cm. Signiert. (1912). Diese farbprächtige Vision paradiesischer Idylle entspringt der Phantasie des tschechischen Graphikers, Buchkünstlers, Malers sowie Dichters Josef Vachál. Seit seiner Wiederentdeckung in den 1990er Jahren gilt er in seinem Heimatland als einer der originellsten Vertreter der Avantgarde. In Váchals künstlerischem Idiom gehen Symbolismus, Jugendstil und Expressionismus kongenial ineinander auf, ohne dass sich sein höchst individueller Stil auf eine bestimmte Strömung reduzieren ließe. Nach einer Ausbildung zum Buchbinder geriet Váchal zur Zeit der Jahrhundertwende in den Sog der Prager Künstlerszene und wandte sich zugleich spiritistischen und theosophischen Kreisen zu. Er glaubte an die Kraft der visionären Imagination und verstand den künstlerischen Schöpfungsprozess als Zusammenspiel höherer kosmischer Kräfte. Hin- und hergerissen zwischen christlicher Mystik, dem Okkulten und tiefer Naturverbundenheit, beharrte Váchal zeit seines Lebens auf eigenen Ansichten. 1910 war er Mitbegründer der kurzlebigen symbolistischen Künstlergruppe Sursum. Nach deren Auflösung bestritt er seinen weiteren Weg als Einzelgänger. Ihm war nichts an dem Zuspruch seiner Künstlerkollegen oder der Kritik gelegen. Die Kehrseite dieser Kompromisslosigkeit waren existenzielle Nöte, zunehmende Verbitterung und der weitgehende Rückzug aus der Öffentlichkeit während der kommunistischen Jahre. Váchals umfangreiches Werk ist jedoch alles andere als weltabgewandt. Vielmehr ist seine spirituelle Weltanschauung als Linse zu verstehen, durch die er in seinen Werken philosophische Ideen ausdrückte, über das Sein und die Welt meditierte, auf aktuelle Lebensereignisse reagierte - er warnte vor den Schrecken des Krieges -, die Geschichte seines Landes betrachtet und durchaus Sozialkritik ausübte. Nach Anfängen als Maler, entwickelte Váchal eine Vorliebe für die Ausdruckstiefe des Farbholzschnittes, dessen Technik er perfektionierte und experimentell weiterentwickelte. So arbeitete er mit verschiedenen Materialien für Druckstöcke, baute eigene Werkzeuge und erarbeitete sogar ein Imprägnierverfahren, mittels welchem er den Druckstock an verschiedenen Stellen unterschiedlich saugfähig machen konnte, um die Farbtöne fein abzustufen. In vorliegendem Blatt kommen sowohl seine technische Raffinesse als auch sein grandioser Sinn für Farben und Formen vollendet zum Ausdruck. - Prachtvoller, farbintensiver Druck mit breitem Rand. Unauffällige Stockfleckchen, diagonale Knickfalte oben rechts, weitere sehr schwache Knick- und Knitterspuren im Außenrand, montierungsbedingt drei dünne Stellen im Oberrand, sonst in sehr schöner und unberührter Erhaltung. - Wir bitten darum, Zustandsberichte zu den Losen zu erfragen, da der Erhaltungszustand nur in Ausnahmefällen im Katalog angegeben ist. - Please ask for condition reports for individual lots, as the condition is usually not mentioned in the catalogue.

    Bassenge Auctions
  • VACHAL, JOSEF: Schroffe südliche Landschaft mit Gehängtem am Galgen.
    May. 03, 2024

    VACHAL, JOSEF: Schroffe südliche Landschaft mit Gehängtem am Galgen.

    Est: CHF2,100 - CHF3,200

    VACHAL, JOSEF (Milavec 1884 - 1969 Studenany) : Schroffe südliche Landschaft mit Gehängtem am Galgen; Öl auf Malkarton; 95,5x70 cm; sig. u.l.

    Dobiaschofsky Auktionen AG
  • JOSEF VÁCHAL 1884 - 1969 - CALVARY
    Dec. 07, 2023

    JOSEF VÁCHAL 1884 - 1969 - CALVARY

    Est: -

    Graphic sheet with author's note: "Print from three linoleum plates. 13 colors/ 18 exepl. prints. Print number nine." Josef Váchal's work is sometimes compared to the marginalia of medieval manuscripts - although it was on the edge of the artistic world, it is as important for its understanding as long texts. He projected mystical themes, curses and dark visions into multi-layered and often very wildly colored graphics, completely without perspective, to which he did not care too much. However, the fragmentation and color of the composition found its own means to create a mysterious space. Technique: coloured linocut, paper, Signed: sign. lower right: Josef Váchal 1949

