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Zdenek Tmej Sold at Auction Prices

b. 1920 - d. 2004

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  • Zdeněk Tmej (1920-2004)
    Mar. 12, 2020

    Zdeněk Tmej (1920-2004)

    Est: -

    KUŘÁK Z CYKLU TOTÁLNÍ NASAZENÍ 1942 Černobílá bromostříbrná fotografie na matném papíru, pozdější autorská zvětšenina z 80. - 90. let 20. stol. 296x252 mm. Verso značeno autorským razítkem, perem podpis autora a datace. Stav A/B. Drobné retuše. Významný reportážní a dokumentární fotograf. Narodil se v Praze. V šestnácti letech začal publikovat v předválečných časopisech. Před válkou dělal také asistenta českému reportážnímu fotografovi Karlu Hájkovi. Za války byl totálně nasazen ve Vroclavi, kde pracoval při překládání vagonů. Při této příležitosti fotografoval dění kolem sebe a vznikl tak slavný cyklus "Totaleinsatz", soubor několika desítek fotografií zachycující pracovní životy lidí ve válce. Za války i po válce spolupracoval s Karlem Ludwigem a Václavem Chocholou a vytvářel s nimi portréty hereček a baletek Národního divadla a známých osobností kulturního světa. Tmej byl zarytým antikomunistou a v roce 1958 byl na sedm let uvězněn. Po propuštění z vězení pracoval mj. na zakázce pro Radnici Prahy 9, dokumentoval mizející čtvrť Vysočany a její demolici. Fotografoval i nadále portréty známých osob. Blanka Chocholová mu po roce 1989 připravila několik výstav z jeho fotografického archivu. Věra Chytilová o něm a o Karlu Ludwigovi a Václavu Chocholovi natočila dokumentární film "Vzlety a pády". SMOKER FROM THE CYCLE FORCED LABOUR 1942 Gelatin silver print on matte paper, printed later by the artist in 1980`s - 1990`s. 296x252 mm. Copyright credit stamp, signature and date in ink on the verso. Tiny retouches. RAUCHER AUS DEM ZYKLUS TOTALEINSATZ 1942 Silbergelatineabzug auf Mattpapier, späterer Abdruck des Autors von 1980s - 1990s. 296x252 mm. Verso Künstlerstempel, in Feder signiert und datiert. Kleine Retuschen.

    Auction House Zezula
  • Tmej, Zdenek (Czech, 1920–2004), Abeceda: Duševního Prázdna
    Sep. 11, 2019

    Tmej, Zdenek (Czech, 1920–2004), Abeceda: Duševního Prázdna

    Est: $1,000 - $1,500

    Tmej, Zdenek (Czech, 1920–2004) Abeceda: Duševního Prázdna Prague: Nakladatelství Zádruha, 1946. First edition. 4to. Unpaginated. Illustrated with photogravures. Stiff wrappers in photographic dust-jacket, variously chipped, with large chip affecting last "A" in title. Photographs by Zdenek Tmej with text by Alexandra Urbanová. Tmej's "Alphabet of Spiritual Emptiness" largely consists of photos surreptitiously taken at Breslau in 1942 while forced to work for the Nazi war effort. (Roth, p.124.).

    Freeman's | Hindman
  • Tmej, Zdenek (Czech, 1920–2004), Abeceda: Duševního Prázdna
    Sep. 11, 2019

    Tmej, Zdenek (Czech, 1920–2004), Abeceda: Duševního Prázdna

    Est: $200 - $300

    Tmej, Zdenek (Czech, 1920–2004) Abeceda: Duševního Prázdna Prague: Nakladatelství Zádruha, 1946. First edition. 4to. Unpaginated. Illustrated with photogravures. Stiff wrappers, variously chipped; rubber stamps to recto of first free leaf and copyright page, possibly ex-library; dust-jacket wanting. Photographs by Zdenk Tmej with text by Alexandra Urbanová. Tmej's "Alphabet of Spiritual Emptiness" largely consists of photos surreptitiously taken at Breslau in 1942 while forced to work for the Nazi war effort. (Roth, p.124.).

