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Flaminio Torri Sold at Auction Prices

Painter, b. 1620 - d. 1661

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  • Flaminio Torri: Heilige Veronika mit dem Schweißtuch Christi
    Jan. 30, 2025

    Flaminio Torri: Heilige Veronika mit dem Schweißtuch Christi

    Est: €2,500 - €4,000

    TORRI, FLAMINIO 1620 Bologna - 1661 Modena Titel: Heilige Veronika mit dem Schweißtuch Christi. Technik: Öl auf Leinwand. Maße: 41,5 x 34cm. Rahmen: Rahmen. Provenienz: Privatbesitz, Deutschland. Wir danken Daniele Benati, Bologna, der die Zuschreibung des vorliegenden Gemäldes auf Grundlage einer hochauflösenden Digitalfotografie vorgeschlagen hat. Estimated shipping costs for this lot: Germany: 36,97 Euro plus 7,03 Euro VAT EU: 58,82 Euro plus 11,18 Euro VAT Worldwide: 100,84 Euro plus 19,16 Euro VAT additional shipping insurance Explanations to the Catalogue Flaminio Torri School of Bologna 17th C. Old Masters Framed Saints Devotional painting Religious Theme

    Van Ham Kunstauktionen
  • Flaminio Torri, Mary Magdalene
    Nov. 16, 2024

    Flaminio Torri, Mary Magdalene

    Est: €15,000 - €20,000

    Certificate Prof. Massimo Pirondini, Reggio Emilia, 15.2.2014. This depiction of Mary Magdalene is a typical ‘quadro di testa’ (‘head painting’) of the 17th century. Bolognese painters such as Flaminio Torri were highly esteemed among collectors for this special category of devotional paintings intended for private use. With his vibrant style, characterised by strong contrasts of light and dark, Torri drew upon the tradition of Ludovico Carracci, his two teachers Giacomo Cavedoni and Guido Reni as well as Carlo Bononi and Guercino. In his expertise, Massimo Pirondini emphasises the importance of the present Saint Magdalene, which served as a prototype for another, larger version now in a private collection in Forlì (67 x 54 cm, cf. illus. no. 54582, Fototeca Zeri). Another depiction is said to be based on the latter, although Pirondini regards it to be a later copy by a successor of fellow artist Lorenzo Pasinelli (63 x 46 cm, Musée des Augustins, Toulouse, inv. no. 2004 1 61).

    Kunsthaus Lempertz KG
  • Flaminio Torri 1621 Bologna-1661 Modena, bottega di San Gerolamo
    Oct. 24, 2024

    Flaminio Torri 1621 Bologna-1661 Modena, bottega di San Gerolamo

    Est: €300 - €500


    Cambi Casa d'Aste
  • Flaminio Torri (Bologna 1620 - Modena 1661)
    May. 14, 2024

    Flaminio Torri (Bologna 1620 - Modena 1661)

    Est: €3,000 - €5,000

    Flaminio Torri (Bologna 1620 - Modena 1661) San Girolamo Olio su tela 99 x 76 cm Il riferimento per il puntuale confronto attributivo lo ritroviamo nel San Girolamo conservato presso la Galleria Pallavicini di Roma. Allievo di Giacomo Cavedoni, negli anni Trenta del Seicento, grazie al maestro apprese il cromatismo dei veneti del Cinquecento e il naturalismo di Ludovico Carracci. Inoltre, ebbe modo di approfondire la lezione bolognese grazie allo studio delle opere dei maestri della generazione precedente come Guercino, Carlo Bononi e Alessandro Tiarini. Seguitò il perfezionamento pittorico con una breve ma significativa presenza presso l'atelier Guido Reni per passare, in seguito, presso Simone Cantarini, dal quale ereditò la bottega insieme a Lorenzo Pasinelli. Risale al 1659, Il suo trasferimento a Modena, alla cui corte godette di immediato riconoscimento. Flaminio Torri (Bologna 1620 - Modena 1661) Saint Jerome Oil on canvas 99 x 76 cm The reference for the precise attributive comparison can be found in St. Jerome preserved in the Pallavicini Gallery in Rome.