    Arthouse Hejtmánek
  • JOSEF VÁCHAL 1884 - 1969 - CHAPEL
    Dec. 07, 2023

    JOSEF VÁCHAL 1884 - 1969 - CHAPEL

    Est: -

    Josef Váchal's imagery grew out of anxiety states, fear of the unknown and diary entries of nocturnal visual and auditory hallucinations. He wandered the countryside and found hidden stories, apparitions, occult phenomena in it. In particular, he explored the surroundings of Šumava with almost fanatical passion and described his experiences with astonishment, joy and horror. A painter, graphic artist, illustrator, sculptor and also a poet, he stood out as an original creator especially in the color woodcut technique, with which he impressed at foreign exhibitions, in Cologne or Florence. He trained as a librarian and attended a private school with Antonín Kalvoda. He lived most of his life in seclusion and poverty, always fearlessly forging his own path regardless of the ridicule and scorn of art critics. Technique: oil on canvas, Signed: sign. lower right: J. Váchal 31

    Arthouse Hejtmánek
  • Vachal Josef (CZECH, 1884-1969) - Woodcuts of Mystics and Visionaries (5 Woodcuts)
    Nov. 27, 2023

    Vachal Josef (CZECH, 1884-1969) - Woodcuts of Mystics and Visionaries (5 Woodcuts)

    Est: -

    Woodcuts of Mystics and Visionaries (5 Woodcuts) Published by M. Beznoska, Prague II.

    Einszwei Gallery
  • Vachal Josef (CZECH, 1884-1969) - Sewer Street
    Nov. 27, 2023

    Vachal Josef (CZECH, 1884-1969) - Sewer Street

    Est: -

    Sewer Street

    Einszwei Gallery
  • Josef Váchal, Zwei Holzschnitte
    May. 27, 2023

    Josef Váchal, Zwei Holzschnitte

    Est: -

    Josef Váchal, Zwei Holzschnitte Herr im Interieur mit Schriftzug "Wertheim", im Hintergrund und Mann am Schreibtisch in der Studierstube, Holzschnitt, um 1925, jeweils in Blei links unter der Darstellung signiert "Josef Váchal", ein Holzschnitt mit Monogramm "JV" im Stock, Papier gleichmäßig gebräunt, je hinter Glas gerahmt, Darstellungsmaße ca. 19,5 x 15 cm. Künstlerinfo: tschechischer Maler, Graphiker und Schriftsteller (1884 Milavče bis 1969 Studeňany), ging 1898 nach Prag, hier Lehre als Buchbinder, 1904 Besuch der Malschule von Alois Kalvoda, 1908 Kauf der ersten Druckpresse, 1911 Mitbeteiligung an der Gründung der Künstlergruppe Sursum, Freundschaft mit Jakub Deml, 1916–18 Kriegsdienst im 1. Weltkrieg, 1928 Teilnahme an der Pressa in Köln, ab den 1960er Jahren zunehmendes Interesse an seinem Werk, fünf Tage vor seinem Tod wurde ihm die Auszeichnung „Verdienter Künstler“ verliehen, 1970 erschien posthum sein Buch „Der blutige Roman“, Quelle: Vollmer und Wikipedia. Josef Váchal, Two woodcuts Mr. in an interior with the lettering "Wertheim", in the background and man at a desk in the study, woodcut, c. 1925, each signed in lead on the left under the depiction "Josef Váchal", one woodcut with monogram "JV" in the stock, paper evenly browned, each framed behind glass, dimensions of depiction c. 19.5 x 15 cm. Artist's info: Czech painter, graphic artist and writer (1884 Milavče to 1969 Studeňany), went to Prague in 1898, apprenticeship as a bookbinder, 1904 attended the painting school of Alois Kalvoda, 1908 bought the first printing press, 1911 participated in the foundation of the artists' group Sursum, friendship with Jakub Deml, 1916-18 military service in the 1st World War, 1928 participation in the press. World War I, 1928 participation in the Pressa in Cologne, from the 1960s increasing interest in his work, five days before his death he was awarded the distinction "Merited Artist", 1970 his book "The Bloody Novel" was published posthumously, source: Vollmer and Wikipedia.

