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Amerigo Tot Sold at Auction Prices


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  • Amerigo Tot (1919 - 1984) Portfolio, 12 Lithographs, 1960
    Feb. 16, 2025

    Amerigo Tot (1919 - 1984) Portfolio, 12 Lithographs, 1960

    Est: $1,000 - $2,000

    Amerigo Tot (1919 - 1984) Portfolio, 12 Lithographs, 1960  Lionello Venturi, The Torcoliere edition, 1960, from an edition of 50, this being number 33. Each pencil signed and numbered, complete with cloth portfolio.  Dimensions: Each sheet is 27in x 19 1/2in.  Provenance: Collection of Madge Goldman, Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania  

    Locati LLC
  • AMERIGO TOT ( FERHEVARCSURGO' 1909 - ROME 1984 ), Nude women
    Jul. 02, 2024

    AMERIGO TOT ( FERHEVARCSURGO' 1909 - ROME 1984 ), Nude women

    Est: €150 - €220

    pencil on paper 48x33 cm

    Ansuini 1860 Auctions
  • Amerigo Tot, 'Aquarius' pendant
    Oct. 18, 2023

    Amerigo Tot, 'Aquarius' pendant

    Est: $1,000 - $1,500

    Amerigo Tot 'Aquarius' pendant Yellow gold Signed Tot 2 x 2 in This work will ship from Lambertville, New Jersey.

    Rago Arts and Auction Center
  • TOT AMERIGO (1919 - 1984) Scherma.
    Jun. 28, 2023

    TOT AMERIGO (1919 - 1984) Scherma.

    Est: €500 - €700

    TOT AMERIGO (1919 - 1984). Scherma.. 19/99. Edition, signature and year lower in pencil. Total edition: 99 copies + p.a. Dry stamp lower right. Small defects.. Cm 49,50 x 69,50. 1976

    Capitolium Art
    Jun. 01, 2023


    Est: -

    AMERIGO TOT (Fehérvárcsurgó 1909 - Roma 1984) Due nudi, 1940 Acquaforte, ex. prova d'artista Misure della lastra, cm. 20,5 x 16,5 Misure del foglio, cm. 50 x 35 Firma e data in basso a destra In cornice

    Casa d'Aste Babuino
  • AMERIGO TOT, Il martello e la cazzuola, Multiplo in argento
    Feb. 25, 2023

    AMERIGO TOT, Il martello e la cazzuola, Multiplo in argento

    Est: €2,000 - €2,200

    AMERIGO TOT (Fehérvárcsurgó 1909 – Roma 1984) Il martello e la cazzuola - 1975 Multiplo in argento (g. 2102) es. 91/975 TREC edizioni pregiate Roma. cm 39 x 28.

    Benedetto Trionfante Auction House s.r.l
  • Amerigo TOT (1919-1984)
    Jan. 24, 2023

    Amerigo TOT (1919-1984)

    Est: €70 - €100

    Amerigo TOT (1919-1984) "drei weibliche Akte" Grafik - Farbradierung auf Bütten, Plattenmaß: 39 cm x 25 cm, rechts unten handsigniert und datiert 1976, Nr. 40/125 Amerigo TOT (1919-1984) "three female nudes" graphic - colored etching on laid paper, plate size: 39 cm x 25 cm, handsigned and dated at the lower right 1976, numbered 40/125

    Auktionshaus Kloss
  • Amerigo TOT (1919-1984)
    Jan. 24, 2023

    Amerigo TOT (1919-1984)

    Est: €70 - €100

    Amerigo TOT (1919-1984) "Pentecoste" Grafik - Farblithografie auf Bütten, 56 cm x 48 cm, rechts unten handsigniert und datiert 1975, Nr. 1/90 Amerigo TOT (1919-1984) "Pentecoste" graphic - colored lithography on laid paper, 56 cm x 48 cm, handsigned, dated 1975 and numbered 1/90 at the lower right

    Auktionshaus Kloss
  • Amerigo TOT (1919-1984)
    Jan. 24, 2023

    Amerigo TOT (1919-1984)

