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Karl Truppe Sold at Auction Prices


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  • Karl Truppe, Ebenthal 1887 - 1959 Viktring
    Nov. 26, 2024

    Karl Truppe, Ebenthal 1887 - 1959 Viktring

    Est: €400 - €600

    Karl Truppe Ebenthal 1887 - 1959 Viktring Portrait of a gentleman Oil on panel 112 x 87 cm, framed 122 x 97.5 cm signed on lower right

    Tiberius Auctions
  • Karl Truppe, Landscape
    Aug. 18, 2024

    Karl Truppe, Landscape

    Est: $400 - $600

    Karl Truppe (Austrian, 1887-1959), landscape, signed and dated 1916 L/L, 14" x 19", framed 19 1/2" x 24 1/2". Provenance: Southern Connecticut collection.

    Kaminski Auctions
  • Karl Truppe 1887-1959
    Apr. 21, 2024

    Karl Truppe 1887-1959

    Est: $800 - $1,200

    Figure with Water, Oil on canvas, 43x38 cm. Signed and dated.

    Tiroche Auction House
  • Karl Truppe, Ebenthal 1887 - Viktring 1959, The Rape of Europe
    Nov. 14, 2023

    Karl Truppe, Ebenthal 1887 - Viktring 1959, The Rape of Europe

    Est: €2,000 - €4,000

    Karl Truppe Ebenthal 1887 - Viktring 1959 The Rape of Europe Oil on cardboard 65 x 81 cm Signed & dated 1934 b.l.

    Tiberius Auctions
  • Karl Truppe, Ebenthal 1887 - Viktring 1959, Still Life with Eggs
    Nov. 14, 2023

    Karl Truppe, Ebenthal 1887 - Viktring 1959, Still Life with Eggs

    Est: €1,000 - €2,000

    Karl Truppe Ebenthal 1887 - Viktring 1959 Still Life with Eggs Oil on plate 43 x 53.5 cm, with frame 56.7 x 68 cm Signed & dated 1922 b.r.

    Tiberius Auctions
  • Karl Truppe, Ebenthal 1887 - Viktring 1959, Reclining female nude
    Nov. 14, 2023

    Karl Truppe, Ebenthal 1887 - Viktring 1959, Reclining female nude

    Est: €2,000 - €4,000

    Karl Truppe Ebenthal 1887 - Viktring 1959 Reclining female nude Oil on cardboard 51.5 x 96 cm, with frame 66 x 112 cm Signed & dated 1936 b.r.

    Tiberius Auctions
  • Truppe, Karl: Stillleben/ still life
    Dec. 08, 2022

    Truppe, Karl: Stillleben/ still life

    Est: -

    Truppe, Karl. 1887 Radsberg, Kärnten-1959 Klagenfurt-Viktring Stillleben mit Wildgeflügel. Öl auf Hartfaserplatte, re. o. sign., 40 x 59 cm, gerahmt. Ra. 48 x 66,5 cm Karl Truppe: still life with wild birds, oil/ hardboard, signed upper right corner. 40 x 59 cm, frame. 48 x 66,5 cm

    Kunstauktionshaus Günther
  • Karl Truppe - Portrait of a girl
    Dec. 08, 2022

    Karl Truppe - Portrait of a girl

    Est: €1,200 - €1,500

    Karl Truppe 1887 Radsberg (Carinthia) - 1959 Viktring near Klagenfurt Portrait of a girl Signed and dated 1952 upper left. Oil on hardboard. 39 x 31.5 cm. Damage to margins. Damage to frame (48 x 40 cm).

    Jun. 30, 2022


    Est: €3,500 - €7,000

    Karl Truppe "Sein und Vergehen" 1940 oil on canvas 72,5 x 94,5 cm signed and dated on the lower left: Truppe 1940 private property, Austria

    Im Kinsky
  • Karl Truppe Schlafende
    Dec. 16, 2021

    Karl Truppe Schlafende

    Est: €2,500 - €5,000

    Karl Truppe Sleeping woman 1924 oil on cardboard 29.5 x 29.5 cm signed and dated on the upper right: - Truppe - 1924 - private property, Austria

    Im Kinsky
  • Karl Truppe, Ebenthal 1887 - 1959 Klagenfurt, Landscape
    Nov. 16, 2021

    Karl Truppe, Ebenthal 1887 - 1959 Klagenfurt, Landscape

    Est: €1,000 - €2,000

    Karl Truppe Ebenthal 1887 - 1959 Klagenfurt Landscape Oil on cardboard 41 x 44 cm (with frame 53 x 56 cm) Signed & dated 1944 bottom left