    Lucas Aste
  • Flaminio Torri, 1621 Bologna – 1661 Modena, zugeschrieben
    Dec. 07, 2023

    Flaminio Torri, 1621 Bologna – 1661 Modena, zugeschrieben

    Est: €8,000 - €10,000

    ECCE HOMO Öl auf Leinwand. Doubliert. 58 x 42 cm. In vergoldetem Prunkrahmen. Mit dem Hinweis Ecce Homo stellt nach dem Johannesevangelium der römische Statthalter Pontius Pilatus den mit einer Dornenkrone bekrönten Jesus von Nazareth vor. Das vorliegende Gemälde zeigt das Brustbildnis Christi mit einem roten Mantelüberwurf, seine gebundenen Handgelenke und in den schmalen überlangen Fingern seiner linken Hand ein Spottzepter haltend. Auf seinem Haupt mit den langen braunen Haaren trägt er eine Dornenkrone. Seine glänzenden, leicht feuchten Augen sind nach oben zum Himmel gewendet und ein von oben kommendes Licht beleuchtet sein Gesicht, Teile des Halsbereichs und seine Hände. Die Blutstropfen auf seiner Stirn als Zeichen für das Opfer, das er für die Menschen bringt. Qualitätvolle Malerei eines beliebten Motivs der Zeit, das von vielen Malern wie beispielsweise Guido Reni (1575-1642) ebenfalls aufgegriffen wurde. (1381172) (18)

    Hampel Fine Art Auctions
  • Flamino Torri (1620/1661) (attr.) "San Girolamo"
    Nov. 25, 2023

    Flamino Torri (1620/1661) (attr.) "San Girolamo"

    Est: €5,000 - €6,000

    Dipinto ad olio su tela in cornice ebanizzata (rifoderato e restaurato). Corredato da expertise del Prof. Giancarlo Sestieri. Cm 50x40 Oil painting on canvas in an ebonized frame (reupholstered and restored). Accompanied by expertise from Prof. Giancarlo Sestieri. 50x40 cm

    Galleria Sarno
  • Flaminio Torri: St. Veronica with the Handkerchief of Christ
    Nov. 17, 2023

    Flaminio Torri: St. Veronica with the Handkerchief of Christ

    Est: €5,000 - €8,000

    TORRI, FLAMINIO 1620 Bologna - 1661 Modena Title: St. Veronica with the Handkerchief of Christ. Technique: Oil on canvas. Measurement: 41,5 x 34cm. Frame: Framed. Provenance: Private ownership, Germany. We are grateful to Daniele Benati, Bologna, for confirming the attribution of the present painting on the basis of a high-resolution digital photograph. Explanations to the Catalogue Estimated shipping costs for this lot: Arrangement after the auction.

    Van Ham Kunstauktionen
  • Badiale, Kupferstich Madonna / Badiale, Copperplate Madonna
    Sep. 28, 2023

    Badiale, Kupferstich Madonna / Badiale, Copperplate Madonna

    Est: -

    Badiale, Alessandro (1626 - 1671 Bologna) ''Madonna con Bambino, Sant'Antonio da Padova e San Filippo Neri'' ( Madonna mit Kind, dem heiligen Antonius von Padua und Philipp Neri). Kuperstich nach Flaminio Torre (1620-1661), um 1660. Ausführlich bezeichnet in der Platte unterhalb der Darstellung. Rückseitig Sammlerstempel Lugt L.426 (Agostino Caironi, Mailand) und Lugt L.2011 (Giuseppe Pacini, Florenz). Im Passepartout. 37 x 29 cm (Bl), 64 x 48 cm (PP). Bis an die Plattenkante geschnitten. Etwas angegraut und fleckig. Zustand einer älteren Restaurierung (Blatt vormals getrennt). Schöner Stich des italienischen Barocks in klassischer Komposition; besonders hervorzuheben die innige Zuwendung des Jesusknaben an den hier noch jungen Philipp Neri, einer der Leuchtfiguren der römischen Gegenreformation im 16. Jh., dem sogenannten ''Apostel von Rom''. Madonna with child, Saint Anthony from Padova and Philipp Neri. Copperplate engraving after Flaminio Torre. Engraver's signature below the motiv, here also title. Backside with two collection stamps. Mounted in passepartout. Cut to the motif, a bit dusty and spotty. Restored condition after former tear.