    Auktionshaus Mehlis GmbH
  • Josef Vachal, Czech Republic (1884 - 1969), 1925, block print in colors, 5 1/2"H x 4 1/4"W (sight), 13 1/2"H x 12"W (frame)
    Apr. 29, 2023

    Josef Vachal, Czech Republic (1884 - 1969), 1925, block print in colors, 5 1/2"H x 4 1/4"W (sight), 13 1/2"H x 12"W (frame)

    Est: $400 - $500

    Josef Vachal Czech Republic, (1884 - 1969) 1925 block print in colors Signed lower right, titled and dated verso. Biography from The British Museum website: Artist-craftsman, painter, illustrator, book-maker, author, printmaker. Related to painter M.Ales. Trained as a book-binder in Prague (Weitzman's workshop); 1904-5 studied landscape painting under A.Kalvoda and also at R. Béma's private school, 1905-6; A.Hervert instructed him in printmaking, 1907-8. Served on the Italian front 1917-18; 1923 travelled to Yugoslavia; 1928, to Germany; 1930, 1933, 1934 to Slovakia. Collaborated with journal 'Meditace'; member of 'Sursum'; associated with 'Katolická moderna'. A prolific maker of bookplates, producing at least 500, and by his own estimate, 650.

    Ripley Auctions
    Dec. 08, 2022


    Est: -

    The sheets of the series, comprising nine woodcuts in total, represent symbolic and allegorical portraits of Christian mystics from different eras. The work is undoubtedly related to the contacts Váchal maintained with representatives of Catholic Modernism at the turn of the century. The voluminous titles of the individual prints contain spiritualistic and visionary elements of non-Christian origin, probably as evidence of Váchal's later departure from Catholicism. The copy offered is numbered ZP. It is worth noting that the publisher was the author's wife, whom he married in the year of publication. Published by Máša Váchalová and O. S. S. 1913, printed by Politika 1913. Published in 50 copies with Czech text and 50 copies with German text. The size shown is the size of the paper.

    Arthouse Hejtmánek
    Dec. 08, 2022


    Est: -

    Painter, graphic artist, illustrator, sculptor and poet Josef Váchal excelled as an original artist especially in the technique of color woodblock prints, which earned him acclaim at exhibitions in Cologne and Florence. He trained as a bookbinder and attended a private school, where he was a student of Antonín Kalvoda. He spent most of his life in seclusion and poverty, always fearlessly forging his own path regardless of the ridicule and blind eye he got from art critics. This distinctive Symbolist-based artist was the co-founder of Sursum, an art group whose artists also addressed Expressionist impulses. Technique: Coloured woodcut on paper, Signed: Lower right "J. Váchal"

    Arthouse Hejtmánek
  • Motif from Prášily (Study for the author's book Šumava Dying and Romantic) - Josef Váchal (1884–1969)
    Jun. 19, 2022

    Motif from Prášily (Study for the author's book Šumava Dying and Romantic) - Josef Váchal (1884–1969)

    Est: -

    LD title by author, professional expertise PhDr. Rea Michalová, Ph.D., LD Váchal

    1. Art Consulting
    Dec. 14, 2021


    Est: -

    Painter, graphic artist, illustrator, sculptor and poet Josef Váchal excelled as an original artist especially in the technique of color woodblock prints, which earned him acclaim at exhibitions in Cologne and Florence. He trained as a bookbinder and attended a private school, where he was a student of Antonín Kalvoda. He spent most of his life in seclusion and poverty, always fearlessly forging his own path regardless of the ridicule and blind eye he got from art critics. This distinctive Symbolist-based artist was the co-founder of Sursum, an art group whose artists also addressed Expressionist impulses. His original skill as a visual storyteller arose from anxiety, fear of the unknown and diary records of visual and auditory hallucinations at night. Throughout his life he fluctuated between faith and heresy, reflecting his captivation with spirituality, the occult and theosophy in his art. Technique: Woodcut, paper, Signed: Lower right "J Váchal"

    Arthouse Hejtmánek
  • JOSEF VÁCHAL (Czech 1884-1969)
    Dec. 01, 2021

    JOSEF VÁCHAL (Czech 1884-1969)

    Est: -

    Váchal Josef, Hands Czech 1943 dimensions: 265 x 190 mm (sheet size) signed last sheet unframed Starting Bid: 200

    Einszwei Gallery
  • JOSEF VÁCHAL (Czech 1884-1969)
    Dec. 01, 2021

    JOSEF VÁCHAL (Czech 1884-1969)

    Est: -

    Váchal Josef, Animal Protection Association Czech 1926 dimensions: 125 x 105 mm signed lower right unframed Starting Bid: 40

    Einszwei Gallery
  • JOSEF VÁCHAL (Czech 1884-1969)
    Dec. 01, 2021

    JOSEF VÁCHAL (Czech 1884-1969)

    Est: -

    Váchal Josef, Ex libris Adolf Malý Czech 1949 dimensions: 210 x 140 mm signed lower right unframed Starting Bid: 40

    Einszwei Gallery
  • Vachal, J. (1884-1969). Lot of ±70 ex libris,
    Nov. 25, 2021

    Vachal, J. (1884-1969). Lot of ±70 ex libris,

    Est: €250 - €350

    Vachal, J. (1884-1969). Lot of ±70 ex libris, various techniques, 5x signed in pencil, the greater part tipped onto mount.