    Tiberius Auctions
  • Karl Truppe, Ebenthal 1887 - 1959 Klagenfurt, Carinthian landscape
    Nov. 16, 2021

    Karl Truppe, Ebenthal 1887 - 1959 Klagenfurt, Carinthian landscape

    Est: €1,000 - €2,000

    Karl Truppe Ebenthal 1887 - 1959 Klagenfurt Carinthian landscape Oil on board 34 x 43 cm (with frame 46 x 55 cm) Signed & dated 1953 bottom left

    Tiberius Auctions
  • Karl Truppe, Ebenthal 1887 - 1959 Klagenfurt, "Petri Heil"
    Nov. 16, 2021

    Karl Truppe, Ebenthal 1887 - 1959 Klagenfurt, "Petri Heil"

    Est: €1,000 - €2,000

    Karl Truppe Ebenthal 1887 - 1959 Klagenfurt "Petri Heil" Oil on cardboard 32 x 51 cm (with frame 44 x 63 cm) Signed & dated 1947 bottom right

    Tiberius Auctions
  • Karl Truppe*; Young woman pondering
    Dec. 17, 2020

    Karl Truppe*; Young woman pondering

    Est: €4,000 - €8,000

    Karl Truppe* (Radsberg 1887-1959 Klagenfurt) Young woman pondering, 1940 oil on cardboard; 40 x 44.5 cm signed and dated on the lower left: Truppe 1940 Provenance private property, Austria

    Im Kinsky
  • Karl Truppe*; Portrait of a girl
    Dec. 17, 2020

    Karl Truppe*; Portrait of a girl

    Est: €3,000 - €6,000

    Karl Truppe* (Radsberg 1887-1959 Klagenfurt) Portrait of a girl, 1944 oil on cardboard; 37.8 x 28.5 cm signed and dated on the lower left: Truppe 1944 artist's stamp on the reverse Provenance private property, Austria

    Im Kinsky
  • Karl Truppe (1887-1959)
    Dec. 05, 2020

    Karl Truppe (1887-1959)

    Est: -

    Karl Truppe (1887-1959) ŘÍMSKÉ NÁMĚSTÍ V BRNĚ 1928 Barevná litografie na papíře, 291x228 mm, zn. a dat. v tisku vpravo dole "- TRUPPE - 1928 -", sign. vpravo dole pod tiskem tužkou "Truppe". Rámováno, zaskleno. Karl Truppe - korutanský malíř, studoval na akademii ve Vídni u Aloise Deluga. Za I. světové války byl nasazen na haličské frontě, kde maloval vojenské žánrové a bojové scény. Po válce žil do r. 1937 v Brně, kde se angažoval v uměleckých spolcích. R. 1938 získal profesuru na akademii v Drážďanech. Karl Truppe byl portrétista, malíř žánrů, krajin i zátiší, stejně jako náruživý hudebník. Zpočátku byl ovlivněn okruhem kolem malíře Ludwiga Josefa Willroidera ve Viktringu. Později studoval ve Vídni na Akademii výtvarných umění (1905–1913), kde byl jeho učitelem Alois Delug. Během první světové války byl Karl Truppe poslán do Haliče jako úředník, zároveň se však účastnil i bojů. I zde se věnoval kreslení a zachytil mnoho podobizen i situací z válečného prostředí. Od r. 1917 do r. 1937 žil v Bruennu, pak ve Stuttgartu a příležitostně i ve Florencii. V roce 1945 se usadil nedaleko Klagenfurtu. Při svých cestách do Berlína, Paříže, Itálie a USA si důkladně prostudoval díla starých mistrů v místních obrazárnách. V roce 1938 se stal profesorem na Akademii v Drážďanech, kde dosáhl i svého tvůrčího vrcholu. Truppe byl ovlivněn díly nizozemských malířů, zvláště pak jejich prací se světelným kontrastem. Stal se zakladatelem a prvním ředitelem společnosti Milovníků umění v Klagenfurtu. English Translation Karl Truppe (1887-1959) ŘÍMSKÉ SQUARE IN BRNO 1928 Color lithograph on paper, 291x228 mm, marked and dated lower right in print "- TRUPPE - 1928 -", signed lower right under the print in pencil "Truppe". Framed, glazed. German Translation Karl Truppe (1887-1959) RÖMERPLATZ IN BRÜNN 1928 Farblithographie auf Papier, 291x228 mm, gez. und dat. im Druckbereich rechts unten "- TRUPPE - 1928 -", sign. rechts unten unter dem Druckbereich in Bleistift "Truppe". Gerahmt, verglast. Euros 38

    Auction House Zezula
  • Karl Truppe (1887-1959)
    Jul. 14, 2020

    Karl Truppe (1887-1959)

    Est: €280 - €560

    Karl Truppe (1887-1959). Oriental beauty; oil on board; signed bottom right, in oval brass, framed on wooden frame.