    Freeman's | Hindman
  • Zdeněk Tmej (1920-2004)
    Oct. 07, 2017

    Zdeněk Tmej (1920-2004)

    Est: -

    FROM THE CYCLE FORCED LABOR. 1942. Semi-matte gelatin silver print, printed later by the photographer. 232x275 mm (396x297 mm). Photographer’s stamp, as well as signed and dated in pen on the verso. Condition A. Slightly dirty lower edge (away from the image).  Z CYKLU TOTÁLNÍ NASAZENÍ. 1942. Černobílá bromostříbrná fotografie na polomatném papíru, pozdější autorská zvětšenina. 232x275 mm (396x297 mm). Verso značeno autorským razítkem, perem podpis autora a datace. Stav A. Spodní okraj lehce ušpiněn (mimo obrazovou plochu).   AUS DEM ZYKLUS TOTALEINSATZ. 1942. Silbergelatineabzug auf Halbmattpapier, späterer Abdruck des Künstlers. 232x275 mm (396x297 mm). Verso Künstlerstempel, in Feder signiert und datiert. Zustand A. Unterrand leicht beschmutzt (außerhalb der Bildfläche).

    Auction House Zezula
  • Zdeněk Tmej (1920-2004)
    Oct. 08, 2016

    Zdeněk Tmej (1920-2004)

    Est: -

    FROM THE CYCLE FORCED LABOR. 1942. Vintage ferrotyped gelatin silver print. 291x170 mm. Signed and dated by the photographer in blue ink, as well as photographer’s stamp on the verso. Another variant of this photograph has a description by the photographer which says in Czech: „A Czech woman, who had a choice of either a concentration camp or a brothel.“. Condition A/B. Slightly bumped corners. Estimated price: 18 000 - 24 000 CZK / 667 - 889 € Z CYKLU TOTÁLNÍ NASAZENÍ. 1942. Černobílá bromostříbrná fotografie na lesklém papíru, původní autorská zvětšenina. 291x170 mm. Verso značeno autorským razítkem, modrým inkoustem podpis autora a datace. Jiná varianta této fotografie je opatřena Tmejovým popisem: „Češka, měla na výběr buď koncentrák, nebo bordel.“. Stav A/B. Lehce poškozené rohy. Odhadní cena: 18 000 - 24 000 Kč / 667 - 889 € AUS DEM ZYKLUS TOTALEINSATZ. 1942. Silbergelatineabzug auf Glanzpapier, vintage. 291x170 mm. Verso Künstlerstempel, in blauer Tinte signiert und datiert. Andere Variante dieses Bildes hat Künstlernotiz: „Češka, měla na výběr buď koncentrák, nebo bordel.“. Zustand A/B. Leicht beschädigte Ecken. Schätzpreis: 18 000 - 24 000 CZK / 667 - 889 EUR

    Auction House Zezula
  • [PHOTOBOOK-CZECH] TMEJ, ZDENEK. Abeceda: Dusevniho prazdna. [Alphabet of Spiritual Emptiness] .
    Apr. 08, 2013

    [PHOTOBOOK-CZECH] TMEJ, ZDENEK. Abeceda: Dusevniho prazdna. [Alphabet of Spiritual Emptiness] .