    Kunstauktionshaus Günther
  • Flaminio Torri San Gerolamo in contemplazione del crocifisso
    Jun. 27, 2023

    Flaminio Torri San Gerolamo in contemplazione del crocifisso

    Est: €2,000 - €3,000


    Cambi Casa d'Aste
    May. 17, 2023


    Est: €2,000 - €3,000

    FLAMINIO TORRI, bottega di (Bologna 1620 - Modena 1661) SAN GIROLAMO LEGGE LE SACRE SCRITTURE Olio su tela, cm. 87 x 70 PROVENIENZA Famiglia romana CONDIZIONI DEL DIPINTO Rintelo tardo settecentesco. Punti di restauro ossidati sull'ascella e a sinistra del viso. Accumuli di grasso CORNICE Cornice di stile S. Rosa in legno dorato, della fine del XIX secolo

    Casa d'Aste Babuino
  • FLAMINIO TORRI (Bologna, 1620 - Modena, 1661)
    Apr. 27, 2023

    FLAMINIO TORRI (Bologna, 1620 - Modena, 1661)

    Est: €9,000 - €13,000

    Penitent Saint Jerome Oil on panel, cm. 50,5x39. Framed The painting is accompanied by and expertise by Prof. Massimo Pulini. On the back, an antique canvas applied to support the panel bears an old brush inscription: "GUIDO RENO".

    Bertolami Fine Art s.r.l.
    Mar. 14, 2023


    Est: €500 - €800

    San Girolamo Olio su tela, cm 88,5X71 L'opera reca una tradizionale attribuzione al pittore bolognese Flaminio Torre (Bologna, 1620 ; Modena, 1661). La composizione trova infatti punti di confronto con le opere dell'artista e affinità con le influenze della cultura neoveneta e sensibilità luministiche di notevole effetto naturalistico, precorrendo altresì percezioni pittoriche di gusto settecentesco. Il nesso con il pittore emiliano deriva altresì dal confronto con la tela di simile soggetto appartenente alla Collezione Banca Popolare dell'Emilia Romagna che, databile agli anni 1650-1655, offre uno spunto cronologico per il dipinto in esame. Bibliografia di riferimento: A. M. Ambrosiani Massari, Flaminio Torre, in La scuola di Guido Reni, a cura di M. Pirondini e E. Negro, Modena 1992, pp. 391-408. fig. 379

    Wannenes Art Auctions
  • Torri, Flaminio
    Feb. 18, 2023

    Torri, Flaminio

    Est: €70 - €100

    (1621/21 Bologna - Modena 1661). Maria mit Jesuskind und Hl. Franziskus sowie Hl. Hieronymus. Radierung nach Ludovico Caracci. B17. Jhdt. 41,5 x 30 cm. R