    Deutsch Auktionen
  • Karl Truppe (German, 1887-1959)
    Jun. 11, 2020

    Karl Truppe (German, 1887-1959)

    Est: $400 - $600

    Village Scene, 1922 oil on canvas signed Truppe and dated lower left sight: 14 1/4 x 19 1/2 inches.

    Cowan's Auctions
  • Karl Truppe (Austrian, 1887 - 1959), Eitelkeit
    May. 12, 2020

    Karl Truppe (Austrian, 1887 - 1959), Eitelkeit

    Est: $3,000 - $5,000

    Karl Truppe (Austrian, 1887 - 1959) Eitelkeit Oil on board. Signed lower left Truppe and dated 1945. 23" x 28"; framed 28" x 33" Provenance:From the noted Zoullas Collection. Condition: More detailed condition reports and additional photographs are available by request. The absence of a condition report does not imply that the lot is in very fine condition. Please message us through the online bidding platform or email Guernsey's at guernseys.auctions@gmail.com to request a more thorough condition report.

  • Karl Truppe (1887-1959)
    Oct. 01, 2019

    Karl Truppe (1887-1959)

    Est: €180 - €360

    Karl Truppe (1887-1959). Oriental beauty. Oil on board. Signed bottom right in oval brass, framed on wooden frame.

    Deutsch Auktionen
  • Karl Truppe (1887-1959)
    Jun. 17, 2017

    Karl Truppe (1887-1959)

    Est: Kč300 - Kč600

    VILLAGE CHURCH. 1927. Lithograph on paper, 218x187 mm, signed lower right in print „KT 27“ and in pencil lower right „Orig. Litt. Truppe“. Framed, glazed. Karl Truppe (1887-1959) KOSTEL NA VENKOVĚ. 1927. Litografie na papíře, 218x187 mm, sign. vpravo dole v tisku „KT 27“ a tužkou vpravo dole „Orig. Litt. Truppe“. Rámováno, zaskleno. Karl Truppe (1887-1959) LANDKIRCHE. 1927. Lithografie auf Papier, 218x187 mm, sign. rechts unten im Druck „KT 27“ und mit Bleistift rechts unten „Orig. Litt. Truppe“. Gerahmt, verglast.

    Auction House Zezula
  • Karl Truppe (1887-1959)
    Apr. 08, 2017

    Karl Truppe (1887-1959)

    Est: -

    STILL LIFE WITH BOUQUET AND FRUITS. 1942. Oil on canvas, 50x60 cm, signed a dated lower left „-Truppe-1942-“. Framed, metal name plate attached to the frame. Condition A/B. ZÁTIŠÍ S KYTICÍ A OVOCEM. 1942. Olej na plátně, 50x60 cm, sign. a dat. vlevo dole „-Truppe-1942-“. Rámováno, na rámu plechový štítek se jménem autora. Stav A/B.  STILLLEBEN MIT BLUMENSTRAUẞ UND OBST. 1942. Öl auf Leinwand, 50x60 cm, sign. und datiert links unten „-Truppe-1942-“. Gerahmt, auf dem Rahmen Blechschild mit Autornamen. Zustand A/B.

    Auction House Zezula
  • Karl Truppe, Portrait of a Girl, Oil, 1944
    Sep. 28, 2016

    Karl Truppe, Portrait of a Girl, Oil, 1944

    Est: €1,500 - €1,950

    Oil on cardboard Karl Truppe (1887-1959) - Austrian portrait painter Signed and dated ‘Truppe 1944’ lower left Dimensions: 37.7 x 28.5 cm Mounted in parcel-gilt baroque frame: 53 x 43 cm Provenance: Private property, Italy An expressive portrait executed with a loose brushwork that gives evidence of Truppe’s mastery in the art of portraiture Condition: The paint surface has minimally darkened and shows slight framing marks. The inspection under UV light reveals minor touch-ups to the margins, as well as a minor touch-up to the neck of the girl. The frame is slightly worn. Karl Truppe (1887-1959) Karl Truppe was born in 1887 in the Austrian Ebenthal in Carinthia. He studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna, where he was awarded the Prix de Rome in 1914. During his military service, he worked as a war artist and painted portraits of generals, as well as of Emperor Charles I of Austria. In 1938, he became a Professor of Fine Arts at the Academy in Dresden. His artistic work includes portraits, still lifes, landscapes, nudes, as well as genre scenes. (cko) Shipping costs excl. statutory VAT and plus 2,5% (+VAT) shipping insurance.