    Est: €70 - €100

    Amerigo TOT (1919-1984) "fünf weibliche Akte" Grafik - Farbradierung auf Bütten, Plattenmaß: 32 cm x 49 cm, rechts unten handsigniert und datiert 1976, Nr. 16/125, Studium 1926 - 1928 an der Kunstgewerbeschule Budapest, ab 1930 am Bauhaus Dessau bei Laszlo Maholy-Nagy Amerigo TOT (1919-1984) "five female nudes" graphic - colored etching on handmade paper, plate size: 32 cm x 49 cm, handsigned and dated 1976 at the lower right, numbered 16/125, Studied 1926 - 1928 at the Budapest school of arts, from 1930 at the Bauhaus Dessau with Laszlo Maholy-Nagy

    Auktionshaus Kloss
  • TOT AMERIGO (1919 - 1984) Forme abbracciate
    Oct. 04, 2022

    TOT AMERIGO (1919 - 1984) Forme abbracciate

    Est: €3,000 - €4,000

    TOT AMERIGO (1919 - 1984). Forme abbracciate. Defects.. Cm 90,00 x 146,00. 1952

    Capitolium Art
  • Amerigo Tot - Untitled (Three Figures on a Stool)
    Apr. 28, 2022

    Amerigo Tot - Untitled (Three Figures on a Stool)

    Est: $100 - $200

    Lot 121 Amerigo Tot Hungarian (1909 - 1984) Untitled (Three Figures on a Stool) (1961) lithograph signed below image, artist proof sight: 27 x 18 3/4 inches Provenance: Estate of Carol Green

    Capsule Gallery Auction
    Mar. 17, 2022


    Est: €800 - €1,200

    AMERIGO TOT (Fehérvárcsurgó 1909 - Roma 1984) Il Martello e la Cazzuola dell'Anno Santo, 1975 Multiplo in argento, ex. 162/975 Lunghezza cm. 40 e cm. 30 Titolo 800/1000 Marchio dell'Artista sui due elementi Edizioni pregiate TREC Cofanetto originale

    Casa d'Aste Babuino
  • Tot, Amerigo (Fehérvárcsurgó 1909-Roma 1984) - Judo, 1975
    Dec. 14, 2021

    Tot, Amerigo (Fehérvárcsurgó 1909-Roma 1984) - Judo, 1975

    Est: €50 - €80

    lithograph in colours, numbered 13/99 Signed in pencil lower right This lot is subject to Artists Resale Rights

  • Tot, Amerigo (Fehérvárcsurgó 1909-Roma 1984) - Bathers, 1977
    Dec. 14, 2021

    Tot, Amerigo (Fehérvárcsurgó 1909-Roma 1984) - Bathers, 1977

    Est: €100 - €150

    etching and aquatint Signed and dated in pencil lower right This lot is subject to Artists Resale Rights

  • Tot, Amerigo (Fehérvárcsurgó 1909-Roma 1984) - Bathers, 1976
    Dec. 14, 2021

    Tot, Amerigo (Fehérvárcsurgó 1909-Roma 1984) - Bathers, 1976

    Est: €100 - €150

    aquatint etching, unnumbered Signed and date in pencil lower right Lower right blind stamp of the printer A. Caprini, Rome This lot is subject to Artists Resale Rights

  • Tot, Amerigo (Fehérvárcsurgó 1909-Roma 1984) - Sports, 1975
    Dec. 14, 2021

    Tot, Amerigo (Fehérvárcsurgó 1909-Roma 1984) - Sports, 1975

    Est: €100 - €150

    lithograph in colours, numbered P.A. Signed and dated in pencil lower right This lot is subject to Artists Resale Rights

  • AMERIGO TOT Scultura multiplo in bronzo
    Jun. 30, 2021

    AMERIGO TOT Scultura multiplo in bronzo

    Est: €1,200 - €1,400

    AMERIGO TOT (Fehérvárcsurgó 1909 – Roma 1984) Scultura multiplo in bronzo esemplare 169/976 "Il martello e la cazzuola dell'anno santo MCMLXXV" Edizioni Trec. La cazzuola e il martello usati dal Papa Paolo VI per l'apertura e la chiusura della Porta Santa del Giubileo del 1975. Gli attrezzi originali sono custoditi in Vaticano, questa è solo una riproduzione in bronzo statuario autorizzata dalla Santa sede e dall'autore. La particolarità è che l'impugnatura degli attrezzi riporta il calco della mano del Pontefice, il quale con le sue mani ha stretto la creta per il modello dell'impugnatura lasciandovi le sue impronte. cm 18,5 Alt. cm 26,5 - cm 11 x 37,5.