    Kiefer Buch- und Kunstauktionen
  • Flaminio Torre
    Nov. 09, 2022

    Flaminio Torre

    Est: €60,000 - €80,000

    (Bologna 1620–1661 Modena) The Adoration of the Shepherds, oil on canvas, tondo, diameter 114 cm, framed Provenance: Collection of Count Giuseppe Carlo Ratta Garganelli, Bologna; thence by descent; Aristocratic collection, Italy, since at least 1950; sale, Sotheby’s, London, 6 December 2018, lot 187 (as Flaminio Torre) where acquired by the present owner Documented: Inventario e descritione de beni mobili, e semoventi ritrovati alla morte del Sig.re Giuseppe Carlo Ratta Garganelli. Parte de quali sono goduti per indiviso coll’III.mo Sig.re Lodovico Ratta, estimati prima Pitture p. indiviso col d. III.mo Sig.re Lod.co Ratta, prot. XX 1679, c. 78, fol. 5, no. 42 (as in the ‘Quarta Cam.a Pitture n. 8’ [‘in the Fourth Room Eight paintings’] ‘Un altro simile ove è la Beata Vergine il puttino che giace nella paglia S. Giuseppe e tre pastori dipinto in forma di note di mano di flaminio L 400’ [‘Another similar one showing the Blessed Madonna with the Christ Child lying in the straw, Saint Joseph and three shepherds painted in the form of notes by the hand of Flaminio L[ire] 400’]) Literature: R. Morselli, Collezioni e quadrerie nella Bologna del Seicento. Inventari 1640–1707, ed. by Anna Cera Sones, Michigan 1998, p. 399 (as Flaminio Torre). The present painting is considered one of Flaminio Torre’s most successful works, The Adoration of the Shepherds proposes an intimate interpretation of the new-testament scene. There is an intimacy created by the compositional arrangement with a close-up perspective that places the viewer on the same level as the central figure of the Madonna. The composition is illuminated by a warm light revealing a palette of soft colours. The light’s source is the infant Christ himself, who is gently uncovered and presented to the shepherds who lean in from behind. Torre develops his figures with dynamic and strong brush strokes. He contrasts the delicate and light incarnate of the Madonna and Child with that of the two shepherds to the right. The plum, soft complexion of the central figures stands out particularly compared to that of the shepherd in the front. His face is marked by deep wrinkles in which the artist’s interest for the interplay of shadow and light becomes especially evident. The present painting’s provenance can be traced back to the seven­teenth century, when it was recorded in the collection of Count Giuseppe Carlo Ratta Garganelli. As the inventory of the Bolognese nobleman’s collection records, he possessed not only this painting by Torre, but also other works of the artist. Flaminio Torre or Torri studied with Giacomo Cavedone and was active in the workshop of Simone Cantarini. Later in his career, he went on to work at the court of Modena for Duke Alfonso IV where he became the superintendent of the Galleria Estense, before his death in 1661.

  • Torri, Flaminio
    Jul. 09, 2022

    Torri, Flaminio

    Est: €80 - €120

    (1621/21 Bologna - Modena 1661). Maria mti Jesuskind und Hl. Franziskus sowie Hl. Hieronymus. Radierung nach Ludovico Caracci. B17. Jhdt. 41,5 x 30 cm. R

    Kiefer Buch- und Kunstauktionen
  • Torri, Flaminio
    May. 14, 2022

    Torri, Flaminio

    Est: €100 - €150

    (1621/21 Bologna - Modena 1661). Maria mti Jesuskind und Hl. Franziskus sowie Hl. Hieronymus. Radierung nach Ludovico Caracci. B17. Jhdt. 41,5 x 30 cm. R

    Kiefer Buch- und Kunstauktionen
    Nov. 26, 2021


    Est: €2,000 - €3,000

    Oil on canvas, cm. 46x37. Framed PROVENANCE: private collection, Rome

    Bertolami Fine Art s.r.l.
  • Torri, Flaminio
    Jul. 10, 2021

    Torri, Flaminio

    Est: €100 - €150

    (1621 Bologna - Modena 1661). Thronende Madonna mit den Stadtheiligen Bolognas: Hl. Ignatius von Loyola, Hl. Petronius, Hl. Proculus von Bologna, Hl. Franz von Assisi, Hl. Dominikus von Caleruega, Hl. Florian von Bogogna. Radierung von 2 Pl. gedruckt auf Bütten mit rundem WZ. Blgr. 63 x 37,9 cm. Mit den Namensz., Wappen u. Widm. an "Infante Maria di Savoia" i.d. Platte. - Le Blanc 4. - Leichte Alters- u. Gebrauchssp. R

    Kiefer Buch- und Kunstauktionen
  • FLAMINIO TORRI (attr. a)
    Mar. 18, 2021

    FLAMINIO TORRI (attr. a)