    Auctionata Paddle8 AG
  • Karl Truppe (1887-1959), Painting, A Gentleman‘s Portrait, 1937
    Apr. 19, 2016

    Karl Truppe (1887-1959), Painting, A Gentleman‘s Portrait, 1937

    Est: €500 - €650

    Oil on cardboard Germany, 1937 Karl Truppe (1887-1959) – German portrait painter Signed and dated lower left “Truppe – 1937“ Verso stamped and with further hand-written inscriptions An expressive portrait of an elderly gentleman Overall dimensions, framed: 95 x 80 cm Very good condition The present portrait was painted by Karl Truppe in 1937 and depicts a sitting gentleman in semi profile, wearing a dark suit with an elegant rust-colored tie. In his hands, he holds a number of paper documents which emphasize his noble character. The portrait has been painted on cardboard and is in very good condition considering its age. It is signed and dated lower left “Truppe – 1937“. There are two stamps and further hand-written inscriptions visible on the verso. The wooden frame has a tasteful design and only shows small traces of age and use. The framed work measures 95 x 80 cm. The cardboard measures 84 x 70.5 cm. (cbo) Shipping costs excl. statutory VAT and plus 2,5% (+VAT) shipping insurance. Auctionata charges the resale rights tax pursuant to Section 26 of the German Copyright Act (UrhG) towards the buyer in case of the sale of an original work of art or photography prior to 70 years having lapsed since the death of their creator. Therefore, Auctionata charges when purchasing a good – if a protection as an original work of art or photography is given – starting from a hammer price of EUR 400 an additional amount, which is calculated according to Section 26 (2) German Copyright Act (UrhG) and which does not exceed the amount of EUR 12,500. You can find more information about resale rights tax in Auctionata´s table of fees and T&C.

    Auctionata Paddle8 AG
    Mar. 18, 2016


    Est: CHF600 - CHF800

    TRUPPE, KARL (Radsberg 1887 - 1959 Viktring) Landscape with sheep in Kärnten. Oil on hardboard. 64.5 x 51.5 cm. --------------- TRUPPE, KARL (Radsberg 1887 - 1959 Viktring) Landschaft mit Schafen in Kärnten. Öl auf Hartfaserplatte. 64,5 x 51,5 cm.

    Koller Auctions
  • Karl Truppe (1887-1959), Still Life with Mushrooms, Oil, 1936
    Nov. 28, 2015

    Karl Truppe (1887-1959), Still Life with Mushrooms, Oil, 1936

    Est: €2,000 - €2,600

    Oil on wood Austria, 1936 Karl Truppe (1887-1959) - Austrian painter, mainly active as a portraitist Signed ‘TRUPPE’ and dated ‘1936’ lower left With label by the ‘Deutsche Kunstverein Dresden’ on the reverse of the frame Dimensions: 69 x 41 cm Frame: 87.7 x 60 cm Very good condition Provenance: Private collection, Southern Germany Atmospheric and sublime vegetable still life with mushrooms falling from a basket arranged on a wooden table with white table cloth, in autumnal at times fresher colors Estimate by Auctionata Expert: 4,000 Euro The painting in high-rectangular format depicts a decorative vegetable still life with different sorts of mushrooms. Truppe creates an atmospheric scenery with warm autumnal hues with accents of light pink and orange full of proximity and warmth. Condition: The painting is in very good condition. The wooden panel is laid down on another wooden board and framed. The dimensions of the wooden panel are 69 x 41 cm, the frame measuring 87.7 x 60 cm. Karl Truppe (1887-1959) Karl Truppe was born in 1887 in the Austrian Ebenthal in Carinthia. He studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna where he was awarded the Prix de Rome in 1914. During his military service he worked as a war artist and made portraits of some generals as well as Emperor Charles I of Austria. In 1938 he became Professor of Fine Arts at the Academy in Dresden. His artistic work includes portraits, still lifes, landscapes and nudes as well as genre scenes. (tm) Shipping costs excl. statutory VAT and plus 2,5% (+VAT) shipping insurance.

