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Pietro Tenerani Sold at Auction Prices

Sculptor, b. 1789 - d. 1869

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  • Genio della Caccia (Genius of Hunting) and Genio della Pesca (Genius of Fishing)
    Dec. 13, 2023

    Genio della Caccia (Genius of Hunting) and Genio della Pesca (Genius of Fishing)

    Est: £50,000 - £70,000

    Pietro Tenerani Italian 1789 - 1869 Genio della Caccia (Genius of Hunting) and Genio della Pesca (Genius of Fishing) Genio della Caccia signed: PIETRO TENERANI F. Genio della Pesca signed: P. TENERANI white marble, on later painted wood plinths Genio della Caccia: 91cm., 35¾in. Genio della Pesca: 83.5cm., 32⅞in. plinths: 94.5cm., 37¼in.

  • Pietro Tenerani, 1789 Torano bei Carrara – 1869 Rom
    Dec. 07, 2023

    Pietro Tenerani, 1789 Torano bei Carrara – 1869 Rom

    Est: €8,500 - €10,000

    KONVOLUT VON EINEM BÜSTENSATZ EINES HERRN Höhe: 33-43 cm. Metallbüsten im Guss „Tenerani“ signiert. Verso Inschrift „1er Jet, Dans l'atelier de Tenerani, Rome 1843“ sowie eingeritzte Inschrift „SE H Grafer Moritz Esterhazy gehörig“. Das Set besteht aus 5 Büsten, 3 aus Gips und 2 aus Metall, 1 davon aus Bronze gegossen. Auf Sockel gerade Darstellung eines Herrn, mit leicht verschiedenen Ausführungen. Sowohl als römischer Senator sowie als Edelmann des 19. Jahrhundert. Anmerkung: Tenerani lernte bei den besten Bildhauern seiner Zeit nämlich Antonio Canova (1757-1822) und Berthel Thorvaldsen (1768/70-1844), die ihm zu einer außergewöhnlich hohen Qualität seiner Arbeit verhalfen, wie sie beispielhaft mit diesem Lot angeboten wird. Die Qualität seiner Arbeiten wurde weit über die Grenzen Italiens gerühmt, sodass er unter anderem an der Erschaffung des Grabmals für Eugène de Beauharnais, Herzog von Leuchtenberg, in der Münchener Michaelskirche beteiligt war. Ein Jahr vor seinem Ableben wurde er zum Generaldirektor aller römischen Museen und Galerien ernannt. (1381028) (10)

    Hampel Fine Art Auctions
  • PIETRO TENERANI (TORANO 1789 – ROME 1869) Psyche Abandoned marble 50 in. (1
    Jul. 06, 2023

    PIETRO TENERANI (TORANO 1789 – ROME 1869) Psyche Abandoned marble 50 in. (1

    Est: £120,000 - £180,000

    PIETRO TENERANI (TORANO 1789 – ROME 1869) Psyche Abandoned marble 50 in. (120 cm.) high

  • Genio della Caccia (Genius of Hunting) and Genio della Pesca (Genius of Fishing)
    Jul. 04, 2023

    Genio della Caccia (Genius of Hunting) and Genio della Pesca (Genius of Fishing)

    Est: £70,000 - £90,000

    Pietro Tenerani (Torano 1789-1869 Rome) Italian, Rome, first half 19th century Genio della Caccia (Genius of Hunting) and Genio della Pesca (Genius of Fishing) white marble Genio della Caccia signed: PIETRO TENERANI F. Genio della Pesca signed: P. TENERANI Genio della Caccia: 91cm., 35¾in. Genio della Pesca: 83.5cm., 32⅞in. plinths: 94.5cm., 37¼in.