    Est: €300 - €500

    (Bologna, 1620 - Modena, 1661) Madonna con il Bambino addormentato Olio su tela, cm 46X35 L'opera reca un'attribuzione collezionistica al pittore Bolognese Flaminio Torri, allievo insieme a Simone Cantarini di Guido Reni. L'immagine testimonia le influenze della cultura neoveneta di origine carraccesca e la sensibilità luministica che gli consente di creare composizioni di notevole effetto emotivo e denso naturalismo, precorrendo percezioni pittoriche di gusto settecentesco. Bibliografia di riferimento: A. M. Ambrosiani Massari, Flaminio Torre, in La scuola di Guido Reni, a cura di M. Pirondini, E. Negro, Modena 1992, pp. 391 - 408. fig. 379

    Wannenes Art Auctions
  • F.TORRI(*1620) attr.: St.Anthony of Padua with Christ, Spain, Pen Drawing
    Mar. 13, 2021

    F.TORRI(*1620) attr.: St.Anthony of Padua with Christ, Spain, Pen Drawing

    Est: €800 - €1,200

    Flaminio Torri (1620/21 Bologna - 1661 Modena) attributed: St. Anthony of Padua with Christ, 17th century, Pen Drawing with brown ink Technique: Pen Drawing with brown ink over black chalk, washed in brown and grey; border with ink in brown over black chalk Size: 7 1/4 x 6 in Inscription: on the mat in the lower middle in pencil modern inscription: „Pietro Faccini“ Condition: Somewhat stained; larger stain at lower left corner and lower centre margin; rubbed and browned; mounted on backing board. Description: Two Bolognese artists have been associated with the drawing: Pietro Faccini (1562-1602) and Flaminio Torri (1620-1661). There is a compositionally related etching of St Francis by Faccini; Torri dedicated a painting and two drawings to the vision of St Anthony. However, the compositional differences outweigh the similarities. In Faccini's etching, it is the Madonna who hands the child to the saint; in Torri's, the child floats, as it were, into Anthony's arms. The style of drawing also lacks references to these artists. The composition is closer to a painting by Francisco de Zurbarán (1598-1664). It shows the saint and the child in a similarly intimate interaction as our drawing. Zurbarán himself can be ruled out as the draughtsman, but the print could well have been created in his circle or in his succession. Keywords: Baroque, Religious, Spain, Saint, Clergyman, Miracle, Putti, Church

    Fichter Kunsthandel
  • Flaminio Torri (Bologna 1621 - Modena 1661) (attr.), Portrait of a Saint.
    Jun. 09, 2020

    Flaminio Torri (Bologna 1621 - Modena 1661) (attr.), Portrait of a Saint.

    Est: €900 - €1,800

    Oil on canvas, cm 90x70. Framed.

    Ansuini 1860 Auctions
  • Flaminio Torri (Bologna 1621 - Modena 1661) attribuito a, Carità Romana Studi di figure
    May. 27, 2020

    Flaminio Torri (Bologna 1621 - Modena 1661) attribuito a, Carità Romana Studi di figure

    Est: €150 - €200

    recto-verso, sanguigna su carta, mm 138x109

    Cambi Casa d'Aste
  • Flaminio Torri (attr.)
    Apr. 09, 2020

    Flaminio Torri (attr.)

    Est: €2,000 - €2,500

    Holy Family oil on canvas, 44,5by39,5cm.

    Bolli & Romiti s.r.l
    Mar. 05, 2020


    Est: €2,000 - €3,000

    (Bologna, 1620 - Modena, 1661) Madonna del latte Olio su tela, cm 80X60 L'opera reca una tradizionale attribuzione al pittore bolognese Flaminio Torre (Bologna, 1620 - Modena, 1661). La composizione trova infatti strettissimi punti di confronto con la tela già della collezione P. Lemesle (1823-1912) (olio su tela, cm 66X50,5- cfr. Pescheteau-Badin, il 27 maggio 2009, n. 113) e, per la sola figura della Vergine con il Bimbo, con La Sacra Famiglia e due angeli (olio su tela, cm 118,5X95, Milano, Porro il 26 maggio 2004, lotto 27). La composizione e lo stile mostrano affinità con le influenze della cultura neoveneta e sensibilità luministiche di notevole effetto naturalistico, precorrendo altresì percezioni pittoriche di gusto settecentesco. Bibliografia di riferimento: A. M. Ambrosiani Massari, Flaminio Torre, in La scuola di Guido Reni, a cura di M. Pirondini e E. Negro, Modena 1992, pp. 391-408. fig. 379