    Bubb > Kuyper: Auctioneers of Books, Fine Arts & Manuscripts
  • Vachal, J. (1884-1969). Lot of ±50 ex libris,
    Nov. 25, 2021

    Vachal, J. (1884-1969). Lot of ±50 ex libris,

    Est: €200 - €300

    Vachal, J. (1884-1969). Lot of ±50 ex libris, various techniques (incl. cliché prints), 7x signed in pencil, all tipped onto mount.

    Bubb > Kuyper: Auctioneers of Books, Fine Arts & Manuscripts
  • Vachal, Josef
    Feb. 20, 2021

    Vachal, Josef

    Est: €160 - €240

    (1884 Milavec - Studenany 1969). Farbholzschnitt. Unten rechts signiert. Folio. Dabei: 19 weitere Graphiken verschied. Künstler. Verschied. Techniken u. Formate. - 5 Holzschnitte v. Bruno Goldschmitt u.a. - Zus. 20 Bl. D

    Kiefer Buch- und Kunstauktionen
  • Josef Váchal (1884-1969)
    Dec. 05, 2020

    Josef Váchal (1884-1969)

    Est: -

    Josef Váchal (1884-1969) DVOJICE EX LIBRIS Ex libris Josef Kašpar. Barevný dřevoryt na papíře, 160x83 mm, zn. v tisku vlevo dole. Ex libris Karla Sedláčka. Barevný dřevoryt na papíře, 150x90 mm. Josef Váchal - český malíř, grafik, ilustrátor, sochař, řezbář, spisovatel a básník. Jeho tvorba byla ovlivněna expresionismem a prvky symbolismu, naturalismu a secese. V roce 1969 oceněn titulem Zasloužilý umělec. English Translation Josef Váchal (1884-1969) TWO EX LIBRIS Ex libris of Josef Kašpar. Color woodcut on paper, 160x83 mm, marked lower left in print. Ex libris of Karel Sedláček. Color woodcut on paper, 150x90 mm. German Translation Josef Váchal (1884-1969) ZWEI EX LIBRIS Ex libris Josef Kašpar. Farbholzstich auf Papier, 160x83 mm, gez. im Druckbereich links unten. Ex libris Karel Sedláček. Farbholzstich auf Papier, 150x90 mm. Euros 56

    Auction House Zezula
  • Josef Váchal (1884-1969)
    Dec. 05, 2020

    Josef Váchal (1884-1969)

    Est: -

    Josef Váchal (1884-1969) E. A. POE V DŘEVORYTU 1946 Soubor patnácti barevných dřevorytových ilustrací na náměty slavných povídek. 150x90 mm, zn. v tisku (všech patnáct grafických listů má obdobné rozměry). Listy jsou volně vloženy v papírové obálce. Titulní list tištěn v černé barvě. "Josef Váchal E. A. Poe v dřevorytu...Pourova edice v Praze". Vydáno v 600 výtiscích. Vytiskli Müller a spol. v Turnově. Josef Váchal - český malíř, grafik, ilustrátor, sochař, řezbář, spisovatel a básník. Jeho tvorba byla ovlivněna expresionismem a prvky symbolismu, naturalismu a secese. V roce 1969 oceněn titulem Zasloužilý umělec. English Translation Josef Váchal (1884-1969) E. A. POE V DŘEVORYTU 1946 Set of 15 color wood engravings with motifs from famous short stories by E. A. Poe. 150x90 mm, marked in print. Loose sheets in a paper cover. Title page printed in black. "Josef Váchal E. A. Poe v dřevorytu...Pourova edice v Praze". Issued in 600 copies. Printed by Müller a spol. in Turnov. German Translation Josef Váchal (1884-1969) E. A. POE IN HOLZSTICH 1946 15 farbigen Holzstichillustrationen mit Themen von berühmten Kurzgeschichten. 150x90 mm, gez. im Druckbereich (alle 15 Blätter in ähnlichem Format). Blätter sind lose eingelegt in Papierumschlag. Titelblatt gedruckt in Schwarz. "Josef Váchal E. A. Poe in Holzstich… Pourova edice in Prag". Herausgegeben in 600 Abdrücken. Gedruckt von Müller in Turnau. Euros 226

    Auction House Zezula
  • Josef Váchal, Lotto composto di 5 incisioni.
    Dec. 01, 2020

    Josef Váchal, Lotto composto di 5 incisioni.