    Oct. 07, 2022


    Est: $7,000 - $10,000

    A WHITE MARBLE OF PSYCHE ABANDONNED PIETRO TENERANI (ITALIAN, 1789-1869), 1834 19 3/4 in. (50.2 cm.) high

  • Pietro Tenerani, 1789 Torano DI Carrara – 1869 Rom
    Dec. 09, 2021

    Pietro Tenerani, 1789 Torano DI Carrara – 1869 Rom

    Est: €130,000 - €150,000

    PSYCHESkulptur ohne Basis: 112 x 110 x 67 cm. Basis: 80 x 116 x 69 cm. Signiert und datiert „P. Tenerani, 1861“. In Carrara-Marmor gearbeitete Großskulptur. Über rechteckigem Grund die nach rechts gewandte Ganzfigur einer jungen, spärlich bekleideten weiblichen Figur, die anhand ihrer Flügel als Psyche bestimmbar ist, ihr Blick nach rechts unten gerichtet. Auf sekundärem marmoriertem Sockel mit gekehlten Profilen und Spiegelmarmorierung in vertiefter Kartusche. Tenerani lernte bei den besten Bildhauern seiner Zeit nämlich Antonio Canova (1757-1822) und Berthel Thorvaldsen (1768/70-1844), die ihm zu einer außergewöhnlich hohen Qualität seiner Arbeit verhalfen, wie sie beispielhaft mit diesem Lot angeboten wird. Die Qualität seiner Arbeiten wurde weit über die Grenzen Italiens gerühmt, sodass er unter anderem an der Erschaffung des Grabmals für Eugène de Beauharnais, Herzog von Leuchtenberg, in der Münchener Michaelskirche beteiligt war. Ein Jahr vor seinem Ableben wurde er zum Generaldirektor aller römischen Museen und Galerien ernannt. (1291603) (13) PIETRO TENERANI, 1789 Torano DI Carrara – 1869 Rome PSYCHESculpture excl. base: 112 x 110 x 67 cm. Base: 80 x 116 x 69cm. Signed and dated “P. Tenerani, 1861”. Large sculpture in Carrara marble. On rectangular base, the full-length figure of a young, scantily clad female figure, who can be identified as psyche due to her wings, is facing to the right with her gaze directed downwards to the right. Mounted on a marbled base of a later date with fluted profiles and mirror marbling in a recessed cartouche. Tenerani trained with the best sculptors of his time, namely Antonio Canova and Berthel Thorvaldsen, who helped him achieve an exceptionally high quality of work, as is exemplified by this lot. The quality of his work was praised far beyond the borders of Italy, so that, among other things, he was involved in the creation of the tomb for Eugène de Beauharnais, Duke of Leuchtenberg, in Munich’s Michaelskirche. A year before his death, he was appointed general director of all Roman museums and galleries.

    Hampel Fine Art Auctions
  • Arte - Vitali, Vitaliano - - Lunga supplica ad…
    Nov. 26, 2021

    Arte - Vitali, Vitaliano - - Lunga supplica ad…

    Est: €120 - €200

    Arte - Vitali, Vitaliano - Lunga supplica ad un sig. ‘Conte’ datata 15 ottobre 1854, con in calce una dichiarazione di Pietro Tenerani, celebre scultore carrarese (1789 – Roma 1869), allievo del celebre scultore danese Bertel Thorvaldsen, attestato di “buon ingegno e progresso nell’arte” a favore del suo allievo (all’accademia di S. Luca) Vitali Vitaliano. dopo una prima formazione avvenuta nella città natale, si trasferì a Firenze dove ebbe modo di perfezionarsi sia in pittura sia in scultura. Fervente patriota, nel 1854 fu imprigionato per attività sovversive. In modi che richiamano gli esempi del Purismo toscano si dedicò prevalentemente al genere del ritratto (Ritratto di Giovanni Papa, 1853-1856, Bologna, Museo Civico del Risorgimento). Testo principale su 35 righe (quello di Tenerani su 5 righe in basso a sin.), formato lettera Mm 275 x 195 mm. Si aggiungono : 2 lettere dell’architetto e storico dell’arte Luca Beltrami (1854-1933) e una cartolina dello psichiatra ed entomologo svizzero Auguste Henri Forel (1848 –1931).