    Wannenes Art Auctions
    Dec. 03, 2019


    Est: €2,000 - €3,000

    (Bologna, 1620 - Modena, 1661) Madonna del latte Olio su tela, cm 80X60 L'opera reca una tradizionale attribuzione al pittore bolognese Flaminio Torre (Bologna, 1620 - Modena, 1661). La composizione trova infatti strettissimi punti di confronto con la tela già della collezione P. Lemesle (1823-1912) (olio su tela, cm 66X50,5- cfr. Pescheteau-Badin, il 27 maggio 2009, n. 113) e, per la sola figura della Vergine con il Bimbo, con 'La Sacra Famiglia e due angeli' (olio su tela, cm 118,5X95, Milano, Porro il 26 maggio 2004, lotto 27). La composizione e lo stile mostrano affinità con le influenze della cultura neoveneta e sensibilità luministiche di notevole effetto naturalistico, precorrendo altresìpercezioni pittoriche di gusto settecentesco. Bibliografia di riferimento: A. M. Ambrosiani Massari, Flaminio Torre, in La scuola di Guido Reni, a cura di M. Pirondini e E. Negro, Modena 1992, pp. 391-408. fig. 379

    Wannenes Art Auctions
  • Flaminio Torri (Bologna 1621 - Modena 1661), (Attr. to), Portrait of a Saint.
    Nov. 27, 2019

    Flaminio Torri (Bologna 1621 - Modena 1661), (Attr. to), Portrait of a Saint.

    Est: €1,800 - €3,600

    Flaminio Torri (Bologna 1621 - Modena 1661), (Attr. to), Portrait of a Saint. Oil on canvas, 90x70 cm.

    Ansuini 1860 Auctions
  • Attributed to Flaminio Torri (Bologna 1620-1661 Modena) Saint
    Jun. 27, 2019

    Attributed to Flaminio Torri (Bologna 1620-1661 Modena) Saint

    Est: €2,600 - €5,200

    Attributed to Flaminio Torri (Bologna 1620-1661 Modena) Saint oil on canvas, cm 90 x 70 Provenance: Giampaolo Guredda Antichità Roma

    Ansuini 1860 Auctions
  • Flaminio Torri (1621-1661), Madonna del latte
    Jun. 12, 2019

    Flaminio Torri (1621-1661), Madonna del latte

    Est: €7,000 - €9,000

    olio su tela, cm 80x60

    Cambi Casa d'Aste
  • Attributed to Flaminio Torri (Bologna 1620-1661 Modena) Saint
    Apr. 11, 2019

    Attributed to Flaminio Torri (Bologna 1620-1661 Modena) Saint

    Est: €3,000 - €6,000

    oil on canvas, cm 90 x 70 Provenance: Giampaolo Guredda Gallery

    Ansuini 1860 Auctions
  • FLAMINIO TORRE | The Nativity
    Dec. 06, 2018

    FLAMINIO TORRE | The Nativity

    Est: £30,000 - £40,000

    oil on canvas, framed as a tondo

  • Attribué à Flaminio Torre (1620-1661)
    Apr. 25, 2018

    Attribué à Flaminio Torre (1620-1661)

    Est: CHF6,000 - CHF8,000

    Attribué à Flaminio Torre (1620-1661) La Sainte Famille avec le petit saint Jean et trois anges, huile sur toile, 97x134 cm. Nous remercions le prof. Mauro Natale pour son aide dans l'étude de cette œuvre

    Geneve Encheres
  • Flaminio Torri (1621-1661) attribuito a, Carità Romana Studi di figure
    Nov. 15, 2017

    Flaminio Torri (1621-1661) attribuito a, Carità Romana Studi di figure

    Est: €300 - €400

    recto-verso, sanguigna su carta mm 138x109

    Cambi Casa d'Aste
  • Flaminio Torri (Bologna 1620-1661 Modena) Saint Paul
    Aug. 23, 2016

    Flaminio Torri (Bologna 1620-1661 Modena) Saint Paul

    Est: $7,000 - $9,000

    FLAMINIO TORRI (BOLOGNA 1620-1661 MODENA) Saint Paul oil on canvas 28 3/4 x 22 1/2 in. (73 x 57.2 cm.)