    Benedetto Trionfante Auction House s.r.l
  • Amerigo Tot, La cazzuola dell'Anno Santo MCMLXXV. 1975
    Apr. 20, 2021

    Amerigo Tot, La cazzuola dell'Anno Santo MCMLXXV. 1975

    Est: €260 - €520

    Scultura in bronzo. cm 36x11x9. Tiratura, data e dettagli nel bronzo, all'altezza dell'impugnatura. Es. 555/976. L'artista ungherese, formatosi alla scuola del Bauhaus a Dessau con maestri quali Klee, Kandinskij e Moholy-Nagy e successivamente alla scuola di Otto Dix a Dresda, si trasferisce a Roma dopo essere riuscito ad evadere da un campo di concentramento nazista. Nella capitale italiana conosce artisti del calibro di Mirko, Cagli e Afro; prosegue i suoi studi presso l'Accademia di Belle Arti. La nostra scultura è stata ideata per l'apertura della Porta Santa nella Basilica Vaticana nel 1975, in coppia ad un martello; Paolo VI ha impugnato il modello di creta, lasciando l'impronta. I modelli sono ora esposti al museo in San Pietro. (1)

    Gonnelli Casa d'Aste
    Feb. 26, 2021


    Est: €400 - €600

    AMERIGO TOT Fehérvárcsurgó, 1909 - Rome, 1984 Portrait of the young Schubert, 1939 Signed and dated engraved on the back: Tot 1939 Fair condition

    Bertolami Fine Art s.r.l.
  • Amerigo Tot - Vase
    Dec. 16, 2020

    Amerigo Tot - Vase

    Est: -

    in ceramic stoneware. Vietri. Signature under the base. cm h 31 x diam 12

  • Amerigo Tot (Fehérvárcsurgó 1909-Roma 1984) - Fencing, 1976
    Dec. 03, 2020

    Amerigo Tot (Fehérvárcsurgó 1909-Roma 1984) - Fencing, 1976

    Est: €100 - €150

    lithograph in colours, numbered P. A. Signature and date in pencil lower right This lot is subject to Artists Resale Rights

  • Amerigo Tot (1909 - 1984), Female nudes, 1970
    Dec. 02, 2020

    Amerigo Tot (1909 - 1984), Female nudes, 1970

    Est: €150 - €300

    Print, cm 67x50. 'Prova d'artista 1/3' lower left; signed 'Tot 70' with pencil; dry stamp 'g g EDIZIONI E STAMPE D'ARTE' lower right. Framed

    Ansuini 1860 Auctions
  • Amerigo Tot (1909 - 1984), Female nude, 1948
    Dec. 02, 2020

    Amerigo Tot (1909 - 1984), Female nude, 1948

    Est: €150 - €300

    Pencil on paper, cm 43x29,5. Framed.

    Ansuini 1860 Auctions
  • Amerigo Tot Fehérvárcsurg 1909 - Roma 1984 70x50 cm.
    Jun. 25, 2020

    Amerigo Tot Fehérvárcsurg 1909 - Roma 1984 70x50 cm.

    Est: €100 - €150

    "Figure" , Indian ink on paper, signed at the lower right, framed

    Colasanti Casa d'Aste
  • Nude
    Feb. 21, 2020


    Est: -

    s.b.l.: Tot 2. IX. 45

    Pintér Auctions
  • Amerigo Tot COMPOSIZIONE carboncino su carta appli
    Dec. 18, 2019

    Amerigo Tot COMPOSIZIONE carboncino su carta appli

    Est: €250 - €350

    Amerigo Tot COMPOSIZIONE carboncino su carta applicata su cartone, cm 41,5x58

  • Amerigo Tot Fehérvárcsurg 1909 - Roma 1984 42x30x3,5 cm
    Nov. 21, 2018

    Amerigo Tot Fehérvárcsurg 1909 - Roma 1984 42x30x3,5 cm

    Est: €500 - €800

    "Cenacolo", plaster bas relief, signature at the bottom right, framed

    Colasanti Casa d'Aste
    Apr. 17, 2018


    Est: €3,000 - €3,400

    AMERIGO TOT (1909-1984) Donna ciottolo come Narciso 1947 scultura in bronzo h. cm 35 firmato datato con marchio sulla base Donna ciottolo come Narciso 1947 bronze sculpure h. 13 78 in signed and dated with stamp on the base

    Aste Boetto SRL
  • Two Amerigo Tot Pottery Plaques
    Feb. 23, 2018

    Two Amerigo Tot Pottery Plaques

    Est: $150 - $300

    Amerigo Tot (Hungarian, 1909-1984). A pairing of two glazed pottery plaques decorated with nude forms. Neither signed. 13 in diameter.