    Auctionata Paddle8 AG
  • Karl Truppe (1887-1959), Male Nude (Study), Oil, 1942
    Nov. 28, 2015

    Karl Truppe (1887-1959), Male Nude (Study), Oil, 1942

    Est: €800 - €1,040

    Oil on cardboard Austria, 1942 Karl Truppe (1887-1959) – Austrian painter, mainly active as a portraitist Signed and dated lower right ‘TRUPPE. 1942’ Dimensions: 23.5 x 28 cm Frame: 36 x 40.5 cm Good condition Karl Truppe painted numerous compositions with mythological content; the present work shows a male nude with two vultures and has probably been rendered as a study of a depiction of the giant Tityus, who is known alongside Sisyphus and Tantalus as one of the great sinners in Greek mythology Estimate by Auctionata Expert: 1,600 Euro Condition: The painting is in good condition, consistent with age. The paint surface is slightly rubbed in some parts. The cardboard measures 23.5 x 28 cm and the frame 36 x 40.5 cm. Karl Truppe (1887-1959) Karl Truppe was born in 1887 in the Austrian Ebenthal in Carinthia. He studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna where he was awarded the Prix de Rome in 1914. During his military service he worked as a war artist and made portraits of some generals as well as Emperor Charles I of Austria. In 1938 he became Professor of Fine Arts at the Academy in Dresden. His artistic work includes portraits, still lifes, landscapes and nudes as well as genre scenes. (cbo) Shipping costs excl. statutory VAT and plus 2,5% (+VAT) shipping insurance.

    Auctionata Paddle8 AG
  • Truppe, Karl (1887 Ebenthal/Kärnten - Viktring 1959). Europa mit dem Stier, umgeben von musizie
    Jun. 28, 2015

    Truppe, Karl (1887 Ebenthal/Kärnten - Viktring 1959). Europa mit dem Stier, umgeben von musizie

    Est: - €75

    Truppe, Karl (1887 Ebenthal/Kärnten - Viktring 1959). Europa mit dem Stier, umgeben von musizierenden Frauen und Putti. Lithographie auf gelblichem Velin, um 1920. 13 x 17 cm. Blgr. 18,5 x 22,5 cm. Sign. Mit Namenszug im Stein. Unter Passep. mont. - Schönes Bl.

    Kiefer Buch- und Kunstauktionen
  • Karl Truppe (1887-1959), Portrait of a girl, signe
    Jun. 23, 2015

    Karl Truppe (1887-1959), Portrait of a girl, signe

    Est: €1,500 - €2,500

    Karl Truppe (1887-1959), Portrait of a girl, signed and dated 1941 bottom left, oil on canvas, framed.

    Deutsch Auktionen
  • Karl Truppe (1887–1959)
    Jun. 20, 2015

    Karl Truppe (1887–1959)

    Est: Kč200 - Kč400

    ROME SQUARE IN BRNO. 1928. Colour lithography on paper, 289x217 mm, signed in pencil lower right ‘Truppe’, marked in the same place in print ‘-Truppe –1928-’. Framed, glassed. Karl Truppe (1887–1959) Karl Truppe (1887–1959) ŘÍMSKÉ NÁMĚSTÍ V BRNĚ. 1928. Barevná litografie na papíře, 289x217 mm, sign. tužkou vpravo dole „Truppe“, zn. tamtéž v tisku „-Truppe –1928-“. Rámováno, zaskleno.

    Auction House Zezula
  • Karl Truppe
    Jun. 13, 2015

    Karl Truppe

    Est: €1,800 - €2,800

    Karl Truppe 1887 Radsberg - 1959 Klagenfurt - ''Schmerz'' - Öl/Karton. 42 x 35 cm. Sign. und dat. r. u.: Truppe 1938. Verso bez.: Karl Truppe / ''Schmerz'' / Aktstudie. Kleinflächige Farbverluste. - Lit.: Vollmer 4, S. 475f. Der Künstler studierte in München und Wien. Er war von 1914 -1918 Kriegsmaler im Felde. Nach dem Kriege bezog er wechselnde Arbeitsorte, so Florenz, Paris, Chicago und Dresden. Seit 1944 lebte er in Viktring. Truppe war Gründer und Leiter der Gesellschaft der Kunstfreunde und der Mal- und Zeichenschule in Klagenfurt. Stillleben und Personendarstellungen bilden einen Schwerpunkt im Werk des Künstler. Seltener sind Landschaften zu finden.

    Das Kunst- und Auktionshaus Kastern GmbH & Co KG
  • Karl Truppe (1887-1959) / Karl Truppe (1887-1959) / Karl Truppe (1887-1959)
    Dec. 06, 2014

    Karl Truppe (1887-1959) / Karl Truppe (1887-1959) / Karl Truppe (1887-1959)

    Est: Kč1,500 - Kč3,000

    WOMAN NUDE. 1922. Pastel on paper, 408x311 mm (inside frame measurement) signed and dated lower right 'Truppe 1922'. Framed, glassed. ŽENSKÝ AKT. 1922. Pastel na papíře, 408x311 mm (výřez rámu), sign. a dat. vpravo dole „Truppe 1922". Rámováno, zaskleno. FRAUENKAKT. 1922. Pastell auf Papier, 408x311 mm (Rahmenausschnitt), rechts unten sign. und dat. „Truppe 1922". Gerahmt, verglast.