  • Flaminio Torre, An old man's head (St. Peter?), half XVII century
    Apr. 28, 2016

    Flaminio Torre, An old man's head (St. Peter?), half XVII century

    Est: €4,000 - €8,000

    Oil on canvas, 40 x 26 cm.

    Ansuini 1860 Auctions
  • Flaminio Torre, The Virgin with Child, half XVII century
    Apr. 28, 2016

    Flaminio Torre, The Virgin with Child, half XVII century

    Est: €4,000 - €8,000

    Oil on oval canvas, 25 x 19,5 cm.

    Ansuini 1860 Auctions
  • Circle of Flaminio Torre (1621-1661) - The Rape of Europa; Perseus and Andromeda
    Jul. 08, 2015

    Circle of Flaminio Torre (1621-1661) - The Rape of Europa; Perseus and Andromeda

    Est: £1,500 - £2,000

    A pair, oil on canvas 34.5 x 47 cm. (13 1/2 x 18 1/2 in)

    Dreweatts 1759
  • Flaminio Torri ( attr.) 1621-1661
    Dec. 17, 2014

    Flaminio Torri ( attr.) 1621-1661

    Est: €8,000 - €9,000

    Flaminio Torri ( attr.) 1621-1661 San Francesco in meditazione con un donatore olio su tela 73,5x98cm

    Bertolami Fine Art s.r.l.
  • FLAMINIO TORRE (1620-1661), attribué Femme à l'encensoir ou Sybille de l'Oracle
    Oct. 25, 2014

    FLAMINIO TORRE (1620-1661), attribué Femme à l'encensoir ou Sybille de l'Oracle

    Est: €500 - €700

    FLAMINIO TORRE (1620-1661), attribué Femme à l'encensoir ou Sybille de l'Oracle Petite huile sur toile marouflée sur panneau dans un encadrement Hollandais ancien guilloché Dimensions : 12,5 x 9 cm

    Accademia Fine Art
  • Flaminio Torre, 1621 Bologna - 1661 Modena, zug.
    Jun. 26, 2014

    Flaminio Torre, 1621 Bologna - 1661 Modena, zug.

    Est: €8,000 - €10,000

    Flaminio Torre, 1621 Bologna - 1661 Modena, zug.

    Hampel Fine Art Auctions
  • Attribué à Flaminio Torre Bologne, 1620 - Modène, 1661
    Apr. 10, 2013

    Attribué à Flaminio Torre Bologne, 1620 - Modène, 1661

    Est: €1,000 - €1,500

    Attribué à Flaminio Torre Bologne, 1620 - Modène, 1661 Apollon et Marsyas Sanguine Sans cadre 'APOLLO AND MARSYAS', RED CHALK, ATTRIBUTED TO F. TORRE h: 19,50 w: 24,50 cm Provenance : Ancienne collection d'Alfonso IV d'Este, duc de Modène (1634 - 1662), son cachet (L.106) en bas à droite

  • FLAMINIO TORRE (Bologna 1620-1661 Bologna) Study of Christ for a Pietà.
    Jan. 29, 2013

    FLAMINIO TORRE (Bologna 1620-1661 Bologna) Study of Christ for a Pietà.

    Est: $1,500 - $2,500

    FLAMINIO TORRE (Bologna 1620-1661 Bologna) Study of Christ for a Pietà. Red chalk with white chalk heightening on light tan laid paper, double-sided. 157x205 mm; 6 1/4x8 inches. With an early attribution to Torre in ink, lower left recto. With figure and hand studies in red chalk, verso. Ex-collection Claudio Argentieri (Lugt supplement 486b, lower left recto).