    Est: €250 - €500

    Xilografie a colori. mm 195x145. Fogli: mm 350x255. 2 firmate in lastra in basso a destra, 1 in basso a sinistra e 1 monogrammata in lastra in basso a sinistra. Tutte controfirmate in basso a destra. SI AGGIUNGE: Ex libris. Xilografia a colori. mm 200x145. Foglio: mm 227x157. Firmata a matita in basso a destra. (5)

    Gonnelli Casa d'Aste
  • Josef Váchal - Pan and Girl from a Town
    Nov. 29, 2020

    Josef Váchal - Pan and Girl from a Town

    Est: Kč50,000 - Kč80,000

    woodcut on paper, dated 1912, Signed lower right

    Galerie KODL
    Jul. 07, 2020


    Est: -

    Josef Váchal excelled as an original artist especially in the technique of colored woodblock prints, which earned him acclaim at exhibitions in Cologne and Florence. This distinctive Symbolist-based artist was a member of Sursum, an art group whose artists also addressed Expressionist impulses. Váchal was particularly known as an artist who created unique books and prints. His original skill as a visual storyteller arose from his anxiety, his fear of the unknown and diary records of his visual and auditory hallucinations at night. Throughout his life he fluctuated between faith and heresy, reflecting his captivation with spirituality, the occult and theosophy in his art. Initially he published notebooks of drawings and manuscripts, which demonstrated his artistic and literary talent. This particular book discusses the meaning and status of intermediaries - priests, shamans and other messengers of god in the history of religion and mankind. Josef Váchal points out, that they desire more for the individual gain than the touch of god. Technique: Author's print, woodblock printing, handmade paper, Signed: In the colophon "J. Váchal"

    Arthouse Hejtmánek
    Jul. 07, 2020


    Est: -

    Painter, graphic artist, illustrator, sculptor and poet Josef Váchal excelled as an original artist especially in the technique of color woodblock prints, which earned him acclaim at exhibitions in Cologne and Florence. He trained as a bookbinder and attended a private school, where he was a student of Antonín Kalvoda. He spent most of his life in seclusion and poverty, always fearlessly forging his own path regardless of the ridicule and blind eye he got from art critics. This distinctive Symbolist-based artist was the co-founder of Sursum, an art group whose artists also addressed Expressionist impulses. His original skill as a visual storyteller arose from anxiety, fear of the unknown and diary records of visual and auditory hallucinations at night. Throughout his life he fluctuated between faith and heresy, reflecting his captivation with spirituality, the occult and theosophy in his art. An identical print is in the collections of the Moravian Gallery in Brno. Technique: Coloured woodcut on paper, Signed: Lower left "Váchal"

    Arthouse Hejtmánek
    Dec. 10, 2019


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    A rare color wood engraving from the early oeuvre of a Czech “lone wolf” artist and idiosyncratic thinker.

    Arthouse Hejtmánek
    Dec. 10, 2019


    Est: -

    An important mystical work by printmaker and poet Josef Váchal, it is directly descended from the Apocalypse of John, from Dürer through to Blake. Catalogue Raisonné no. 84 in Josef Kroutvor, Michal Ajvaz, Petr Hruška, Jan Pelánek: Josef Váchal, Argestea, Prague 1994.

    Arthouse Hejtmánek
  • RUCE ('HANDS')
    Jun. 06, 2019

    RUCE ('HANDS')

    Est: -

    Thirteen color wood engravings for the verses of Otakar Březina. Published in a limited edition of 1,001 copies by ELK, akc. Spol., Prague in 1943. Of the total edition, the first 100 were printed on Hodomura paper at Müller a spol. Book printers as copies not intended for sale. In Turnov| this copy is numbered 44. List of prints: I. Chvíle slávy jsem měl (Moments of Fame) II. Vedra (Heat) III. Hudba slepců (The Blind Men) IV. Ruce (Hands) V. Zpívaly vody (Thus Sang the Waters) VI. Kolozpěv srdcí (Roundelay of Hearts) VII. Dithyramb světů (Dithyramb of the Worlds) VIII. Stráž nad mrtvými (Guardian over the Dead) IX. Šílenci (The Madmen) X. Čisté jitro (Pure Morning) XI. Místa harmonie a smíření (Places of Harmony and Reconciliation) XII. Jarní noc (The Spring Night) XIII. Čas (Time)