    Auction House Zezula
  • Karl Truppe (1887-1959) / Karl Truppe (1887-1959) / Karl Truppe (1887-1959)
    Dec. 06, 2014

    Karl Truppe (1887-1959) / Karl Truppe (1887-1959) / Karl Truppe (1887-1959)

    Est: Kč1,000 - Kč2,000

    TWO GRAPHIC PAGES. Roman square in Brno. Coloured lithography on paper, 289x216 mm, signed in pencil lower right 'Truppe', marked in the same place in print '-Truppe -1928-'. Mounted, framed, glassed. Country house. Etching on paper, 168x162 mm, signed in pencil lower right 'K. Truppe', marked lower left 'Orig - Radierung'. Mounted. DVOJICE GRAFICKÝCH LISTŮ. Římské náměstí v Brně. Barevná litografie na papíře, 289x216 mm, sign. tužkou vpravo dole „Truppe", zn. tamtéž v tisku „-Truppe -1928-". Paspartováno, rámováno, zaskleno. Venkovské stavení. Lept na papíře, 168x162 mm, sign. tužkou vpravo dole „K. Truppe", zn. vlevo dole „Orig - Radierung". Paspartováno. ZWEI GRAPHIKEN. Römischer Platz in Brno. Farblithografie auf Papier, 289x216 mm, rechts unten mit Bleistift sign. „Truppe", im Druck bez. „-Truppe -1928-". Passepartout, gerahmt, verglast. Bauernhaus, Radierung auf Papier, 168x162 mm, rechts unten mit Bleistift sign. „K. Truppe", links unten „Orig - Radierung". Passepartout. Karl Truppe - korutanský malíř, studoval na akademii ve Vídni u Aloise Deluga. Za I. světové války byl nasazen na haličské frontě, kde maloval vojenské žánrové a bojové scény. Po válce žil do r. 1937 v Brně, kde se angažoval v uměleckých spolcích. R. 1938 získal profesuru na akademii v Drážďanech.

    Auction House Zezula
  • Karl Truppe, German (1887-1959)
    Oct. 15, 2014

    Karl Truppe, German (1887-1959)

    Est: $800 - $1,000

    Landscape. O/B signed and dated on upper right. Height: 14", Width: 19 1/2"

    Sterling Associates, Inc.
  • Karl Truppe, German (1887-1959)
    Oct. 15, 2014

    Karl Truppe, German (1887-1959)

    Est: $800 - $1,000

    Seated nude. O/B signed and dated (1928) on lower left. Height: 16 1/4", Width: 11 1/4"

    Sterling Associates, Inc.
  • Karl Truppe, German (1887-1959)
    Oct. 15, 2014

    Karl Truppe, German (1887-1959)

    Est: $800 - $1,000

    Military cannon scene. O/B signed on lower left. Height: 14", Width: 19 5/8"

    Sterling Associates, Inc.
  • Karl Truppe, German (1887-1959)
    Oct. 15, 2014

    Karl Truppe, German (1887-1959)

    Est: $800 - $1,000

    Seated nude. O/B signed on bottom left. Height: 13 1/2", Width: 11 1/4"

    Sterling Associates, Inc.
  • Karl Truppe, German (1887-1959)
    Oct. 15, 2014

    Karl Truppe, German (1887-1959)

    Est: $800 - $1,000

    Figural industrial scene. O/B signed on bottom right. Height: 14 1/2", Width: 18 1/2"

    Sterling Associates, Inc.
  • Truppe, Karl
    Jun. 28, 2014

    Truppe, Karl

    Est: - €120

    Truppe, Karl (1887 Radsberg/Kärnten - Viktring 1959) zugeschrieben. Aus Sein u. Vergehen. Liegender rothaariger weibl. Akt. Brustbild. Pastell. 46,5 x 36,5 cm. Unt. li. mit grüner Tinte zugeschr. u. betitelt.