    Est: $2,000 - $3,000

    [PHOTOBOOK-CZECH] TMEJ, ZDENEK. Abeceda: Dusevniho prazdna. [Alphabet of Spiritual Emptiness] . Prague: Zadura Nakladelstvi, 1946. First edition. Original card covers. 9 1/2 x 8 1/4 inches (24 x 21 cm); 62 pp., with 45 black and white photographs printed in gravure, the final image repeated in this copy. Lacking the dust jacket, some chipping to head and toe of wrappers at spine, one corner of the upper cover dogeared with a slight split, internally sound. An extraordinary photobook, Tmej's photographs are accompanied by the text by Alexandra Urbanova. Tmej was able to shoot inside a forced labor camp run by the Nazis, from the fall of 1942 on. He had two cameras, and was able to acquire film and other photographic necessities. The resulting images are of searing power, showing men and women attempting to retain their humanity under the most brutal and degrading of circumstances, the "spiritual emptiness" of the title. "Apparently the Gestapo found the images, but (clearly misunderstanding their potency as pictures) allowed him to keep them as 'souvenirs'. The resulting book, distilled from around 200 negatives, is notable not only for its historical value but also for Tmej's ability to make formally elegant images that are invested with a poetic weight that is quite remarkable."-- from Parr and Badger I, 198-9; see also Roth 124-5; Open Book 144-5.

    DOYLE Auctioneers & Appraisers
  • [PHOTOBOOK-CZECH] TMEJ, ZDENEK. Abeceda: Dusevniho prazdna. [Alphabet of Spiritual Emptiness].
    Apr. 08, 2013

    [PHOTOBOOK-CZECH] TMEJ, ZDENEK. Abeceda: Dusevniho prazdna. [Alphabet of Spiritual Emptiness].

    Est: $4,000 - $6,000

    [PHOTOBOOK-CZECH] TMEJ, ZDENEK. Abeceda: Dusevniho prazdna. [Alphabet of Spiritual Emptiness]. Prague: Zadura Nakladelstvi, 1946. First edition. Original card covers in the printed dust jacket. 9 1/2 x 8 1/4 inches (24 x 21 cm); 62 pp., with 45 black and white photographs printed in gravure. The very rare dust jacket slightly chipped at the edges of the photographic front panel, some minor losses to the rear, in all a sound example retaining the flaps. An extraordinary photobook, Tmej's photographs are accompanied by the text by Alexandra Urbanova. Tmej was able to shoot inside a forced labor camp run by the Nazis, from the fall of 1942 on. He had two cameras, and was able to acquire film and other photographic necessities. The resulting images are of searing power, showing men and women attempting to retain their humanity under the most brutal and degrading of circumstances, the "spiritual emptiness" of the title. "Apparently the Gestapo found the images, but (clearly misunderstanding their potency as pictures) allowed him to keep them as 'souvenirs'. The resulting book, distilled from around 200 negatives, is notable not only for its historical value but also for Tmej's ability to make formally elegant images that are invested with a poetic weight that is quite remarkable."-- from Parr and Badger I, 198-9; see also Roth 124-5; Open Book 144-5.

    DOYLE Auctioneers & Appraisers
  • Tmej, Zdenek: Dancers
    Dec. 01, 2010

    Tmej, Zdenek: Dancers

    Est: €700 - €900

    Dancers. 1942. Vintage large-format gelatin silver print. 29 x 36 cm. Photographer's stamp and annotated in Czech in pencil on the verso. A few light scuff marks, corners minimally bumped, a few light handling creases, otherwise in very good condition.

    Galerie Bassenge
    May. 21, 2010


    Est: £3,000 - £5,000

    ZDENEK TMEJ Abeceda Dusevniho Prazdna -- Alphabet of Spiritual Emptiness. Prague: Zadura Nakladelstvi, 1946. Quarto (239 x 210 mm). 45 black and white photographs. (Small, light marginal dampstain in a few leave.) Original card covers, original dust-jacket (dust-jacket with expert repairs at the spine and extremities). Provenance: Technolen (stamp on title verso; a few cancelled shelf marks in the first leaf margin). FIRST EDITION, IN THE RARE DUST-JACKET. 'A remarkable document of his war experiences (psychological and otherwise). It is also a beautifully produced, if fragile, book' (The Photobook). 'The dark, impressionistic look of Tmej's photographs is the result of working indoor with a concealed camera and only the dimmest available light' (101 Books). 101 Books, pp.124-25; Auer, p.316; The Open Book, pp.144-45; The Photobook,vol. I, pp.198-99.