  • PIETRO TENERANI (ITALIAN, 1789-1869) Bust of a gentleman
    Jul. 12, 2021

    PIETRO TENERANI (ITALIAN, 1789-1869) Bust of a gentleman

    Est: £4,000 - £6,000

    PIETRO TENERANI (ITALIAN, 1789-1869) Bust of a gentleman PIETRO TENERANI (ITALIAN, 1789-1869) Bust of a gentleman signed and dated 'PRO. TENERANI. F. 1856' to the reverse, on a rectangular marble plinth marble 24¹⁄₂ in. (62 cm.) high, overall

  • A carved marble figure by Pietro Tenerani (1789-1869) Italian,
    Mar. 30, 2021

    A carved marble figure by Pietro Tenerani (1789-1869) Italian,

    Est: £5,000 - £8,000

    A carved marble figure by Pietro Tenerani (1789-1869) Italian, A carved marble figure by Pietro Tenerani (Italian, 1789-1869), 'Psyche in a Faint', 1860, carved marble, signed and dated, 110cm wide 66cm deep 114cm high, together with a stone slab, 123 x 67cm (2) Provenance: Recently recovered from the garden of a country house in East Anglia, having been in the same family ownership for fifty years. This sculpture depicts a scene from Apuleius' Metamorphoses, the moment that Psyche opens Proserpina's beauty ointment, having been sent into the underworld to collect it by the jealous Venus. In spite of being told not to, Psyche's curiosity gets the better of her and she opens the flask, instantly falling into a deep slumber or faint. The flask can be seen at the subject's feet, the cover falling from her hand. Tenerani revisited this subject on at least seven other occasions; he was fascinated with trying to capture the languid fluidity of the fainting body, setting a fleeting moment in stone. Other examples of this work can be found in prominent international collections, perhaps the most famous being the State Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg.

  • Tenerani, Pietro
    Feb. 19, 2021

    Tenerani, Pietro

    Est: €60 - €90

    (1789 Carrara - Rom 1869, ital. Bildhauer). Einseitiger Brief vom 20. April 1863 in Rom, an den Grafen Lavinio Medici Spada, in dem ein an Tenerani gerichteter Brief des Schriftstellers Pietro Giordani erwähnt wird. 8°. - Mehrfach gefaltet. R

    Kiefer Buch- und Kunstauktionen
  • Tenerani, Pietro
    Dec. 11, 2020

    Tenerani, Pietro

    Est: €80 - €120

    (1789 Carrara - Rom 1869, ital. Bildhauer). Einseitiger Brief vom 20. April 1863 in Rom an einen Conte, dessen Name schwer leserlich ist, in dem ein an Tenerani gerichteter Brief des Schriftstellers Pietro Giordani erwähnt wird. 8°. - Mehrfach gefaltet. - D

    Kiefer Buch- und Kunstauktionen
  • A carved marble figure of Psyche in a Faint Pietro Tenerani (1789 - 1869), 19th century
    Oct. 20, 2020

    A carved marble figure of Psyche in a Faint Pietro Tenerani (1789 - 1869), 19th century

    Est: $15,000 - $20,000

    A carved marble figure of Psyche in a Faint Pietro Tenerani (1789 - 1869), 19th century Signed Pro. Tenerani. FVA, 1854. height 23 1/2in (60cm); width 21 1/8in (54cm); depth 15 1/4in (39cm) For further information on this lot please visit the Bonhams website

    Sep. 18, 2019


    Est: €800 - €1,200

    PIETRO TENERANI (Carrara 1789 - Rome 1869) YOUNG GIRL'S BUST Sculpture in white statuary marble, cm. 46 x 30 x 15 Signed and dated 1854, on the backside of the neck PROVENANCE Illustrious Roman family PIETRO TENERANI (Carrara 1789 - Roma 1869) BUSTO DI FANCIULLA Scultura in marmo bianco statuario, cm. 46 x 30 x 15 Firmata e datata 1854, al retro del collo PROVENIENZA Illustre famiglia romana