    Arthouse Hejtmánek
    Jun. 06, 2019


    Est: -

    An identical print is in the collections of the Moravian Gallery in Brno. Painter, graphic artist, illustrator, sculptor and poet Josef Váchal excelled as an original artist especially in the technique of color woodblock prints, which earned him acclaim at exhibitions in Cologne and Florence. He trained as a bookbinder and attended a private school, where he was a student of Antonín Kalvoda. |He spent most of his life in seclusion and poverty, always fearlessly forging his own path regardless of the ridicule and blind eye he got from art critics. This distinctive Symbolist-based artist was the co-founder of Sursum, an art group whose artists also addressed Expressionist impulses. His original skill as a visual storyteller arose from anxiety, fear of the unknown and diary records of visual | and auditory hallucinations at night. Throughout his life he fluctuated between faith and heresy, reflecting his captivation with spirituality, the occult and theosophy in his art.

    Arthouse Hejtmánek
  • A BOX
    Jun. 06, 2019

    A BOX

    Est: -

    This unique ceramic box is a part of a collection of ritual and applied art objects (statuettes of gods, ceramics) that Josef Váchal created during his lifetime. The surface of the box is painted with colorful symbolic motifs and figures in nature. Along the sides are depictions of three animal heads, their snouts forming the feet of the box. Painter, graphic artist, illustrator, sculptor and poet Josef Váchal excelled as an original artist especially in the technique of color woodblock prints, which earned him acclaim at exhibitions in Cologne and Florence. He trained as a bookbinder and attended a private school, where he was a student of Antonín Kalvoda. | He spent most of his life in seclusion and poverty, always fearlessly forging his own path regardless of the ridicule and blind eye he got from art critics. This distinctive Symbolist-based artist was the co-founder of Sursum, an art group whose artists also addressed Expressionist impulses. His original skill as a visual storyteller arose from anxiety, fear of the unknown and diary records of visual | and auditory hallucinations at night. Throughout his life he fluctuated between faith and heresy, reflecting his captivation with spirituality, the occult and theosophy in his art.

    Arthouse Hejtmánek
  • Josef Váchal - Witch
    May. 26, 2019

    Josef Váchal - Witch

    Est: Kč350,000 - Kč650,000

    oil on canvas, dated 1915, 47 x 55 cm

    Galerie KODL
  • Josef Váchal - In memoriam Marie Váchalová - book
    May. 26, 2019

    Josef Váchal - In memoriam Marie Váchalová - book

    Est: Kč200,000 - Kč250,000

    print on paper, dated 1923, 25 x 23 cm

    Galerie KODL
  • Josef Váchal - Dead from the forest
    May. 26, 2019

    Josef Váchal - Dead from the forest

    Est: Kč150,000 - Kč200,000

    watercolor on paper, dated 1929, 58 x 62 cm

    Galerie KODL
    May. 31, 2018


    Est: -

    Color wood engraving on Japanese paper (unframed). Josef Váchal excelled as an original artist especially in the technique of color woodblock prints, which earned him acclaim at exhibitions in Cologne and Florence. This distinctive Symbolist-based artist was a member of Sursum, an art group whose artists also addressed Expressionist impulses. Váchal was particularly known as an artist who created unique books and prints. His original skill as a visual storyteller arose from his anxiety, his fear of the unknown and diary records of his visual and auditory hallucinations at night. Throughout his life he fluctuated between faith and heresy, reflecting his captivation with spirituality, the occult and theosophy in his art. Initially he published notebooks of drawings and manuscripts, which demonstrated his artistic and literary talent.

    Arthouse Hejtmánek
  • Josef Váchal (1884-1969)
    Dec. 10, 2016

    Josef Váchal (1884-1969)

    Est: Kč2,500 - Kč5,000

    Josef Váchal (1884-1969) SIX BOOKPLATES. Wood engravings on paper, each signed lower right in pencil „JVáchal“. Josef Váchal (1884-1969) ŠEST EX LIBRIS. Šest grafických ex libris, všechny jsou černobílé dřevoryty na papíře, signovány tužkou vpravo dole „JVáchal“. Josef Váchal (1884-1969) SECHS EXLIBRIS. Schwarzweißholzstiche auf Papier, signiert mit Bleistift rechts unten „JVáchal“.

    Auction House Zezula
  • Josef Váchal (1884-1969)
    Dec. 10, 2016

    Josef Váchal (1884-1969)

    Est: Kč2,500 - Kč5,000

    Josef Váchal (1884-1969) FOUR BOOKPLATES. Coloured wood engravings on paper, each signed lower right „JVáchal“, marked in print by initials „J.V.“. Josef Váchal (1884-1969) ČTYŘI EX LIBRIS. Čtyři grafická ex libris, všechny jsou barevné dřevoryty na papíře, signovány tužkou vpravo dole „JVáchal“, většina též v desce monogramem „J.V.“. Josef Váchal (1884-1969) VIER EXLIBRIS. Farbholzstiche auf Papier, signiert mit Bleistift rechts unten „JVáchal“, die meisten auch im Druck monogrammiert „J.V.“.