    Briggs Auction, Inc.
  • Amerigo Tot Pottery Plaque
    Feb. 23, 2018

    Amerigo Tot Pottery Plaque

    Est: $150 - $300

    Amerigo Tot (Hungarian, 1909-1984). A glazed pottery plaque depicting nudes. Signed "Tot" and dated '76. 21 in diameter.

    Briggs Auction, Inc.
  • Amerigo Tot Serigraph, Nude Form
    Feb. 23, 2018

    Amerigo Tot Serigraph, Nude Form

    Est: $200 - $400

    Amerigo Tot (Hungarian, 1909-1984). A serigraph of a nude form. Pencil signed and dated '75, with inscription from the artist. Frame opening: 27 in x 19 in.

    Briggs Auction, Inc.
  • Two Amerigo Tot Pen & Ink Drawings
    Feb. 23, 2018

    Two Amerigo Tot Pen & Ink Drawings

    Est: $200 - $400

    Amerigo Tot (Hungarian, 1909-1984). A lot of two pen and ink drawings of nudes. One signed and dated '75. Framed under glass. Mat opening: 8-1/2 in x 11-1/4 in.

    Briggs Auction, Inc.
  • Amerigo Tot Aquatint Etching
    Feb. 23, 2018

    Amerigo Tot Aquatint Etching

    Est: $150 - $300

    Amerigo Tot (Hungarian, 1909-1984). An aquatint etching depicting four nude figures. Signed and dated in pencil and inscribed by the artist. Framed under glass. Mat opening: 9-1/4 in x 13 in.

    Briggs Auction, Inc.
  • Two Amerigo Tot Aquatint Etchings
    Feb. 23, 2018

    Two Amerigo Tot Aquatint Etchings

    Est: $300 - $500

    Amerigo Tot (Hungarian, 1909-1984). A lot of two aquatint etchings depicting nude figures. Both pencil signed and inscribed by the artist. Numbered 3/5 and 3/5. Framed under glass. Mat opening of larger: 16 in x 10-1/4 in.

    Briggs Auction, Inc.
  • Amerigo Tot Serigraph, Nude Form
    Feb. 23, 2018

    Amerigo Tot Serigraph, Nude Form

    Est: $300 - $500

    Amerigo Tot (Hungarian, 1909-1984). A serigraph in colors of a nude form in blue and grey. Signed lower right and dated '79. Numbered II/VI. Framed under glass. Size of sheet: 19-1/2 in x 27-1/4 in.

    Briggs Auction, Inc.
  • AMERIGO TOT Figure China su carta cm 50 x 68,5
    Dec. 05, 2017

    AMERIGO TOT Figure China su carta cm 50 x 68,5

    Est: €200 - €300

    AMERIGO TOT Fehérvárcsurgó 1909 – Roma 1984 Figure China su carta cm 50 x 68,5 Firma in basso a destra

    Arte Roma Auctions
  • AMERIGO TOT Figure China su carta cm 50 x 68,5
    Jun. 08, 2017

    AMERIGO TOT Figure China su carta cm 50 x 68,5

    Est: €200 - €300

    AMERIGO TOT FehÊrvÃ¥rcsurgó 1909 €“ Roma 1984 Figure China su carta cm 50 x 68,5 Firma in basso a destra

    Arte Roma Auctions
  • Women on the Beach
    Jun. 25, 2011

    Women on the Beach

    Est: €180 - €216

    Tot Amerigo Fehérvárcsurgó 1909 - 1984 Women on the Beach Aquatint, 30 x 40 cm, autographed lo. ri. Tot, matted a. framed under glass, unopened. - Mus.: Budapest (Amerigo-Tot-Mus.).

    Auktionshaus Stahl
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