    Casa d'Aste Babuino
  • PIETRO TENERANI | Psyche Abandoned
    Jul. 11, 2018

    PIETRO TENERANI | Psyche Abandoned

    Est: £6,000 - £8,000

    white marble

  • PIETRO TENERANI (ITALIAN, 1789-1869) Un putto che pesca marble 33 ¼ in. (84
    Oct. 17, 2017

    PIETRO TENERANI (ITALIAN, 1789-1869) Un putto che pesca marble 33 ¼ in. (84

    Est: $15,000 - $25,000

    PIETRO TENERANI (ITALIAN, 1789-1869) Un putto che pesca marble 33 ¼ in. (84.5 cm.) high

  • Pietro Tenerani , a sculpted white marble model of an amorino
    Mar. 30, 2016

    Pietro Tenerani , a sculpted white marble model of an amorino

    Est: £3,000 - £5,000

    Pietro Tenerani (Italian, 1789 - 1869), a sculpted white marble model of an amorino, portrayed digging, his foot resting on the top edge of a spade, the circular base modelled with a hatchet resting against a tree stump, inscribed and dated 1852, 86.5cm high Provenance: Christie's South Kensington, Dunsborough Park, Garden Statuary from the Collection of Baron and Baroness Sweerts de Landas Wyborgh, 19th June 2013, lot 54

    Dreweatts 1759
    Jun. 19, 2013


    Est: -

    AN ITALIAN SCULPTED WHITE MARBLE FIGURE OF A WINGED PUTTO BY PIETRO TENERANI (1789-1869), DATED 1852 Modelled digging with a spade, a pruning knife hanging from the tree stump at his side, the base signed 'TENERANI. P. 1852' 34 in. (86.5cm) high

    Dec. 05, 2012


    Est: £6,000 - £9,000

    ITALIAN 1789-1869 BUST  OF  PRINCESS  MARIA  FRANZISKA  VON  LIECHTENSTEIN white  marble,  on  a  grey  marble  socle overall:  55cm.,  21  5/8  in.

  • A 19th century carved marble statue of a boy
    Sep. 24, 2008

    A 19th century carved marble statue of a boy

    Est: £900 - £1,000

    A 19th century carved marble statue of a boy hauling in a fishing net with catch raised on a circular plinth stamped P. Tenerani (Pietro Tenerani, 1789-1869) and dated 1866 (AF), 87cm in height approximately

    Wotton Auction Rooms Ltd
  • Pietro Tenerani
    Apr. 27, 2001

    Pietro Tenerani

    Est: £5,000 - £7,000

    Pietro Tenerani Italian, 1789-1869 an amorino with a hare signed: P. TENERANI white marble, on a veined grey marble column with revolving top (wings detachable) (6) figure: 93 cm., 36 5/8 in. column:104 cm., 41 in. Tenerani, together with his close friend Lorenzo Bartolini, are considered as two of the major proponents of the Tuscan neo-classical school of sculpture. He was born in Torano, Carrara and studied there in the studio of his uncle, the sculptor Pietro Marchetti. In 1813 he won a scholarship to Rome, where he completed his studies at the Accademia di San Luca and frequented the workshop of Canova. In 1817 he entered Thorwaldsen's studio, becoming the head of the atelier in his masters absence. Thereafter his fame quickly spread as he was made a professor of the Accademia di San Luca (1825), its president in 1856 and in 1860 a general director of the Vatican Museums. His most famous works include Psyche with Pandora's box, Venus and Cupid, Psyche Abandoned and a tomb for Pius VIII in St. Peter's, Rome. Gradually his style turned away from its neo-classical roots and explored the possibilities of genre groups, as in the present work. The delicately chiselled working of the hair and face is evident, and it originally formed a pendant to another amorino in the guise of a fisherman attending his net (see lot 153, Christie's, 19 October 1991) Related literature: Panzetta, p.265

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