    Swann Auction Galleries
  • Attribué à Flaminio Torre Bologne, 1620 - Modène, 1661 Saint Jérôme Trois crayons, légère estompe et lavis brun
    Mar. 28, 2012

    Attribué à Flaminio Torre Bologne, 1620 - Modène, 1661 Saint Jérôme Trois crayons, légère estompe et lavis brun

    Est: €1,500 - €2,000

    Attribué à Flaminio Torre Bologne, 1620 - Modène, 1661 Saint Jérôme Trois crayons, légère estompe et lavis brun 'SAINT JEROME', THREE CHALKS, ATTRIBUTED TO FLAMINIO TORRE h: 45 w: 35,50 cm Provenance : Ancienne collection Michel Gaud, son cachet noir (L.3482) en bas à droite ; Collection particulière, Sud de la France Commentaire : On peut rapprocher ce dessin fini du 'Saint Jérôme' conservé à la Galleria Pallavicini à Rome (voir E. Negro et M. Pirondini, 'La scuola di Guido Reni', Modene, ed. Artioli, 1992, repr. fig 376, p. 400 ). La pose est très similaire mais on observe des variantes dans les mains qui sont jointes au lieu de tenir un crucifix.

  • Flaminio Torri (Bologna 1620-1661 Modena)
    Nov. 26, 2009

    Flaminio Torri (Bologna 1620-1661 Modena)

    Est: €8,000 - €12,000

    Flaminio Torri (Bologna 1620-1661 Modena) San Giovanni Evangelista olio su tela 57.5x48.5 cm.

  • Flaminio Torre (Italian, 1621-1661) "Saint Paul",
    Oct. 10, 2009

    Flaminio Torre (Italian, 1621-1661) "Saint Paul",

    Est: $14,000 - $18,000

    Flaminio Torre (Italian, 1621-1661) "Saint Paul", oil on canvas, unsigned, 28-3/4" x 22-1/2". Presented in a contemporary molded giltwood frame with brass artist plaque. Provenance: Sotheby's, New York, January 14, 1994, lot 189; Private collection, Austin, Texas.

    New Orleans Auction Galleries
  • Flaminio Torri , Bologna 1621-1661 Modena The Annunciation oil on canvas
    Jan. 29, 2009

    Flaminio Torri , Bologna 1621-1661 Modena The Annunciation oil on canvas

    Est: $50,000 - $60,000

    oil on canvas

  • FLAMINIO TORRE Italien, 1621-1661, tillskriven
    Nov. 27, 2008

    FLAMINIO TORRE Italien, 1621-1661, tillskriven

    Est: kr6,300 - kr8,400

    FLAMINIO TORRE Italien, 1621-1661, tillskriven Madonna med barnet Olja på duk uppfäst på pannå, 66 x 50 cm. Attributed to. Oil on canvas supported on panel. EXPERTIS: Cabinet Turquin, Stéphane Pinta, Paris Ändring/Sale room notice skall vara Flaminio Torre, Italien, 1621-1661 tillskriven Should be Flaminio Torre, Italien, 1621-1661, attributed to

    Stockholms Auktionsverket
  • Attributed to Flaminio Torri (Bologna 1620-1661 Modena)
    Oct. 29, 2008

    Attributed to Flaminio Torri (Bologna 1620-1661 Modena)

    Est: £5,000 - £7,000

    Attributed to Flaminio Torri (Bologna 1620-1661 Modena) The Holy Family with the Infant Saint John the Baptist oil on canvas 68¾ x 49½ in. (174.6 x 125.7 cm.)

  • Flaminio Torre (Bologna 1621 - 1661 Modena) Der
    Oct. 15, 2008

    Flaminio Torre (Bologna 1621 - 1661 Modena) Der

    Est: €18,000 - €20,000

    Flaminio Torre (Bologna 1621 - 1661 Modena) Der heilige Franziskus in Ekstase/San Francesco in estasi, Öl auf Leinwand, 152 x 114 cm, gerahmt, (Wo)

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