    Kiefer Buch- und Kunstauktionen
  • Karl Truppe (1887-1959), Painting, Old Man with Accordion, 1923
    Jun. 19, 2014

    Karl Truppe (1887-1959), Painting, Old Man with Accordion, 1923

    Est: €2,400 - €3,000

    Oil on canvas Austria, 1923 Karl Truppe (1887-1959) - Austrian painter, mainly active as a portraitist Signed and dated in red lower left 'Truppe 1923' Dark wooden frame with golden trim Overall dimensions framed: 62 x 52 cm Good Condition Provenance: Private collection Southern Germany Emphatic portrait in muted colors, complemented by strong color accents; paintings by Karl Truppe from this period fetch up to 30,000 Euros at international auctions This work by Austrian painter Karl Truppe shows a bearded old man sitting in front of a wall with his accordion in front of his feet. His emphatic view is directed towards the observer. The dark tones of the clothing and the interiors are loosened by the red neck loop, as well as the white of his hair and shirt, which create a strong contrast and therefor direct the attention to the face of the sitter. The painting is signed and dated in red 'Truppe 1923' and is in good condition. The surface shows partly some craquelure due to age. The stretcher measures 53 x 42 cm. The framed dimensions are 62 x 52 cm. The frame shows some traces of use. Karl Truppe (1887-1959) Karl Truppe was born in 1887 in the Austrian Ebenthal in Carinthia. He studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna where he was awarded the Prix de Rome in 1914. During his military service he worked as a war artist and made portraits of some generals as well as Emperor Charles I of Austria. In 1938 he became Professor of Fine Arts at the Academy in Dresden. His artistic work ncludes portraits, still lifes, landscapes and nudes as well as genre scenes. Shipping costs excl. statutory VAT and plus 2,5% (+VAT) shipping insurance. Due to the legal obligation for the resale royalty in the art market the following applies: As a result of its membership in the AV Kunst, Auctionata charges additionally to the hammer price the contribution to the AV Kunst of currently 2.1% of the revenues from the sale of fine arts and photographs pro rata towards the buyer. More information about royalty right in our T&C.

    Auctionata Paddle8 AG
  • Karl Truppe  (1887-1959)  MĚSTSKÝ DŮM,
    Nov. 09, 2013

    Karl Truppe  (1887-1959)  MĚSTSKÝ DŮM,

    Est: Kč300 - Kč600

    Karl Truppe  (1887-1959)  MĚSTSKÝ DŮM, 1934. Pohled do brněnského zákoutí. Barevná litografie, 291x219 mm, sign. a dat. v tisku vlevo dole „Truppe - 1934 -", sign. tužkou vpravo dole „Truppe". Paspartováno, rámováno, zaskleno. Karl Truppe  (1887-1959)  MĚSTSKÝ DŮM, 1934. Pohled do brněnského zákoutí. Barevná litografie, 291x219 mm, sign. a dat. v tisku vlevo dole „Truppe - 1934 -", sign. tužkou vpravo dole „Truppe". Paspartováno, rámováno, zaskleno. Karl Truppe - korutanský malíř, studoval na akademii ve Vídni u Aloise Deluga. Za I. světové války byl nasazen na haličské frontě, kde maloval vojenské žánrové a bojové scény. Po válce žil do r. 1937 v Brně, kde se angažoval v uměleckých spolcích. R. 1938 získal profesuru na akademii v Drážďanech.  Karl Truppe  (1887-1959)  MĚSTSKÝ DŮM, 1934. Pohled do brněnského zákoutí. Barevná litografie, 291x219 mm, sign. a dat. v tisku vlevo dole „Truppe - 1934 -", sign. tužkou vpravo dole „Truppe". Paspartováno, rámováno, zaskleno.

    Auction House Zezula
  • Karl Truppe *
    Jun. 12, 2013

    Karl Truppe *

    Est: -

    Karl Truppe * (Radsberg 1887-1959 Klagenfurt) "Stilleben mit Gefäßen, Karotten und Eiern", signiert Truppe, Öl auf Karton, 51,5 x 36 cm, gerahmt opening price EUR 2.800,-

  • Truppe, Karl
    Jun. 16, 2012

    Truppe, Karl

    Est: - €750

    Truppe, Karl (1887 Radsberg/Kärnten - Viktring 1959) Kopie. Bacchus und Ariadne. Öl auf Hartfaserplatte. 75 x 60 cm. Gerahmt. Vgl. Grosse Deutsche Kunstausstellung 1942 im Haus der Deutschen Kunst zu München, abgebildet im Katalog auf Taf. 27. Wohl Kopie des Gemäldes oder auch unsign. Vorstudie des Künstlers, mit einigen Abweichungen in der Staffage.

