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Gerard Francis Tempest Sold at Auction Prices

b. 1918 - d. 2009

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    Nov. 11, 2024


    Est: €1,500 - €1,700

    TEMPEST GERARD (1918-2009) GERARD TEMPEST Hoping nature...1973 olio su tela cm 152x127 5 firmato datato e dedicato sul retro Hoping nature...1973 oil on canvas 59 84x50 19 in signed dated and dedicated on the reverse

    Aste Boetto SRL
    May. 17, 2024


    Est: €150 - €250

    GERARD TEMPEST (1918 - 2009) Untitled 1983 Acrylic on canvas 23 x 30,5 cm Signed, dated and declaration of authenticity on the reverse PROVENANCE: Private collection

  • Gerard F. Tempest (SC/MA/Italy, 1918-2009), Carnival Procession
    Apr. 11, 2020

    Gerard F. Tempest (SC/MA/Italy, 1918-2009), Carnival Procession

    Est: $25 - $25,000

    Gerard F. Tempest (SC/MA/Italy, 1918-2009), Carnival Procession gouache on paper, indistinct monogram or signature at lower left, inscribed on the verso "Authentic work by Gerard F. Tempest," matted and framed under glass, retaining a Charleston, SC framer's label to the verso. DOA 12.25 x 23.75 in. Additional high-resolution photos are available at LelandLittle.com

    Leland Little Auctions
  • Gerard Tempest (1918-2009), Drawing, Chapel Hill
    Jul. 20, 2019

    Gerard Tempest (1918-2009), Drawing, Chapel Hill

    Est: $25 - $25,000

    Gerard Tempest (1918-2009), Drawing, Chapel Hill graphite of a house, signed and dated 1976 at lower right, matted and framed under glass. DOA 24 x 28 in. Additional high-resolution photos are available at LelandLittle.com

    Leland Little Auctions
  • Gerard Tempest (1918-2009), Portrait of a Man
    Jul. 20, 2019

    Gerard Tempest (1918-2009), Portrait of a Man

    Est: $25 - $25,000

    Gerard Tempest (1918-2009), Portrait of a Man oil on panel, signed and dated 1981 at lower left, framed. DOA 11.5 x 9.75 in. Presented with a copy of Gerard Tempest: Abstract Spiritualism published in association with Bergen Museum of Paramus, New Jersey and The Emil Leonard Gallery in New York, New York. Additional high-resolution photos are available at LelandLittle.com

    Leland Little Auctions
  • Gerard Francis Tempest
    Apr. 05, 2019

    Gerard Francis Tempest

    Est: $400 - $600

    Gerard Francis Tempest (South Carolina/Massachusetts, 1918-2009) PORTRAIT OF EDNA LAMB HOLLINGSWORTH OF CHARLESTON (1913-2009) oil on canvas, framed, signed & dated 1955 H48" W54" Provenance: Property of a Southern lady

    Charlton Hall
    Oct. 23, 2018


    Est: €2,000 - €2,300

    TEMPEST GERARD (1918-2009) Composizione 1968 olio su tela cm 122x122 firmato e datato in basso a destra dedicato sul retro provenienza: Collezione privata Roma Composizione 1968 oil on canvas 48 03x48 03 in signed and dated lower right dedicated on the reverse provenance: Private collection Rome bibliografia: Tempest De Luca Editore 1973

    Aste Boetto SRL
  • Gerard Tempest (NC/SC, 1918-2009), Mother and Child - Red Ribbon
    Mar. 03, 2018

    Gerard Tempest (NC/SC, 1918-2009), Mother and Child - Red Ribbon

    Est: $800 - $1,200

    oil on canvas, unsigned, inscribed on stretcher, presented in a maple floater frame. DOA 50 x 62 in. A Private Collection of Contemporary American Art Additional high-resolution photos are available at LelandLittle.com

    Leland Little Auctions
  • GERARD TEMPEST (1918-2009) Composition
    Oct. 25, 2016

    GERARD TEMPEST (1918-2009) Composition

    Est: €700 - €1,000

    GERARD TEMPEST (1918-2009) Composition signé et daté 'Tempest 73' (en bas à droite) Huile sur toile 49.5 x 40 cm. Peint en 1973 SIGNED AND DATED LOWER RIGHT ; OIL ON CANVAS ; 19.1/2 x 15.3/4 IN. ; PAINTED IN 1973. PROVENANCE Collection privée, Suisse.

    Leclere - Maison de ventes
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