    Auction House Zezula
  • Josef Váchal (1884-1969)
    Dec. 10, 2016

    Josef Váchal (1884-1969)

    Est: Kč2,200 - Kč4,400

    Josef Váchal (1884-1969) THREE BOOKPLATES. 1950. Coloured wood engravings on paper, each signed and dated lower right „JVáchal 50“. Josef Váchal (1884-1969) TŘI EX LIBRIS. 1950. Trojice grafických ex libris, všechny jsou barevné dřevoryty na papíře, všechny signovány a datovány tužkou vpravo dole „JVáchal 50“. Josef Váchal (1884-1969) DREI EXLIBRIS. 1950. Farbholzstiche auf Papier, alle signiert und datiert mit Bleistift rechts unten „JVáchal 50“.

    Auction House Zezula
  • Josef Váchal (1884-1969)
    Dec. 10, 2016

    Josef Váchal (1884-1969)

    Est: Kč6,900 - Kč13,800

    Josef Váchal (1884-1969) SEVEN BOOKPLATES. 1940’s. Coloured wood engravings on paper, each signed lower right „JVáchal“, dated in pencil or in print. Josef Váchal (1884-1969) SEDM EX LIBRIS. 40. léta 20. stol. Sedm grafických ex libris, všechny jsou barevné dřevoryty na papíře, všechny signovány tužkou vpravo dole „JVáchal“ a tužkou či v desce na různých místech datovány. Josef Váchal (1884-1969) SIEBEN EXLIBRIS. 1940-1950. Farbholzstiche auf Papier, alle signiert mit Bleistift rechts unten „JVáchal“ und mit Bleistift oder im Druck auf verschiedenen Stellen datiert.

    Auction House Zezula
  • Josef Váchal (1884-1969)
    Dec. 10, 2016

    Josef Váchal (1884-1969)

    Est: Kč5,500 - Kč11,000

    Josef Váchal (1884-1969) SIX BOOKPLATES. 1930’s. Wood engravings on paper, five of them coloured, signed lower right in pencil „JVáchal“, dated lower right in pencil. Josef Váchal (1884-1969) ŠEST EX LIBRIS. 30. léta 20. stol. Šest grafických ex libris, z nichž pět jsou barevné dřevoryty a jeden černobílý dřevoryt na papíře, všechny signovány tužkou vpravo dole „JVáchal“ a tužkou tamtéž datovány. Josef Váchal (1884-1969) SECHS EXLIBRIS. 1930-1940. 5 Farb- und 1 Schwarzweißholzstich auf Papier, alle signiert mit Bleistift rechts unten „JVáchal“ und mit Bleistift ebenda datiert.

    Auction House Zezula
  • Josef Váchal (1884-1969)
    Dec. 10, 2016

    Josef Váchal (1884-1969)

    Est: Kč4,500 - Kč9,000

    Josef Váchal (1884-1969) EIGHT BOOKPLATES. 1920’s. Wood engravings on paper, five of them coloured, signed lower right in pencil „JVáchal“, dated in pencil. Josef Váchal (1884-1969) OSM EX LIBRIS. 20. léta 20. stol. Osm grafických ex libris, z nichž pět jsou barevné a tři černobílé dřevoryty na papíře, všechny signovány tužkou vpravo dole „JVáchal“ a tužkou na různých místech datovány. Josef Váchal (1884-1969) ACHT EXLIBRIS. 1920-1930. 5 Farb- und 3 Schwarzweißholzstiche auf Papier, alle signiert mit Bleistift rechts unten „JVáchal“ und mit Bleistift auf verschiedenen Stellen datiert.

    Auction House Zezula
  • Josef Váchal (1884-1969)
    Dec. 10, 2016

    Josef Váchal (1884-1969)

    Est: Kč9,500 - Kč19,000

    Josef Váchal (1884-1969) FRANCISCAN LEGEND. 1921. Coloured linocut on paper, 376x345 mm, signed and dated lower right in pencil „JVáchal 21.“, titled lower left in pencil. Mounted, framed, glazed. Josef Váchal (1884-1969) LEGENDA FRANTIŠKÁNSKÁ. 1921. Barevný linoryt na papíře, 376x345 mm, sign. a dat. tužkou vpravo dole „JVáchal 21.“, zn. tužkou vlevo dole „Legenda Františkánská“. Paspartováno, rámováno, zaskleno. Josef Váchal (1884-1969) FRANZISKANER LEGENDE. 1921. Farblinolschnitt auf Papier, 376x345 mm, sign. und datiert mit Bleistift rechts unten „JVáchal 21.“, links unten mit Bleistift bezeichnet „Legenda Františkánská“. Passepartout, gerahmt, verglast.