    Kiefer Buch- und Kunstauktionen
  • Karl Truppe (1887-1959) ZELNY TRH. 1928. View into
    Mar. 31, 2012

    Karl Truppe (1887-1959) ZELNY TRH. 1928. View into

    Est: Kč500 - Kč1,000

    Karl Truppe (1887-1959) ZELNY TRH. 1928. View into Brno´s square. Colored lithography, 289x218 mm, bottom right part signed in print „Truppe 1928", Pencil signed at the same place. Framed, glassed. Karl Truppe (1887-1959) ZELNÝ TRH. 1928. Pohled do brněnského zákoutí. Barevná litografie, 291x221 mm a 289x218 mm, sign. a dat. vpravo dole v tisku „Truppe 1928", sign. tužkou tamtéž. Rámováno, zaskleno. Karl Truppe (1887-1959) KRAUTMARKT. 1928. Ansicht aus Brno, Farblithographie, ca. 220x290 mm, rechts unten sign. und dat. im Druck „Truppe 1928", mit Bleistift sign. Gerahmt, verglast.

    Auction House Zezula
  • Karl Truppe (1887-1959) TOWN HOUSE. 1934. View on
    Mar. 31, 2012

    Karl Truppe (1887-1959) TOWN HOUSE. 1934. View on

    Est: Kč500 - Kč1,000

    Karl Truppe (1887-1959) TOWN HOUSE. 1934. View on Brno´s street. Colored lithography, 291x221 mm, bottom left part signed and dated in print „Truppe 1934", bottom right part pencil signed. Framed, glassed. Karl Truppe (1887-1959) MĚSTSKÝ DŮM. 1934. Pohled do brněnského zákoutí. Barevná litografie, cca 220x290 mm, sign. a dat. vlevo dole v tisku „Truppe 1934", sign. tužkou vpravo dole. Rámováno, zaskleno. Karl Truppe (1887-1959) STADTHAUS. 1934. Ansicht aus Brno. Farblithographie, ca. 220x290 mm, links unten sign. und dat. im Druck „Truppe 1934", rechts unten mit Bleistift sign. Gerahmt, verglast.

    Auction House Zezula
  • Truppe, Karl, (Prof.), 1887 Radsberg/ Kärnten -
    Feb. 25, 2012

    Truppe, Karl, (Prof.), 1887 Radsberg/ Kärnten -

    Est: €2,500 - €3,000

    Truppe, Karl, (Prof.), 1887 Radsberg/ Kärnten - 1959, öster. Maler u. Zeichner, Schüler von Ludwig Willroider/München, hier: Küchenstilleben, Öl/Malkarton, re. unten sign. u. dat. 1939, virtuose Komposition aus Eiern, Lauch u. Küchenutensilien, dynamische Darstellung von hoher Stofflichkeit, grosse Tiefenwirkung durch architektonischen Aufbau, kalte u. warme Töne gegenüber liegend gesetzt, in sich strukturierte Farbfelder, ca.70x97cm, R. (l.besch.)

    Henry's Auktionshaus
  • Karl Truppe (1887-1959) Town view, 1928. Colored
    Nov. 12, 2011

    Karl Truppe (1887-1959) Town view, 1928. Colored

    Est: Kč500 - Kč1,000

    Karl Truppe (1887-1959) Town view, 1928. Colored lithography on paper, 290x217 mm, marked and dated in print „Truppe 1928". Mount, framed, glassed. Karl Truppe (1887-1959) MĚSTSKÉ ZÁTIŠÍ, 1928. Barevná litografie na papíře, 290×217 mm, zn. a dat. v tisku „Truppe 1928". Paspartováno, rámováno, zaskleno. Karl Truppe (1887-1959) STADTSTILLLEBEN, 1928. Farblithographie auf Papier, 290×217 mm, bez., im Druck datiert „Truppe 1928". Passepartout, gerahmt, verglast.

    Auction House Zezula
  • Karl Truppe (1887-1959), assigned to. Portrait of
    Apr. 02, 2011

    Karl Truppe (1887-1959), assigned to. Portrait of

    Est: Kč4,000 - Kč8,000

    Karl Truppe (1887-1959), assigned to. Portrait of a boy in sailor's jacket. Detailed portrait of a young boy with the jacket with sailor's collar. Oil on cardboard, 55x43 cm. Cardboard was cut in the past and the signature is missing. Condition B. Karl Truppe (1887-1959), zugeschreiben. PORTRÄT EINES JUNGEN IM MATROSENKLEID. Fein bearbeitetes Porträt eines Jungen. Öl auf Karton, 55×43 cm. In der Vergangenheit wurde die Leinwand - auch mit der Signatur - geschnitten. Gerahmt. Zustand B. Karl Truppe (1887-1959), připsáno. PORTRÉT CHLAPCE V NÁMOŘNICKÉM KABÁTKU. Jemně provedený portrét mladého chlapce v kabátku s námořnickým límcem. Olej na kartonu, 55×43 cm. Plátno bylo v minulosti seříznuto, i se signaturou. Rámováno. Stav B.

    Auction House Zezula
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