    May. 19, 2009


    Est: £4,000 - £6,000

    ZDENEK TMEJ Abeceda Dusevniho Prazdna -- Alphabet of Spiritual Emptiness. Prague: Zadura Nakladelstvi, 1946. Quarto (239 x 210 mm). 45 black and white photographs. Original card-covers, original dust-jacket, custom box and slipcase (dust-jacket with a very few very short repaired tears). Provenance: Athos (Prague bookseller; sold to:) -- Vaclav Macek (invoice dated 1948 laid-in). FIRST EDITION, IN AN EXCELLENT EXAMPLE OF THE RARE DUST-JACKET -- a very uncommon survival. 'A remarkable document of his war experiences (psychological and otherwise). It is also a beautifully produced, if fragile, book' (The Photobook). 'The dark, impressionistic look of Tmej's photographs is the result of working indoor with a concealed camera and only the dimmest available light' (101 Books). 101 Books, pp.124-25; The Open Book, pp.144-45; The Photobook, vol. I, pp.198-99.

  • TMEJ, ZDENEK. Abeceda: Dusevniho prázdna [Alphabet of Spiritual Emptiness].
    May. 14, 2009

    TMEJ, ZDENEK. Abeceda: Dusevniho prázdna [Alphabet of Spiritual Emptiness].

    Est: $2,500 - $3,500

    TMEJ, ZDENEK. Abeceda: Dusevniho prázdna [Alphabet of Spiritual Emptiness]. Text by Alexandra Urbanova. Illustrated with rich, inky reproductions of photographs documenting Tmej's forced conscription at a German Army Camp in 1942. 4to, contemporary marbled paper over brown-stamped cloth; facsimile dust jacket; contents crisp and clean. Roth 124; Parr/Badger I 199; Hasselblad 144; Auer 316. first edition. Praha: Nak/adatelstvi Za'Druha a.s., 1946

    Swann Auction Galleries
  • Zdenek Tmej (Czechoslovakia after 1920 b.)
    Apr. 28, 2008

    Zdenek Tmej (Czechoslovakia after 1920 b.)

    Est: €600 - €700

    Zdenek Tmej (Czechoslovakia after 1920 b.) "ABECEDA dusevniho prazdna, text by Alexandra Urbanova, richly illustrated, intaglio print, the endpaper signed in black China ink, published by Zadruha, Prague 1946, Gr.-8, cover lost, (EK)

    Apr. 10, 2008


    Est: $6,000 - $9,000

    ZDENEK TMEJ Abeceda Dusevniho Prazdna -- Alphabet of Spiritual Emptiness. Prague: Zadura Nakladelstvi, 1946. Quarto (239 x 210 mm). 45 black and white photographs. (Spotting on first leaf.) Original card-covers; lacking dust-jacket (facsimile supplied); cloth folding box. Tmej's signature in black ink on first blank. Gelatin silver print (264 x 393 mm), annotated on the verso 'Zdenek Tmej 1942 Breslau', (three short tears at edges), cloth chemise and slipcase. FIRST EDITION, SIGNED BY TMEJ. WITH A GELATIN SILVER PRINT reproduced in the book: a large interior scene of one of the dormitories in Breslau. "A remarkable document of his war experiences (psychological and otherwise). It is also a beautifully produced, if fragile, book" (The Photobook). "The dark, impressionistic look of Tmej's photographs is the result of working indoor with a concealed camera and only the dimmest available light" (101 Books). 101 Books, pp.124-25; The Open Book, pp.144-45; The Photobook, vol. I, pp.198-99. (2)

    Apr. 27, 2004


    Est: $1,200 - $1,800

    Communist Perspective, 1949 gelatin silver print, printed later signed, titled in Czech and dated in pencil (on the verso) 10 1/8 x 13 3/4 in. (25.7 x 34.8cm.)

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