    Auction House Zezula
  • Josef Váchal (1884-1969)
    Dec. 10, 2016

    Josef Váchal (1884-1969)

    Est: Kč9,500 - Kč19,000

    Josef Váchal (1884-1969) WITCHER. 1921. Coloured linocut on paper, 338x271 mm, signed lower right in pencil „J. Váchal“, titled lower left in pencil. Mounted, framed, glazed. Josef Váchal (1884-1969) ZAKLÍNAČ (PALIČ). 1921. Barevný linoryt na papíře, 338x271 mm, sign. tužkou vpravo dole „J. Váchal“, zn. tužkou vlevo dole „Zaklínač“. Paspartováno, rámováno, zaskleno. Josef Váchal (1884-1969) BESCHWÖRER (BRENNER). 1921. Farblinolschnitt auf Papier, 338x271 mm, sign. mit Bleistift rechts unten „J. Váchal“, links unten mit Bleistift bezeichnet „Zaklínač“. Passepartout, gerahmt, verglast.

    Auction House Zezula
  • Josef Váchal (1884-1969)
    Apr. 09, 2016

    Josef Váchal (1884-1969)

    Est: €1,852 - €3,704

    Josef Váchal (1884-1969) MYSTICS AND VISIONARIES. 1913. 10 single leaves in the cover made for the Vachal cycle: I. Prolog, II. Agrippa Cornelius, III. William Blake, IV. St. Hildegarda, V. Jakub Boehme, VI. Angelus Silesius, VII. Jeane Leadová, VIII. Jindřich Suso, IX. Kateř. Anna Emerichová, X. Sv. Terezie. 39. print. Wood engravings on paper, all circa 210x210 mm, one of them 249x214 mm. Josef Váchal (1884-1969) MYSTIKOVÉ A VISIONÁŘI. 1913. 10 volných listů v přebalu z Váchalova cyklu: I. Prolog, II. Agrippa Cornelius, III. William Blake, IV. Sv. Hildegarda, V. Jakub Boehme, VI. Angelus Silesius, VII. Jeane Leadová, VIII. Jindřich Suso, IX. Kateř. Anna Emerichová, X. Sv. Terezie. 39. výtisk. Dřevoryty na papíře, všechny ca 210x210 mm a jeden 249x214 mm. Josef Váchal (1884-1969) MYSTIKER UND VISIONÄRE. 1913. 10 grafische Blätter in Schutzhülle aus Váchals Zyklus: I. Prolog, II. Agrippa Cornelius, III. William Blake, IV. Sv. Hildegarda, V. Jakub Boehme, VI. Angelus Silesius, VII. Jeane Leadová, VIII. Jindřich Suso, IX. Kateř. Anna Emerichová, X. Sv. Terezie. 39. Abdruck. Holzstiche auf Papier, alle ca. 210x210 mm und einer 249x214 mm.

    Auction House Zezula
  • Print, Josef Vachal
    Feb. 21, 2016

    Print, Josef Vachal

    Est: $700 - $1,000

    Josef Vachal (Czech, 1884-1969),"Paradies (Garden of Eden)," color woodcut, pencil signed lower right, titled lower center, no. 34, image: 9.75"h x 12"w, sheet: 11.5"h x 12"w, overall (with mat): 16"h x 22"w

    Clars Auctions
  • Josef Váchal (1884-1969) IN HELL, 1937. Ex libris
    Nov. 09, 2013

    Josef Váchal (1884-1969) IN HELL, 1937. Ex libris

    Est: Kč1,500 - Kč3,000

    Josef Váchal (1884-1969) IN HELL, 1937. Ex libris of Štěpán Peterka. Colored woodcut on paper, 176x121 mm, top left corner dated and signed by initials „J. V. 37". Josef Váchal (1884-1969) V PEKLE. 1937. Ex libris Štěpán Peterka. Barevný dřevoryt na papíře, 176x121 mm, sign. monogramem a dat. v tisku vlevo nahoře „J. V. 37". Josef Váchal (1884-1969) IN DER HÖLLE. 1937. Exlibris von Štěpán Peterka. Farbholzschnitt auf Papier, 176x121 mm, links oben monogrammiert und dat. im Druck „J. V. 37".

    Auction House Zezula
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